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President calls for swift action on devastating power cuts

President Cyril Ramaphosa received an update today, Monday 9 December 2019, on the most recent developments at Eskom’s power stations, which resulted in the escalation of load shedding to Stage 6.

The President has been in constant communication with the Minister of Public Enterprises and the leadership of the electricity utility on the state of the national grid and on the work being done to address the current crisis. 

President Ramaphosa said: “The ongoing load shedding is devastating for the country. It is causing our economy great harm and disrupting the lives of  citizens.

“The extreme weather in several parts of the country over the last week has compounded the problems of an electricity grid that was already under great strain.

“Our immediate priority is to get as much generating capacity back on line within the shortest possible time. Eskom’s emergency response command centre and technical teams are working around the clock to fix multiple breakdowns.

“The anger and frustration that this load shedding has caused is understandable. It is essential at this time that all stakeholders work together to restore adequate supply of electricity in the shortest time. We call on all South Africans, especially energy intensive users, to reduce consumption at this time.”

Government has taken far-reaching and necessary decisions to ensure the sustainable security of energy supply. As we confront the immediate challenges, we are working to put these long term solutions in place.”

“The energy challenges in this country will not be resolved overnight. We have set out on a bold path of restructuring and rebuilding. Despite the setbacks of the past week, we are making progress and will steadily begin to see the fruits of these efforts.”

The President has directed the Ministry of Public Enterprises as well as Eskom to continue to give regular updates and communication on the progress being made to restore the units back to full capacity.

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President on 072 854 5707

Issued by: The Presidency 

President Cyril Ramaphosa to meet with Eskom Management, visit flood-stricken areas

President Cyril Ramaphosa will on Wednesday the 11th of December 2019 meet with the Board and Management of the national power utility Eskom - where he will be briefed on plans to mitigate and resolve the current electricity crisis affecting most of the country.
President Ramaphosa will also visit the operations centre at Eskom headquarters at Megawatt Park in Gauteng.

The President departed the Egyptian capital Cairo on Tuesday, where he held official talks with President Abdel Fatah El-Sisi.

President Ramaphosa was slated to participate in a high-level panel at the Inaugural Aswan Forum for Sustainable Peace and Development on the 11th  of December 2019 but has returned to South Africa to attend to urgent domestic priorities. 

The focus of the Egypt visit was to strengthen bilateral and economic relations with the largest export market in North Africa for South African goods. The leaders of both countries further discussed new avenues of cooperation in trade and investments; including infrastructure, manufacturing and agro-processing.

The President was accompanied by the Ministers of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor, Defence and Military Veterans, Ms Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, Minister of Trade and Industry Mr Ebrahim Patel, Minister of State Security, Ms Ayanda Dlodlo and Minister of Tourism Ms Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane.

With South Africa assuming the Chair of the African Union in 2020, President Ramaphosa and President El-Sisi, who is the outgoing AU Chair, also discussed matters around deepening continental integration, peace, security and development.

The President is also expected to visit Tembisa on Gauteng's East Rand that has been severely impacted by the recent rains, leading to wide scale flooding. 

The President will meet with local residents, community leaders and provincial officials managing the support being given to the stricken community.

Details of the engagements on Wednesday are as follows:
Eskom meeting
Time: 10:00
Venue: Eskom Megawatt Park, Johannesburg
Visit to flood stricken area in Mamelodi
Time: 12:00
Venue: Mamelodi Baptist Church, City of Tshwane

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President on 072 854 5707

Issued by: The Presidency 

President Cyril Ramaphosa's 2020 New Year message

Fellow South Africans,

As the 25th year of our democracy draws to a close, we look back on a year that has been filled with both highs and lows, a year in which we measured great progress, but also encountered several setbacks.

In May millions of South Africans went to cast their votes, peacefully and enthusiastically, this once again demonstrated for all the world to see that we  are a robust and vibrant democracy.

We recommitted ourselves build a new society founded on the will of the people, in which all South Africans – black and white – truly belong.

And yet, for many South Africans, the hardships endure.

While our economy created jobs, these have not been nearly enough to stop the rise in unemployment or the deepening of poverty.

Many South Africans’ lives have changed for the better, but many others are yet to feel the benefits of the economic reforms and new investment.

This has also been a year in which we have had to confront the darkest forces of our nature.

As a nation, we have witnessed the brutality perpetrated by men against women and against children.

We have seen lives, both young and old, ended with brutal violence.

We have seen fear in our homes, schools and streets.

Yet, as a nation, we have stood as one in our determination to end the crimes perpetrated by those men who have no respect for the lives, the rights or the dignity of women and children.

An outpouring of grief and anger has incited the nation to action, to undertake an emergency response plan that will turn the tide on this national shame.

Despite the difficulties of this past year, day-by-day, we draw closer to our ambition of a better life for all South Africans.

Day-by-day, we are drawing closer to our goal  of providing quality health care to all South Africans, and redistributing land to all those who work it and all those who need it.

We are making progress towards our aim to provide free higher education to all students from poor and middle-class families, and to ensure all children benefit from early childhood development.

Each day, we draw closer to our target of R1.2 trillion in new investment in the factories, mines, refineries, shops that will drive our economic renewal.

Steadily, we are rebuilding the public institutions that are so vital to our democracy, restoring our law enforcement agencies, and taking forward the fight against state capture and corruption.

And so, we enter this New Year and this new decade, encouraged by the progress we have made under difficult conditions, knowing that we still have many mountains to climb, and many treacherous rivers to cross.

From January, South Africa takes up its position as chair of the African Union. We will seek to work