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Statement on the Cabinet Meeting of 27 September 2017

Cabinet met on Wednesday, 27 September 2017, at the Union Buildings, Pretoria.

1. Issues in the environment

1.1. United Nations General Assembly (UNGA)

Cabinet welcomed President Jacob Zuma’s address to the 72nd Regular Session of the UNGA in New York, USA on 12 September 2017, under the theme “Focusing on People: Striving for Peace and a Decent Life for All on a Sustainable Planet”.

Deliberations focused, amongst others, on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); climate change; peace and security issues and UN reforms, especially UN Security Council reform.

President Zuma also signed the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which reflects South Africa’s continued commitment towards the achievement of a world free from the threat posed by nuclear weapons and ensuring that nuclear technology is used for peaceful purposes only.

President Zuma hosted a centenary celebratory dinner in honour of the late former President of the African National Congress, Mr Oliver Reginald Tambo.
1.2. Heritage Month

Cabinet thanks all South Africans for celebrating Heritage Month in September and reiterates President Zuma’s Heritage Day message for all in the country to aspire for greater unity in diversity.

As the country concludes Heritage Month under the theme “The Year of Oliver Reginald Tambo: Celebrating our Liberation Heritage”, South Africans are encouraged to build on the values espoused in the Constitution and strengthen efforts to build a nation free from poverty, hunger, homelessness and inequality.

In fostering a spirit of heritage, Cabinet welcomes the agreement signed between South Africa and Tanzania, which is aimed at preserving the history of the liberation struggle.

The UN has endorsed the implementation of the Roads to Independence in Africa Project. It is a celebration of the spirit of solidarity and cooperation amongst Africa’s liberation movements and will see the construction of a museum, library and archives.
1.3. World Tourism Day

South Africa, under the leadership of the Minister of Tourism, Ms Tokozile Xasa, participated in World Tourism Day (27 September 2017) and  the Tourism Month, under the theme “Sustainable Tourism – A Tool for Development”.

This provides a platform to support changes in policy, business practices and tourism consumer behaviour, towards a more sustainable tourism sector, which can contribute aggressively towards the attainment of the SDGs. During World Tourism Day, different countries and cultures celebrate a multiplicity of region-based activities such as the promotion of special tariffs and/or broadening access to facilities, mass-based free access to parks and gardens, and various engagements with stakeholders.

South Africa has been successful in promoting tourism through its various attractive facilities such as our parks, blue flag beaches, and the world accredited heritage sites. Tourism’s labour absorption capacity remains a great weapon against unemployment. As a tourist destination, South Africa faces the prospects of growing its transversal tourism sectors to enable massive economic potential through the so-called traditional dominant tourism economic sectors. These include rural, medical, agro and cultural tourism.
1.4. Antiretroviral pricing agreement

Cabinet welcomes the ground-breaking pricing agreement reached by the Minister of Health, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, in collaboration with a number of international organisations, to accelerate the availability of the first affordable single-pill HIV-treatment regimen.

It is estimated that the price reduction will result in savings of up to R11.7 billion over the next six years. This will enable South Africa to enrol more patients on treatment.

The pricing agreement makes the medicine Dolutegravir, which is recommended by the World Health Organisation, more affordable for governments in low and middle-income countries.

In light of the pricing agreement, the Department of Health plans to introduce the new fixed-dose combination of three drugs, Tenofovir, Lamivudine and Dolutegravir in April 2018.

Cabinet calls on all sexually active South Africans, especially youth, to continue to live a healthy life which adopts preventative measures such as continuously practising safer sex by abstaining, being faithful and condomising, and regularly testing for HIV.
1.5. Health

Cabinet welcomes the unveiling of the new wing of the Cecilia Makiwane Hospital in Mdantsane, East London. It is a milestone towards the implementation of the National Health Insurance that will result in the provision of quality healthcare, particularly to poor communities.

This world-class tertiary hospital is an investment to realise the National Development Plan’s (NDP) vision and the UN’s SDGs of universal healthcare.
The 526-bed hospital is supported by an integrated system that will optimise delivery of quality healthcare. It applies technological innovation to reduce patient waiting times, improve diagnosis and enables a quicker health intervention in patients.

This R1 billion investment infrastructure will support local economic development in the townships. As we revitalise public health infrastructure, we are also expanding opportunities for local communities to improve their lives through job creation and local enterprise development.
1.6. Social Development Month

Cabinet calls on South Africans to continue to uplift those less fortunate than themselves ahead of Social Development Month in October.

Social Development Month is held annually to commemorate the many strides the country has made, in providing social assistance to the poor and the most vulnerable in South Africa.

President Zuma will officially launch the commemoration of Social Development Month on Friday, 29 September 2017.

Cabinet warmly wishes all senior citizens and older persons a happy Older Persons Day, which will be commemorated on Sunday, 1 October 2017.

South Africans are encouraged to use October month to recognise the role and prime sacrifice older persons made in attaining freedom in our country. It is the duty of all fellow citizens, not only government, to give extra care to our older persons and vulnerable groups.

The South African Government’s social-assistance programme is built on a firm belief that social-security assistance is a basic human right and is key to restoring the dignity to its citizens. Social grants bring financial relief to millions of households and working together with government uplifts the vulnerable so that their living conditions improve with dignity.
1.7. Examination preparations

Cabinet wishes all learners well, especially those in Grade 12, as they prepare for their final end-of-year examinations.

The Department of Basic Education (DBE) is on schedule for the matric exams starting on the 16 October 2017 that will be written by more than 798 000 registered learners.

The DBE is providing additional support to matriculants with onsite learning after school hours, and during weekends and school holidays.

Cabinet calls on parents and guardians to avail the necessary support to learners as they prepare for exams.
1.8. Annual Thusong Service Centre Week

Government successfully concluded this year’s Annual Thusong Service Centre Week, which took place from 18 to 22 September 2017 under the theme: “The Year of OR Tambo – Advancing Small Medium and Micro Enterprises at Thusong Service Centres”.

This formed part of Public Service Month and promoted the Thusong Programme by showcasing the integrated mobile outreach programme and its effectiveness in responding to the needs of the citizens. Thusong Services Centres bring a basket of government services and information closer to the people.

The programme reaches approximately six million beneficiaries every year through the Integrated Mobile Outreach Programme, the Annual Thusong Service Centre Week and other Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) platforms.

Through this programme, government continues to redress the imbalances of the past by bringing quality public services closer to communities previously marginalised from the mainstream of socio-economic development.

Thusong Service Centres also empower communities with the necessary skills and training to better their lives, through existing partnerships with government, parastatals and the private sector.

Cabinet reiterates the call to communities to continue using Thusong Service Centres to access basic services such as Home Affairs, Labour, Justice, South African Social Security Agency and the Road Accident Fund.
1.9. Myanmar

Cabinet is concerned about the plight of Rohingya civilians who have fled their homes in Myanmar.

South Africa supports the statement by UN Secretary-General, Mr António Guterres, who emphasised the responsibility of the Government of Myanmar to provide security to all affected communities, and further request for humanitarian agencies to be granted access to communities in need of assistance and protection.

Cabinet urges all parties to end the violence to avoid further human suffering and appeals that situation in the Rakhine State be resolved with the ambit of the law.
1.10. Angola

Cabinet joins President Zuma in congratulating the Republic of Angola on conducting successful National Legislative Elections. President Zuma attended the Inauguration Ceremony of President João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço in Luanda on Tuesday, 26 September 2017.

South Africa and the Republic of Angola share a common history of the struggle against colonialism and apartheid. Since 1994, the two countries have continued to grow and expand strong bilateral ties.

Angola is one of South Africa’s largest trading partners on the African continent and continues to grow its bilateral relations.
1.11. Attack on tourists from Netherland

Cabinet condemns the recent robbery of tourists from the Netherlands who were followed from OR Tambo International Airport. All South Africans should condemn such crimes which threaten our ever growing tourism sector. Cabinet further called on the South African Police Service to do whatever it can to apprehend the perpetrators of this crime.

Cabinet appeals to the public to come forward with any information that may assist law-enforcement authorities and calls for the full might of the law to be applied to those found guilty.
1.12. Launch of the Bakoena Ba Mopeli customary law book

Cabinet applauds the launch of the book, Bakoena Ba Mopeli Customary Law of Succession and Genealogy, as a milestone achievement for traditional leadership in South Africa.

The Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Mr Des van Rooyen, and His Majesty King Letsie III, the Head of State of the Kingdom of Lesotho, attended the event on Monday, 25 September 2017.

The Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs started documenting the history of 13 Kingships/Queenships in 2011. This book will assist in understanding the history of Bakoena Ba Mopeli and succession genealogy in order to preserve our history.
2. Cabinet decisions

2.1. Southern African Development Community (SADC) protocol

Cabinet approved the ratification of the SADC Protocol on Environmental Management for Sustainable Development, by Parliament. The objective of the protocol is to promote sustainable use and transboundary management of the environment, which is of interest to SADC member states.

South Africa, as Chair of the SADC from August 2017 to August 2018, is committed to strengthening regional efforts to conserve transboundary natural resources and promote sustainable development within the SADC region.

This is aligned to the NDP, which prioritises the deepening of integration of the SADC region as well as ensuring environmental sustainability and an equitable transition to a low-carbon economy.
2.2. Partnership for Action on the Green Economy Ministerial Conference
Cabinet approved the hosting of the Partnership for Action on the Green Economy Ministerial Conference in September 2018. This platform supports countries and regions to put sustainability at the heart of economic policies and practices to advance the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

It is a UN programme which brings together expertise from five UN agencies namely; UN Environment Programme; International Labour Organisation; UN Development Programme; UN Industrial Development Organisation and the UN Institute for Training and Research.

Hosting the Ministerial Conference will advance the agenda, domestically and on the African continent, of inclusive growth in adopting a low carbon and climate resilient economic pathway.
2.3. Umngeni Water Board

2.3.1. In order to stabilise the governance issues of the Board Cabinet endorsed the appointment of the Interim Board whilst the Minister is expediting the process to appoint the fully fledged Umngeni Water Board. Cabinet was satisfied with the work that the Minister was doing in stabilising the Umngeni Water Board.

2.3.2. Cabinet was appraised on the situation at the Umngeni Water Board which is the second largest water board in the country with an annual turnover of more than R2,4 billion and its five year Capital Expenditure budget of more than seven billion rand. Cabinet was also briefed on the discussions the department of water and sanitation was having with its investors.

3. Bills

3.1. Land Survey Amendment Bill

Cabinet approved the publication of the Land Survey Amendment Bill for public comment. The Bill amends the Land Survey Act, 1997 (Act 8 of 1997).

The amendments enhance lines of accountability and governance and provide for the appointment of certain members of the Survey Regulations Board, so as to enhance the regulation of the survey of land in South Africa.

The Bill also seeks to regulate the survey of land in South Africa by empowering the Chief Surveyor-General to exercise national oversight and management over the geodetic, topographic and cadastral surveys, geospatial and land information services.

3.2. Science and Technology Laws Amendment Bill of 2017

Cabinet approved the publication of the Science and Technology Laws Amendment Bill of 2017 for public comment. The Bill proposes harmonising and standardising the provisions which regulate the operations and governance of the public entities reporting to the Minister of Science and Technology. This will ensure consistency in all requirements to be met and processes to be followed by the entities as they relate to governance.
4. Upcoming Events

4.1. Transport Month

As October 2017 marks Transport Month under the theme: “Together we move South Africa Forward”. Cabinet calls on all to work together to ensure the country’s transport infrastructure benefits all and encourages road users to take responsibility and apply road safety as part of their daily lives. By working together we can reduce carnages on our roads.

During Transport Month, government – led by the Department of Transport and its entities – will highlight the economic benefits of the sector by showcasing transport infrastructure services in aviation, maritime, public transport, roads and rail. The national launch is being held at Sinaba Stadium in Daveyton in the City of Ekurhuleni on 29 September 2017.

Investments in the transport sector are stimulating development and creating jobs as part of South Africa’s Nine-Point Plan, which aims to grow the economy and create much-needed jobs. These investments will ensure the building of an integrated public transport network across the country.
4.2. South Africa to host the 2nd Session of the South Africa-Zimbabwe Bi-National Commission (BNC)

President Jacob Zuma will host his Zimbabwean counterpart, His Excellency President Robert Mugabe, who will be in South Africa on 03 October 2017 on the occasion of the 2nd Session of the South Africa-Zimbabwe BNC. The Agreement establishing the BNC was signed in April 2015 and inaugurated in October 2016 in Harare, Zimbabwe.

South Africa and Zimbabwe have good bilateral political, economic and social relations underpinned by strong historical ties dating back many years. The two countries do not only share strong historical relations but also economic cooperation. Zimbabwe is one of South Africa’s top five trading partners on the Continent, with trade statistics showing annual growth. In 2016, South Africa’s exports to Zimbabwe amounted to approximately R29.3 billion.

5. Messages

5.1. Birthday – Mama Winnie Madikizela-Mandela
Cabinet joins the rest of the country in wishing Mama Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, affectionately known as the Mother of the Nation, a happy birthday as she turned 81 on Tuesday, 26 September 2017.

Mama Madikizela-Mandela is one of South Africa’s most celebrated liberation icons. Cabinet thanks her for her service to the Struggle for our hard-fought freedom and wishes her a blessed year ahead with her loved ones and family.

5.2. Banyana Banyana
Cabinet congratulates Banyana Banyana on winning the 2017 COSAFA Women's Championship after they triumphed 2-1 in the final against Zimbabwe in Bulawayo. Banyana Banyana carries the South African flag with pride and their performances continue to inspire other young and talented South Africans to excel.

5.3. Earthquake in Mexico
Cabinet joins President Zuma in extending condolences to President Enrique Peña Nieto of the United Mexican States and to the people of Mexico following the devastating earthquake, tsunami and hurricane, which resulted in more than 225 deaths and severe destruction to infrastructure.
6. Appointments

All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.

6.1. Cabinet approved the appointment of the Interim Board of the Umgeni Water Board:

Ms Ziphozethu Mathenjwa (Chairperson);
Ms Nompumelelo Chamane;
Mr Visvin Reddy;
Mr David Dikoko;
Ms Zodwa Manase;
Adv Tshidi Hatashe; and
Mr Midiavhathu Tshivhase.
6.2. Members to serve on the Takeover Regulation Panel:

Mr Sandile Bubele Siyaka (second term);
Mr Ntshengedzeni Anthony Michael Tshivhase (second term);
Mr Christopher Ewing (second term);
Mr Ebrahim Aboobaker Moolla (second term);
Ms Nonzukiso Zukie Siyotula; and
Ms Nocamagu Nomfundo Mbulawa.
6.3. Non-executive directors to the Board of the Export Credit Insurance Corporation of South Africa SOC Limited:

Mr Dhevendren Dharmalingam (Chairperson);
Ms Vuyelwa Matsiliza (reappointment); and
Ms Siobhain O’Mahony (reappointment).

6.4. Mr Patrick Khulekani Dlamini reappointed as the Chief Executive Officer of the Development Bank of Southern Africa and Executive Director to the Board.

Ms Phumla Williams – Acting Director-General (GCIS)
Cell: 083 501 0139

Statement on the Cabinet Meeting of 18 October 2017

Cabinet met on Wednesday, 18 October 2017, at Tuynhuys, Cape Town.

A. Issues on the environment

1. Media Freedom Day

1.1. Cabinet joins South Africans in commemorating Media Freedom Day on Thursday, 19 October 2017.

1.2. Media played a critical role in the fight against apartheid, exposing atrocities and brutality committed by the apartheid regime. This year marks 40 years since the apartheid regime banned progressive newspapers such as the World, the Weekend World and the Voice.

1.3. Today, media freedom is firmly entrenched in South Africa’s Constitution and remains a fundamental feature of our developing nation.

1.4.  Cabinet further encourages South Africans to continue to promote access to information and use the right of media freedom responsibly to help build a united, non-racial, non-sexist, democratic and prosperous South Africa for all.

2. Oceans Economy

2.1. Cabinet commends President Jacob Zuma in delivering a progress report to stakeholders on the implementation of Operation Phakisa for the Oceans Economy and calls on all stakeholders to continue partnering with government to unlock the economic potential of our oceans.

2.2. The Oceans Economy has already contributed about 4.4% to South Africa’s Gross Domestic Product and the President’s report to stakeholders strongly demonstrates the concerted effort and support of all government partners tapping into the vast potential.

2.3. Oceans Economy projects have so far unlocked a combined R24.6 billion in investment from government and the private sector, and have created more than 6 500 jobs.

2.4. The largest investment in the Oceans Economy, facilitated through government incentives, was directed to infrastructure development, mainly ports, manufacturing, boatbuilding, aquaculture and scientific surveys in the oil and gas sector.

2.5. Government plans to establish the single largest boatbuilding facility in southern Africa. The KwaZulu-Natal Boatbuilding Park in the Port of Durban will harvest potential from new investment, exports and job creation.

3. State visit to Zambia

3.1.Cabinet welcomes the outcomes from President Zuma’s State Visit to the Republic of Zambia from 12 to 13 October 2017.

3.2. Interactions between President Zuma and his Zambian counterpart Edgar Lungu strengthened existing good political, economic and cultural relations between the two countries, underpinned by strong historical ties dating back from the years of the liberation struggle.

3.3. The two Heads of State officially opened the OR Tambo National Heritage site in Chelstone, Lusaka, in honour of OR Tambo’s contribution to the liberation struggle of southern Africa.

3.4. Zambia remains one of South Africa’s top trading partners in the region and the continent. Economic cooperation between South Africa and Zambia continues to grow, with South African exports to Zambia amounting to approximately R30 billion in 2016. The two countries cooperate in a variety of areas, including trade and investment, science and technology, defence, agriculture, environment, energy and health.

4. Working visit to Nigeria

4.1. Cabinet congratulates President Zuma on being honoured with a statue and a street being named after him in Nigeria, during a working visit to strengthen socio-economic relations and other cooperations.

4.2. The Imo State Governor, Rochas Okorocha, conferred on President Zuma the Imo Merit Award, the highest award in the State conferred on those who have made a difference in the development of their communities.

5. 17th Indian Ocean Rim Association Council of Ministers  (IORA) Meeting

5.1. South Africa assumed Chair of the IORA during the 17th meeting held in Durban from 14 to 18 October 2017.

5.2. South Africa’s theme for its tenure is “Uniting the Peoples of Africa, Asia, Australasia and the Middle East through Enhanced Cooperation for Peace, Stability and Sustainable Development”.

5.3. Cabinet has reiterated its commitment through this chairpersonship to further regional cooperation in areas such as the blue economy; women economic empowerment; small, medium and micro enterprise promotion; youth empowerment, and cooperation in academics, science and technology.

6. Annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank

6.1. Cabinet was briefed by the Minister of Finance, Mr Malusi Gigaba, following South Africa’s participation at the 2017 IMF and World Bank annual meetings, which took place from 13 to 15 October 2017.

6.2. The meetings provided an opportunity to assess international progress on development issues and inform South Africa’s own initiatives for socio-economic development, inclusive growth, employment creation and poverty alleviation.

6.3. Cabinet was further briefed on the meeting Minister Gigaba held with sovereign credit rating agencies and investors to reaffirm South Africa’s current policies and approach to fiscal discipline.

6.4. Cabinet is satisfied with the reassurance given to investors on government’s plans to grow the economy and government’s commitment to address governance issues in our state-owned entities.

6.5. The Medium Term Budget Policy Statement will be tabled in Parliament, Cape Town, on 25 October and will outline government’s spending plans over the next three years.

7. Infrastructure development

7.1. Cabinet applauded the massive boost in government’s infrastructure development with the official handover of three bridges in Botlokwa in Limpopo by President Zuma on 17 October 2017.

7.2. The South African National Roads Agency constructed the Botlokwa bridges, which consist of one road bridge and two pedestrian bridges on the N1 between Polokwane and Makhado.

7.3. Cabinet is positive that this project will significantly improve travelling conditions and safety for all road users in the area.

8. Small and medium enterprises

8.1. Cabinet commends the Department of Small Business Development for co-hosting this year’s China International Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Fair, as it contributes to unlocking the Chinese market for South Africa’s small businesses and cooperatives. The SME Fair is taking place in Guangzhou, China from 10 to 27 October 2017.

8.2. Small businesses are the heartbeat of our economy and engine for economic growth and job creation in South Africa, and our participation in the trade fair promoted market access and opportunities to grow businesses.

8.3. Cabinet is confident that this demonstrates government’s commitment to the goal of promoting and sustaining entrepreneurship. Investing in small businesses will help the country respond to current socio-economic challenges.

9. Tourism

9.1. Cabinet welcomes the launch of the National Tourism Monitors Programme in Soweto, on Tuesday, 17 October 2017, which aims to enhance the visitor experience as well as improve the safety of tourists.

9.2. The Department of Tourism, in partnership with the Gauteng Tourism Authority, launched the programme in Vilakazi Street, which is the only street in the world boasting the residence of two Nobel Laureates – former President Nelson Mandela and Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu. 

9.3. This programme is aligned to the National Development Plan (NDP) goals and aims to create employment for 200 youth, who will be trained to become monitors at tourism destinations for a 36-month period.

9.4. Cabinet encourages business owners and communities in Gauteng to work with the tourism monitors to improve the safety of tourists and harness the economic potential from this industry.

10. Science and technology

10.1. Cabinet welcomes and congratulates the scientists who participated in the South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO) and the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT) telescopes exploration. This resulted in an unprecedented international collaboration to investigate the origin of the first detection of gravitational waves produced by two colliding neutron stars. The collision also resulted in a kilonova explosion of light. A kilonova is an astronomical event that occurs in a binary system when two neutron stars or a neutron star and a black hole merge into each other.

10.2. The discovery marks the birth of a new era in astrophysics, the first cosmic event observed in both gravitational waves and light. SALT and other SAAO telescopes have provided some of the very first data in what is turning out to be one of the most-studied astrophysical events ever.

10.3. SALT and SAAO are among the 70 ground- and space-based observatories that observed the cataclysmic explosion of two colliding neutron stars, immediately after their gravitational shock waves were detected by the United States-based Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory and the European-based Virgo detector.

11. World Festival of Youth and Students

11.1. Russia is hosting the 2017 World Festival of Youth and Students from 14 to 22 October 2017, which is being attended by more than 20 000 young people from 150 countries.

11.2. The purpose of the festival is to bring together the youth of the world community around the idea of justice, the strengthening of international relations, and the development of inter-ethnic and intercultural relations.

12. Child protection

12.1. Cabinet has expressed concern following disturbing reports of crimes against children, the most recent one being the alleged sexual assault of more than 80 pupils at the AB Xuma Primary School in Orlando, Soweto by a scholar patrol guard. The provincial department is commended for the prompt response by removing, with immediate effect, the senior management of the school, bringing on board social workers and instituting an investigation by an independent body.

12.2. Cabinet calls on all communities in South Africa to work together to protect all children from any form of danger and abuse, and to partner with local police to keep our communities safe.

13. Examinations

13.1. Cabinet is confident that end-of-year school examinations will proceed without interruption following this week’s mass demonstration led by the South African Democratic Teachers’ Union (SADTU).

13.2. SADTU handed over a memorandum to the Minister of Basic Education, Ms Angie Motshekga, who has committed to resolving issues of concern as speedily as possibly. It is important that all stakeholders work together to create a conducive environment to better enable learners to focus on learning and their examinations.

14. Storms

14.1. Cabinet expresses sincere condolences to the loved ones of those who lost their lives during the recent storms in some parts of the country.

14.2. Cabinet also extends its gratitude to all volunteers, civil-society organisations, communities, relief-aid workers and the Disaster Management teams for assisting those affected.

14.3. The Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Mr Des van Rooyen, in his capacity as the head of the National Disaster Management Centre in South Africa, visited areas affected by storms and heavy rains in the eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality in KwaZulu-Natal on 13 October 2017 and Mogale City Local Municipality in Gauteng on 16 October 2017.

As a result of the heavy rains and storms that battered many parts of the country, 19 lives were lost and over 20 people injured.  Minister van Rooyen also visited the recent incidences in Philippi in the Western Cape where six family members, including three children, lost their lives due to the fire that ravaged three informal houses and a tuckshop.

15. Life Esidimeni

15.1. Cabinet acknowledges the start of the Life Esidimeni alternative dispute resolution process as what could be the beginning of closure for families of patients who died.

15.2. Cabinet expresses full confidence in retired Constitutional Court Deputy Chief Justice Dikgang Moseneke, who is presiding over the matter and sincerely wishes family members strength as they observe what must be a difficult account of this tragedy.

15.3. The investigation should not only assist in bringing closure to these affected families but also serve to provide lessons to government in general. Government is committed to providing quality services to all South Africans.

16. Avian Influenza

16.1. Cabinet has been assured that the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) is undertaking consistent surveillance on farms across the country in an effort to prevent the spread of the Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N8 outbreak.

16.2. The strain of avian influenza has been detected in birds. Cabinet urges the public to refrain from handling sick or dead birds and not attempt to feed wild birds but rather report birds suspected to be ill to local authorities.

17. Attacks on police

17.1. Cabinet condemns the attack on six South African Police Service members in Vanderbijlpark in Gauteng on 10 October 2017 by members of the community.

17.2. The law-enforcement agencies are mandated to protect society from any act of criminality. Therefore, no amount of anger can justify anyone attacking the law-enforcement agencies. 

17.3. Cabinet urges members of that community to work with the police to apprehend criminal elements and help make South Africa safer for all.

B. Cabinet decisions

18. Social Housing Programme

18.1. Cabinet was apprised on the findings and recommendations of the Impacts and Implementation Evaluation of the Social Housing Programme and the improvement plan, with a view of overcoming apartheid spatial patterns by improving spatial location and urban integration of housing projects.

18.2. The programme offers affordable rental accommodation for low and middle-income households in neighbourhoods where market conditions would otherwise exclude them or allocate inadequate housing.

18.3. This is the only programme that gears debt financing; considers long-term financial sustainability of projects; and creates a virtuous financial cycle with tenants paying rentals and social-housing institutions paying rates, taxes and service charges to municipalities.

18.4. This report assists the relevant departments in further improving their respective operational plans. The full report will be placed on the website of the Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation (

19. National Youth Service (NYS)

19.1. Cabinet approved the revised and improved NYS Programme Framework as part of developing young people as active citizens of South Africa.

19.2. The NYS is an enabler for young people in South Africa to become active citizens of the country and contribute positively to the country’s development while achieving personal and professional development. This will involve young people participating in activities that benefit local communities while developing their abilities through service and learning so that their opportunities to successfully enter labour markets and become entrepreneurs are bolstered.

20. 3rd African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services Extension Week

20.1. Cabinet approved the hosting of the 3rd African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services Extension Week, which will be held in KwaZulu-Natal from 30 October to 3 November 2017.

20.2. The event is aligned to the NDP and identifies food security as a means to address the triple challenge of unemployment, poverty and inequality.

20.3. The theme is: “Scaling up climate smart agriculture: integrating youth, women, and the digital revolution”, and the event will be held under the leadership of the DAFF, in collaboration with the South African Society for Agricultural Extension and the African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services.

20.4. This continental network for Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services (AEAS) in Africa provides a platform for mutual learning and innovation among AEAS providers across Africa and the world.

20.5. The NDP also advocates for an improvement in skills development and training in the agricultural sector, including the training of a new cadre of extension practitioners who will respond effectively to the needs of smallholder farmers.

21. World Wine Trade Group

21.1. In contributing to the removal of trade barriers, Cabinet was briefed on South Africa’s Chairship of the World Wine Trade Group from April 2017 to May 2018. As chair, South Africa will host the annual meeting of the World Wine Trade Group in Cape Town from 1 to 3 November 2017.

21.2. The group aims to facilitate international trade in wine through information sharing, discussion of regulatory issues in wine markets and joint actions for the removal of trade barriers. Emerging producers and exports of the South African wine industry benefit from South Africa’s participation.

21.3. This contributes to the Nine-Point Plan and the NDP, which seek to revitalise the agriculture and agro-processing value chain. In the wine sector, the aim is to increase the area under wine production, support smallholder producers and target certain markets for export growth.

22. 5th Annual Meeting of  ID4AFRICA Movement

22.1. Cabinet approved South Africa’s hosting of the 5th Annual Meeting of the ID4Africa Movement in 2019.

22.2. ID4Africa is a multi-stakeholder movement that promotes the transparent and responsible adoption of digital identity for driving socio-economic development in Africa.

22.3. Discussions will seek to improve the way civil registration and vital statistics data is collected, coordinated and analysed, making available reliable information to policymakers.

22.4. Hosting this conference will assist South Africa to realise some of the objectives of the NDP and create awareness of the strategic value for the South African identity systems such as the live capture system for passport and smart identity document (ID) cards. It will also positively mobilise other countries in the region to appreciate the benefits of the smart ID card.

23. National crime statistics

23.1. Cabinet was briefed on the national crime statistics for the period 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017.

23.2. The annual crime statistics enables government to monitor key crime fighting targets, as set out in the Medium Term Strategic Framework 2014-2019. The crime statistics are used as an early-warning mechanism to strengthen the crime-prevention operations and strategies of various departments.

23.3. Cabinet has approved the release of the report by the Minister of Police, Mr Fikile Mbalula.

C. Upcoming Events

24. OR Tambo Centenary Celebration

24.1. Cabinet is pleased that preparations for the centenary celebration of the birth of OR Tambo are at an advanced stage and calls on all South Africans to continually familiarise themselves with the legacy of our Struggle icon, the role he played in our liberation, and his values which still guide us today.

24.2. President Zuma declared 2017 the Year of OR Tambo under the theme: “Life and Legacy of OR Tambo” and he will, on Thursday, 19 October 2017, unveil a life-size statue of OR Tambo at the OR Tambo International Airport in Ekurhuleni, Gauteng.

24.3. South Africans are encouraged to join in centenary celebrations, which will culminate on 27 of October in Mbizana, Eastern Cape, which was the birth place of this Struggle icon 100 years ago.

24.4. Government continues to build on OR Tambo’s legacy since 1994, and our many gains as South Africans must be celebrated and defended.

24.5. The Inter-Ministerial Committee tasked to prepare for the centenary celebrations, chaired by Minister Jeff Radebe, will on Friday, 20 October 2017, brief the media on the state of readiness.

D. Messages

25. Somalia attack

25.1. Cabinet strongly condemns the recent bomb attack outside a hotel in Mogadishu, Somalia.  At least 300 people were reportedly killed and hundreds more left injured. Cabinet expresses condolences to the loved ones of those who perished in the heinous attack on innocent people.

26. Condolences to the Lubisi family

26.1. Cabinet also expresses its heartfelt condolences to the Director-General in The Presidency, Dr Cassius Lubisi, following the loss of his wife, Ms Lumka Lubisi, earlier this month. Cabinet wishes the family strength during this difficult time of grief.

E. Appointments

All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.

(a) Deputy Director-General (DDG): Training Management and Delivery, National School of Government, Mr S Manana;
(b) Chief Financial Officer, Department of Public Works (DPW), Ms R Sadiki;
(c) Divisional Head: Construction Management in the DPW, Mr B Mokhothu;
(d) DDG: Public Finance in the Department of National Treasury, Dr MP Modise;
(e) DDG: Hospital Tertiary Health Services and Human Resource Development, Department of Health, Dr WW Chitha;
(f) Executive Director of the Centre for Public Service Innovation, Ms TE Rabebe;
(g) Interim Board of the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa:

Advocate Tintswalo Annah Nana Makhubele (SC) – (Chairperson);
Dr Natalie Skeepers;
Prof John Maluleke; and
Ms Magdelene Cheryl Reddy.

(h) Board of the South African Airways:
Mr JB Magwaza – (Chairperson);
Ms Nolitha Fakude – (Deputy Chairperson);
Mr Geoff Rothschild;
Ms Tinyiko Mhlari;
Mr Ahmed Bassa; and
Mr Martin Kingston.
Ms Phumla Williams – Acting Director-General (GCIS)
Contact: 083 501 0139

Statement on the Cabinet Meeting of Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Cabinet met at Tuynhuys in Cape Town.  

A. Issues in the environment

1. Medium Term Budget Policy Statement (MTBPS) 2017

1.1. Cabinet welcomes the MTBPS delivered by the Minister of Finance, Mr Malusi Gigaba, in Parliament, Cape Town, last week.

1.2. The adjustment budget continues to drive inclusive growth and fiscal consolidation whilst protecting and promoting social expenditure in education, health, basic infrastructure and social security, which many fellow South Africans rely on to enjoy a better life.

1.3. In a constrained fiscal space, government’s commitment to meet challenges in South Africa is demonstrated by interventions to grow township and rural economies, strengthen good governance at state-owned companies, as well as the additional significant allocation of funding higher education.

1.4. Cabinet calls on all South Africans to join increased efforts to grow the economy.

2. Labour Force Survey

2.1. Cabinet appreciates the recently released Quarterly Labour Force Survey for the third quarter of 2017, which showed that unemployment remained unchanged from the previous quarter at 27.7%. The employment gains recorded in the formal sector of 187 000 over the quarter, the informal sector and agriculture sector recorded employment losses of 71 000 and 25 000 respectively. Government remains committed to doing everything possible to deal with the unemployment challenges and calls on the private sector to do their part.

3. Centenary of Oliver Reginald Tambo

3.1. Cabinet thanks all South Africans for celebrating the centenary of Struggle stalwart OR Tambo, which culminated in celebration on the Friday, 27 October 2017 at Nkantolo Village in the Eastern Cape.

3.2. As part of the centenary celebrations, President Jacob Zuma officiated over improvement projects, including:

The hand-over of the Ludeke Dam in Mbizana, which was built as part of the Greater Mbizana Regional Bulk Water Supply Scheme by the Department of Water and Sanitation;
A visit to the Nyameni family in Ludeke Village where the President switched on electricity, as part of the broader government rural electrification programme in Mbizana and surrounding areas;
Bicycles distributed to learners at OR Tambo Technical High School, as part of the Department of Transport’s Shova Kalula programme, which supports learners who walk more than three kilometres to school;
The donation of computers to learners in the Vukuzenzele Special School for children with disabilities, led by the Minister of Communications, Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane.
4. Crime Statistics

4.1. Cabinet appeals to all South Africans and communities to partner with law-enforcement agencies to combat crime. The crime statistics released recently by the Minister of Police, Mr Fikile Mbalula, have indicated some areas where we made progress in combating crime and some areas where crime levels remain high.

4.2. Cabinet is convinced that it is only through working together that we can all benefit from creating safer communities that are able to develop. 

4.3. The crime statistics assist government and the South African Police Service to monitor key targets and serve as an early-warning mechanism to strengthen the crime-prevention operations and strategies. It is part of the crime-prevention strategy to ensure that all people in the country are and feel safe.

5. Gender-based violence (GBV)

5.1. Cabinet reiterates its condemnation of the sexual abuse of women and children, irrespective of the alleged perpetrators’ societal positions.

5.2. Cabinet encourages victims to report these heinous crimes to law-enforcement authorities, who must investigate allegations of GBV and act firmly within the ambit of the law to ensure that justice is served.

5.3. The 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children campaign is approaching and Cabinet has approved this year’s theme: “Count me In: Together Moving a Non-Violent South Africa Forward”.

5.4. Cabinet also calls on citizens to educate one another on the rights of women and children, and on the various recourse mechanisms that exist to help victims of violence.

5.5. The 16 Days of Activism Campaign is a United Nations (UN) campaign, which takes place annually from 25 November (International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women) to 10 December (International Human Rights Day). 

5.6. South Africans are encouraged to actively join advocacy and awareness-raising programmes in their respective communities and sectors.

6. Tourism Transformation Summit

6.1. Cabinet calls on all stakeholders to support the tourism sector’s transformation initiatives as it potentially benefits the economy by empowering disadvantaged communities and driving employment growth.

6.2. The Department of Tourism hosted the National Tourism Transformation Summit on 30 and 31 October 2017 under the theme: “Tourism for All: Transform, Grow and Sustain”, which saw the release of the State of Sector Transformation Report and the launch of the Tourism Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) Portal and Tourism Transformation Fund.

7. State Visit by President Macky Sall of Senegal

7.1. Cabinet welcomes the State Visit by the President of the Republic of Senegal, His Excellency Macky Sall on 20 October 2017. South Africa and Senegal exchanged views on critical regional and global issues and signed agreements in several areas.

7.2. The two countries enjoy cordial bilateral political, economic and social relations underpinned by strong historical ties dating back to the years of the liberation struggle.

7.3. The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding on the twinning of Robben Island (used by the racist apartheid regime to incarcerate freedom fighters) and Gorée Islands (the route through which African people were shipped out for a life of slavery) further cements our countries’ cultural and historic ties as the  1987 Dakar Talks is commemorated.

8. Visit to South Africa by Indonesian delegation

8.1. Cabinet welcomes the visit to South Africa by Sultan Husain Abubakar Syah of Tidore in Indonesia. The Tidore delegation included Muhammad Amin Farouk, a descendant of Tuan Guru, a freedom fighter who was captured by the Dutch and sent to Robben Island in 1780. Tuan Guru (Imam Abdullah ibn Qadi Abdussalam) and three of his companions were imprisoned for about 12 years and thereafter kept in exile in the Cape, where he contributed greatly to the development of the local community and the building of the first mosque. A number of South Africans trace their family history to him.

8.2. The delegation visited the National Assembly and the National Council of Provinces where they were welcomed by the presiding officers, Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa and Economic Development Minister Ebrahim Patel.

8.3. The visit highlighted the common history of colonial rule and the centuries-old fight for national liberation by the people of Indonesia and South Africa. Today we celebrate trade, tourism and other economic links between the two countries.

9. End-of-year examinations

9.1. Cabinet is satisfied that the end-of-year examinations currently taking place at schools and other learning institutions are going ahead unhindered.

9.2. Education is one of the key drivers towards a better future for all in the country. Parents and guardians are urged to continue to give the necessary support to learners during this period.

9.3. The Department of Basic Education’s catch-up programmes and other initiatives have assisted learners affected by protests during the year and a positive outcome is expected.

10. Social cohesion

10.1. Cabinet commends the law-enforcement agencies and the collaboration from the communities who helped secure the conviction of Willem Oosthuizen and Theo Jackson. The two forced Victor Mlotshwa into a coffin and threatened to pour petrol on him.

10.2. The judgement demonstrates that South African laws are firm in protecting the rights of all citizens. 

10.3. Cabinet further affirms the right of all South Africans to engage in peaceful protest as part of our constitutional democracy. However, rights prescribed in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996 are not absolute and must not infringe on the democratic rights of others.

10.4. Cabinet condemns the blocking of public roads, displaying of symbols of past oppression and destruction of national symbols which are a reflection of our hard-earned democracy.

10.5. Cabinet is committed to its role to build a cohesive society for all and calls on all citizens to play their part responsibly and in the spirit of working together to build a united, non-racist, non-sexist, democratic and prosperous South Africa.

B. Cabinet Decisions

11.1. Cabinet approved the 2015/16 Report on State of Local Government in South Africa. The report outlines progress made in implementing the Back to Basics (B2B) Programme, a plan of action to ensure delivery of basic services, good governance and sound financial management.

The report highlights areas of challenges and provides a base for the implementation of the second phase of the B2B Programme.

The report will be tabled to Parliament.

11.2. Cabinet supported the proposed amendments of the three B-BBEE Sector Codes. The amendments address sector challenges and peculiarities on transformation that would otherwise not be addressed fully by the generic codes. The three sectors are in Agriculture, Finance and Construction. The proposed amendments have been canvassed with the relevant stakeholders. All the amended sector codes will be gazetted.

11.3. Cabinet approved the National e-Strategy and its publication in the Government Gazette. It was published in April 2017 for public comments. The e-strategy articulates a shared vision and paradigm shift from information society to a knowledge economy and society.

It addresses challenges, including a digital divide between the rich and poor, between racial groups, different geographical locations and gender issues.

It provides a platform for South Africans to integrate technology, which is relevant and related towards advancing development and economic prosperity for the benefit of society as a whole. The Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services will provide more information on this strategy.

11.4. Cabinet approved the National e-Government Strategy and Roadmap, to be published in the Government Gazette. It will bring digital transformation to the public services and enable the provision of improved quality of services whilst tapping into digital technologies. The strategy targets, amongst others, fragmentation of e-government initiatives and duplication of processes, databases, large-scale system incompatibilities and inefficiencies. It will also increase the usage of information and communications technology (ICTs), foster innovation in technologies and applications for e-Government.

11.5. Cabinet approved the ICT Small, Medium and Micro-sized Enterprises (SMME) Development Strategy. This is a sector-specific intervention to address challenges facing SMMEs operating in the ICT sector.

The strategy proposes interventions to accelerate the development and growth of small enterprises in the ICT sector, while facilitating an increase in the levels of uptake and usage of ICTs by the general small business sector.

The strategy aims to support start-up ICT enterprises, strengthen existing enterprises and extend support to potentially viable SMMEs.

11.6. Cabinet approved the publication of the Report on the Evaluation of the National School Nutrition Programme. This a government programme with an annual budget of R5.5 billion resulting in nine million children from poor communities receiving a daily nutritious meal at school. The report provides areas of effective implementation and some areas that need improvement.

The report will be made available on the website of the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (

11.7. Cabinet supports South Africa’s standing for re-election to the two-year membership of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) Council. These elections will be held during the 30th Regular Session of the Assembly from 27 November to 6 December 2017 in London, United Kingdom.

South Africa is a maritime nation with close to 80% of international trade done by sea. South Africa’s membership in the IMO Council contributes to employment growth derived from the Operation Phakisa: Oceans Economy.

11.8. Cabinet approved the introduction to Parliament the ratification of the Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer to include hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). The amendment seeks to phase down HFCs (the Kigali Agreement), which are some of the greenhouse gasses contributing to the depletion of the ozone layer. South Africa is already a signatory to the Montreal Protocol. 

11.9. Cabinet also approved the introduction into Parliament the ratification of the Minamata Convention on Mercury. It provides opportunities for the protection of vulnerable groups, especially those staying in areas where there is mining activity, against the adverse consequences of mercury on the environment and human health.

11.10. Cabinet was briefed on the Report of the Commission of Inquiry into Higher Education and Training in the Republic of South Africa. The Presidential Fiscal Committee will sit soon to interrogate financial implications. The Department of Higher Education and Training will have to review relevant policies and legislation, where necessary. President Zuma will release the report to the public soon and the President’s spokesperson, Dr Bongani Ngqulunga, will make an announcement regarding this matter.

C. Bills

12.1. Cabinet approved the National Minimum Wage Bill effecting the minimum wage to the lowest paid workers in the South African Labour Market. The Bill  calls for every worker to be paid a wage that is no less than the national  minimum wage. Once this Bill takes effect employers will be expected to pay  their workers no less than the national minimum, which is to be adjusted  annually.

12.2. Cabinet also approved the submission to Parliament of the Basic Conditions of Employment Amendment Bill of 2017. This amends the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 1997 (Act 75 of 1997) to ensure it provides for the Minimum Wage Bill.

12.3. Cabinet approved the submission to Parliament of the Labour Relations Amendment Bill of 2017. The Bill is a culmination of consultation with all  the relevant stakeholders. It addresses, amongst others, picketing procedures, the protracted strikes and arbitration advisory structures. 

12.4. Cabinet approved the submission to Parliament of the Local Government: Municipal Structures Amendment Bill of 2017. This amends the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, 1998 (Act 117 of 1998).

The Bill seeks to strengthen intergovernmental and democratic governance arrangements. It also seeks to address issues around the administration and management of municipal elections, and to promote the effective and efficient implementation of the Act, as well as to strengthen oversight and governance in municipalities.

12.5. Cabinet approved for the submission to Parliament of the Electronic Deeds Registration Systems Bill of 2017. The Bill has already gone through public consultation.

It allows for the development of an electronic deeds registration system (e-DRS), for the processing of deeds, to effect the registration of large volumes of deeds as necessitated by Governments’ land reform initiatives.

12.6. As part of promoting the use of ICTs to build an inclusive economy, Cabinet approved the iKamva National e-Skills Institute Bill of 2017 (iNeSI Bill) to be gazetted for public consultation and comment.

The iNeSI Bill provides for the establishment of iNeSI as a public entity with its own enabling legislation, to address the e-skills shortage that hinders investment, socio-economic development and capacity development in the country.

This will establish ICT production hubs in each province, which will then assist iNeSI to develop and design relevant programs and training material, promote and undertake innovative research, and provide research capacity to postgraduate students.

12.7. Cabinet approved the publication of the Postal Services Amendment Bill in the Government Gazette for public comment. This amends the Postal Services Amendment Act No. 124 of 1998.

The Bill provides for the restructuring of the postal sector in general to contribute to the provisions of universal access to innovative e-services while continuing to provide quality and secure traditional postal services.

This contributes to equality and human dignity through access to information and affordable postal services, which facilitate social development and improve the quality of life for individuals and communities.

D. Upcoming events

Cabinet also acknowledged some of the upcoming events in the government calendar.

13. Presidential Siyahlola Monitoring Programme

13.1. President Zuma is scheduled to visit the Steve Biko Academic Hospital in Tshwane on Friday, 3 November 2017 to monitor the delivery of healthcare services as part of the Presidential Siyahlola Monitoring Programme.

The hospital is one of the best performing public hospitals in the country and is named after Steve Bantu Biko, the late liberation struggle hero and former medical student at the then University of Natal (now called University of KwaZulu-Natal).

President Zuma’s visit is part of the ongoing government monitoring programme that aims to address challenges facing public hospitals and to improve the healthcare system in the country, which is one of government’s key priorities.

14. National Disability Rights Awareness Month

14.1. Cabinet calls on all South Africans to support National Disability Rights Awareness Month between 3 November and 3 December 2017, which also coincides with the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

South Africans are encouraged to raise awareness and protect the rights of  people with disabilities, while recognising the gains that have been made to address challenges faced by people with disabilities.

15. National Local Economic Development Conference

15.1. The Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs and Department of Small Business Development will convene the first National  Local Economic Development Conference on 9 and 10 November 2017 in Gauteng.

The conference is a strategic platform for dialogue between public and private sector on topical and critical issues relating to stimulating local economies by creating an enabling environment to achieve inclusive economic development.

E. Messages

16.1. Cabinet welcomes the announcement of over one billion US dollar to be invested over several months in the South African Economy in technology, education and agribusiness. This was announced by Ambassador Harold Doley, Jr, the Governor of the African Development Bank.

16.2. Cabinet congratulates Dr Nono Simelela on her appointment as World Health Organisation (WHO) Assistant Director-General. Dr Simelela will head the WHO Family, Women, Children and Adolescents Division from 13 November 2017. She is the first African woman to become a gynaecologist in South Africa. 

16.3. Cabinet welcomes the announcement by World Rugby that has recommended South Africa as the preferred country to host the 2023 Rugby World Cup tournament. Cabinet also commends the work of the Minister of Sport and Recreation, Mr Thulas Nxesi, Deputy President Ramaphosa and the South African Rugby Union bid team. World Rugby will announce the final decision on 15 November 2017.

16.4. Cabinet congratulates all participants and winners of the 15th Annual Public Sector Innovation Awards. These awards recognise successful and effective service-delivery initiatives that have been achieved through the application of innovative approaches, methodologies and tools.

16.5. Cabinet congratulates SuperSport United FC for reaching the finals of the CAF Confederation Cup after beating Tunisian side Club Africa 3-1 and 4-2 on aggregate. The team generally known as Matsatsantsa will meet TP Mazembe in the second-tier continental club competition final next month.

16.6. Cabinet expressed its condolences to the family and friends of Ian McLeod, whose passing was a loss to South African football. He became the first South African to referee at a FIFA World Cup tournament, when he officiated in the 1998 global showpiece in France.

F. Appointments

All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.

17.1. Directors to the Board of the Export Credit Insurance Corporation of South Africa SOC Limited:

a. Ms Lerato Herriette Mothae; and
b. Ms Sisa Mayekiso.

17.2. Full-time members to the National Consumer Tribunal:

a. Ms Hazel Viloshni Devraj; and
b. Adv John Rinton Simpson.

17.3. Reappointment of two part-time members of the Competition Tribunal:

a. Prof Imraan Valodia; and
b. Mr Anton Roskan.

17.4. Board of the Human Sciences Research Council:

a. Prof Mvuyo Tom – (Chairperson);
b. Prof Lindiwe Zungu;
c. Ms Nasima Badsha;
d. Prof Relebohile Moletsane;
e. Prof Haroon Bhorat;
f. Prof Shireen Hassim;
g. Ms Precious Nompumelelo Sibiya;
h. Prof Mark Bussain;
i. Adv Roshan Dehal; and
j. Dr Abdalia Hamdok.

Ms Phumla Williams – Acting Director-General (GCIS)
Cell: 083 501 0139

Statement on the Cabinet Meeting of 15 November 2017

Cabinet met on Wednesday, 15 November 2017 at Tuynhuys, Cape Town.

A. Issues in the Environment

1. Investment 

1.1. Cabinet welcomes Ford Motor Company’s R3-billion investment into the Silverton Plant, Pretoria, Gauteng. This investment will result in the creation of direct and indirect jobs due to the expected increased production of its Ford Ranger model.

1.2. Such investments affirm the work that we continue to do as government in growing the economy and addressing the challenges of unemployment. Through government’s R7.8 billion incentive scheme in Automotive Production and Development Programme, R28.5 billion private investments have been unlocked. 

1.3. These include the announcement by Toyota to manufacture their new Toyota Hilux and Fortuner models as part of R6.1billion investment. Also, BMW plans to construct a R6 billion state-of-the-art body shop. The Beijing Automobile International Corporation plans to invest R11 billion in an automotive manufacturing plant in South Africa. 

2. 2017 Tax Season

2.1. Cabinet extends its gratitude to all taxpayers who have already submitted their tax returns for the 2016/17 tax year.

2.2. The revenue generated from income tax ensures government has the capacity to provide much-needed services and social support to millions of less fortunate South Africans.

2.3. Cabinet reminds taxpayers that the deadline for submission is Friday 24 November 2017 and encourages them to submit their tax returns. 

3. Inaugural National Local Economic Development (LED) Conference

3.1. Cabinet is pleased with the outcomes of the recently held National LED Conference. It was held under the leadership of the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Mr Des van Rooyen and the Minister of Small Business Development, Ms Lindiwe Zulu. 

3.2. It presented an opportunity to craft a new South African Local Economic Development agenda guided by the National Development Plan (NDP) priorities. Its outcomes included the launch of the first Economic Development Council of South Africa (EDCSA), which aims to professionalise the economic development sector.  

3.3.As a professional body, the EDCSA will manage and monitor the professional conduct of the many practitioners who participate in the different development initiatives. 

3.4. Cabinet noted also the historic launch of the Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) at 22 on Sloane, a new start-up campus, on the 10th of November 2017, in which the Minister of Small Business Development, Ms Lindiwe Zulu, hosted World entrepreneurship luminary, Sir Richard Branson. The campus is the first one opened by the Global Entrepreneurship Network – offering direct and virtual support services to entrepreneurs throughout Africa as well as access to an international network of mentors, investors and entrepreneurial support organizations.

3.5. During Global Entrepreneurship Week, roughly 10 million participants take part in 35,000 events, activities and competitions in more than 165 countries around the world. 

4. Heher Commission Report 

4.1. Cabinet noted the release on Monday, 13 November 2017 of the Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Feasibility of making High Education and Training Fee-free in South Africa. Cabinet calls on all South Africans to study the report and its implications for the country while the recommendations are being considered by government. 

4.2. The President will make a pronouncement on the report in due course after processing by the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Higher Education Funding and the Presidential Fiscal Committee. Government remains determined to resolve the barriers to access higher education, and looks forward to concluding a sustainable solution for higher education funding.

5. Drought

5.1. The current dam levels in the country remain a concern as there is more evaporation than rainfall. The fact that South Africa has not received sufficient rainfall to recharge our water sources to adequate levels means that the country is not yet out of the drought situation. Forecasts predict that the country will only receive its major rainfall from the beginning of January 2018.

5.2. Cabinet wishes to assure the public that national, provincial and local government are cooperating and working together to ensure South Africa does not run out of water. Cabinet encourages everyone to play their part in saving and using water wisely and sparingly.

6. Zimbabwe

6.1. Cabinet supports the intervention by President Jacob Zuma, in his capacity as Chair of SADC in response to the Zimbabwean situation. He has sent Special Envoys, Minister of Defence and Military Veterans Ms Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula and State Security Minister, Adv Bongani Bongo. They are to meet with President Robert Mugabe and the Zimbabwean Defence Force. Thereafter proceed to brief President João Lourenço as the Chairperson of the SADC Organ on Politics, Defence and Security.  Further updates on this matter will be communicated by the Presidency.

7. Square Kilometre Array (SKA)

7.1. Cabinet welcomes the economic and social development achievements derived from the focused investment in social development in the region of the SKA South Africa. Communities neighbouring the SKA area continue to benefit through better education and training projects, investment in small businesses and increased job opportunities.

7.2. The Department of Science and Technology, under the leadership of the Minister of Science and Technology, Ms Naledi Pandor, will hold a public-participation programme to celebrate achievements with the communities around Carnarvon, Northern Cape from 16 to 19 November 2017. 

B. Cabinet Decisions

8. Second performance quarterly progress reports for 2017/18

8.1. Cabinet was apprised on the second performance quarterly progress reports for 2017/18 (July to September 2017) by all the five clusters. This forms part of Cabinet’s broad monitoring and evaluation of the Programme of Action derived from the Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) 2014 to 2019. 

8.2. The Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation and the Ministerial Cluster Committees will conduct media briefings to unpack the progress of these reports.

8.3. The GCIS will coordinate the media briefings and publish the schedule on in due course. 

9. Update on address harvesting initiative and assignment of addresses

9.1. Cabinet was briefed on the progress report on the implementation of the Constitutional Court Judgement to assign addresses to the voters roll.  Cabinet appreciated the full compliance with the six monthly progress reports submitted to the Constitutional Court.

9.2. To date the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), working with other state agencies   has attained almost 75% success in collecting the addresses of potential voters. Cabinet was also briefed on the planned programme by the SAPO to assist those who do not have physical addresses.

9.3. Cabinet is pleased with the progress and the collaborative work conducted by SAPO, the IEC and other state agencies on the assignment of addresses project.

9.4. Cabinet further calls on those who have not updated their addresses to do so during the next voter registration week in March 2018. 

C. Upcoming Events

10. Fourth session of the South Africa-Botswana Binational Commission (BNC)

10.1. President Jacob Zuma will undertake a working visit to participate in and co-chair the Fourth Session of the South Africa-Botswana BNC to be held in Gaborone, Botswana on Friday, 17 November 2017.

10.2. South Africa and Botswana meet annually at the level of the Heads of State within the framework of the BNC to review bilateral cooperation and discuss issues of common interest.

10.3. The two countries enjoy cordial relations which are informed by cultural ties and geographical proximity. They cooperate on a number of issues including,   transport, trade and investment, health,   environmental issues etc.

10.4. South Africa is one of Botswana’s major trading partners, with several South African companies operating in that country.

11. Angolan State President visit

11.1. President Zuma will host his Excellency, the President of the Republic of Angola, João Lourenço, for a historic State Visit to South Africa from 23 November 2017. This will be his first state visit to our country after his inauguration.

11.2. The two countries have  historical and fraternal ties dating back from the days of the liberation struggle when Angola housed and supported South African liberation cadres in various camps in that country. 

11.3. Trade and economic cooperation between the two countries has grown substantially, to the extent that South Africa is Angola’s number one trading partner on the continent. Many South African companies are conducting business in Angola in a variety of sectors including construction, mining, housing, retail, food and beverages, hotels and leisure, banking and medical services. 

During his visit João Lourenço will also host a Lecture on 24 November 2017 at OR Tambo Building in Pretoria.

12. 16 Days of Activism 

12.1. Cabinet joins all South Africans who are taking a stand against women and child abuse.

12.2. The 16 Days of Activism for No Violence against Women and Children campaign is taking place between 25 November and 10 December 2017. This is the 19th year of the campaign in South Africa and it will continue under the theme: “Count Me In: Together Moving a Non-Violent South Africa Forward”.

12.3. President Zuma will launch the 16 Days of Activism campaign in the Eastern Cape on Saturday, 25 November 2017.  It will focus on the continued roll-out of National Dialogues, which encourage people to talk about the scourge of gender-based violence. This will be preceded by International Men’s Day on Sunday, 19 November 2017, which calls on men to play their part in building a safer and more socially cohesive society.

12.4. The Department of Justice and Constitutional Development will undertake the second community radio campaign under its Let’s Talk Justice series, which brings government services to people by providing listeners with an opportunity to engage with officials on topical issues. The launch of a Sexual Offences Court during the campaign will also ensure better access to the justice system.

12.5. Cabinet is confident that by working together we can end the cycle of abuse. Through our collective efforts we can act to prevent abuse while ensuring a safer society for women and children.

12.6. All people in South Africa are urged to wear a white ribbon as a symbolic pledge towards eliminating this scourge from our society.

13. Build up to World AIDS Day

13.1. Cabinet calls on all in society to participate in Red Ribbon Friday activations ahead of World AIDS Day on 1 December and up until the end of that month. Wearing a red ribbon is a symbol of solidarity and commitment to the fight against HIV and AIDS.

13.2. World AIDS Day is an opportunity for every community to unite in the fight against HIV, show support for people living with HIV and remember those who have passed on. This year’s event will be held under the theme: “My Right to Know My Status, Prevention Is My Responsibility”, which links to the global theme: “The Right to Health”. 

13.3. This bolsters implementation of South Africa’s National Strategic Plan for HIV, Tuberculosis and Sexually-Transmitted Illnesses 2017 - 2022 (NSP), which is a key pillar in South Africa’s progress towards achieving universal healthcare as reflected in the NDP, which promotes a healthier, stronger and more equitable nation.

14. National Imbizo Focus Week

14.1. Cabinet calls on communities to join participation in the upcoming 7th National Imbizo Focus Week, expected to be held from 27 November to 3 December 2017.

14.2. Under the leadership of the GCIS, this platform promotes interactive engagements between members of the Executive and communities. It is taking place within the context of the centennial of Oliver Reginald Tambo, who advocated for gender equality. The activities are aimed to support the 16 Days of Activism campaign.

14.3. Events will be placed on the national calendar and shared on the government website ( 

D. Bills

15. Cabinet approved the publication of a notice in terms of section 74(5) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996. The aim is to initiate a national and provincial consultation process for purposes of effecting changes to provincial boundaries in respect of the Matatiele Local Municipality in the Eastern Cape and certain areas of Ba Ga Mothibi in North West.

The intended redetermination of the provincial boundaries emanates from the communities of the areas in question who wish to be relocated to neighboring provinces.

E. Messages

16. Cabinet congratulates France as the preferred host of the 2023 Rugby World Cup and thanks government’s delegation, headed by Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa, Sport and Recreation Minister Thulas Nxesi and the South African Rugby Union, for the work done in promoting South Africa’s bid to host the event.

17. Cabinet congratulates Minister Pandor, who was awarded the Outstanding Educator Award. The award was presented to Minister Pandor by the Chancellor of the University of South Africa, former President Thabo Mbeki.

The Outstanding Educator Award, one of four categories, acknowledges the contribution of any outstanding educator who has excelled in or advanced teaching, learning, skills development and/or research in their area of expertise.

18. Cabinet commends the work done by the South African Astronomical Observatory, which is part of the Wide Angle Search for Planets consortium of planet hunters who have detected three new planets.

19. Cabinet congratulates the participants and winners of the 2017 Govan Mbeki Awards, which honour those in the construction sector who have excelled in the delivery of houses. The awards come as the country continues to celebrate the delivery of over 4.6 million houses and subsidies since 1994.

20. Cabinet extends its gratitude to the brave actions by emergency services, firefighters and all volunteers who assisted in dealing with the recent fires in the Western Cape.  

Enquiries: Ms Phumla Williams – Acting Director-General (GCIS) 
Mobile: 083 501 0139

Statement on the Cabinet Meeting of Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Cabinet convened for its last 2017 meeting at the Union Buildings in Pretoria.

A. Cabinet Decisions

1. Cabinet approved the National Tourism Sector Strategy (NTSS) 2016-2026 for implementation. The NTSS is anchored on five strategic pillars, namely marketing, facilitation of ease of access for tourists, enhance visitor experience, destination management and broad-based benefits.

The full document is available on the Department of Tourism’s website:

2. Cabinet approved the framework for the establishment of a National Broadband Network Company. It will be formed out of the merger of Sentech and Broadband Infraco. This will facilitate the roll-out of the interdependent elements in a coordinated manner and create a national broadband champion.
3. Cabinet approved the First Annual Progress Report on Implementation of the White Paper on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (WPRPD). The report covers the period from 1 January to 31 December 2016.

The report gives a high-level assessment of the extent to which government departments have started embedding the policy directives of WPRPD into their respective planning, budgeting, and service delivery and reporting systems.
4. Cabinet approved the publication of the Strategic Disability Policy Framework for the Post-School Education and Training System for public comment.
5. Cabinet was briefed on the outcomes of the Review of the Taxi Recapitalisation Programme conducted from November 2015 until September 2016. The programme is part of the broader Public Transport Strategy, which aims to provide an integrated safety and efficient transport system in South Africa.

Cabinet approved that more consultation and work must be done with relevant departments before the National Department of Transport can embark on the revised approach.
6. Cabinet approved the public release of the 8th edition of the Development Indicators (2016). The Development Indicator Report focuses on South Africa’s development since democracy and monitors implementation of the National Development Plan Vision 2030.
7. Cabinet approved measures to strengthen the management of discipline of public servants in relation to officials conducting business with organs of state. It gives effect to the Public Service Regulations 2016, which prohibits public servants from conducting business with the State. From 1 March, National Treasury, supported by the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA), will monitor all new registrations on the online Central Supplier Database against the Persal System.
8. Cabinet approved the New Performance Management and Development System for Heads of Department, which accurately reflects the link between individual and organisational performance. It comes into effect on
1 April 2018.
9. Cabinet approved the introduction and implementation of the Public Service Graduate Recruitment Scheme Framework. This forms part of the development programme within the Public Service to attract talented graduates into the Public Service.

The framework includes earmarking a percentage of each department’s vacant posts for the recruitment of graduates in scarce occupations. The Minister of Public Service and Administration will also align this framework to the Youth Employment Service Programme.
10. Cabinet approved for the publication of the following Notices in the Government Gazette relating to the Rationalisation of Courts Jurisdiction, which aims to increase access to justice for previously marginalised and under-serviced rural villages. The rationalisation is in magisterial districts in the Free State and Northern Cape, and the removal of certain Magisterial Districts from the Gauteng Division of the High Court and placing them under the jurisdiction of the North West Division of High Court.
11. Cabinet approved the Regulations on Mediation Rules in terms of the Protection of Investment Act, 2015 (Act 22 of 2015). The regulations provide for an investor that has a dispute in respect of action taken by government that affects an investment, to request the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti) to intervene with possible mediation mechanism.
12. Cabinet approved the convening and hosting of the following conferences:

. National Community Development Workers Programme Consultative Conference 2018 by the DPSA.
. International Association of Prosecutors 23rd Annual Conference, to be hosted by the National Prosecuting Authority in Durban during September 2018.
. 2021 World Science Forum in South Africa. The Department of Science and Technology will engage with the World Science Forum Steering Committee for possible hosting.
. 2017 African Union (AU) High-Level Dialogue, hosted by the DPSA from 6 to 8 December 2017.        

13. Cabinet approved for the designs and commemorative collectors’ and circulation coin series to be issued in 2018.

The coin designs, with their proclamations, will be printed in the Government Gazette: 

. 2018 2oz, 22-carat gold Krugerrand;
. 2018 24-carat gold Natura coin series (Rise of the dinosaurs – Archosauria);
. 2018 24-carat gold R1 coin series (Reptiles of South Africa – the parrot beaked padloper);
. 2018 bi-metal R5 circulation coin (Nelson Mandela Centenary);
. 2018 24-carat gold and sterling-silver Protea coin series (Life of Legend – Nelson Mandela);
. 2018 sterling-silver R2 Crown and 2 ½ Tickey series (South African inventions – Computed Tomography); and
. 2018 sterling-silver colour finished coin series (Birds and Flowers of the Waterberg Biosphere Reserve).

B. Issues in the Environment

14. GDP Growth Results

Cabinet is pleased with South Africa’s economy growth which grew by an annualised 2% in the third quarter of 2017, from an upwardly revised 2.8% in the second quarter. The stronger-than-expected performance was mainly due to continued strong growth in the agriculture sector, which contributed 0.9 percentage points to overall growth on the back of 44.2 per cent quarter-on-quarter growth.

Strong performance in agriculture, which has seen three consecutive quarters of robust growth, was due to higher production of field crops (such as maize) in summer rainfall areas and horticultural products. Mining and manufacturing also contributed to the growth recorded, with mining and quarrying increasing by 6.6% and contributing 0.5 percentage points to growth.

The electricity sector was the biggest laggard, down by 5.5%. Growth in household consumption of 2.6% was mainly due to spending on durable goods, which accounted for 1.6 percentage points of the 2.6% increase. Stronger-than-expected growth and the upward revision to the second quarter growth outcomes means growth could reach 0.9 per cent in 2017.

This is higher than the 0.7 per cent anticipated at the time of the Medium Term Budget Policy Statement. Government needs to ensure that this growth momentum is maintained by continuing to implement the 14 confidence-boosting measures that build on improving consumer confidence and can restore business confidence.

15. InvestSA One-Stop Shop

Cabinet welcomes the launch of the InvestSA One-Stop Shop in KwaZulu-Natal by President Jacob Zuma as part of efforts to improve the ease of doing business in South Africa. This is the third One-Stop-Shop launched in the country. It aims to create a conducive environment by providing a focal point of contact for investors to obtain all services to fast-track projects and reduce government red-tape when starting a business.

16. South Africa-Angola relations

Cabinet welcomes the agreements signed during the State Visit to South Africa by Angolan President João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço. The following agreements were signed: Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the creation of a Presidential Binational Commission, MoU on Cooperation in the Field of Environment, Implementation Guidelines for the visa waiver, Protocol on Police Cooperation and an Agreement on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Customs Matters.

17. Fifth AU-EU Summit

Cabinet welcomes outcomes from the Fifth Summit of the AU-European Union (EU). The summit provided an opportunity for South Africa to enhance strategic economic and diplomatic relations through various engagements in the summit and in side events such as the Business Forum and Youth Summit, with a focus on inclusive economic growth, youth employment and entrepreneurship.

18. Slave trade of African migrants

Cabinet joins the international community in condemning the reports of auctioning of African migrants in Libya as slaves. Such inhumane acts go against the ideals of the AU, and relevant African and international instruments, including the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights.

Cabinet welcomes the announcement by authorities that they will set up a transit and departure facility in Tripoli for refugees and migrants in need of international protection.

19. Outbreak of Listeriosis

Cabinet appeals to all people to take the necessary precaution – such as washing their hands before preparing food and avoiding raw or uncooked foods – to curb the spread of Listeriosis, whilst investigations continue to establish the source of the bacteria.

The disease is caused by a bacteria found in soil, water, vegetation and non-pasteurised dairy products, and may result in flu-like symptoms with diarrhoea. It can be successfully treated with antibiotics, if detected early.

Cabinet calls on South Africans to continue using water sparingly as the country still continues to experience drought/. Notwithstanding the recent rains, the dam levels nationally continue to decline. This is due to the high temperatures as well as that we did not as yet have consistent rains.

Cabinet is encouraged by the progressive negotiations with the highly indebted municipalities towards finding a solution to the municipal debt.

C. Bills

20. Cabinet approved the submission to Parliament of following Bills:

20.1. Social Assistance Amendment Bill of 2017.
The Bill provides improved benefits with respect to child support grants for orphaned and vulnerable children, including those residing in child-headed households.
20.2. Property Practitioners Bill of 2017
The Bill repeals the current Estate Agency Affairs Act, 1976 (Act 112 of 1976). It creates an enabling regulatory environment to enhance economic activity within the real estate industry while also addressing a need to ensure transformation in the sector.

20.3. National Qualifications Framework Amendment Bill of 2016
The Bill strengthens the current National Qualifications Framework Act, 2008 (Act 67 of 2008). It introduces measures to deal with issues of misrepresentation and imposes consequences on persons who misrepresent their qualifications or organisations that issue qualifications that are invalid.

20.4. International Crimes Bill of 2017
The Bill provides an improved legislative framework to deal with international crimes committed in South Africa and across our border. It also provides improved protection and justice for victims of international crimes.

D. Messages

21. Cabinet congratulated:

21.1. President Uhuru Kenyatta on his inauguration as the President of the Republic of Kenya and his second term in government. Cabinet looks forward to building on the solid relationship enjoyed between our two countries.

21.2. President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa on his inauguration as the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe. Cabinet looks forward to continuing a strong working relationship with the Government of Zimbabwe.

21.3. Major Seitebatso Pearl Block on winning the United Nations (UN) Military Gender Advocate of the Year Award. The award recognises the dedication and effort of an individual peacekeeper in promoting the principles within the UN Security Council Resolution 1325, which calls on all parties in conflict to protect women and girls from sexual and gender-based violence.

21.4. Ladysmith Black Mambazo, who received two nominations for the 2018 Grammy Awards. The first is in the Best World Music Album category for their album Shaka Zulu Revisited: 30th Anniversary Celebration, and the second is in the Best Children’s Album category for Songs of Peace & Love for Kids & Parents around the World. The Grammy Awards are set to take place on 28 January 2018.

21.5. Chad Le Clos, on becoming the first male swimmer to win four FINA Swimming World Cup series titles. We are proud of his achievement and are confident that he will continue to represent South Africa with distinction.

21.6. Super Sport United, on making the final of the Confederation of African Footbal Confederations Cup.

21.7. Miss South Africa, Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters, on being crowned Miss Universe at the 66th pageant held recently in the United States of America.

21.8. Dr Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, who was awarded a lifetime achievement Award Women Political Leaders Global Forum.

22. Cabinet extends its condolences to:

22.1. The government and the people of Egypt following a terrorist attack on a  mosque in the Sinai Peninsula that killed more than 300 people and wounded several others. Cabinet condemns this senseless attack on innocent civilians.

22.2. The government and the people of Nigeria following a suicide bomb blast on 21 November 2017 that killed over 50 people and injuring many others. Cabinet reiterates its principled and unequivocal condemnation of terrorism and violent extremism.

22.3. The family and friends of Dr Mochubela ‘Wesi’ Seekoe, liberation struggle veteran and former South African Ambassador to the Russian Federation. He has served the country with distinction as a South African Ambassador to Russia and as Chairperson of the South African Nuclear Energy Corporation. President Zuma had declared a Special Provincial Official Funeral for him.

22.4. The family and friends of Struggle stalwart and ex-Robben Island prisoner, Mr Eddie Daniels, who recently passed away. He will be remembered for his selfless dedication and service to the people of South Africa.

22.5. The family of Minister of Defence and Military Veterans, Ms Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, on the passing away of her father, Mr Douglas Mapisa. He passed away at the Cecilia Makiwane Hospital in East London at the age of 96.

E. Upcoming Events

23. Commemoration of Nelson Mandela

Cabinet joins South Africans in commemorating the fourth anniversary of Nelson Mandela's passing on 5 December 2013. In 2018 the country will mark the centenary of the life of Mandela and all South Africans are encouraged to join in the year-long celebration as we pay tribute to one of Africa’s greatest sons.

Cabinet thanks all South Africans for their participation in the various OR Tambo commemoration events across the country and looks forward to the same level of participation as we remember our icon, Madiba.

24. Festive Season

Cabinet wishes all South Africans a joyous and safe festive season. We call on those who will be travelling to ensure their vehicles are roadworthy. All road users, drivers and pedestrians must abide by the rules of the road.

The Minister of Transport, Mr Joe Maswanganyi, launched the Arrive Alive campaign on the 5 December in Bela-Bela, Limpopo. The SAPS is implementing its nationwide campaign for a safer festive season and all have a responsibility to support the SAPS by upholding the law and behaving responsibly.

The Department of Home Affairs will announce the 2017/18 festive season plans for the South African border environment. This is for smooth facilitation and enhanced management of movement of people and goods in and out of South Africa during this peak period.

We also appeal to parents and guardians not to leave children unattended as we are duty-bound to take care of our children.

Cabinet is pleased that the Matric exams proceeded without major incidents and wish the class of 2017 well as they await their final results.

F. Appointments

All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.

25. Ms Ilise Karg as the dti’s representative on the National Advisory Council on Innovation.

26. Board of Trustees of the National Empowerment Fund:

26.1. Ms Nonkqubela Helen Maliza;
26.2. Ms Lerato Cynthia Molefe;
26.3. Ms Nthabiseng Mateboho Moleko;
26.4. Mr Ernest Kwinda; and
26.5. Mr Sipho Zikode (the dti representative).

27. Mr Sandile Mkhize, as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Magalies Water.
28. Mr Wiseman Mkhize, as Board member of the National Energy Regulator of South Africa.
29. Mr Phakamani Buthelezi, as CEO of Overberg Water.
30. Advocate Samuel Vukela, as Director-General (DG) of the Department of Public Works.
31. Ms Brenda Sibeko, as Deputy DG (DDG) for Comprehensive Social Security in the Department of Social Development.
32. Mr Zephania Nhleko, as DDG for Economic Planning and Coordination in the Economic Development Department.
33. Mr Mandla Victor Ngcobo, as DDG: Government Chief Information Officer in the  DPSA.
Ms Phumla Williams – Acting Director-General (GCIS)
Cell: 083 501 0139

President Ramaphosa to lead SA delegation to WEF Africa

President Cyril Ramaphosa will lead the South African delegation to the World Economic Forum on Africa (WEFA) taking place from 4 to 6 September 2019 at the Cape Town International Convention Centre.
The delegation will comprise the Deputy President David Mabuza, the Ministers of Finance; Health; Trade and Industry; Small Business  Development; International Relations and Cooperation; Human Settlements; Higher Education and Training; Communications and Digital   Technologies; Transport; Public Works and Infrastructure; Environment, Forestry and Fisheries and Public Enterprises.
Held under the theme “Shaping Inclusive Growth and Shared Futures in the Fourth Industrial Revolution”, the Forum will be attended by Heads of State  and Government from the continent and the world, as well as global leaders from business and civil society.
Delegates will engage and share best practices on various ways to grow their economies.
“South Africa is once again honoured to host this globally important gathering and we look forward to learning from partners and counterparts how best to achieve inclusive and sustainable growth that creates employment and enables us to improve the living conditions of all South Africans,” President Ramaphosa said.
“Now more than ever, South Africa needs to create opportunities that will empower young people.
“At the same time, the Forum allows South Africa to showcase the broad range of programmes we have put in place and actions we have taken to reduce poverty, unemployment and inequality.”
The Forum is a platform for South Africa to profile the ways in which the country has embraced the opportunities presented by the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) and has begun to prepare for challenges arising from the interplay between technology and people.
South Africa will also learn from countries that have excelled in using technology and the Fourth Industrial Revolution to advance their economies.
A wide range of issues will be discussed at the meeting, including the future of state-owned enterprises, infrastructure, promoting female leadership, investing in mental health and achieving universal health coverage, Africa's climate change challenges, fighting financial crime, trade, education, energy, building Africa’s digital economy and contributing to inclusive growth, and reskilling workers for the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Team South Africa’s objectives at WEFA 2019 are to:
- Position South Africa as a destination of choice with a large presence of successful domestic and multinational investors who benefit from the country’s location, infrastructure and logistics, and
- Profile investment opportunities in diverse sectors of South Africa’s economy. 

The President and his delegation will further highlight that South Africa has prudent macro-economic policies; is restructuring its state owned enterprises to position them to grow the economy; is striving to improve its competitiveness through a commitment to create an enabling environment for trade and investment; remains committed to innovations and technologies that will advance the country and the continent into the 4th Industrial Revolution, and is also strongly committed to the African development agenda.
Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President – 072 854 5707
Issued by: The Presidency

President sends wishes on Muslim and Jewish New Year

President Cyril Ramaphosa has offered his best wishes to members of the Muslim and Jewish communities as they observe the beginning of a new year on religious calendars.

The President wishes Muslims Muharram Mubarak and wishes the Jewish community I’shana Tova as they commence their respective new years.

President Ramaphosa said: “All South Africans share in this celebration and this moment of rededication to the values of humanity and social solidarity that underpin these significant global faiths".

“As the new year begins, let us pray for a year of peace, happiness, unity and well-being of all in South Africa as we strive to grow SA together.”

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President – 072 854 5707
Issued by: The Presidency

President Ramaphosa to meet global leaders The Elders

President Cyril Ramaphosa will on Tuesday, 3 September 2019, hold discussions with The Elders, an eminent group of global human rights and peace campaigners and former heads of government first convened by President Nelson Mandela, on South Africa’s introduction of National   Health Insurance (NHI) as part of achieving universal health coverage.

The Deputy Chair of the Elders, Graca Machel, Gro Harlem Brundtland, former Prime Minister of Norway and Director-General of the World Health Organization, and Ricardo Lagos, former President of Chile, will visit South Africa as part of their now three-year-old global campaign in support of  universal health care.

The World Health Organisation defines universal health care as meaning all people and communities can use the promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative and palliative health services they need, of sufficient quality to be effective. At the same time, the use of these services should not expose users to financial hardship.

The Elders was founded by the late Former President Nelson Mandela in 2007 and have since 2016 visited countries including Tanzania, Indonesia, India and the United States to advance their belief that publicly-funded health care is the best way to meet the United Nations’ overall Sustainable Development Goal on health, and particularly to improve the health outcomes of women, girls and adolescents.

The Elders are due to meet with Health Minister Zweli Mkhize, and to engage with stakeholders, government leaders, health sector leaders and civil society in an effort to understand South Africa’s journey to Universal Health Coverage in relation to the introduction of National Health Insurance (NHI).

Parliament is currently engaged in public consultation on the National Health Insurance Bill which envisages access to health care based on values of justice, fairness and social solidarity.

On 3 September the delegation will meet the Portfolio Committee on Health at Parliament and will have discussions with President Ramaphosa on how best South Africa can introduce health reforms that will lead to universal health coverage.
The Elders will address media following their engagement with the President.

Members of the media are invited to the media briefing as follows:
Time: 13h30 for 14h15
Venue:Media Centre, Tuynhuys, Cape Town

Media RSVPs:Nangamso Gxaba on or 072 321 6355

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President – 072 854 5707
Issued by: The Presidency

President Ramaphosa meets with social partners on jobs crisis

President Cyril Ramaphosa and Deputy President David Mabuza today, Monday 2 September 2019, held their first monthly meeting with the leaders of business, labour and communities to tackle the country’s employment crisis.

The Jobs Summit Presidential Working Committee has been set up to accelerate the implementation of measures adopted at last year’s Presidential Jobs Summit to create employment, curtail job losses, provide training and work experience opportunities and unblock regulatory   and other hurdles that inhibit employment.

President Ramaphosa expects the monthly meeting of social partners to be a place where concerns can be raised in a frank and constructive manner  and where people can be held to account.

“In setting up these monthly meetings, we were motivated by the scale and the urgency of the crisis we are facing, and by the realisation that if we don’t move more quickly and with greater effect, our economy will lose more jobs than we create,” President Ramaphosa said.

“We reached important and far-reaching agreements at the Jobs Summit last year, but their effectiveness depends entirely on implementation. We know that despite the economic headwinds that we face – both globally and locally – we have the means as these four social partners to turn our economy around and create jobs,” he said.

In addition to the President and Deputy President, the committee comprises three senior leaders each from government, labour, business and community. It will meet at the beginning of each month to review progress in the implementation of Jobs Summit undertakings.

The committee agreed that each meeting should address a particular sector of the economy where intervention is needed to prevent job losses and stimulate far greater job creation. Representatives of employers and unions in each sector will be invited to make presentations on developments, challenges and opportunities.

Some of the sectors that have been initially prioritised by the committee include construction; clothing, textiles, footwear and leather, and metals and machinery.

Over the next few months, the committee will also address key constraints to greater investment and growth, such as the cost of doing business, security of electricity supply and policy uncertainty.

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President – 072 854 5707
Issued by: The Presidency

President Ramaphosa welcomes Q2 growth findings

President Cyril Ramaphosa has described the figures released by Statistics South Africa that the economy grew by 3.1 per cent from April to June 2019 as a promising sign of improved economic performance.

The Stats SA figures come on the eve of South Africa’s hosting of the World Economic Forum Africa in Cape Town.

President Ramaphosa said: “We are delighted with the announcement that economic performance was much better (in Quarter 2) than in the earlier quarter.”

The President added that this growth had been achieved in various economic sectors on which government would focus in future.

“This is good news that is sorely needed, as we will be talking more and more about opportunities for South Africa, having adopted the Africa Continental Free Trade Agreement, which is due to be a major boost for the economic fortunes of our country across a number of sectors.”

The President said South Africa would leverage the free trade agreement, that provides access to a market with a population of 1,2 billion people, to “catapult various sectors of our economy to higher levels of growth”.

President Ramaphosa said South Africa’s hosting of WEF Africa was a platform for a “much broader, Africa-centric look at economic growth beyond our own shores, and how, through trade and investment, we can take up various opportunities that lie ahead”.

The President also invited South Africans to join in the discussion around the economic policy paper published recently by the National Treasury.

He said all perspectives and comments on the paper would be welcomed- and will enrich the debate around the appropriate economic strategy South Africa should be pursuing in the current climate.

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President – 072 854 5707
Issued by: The Presidency

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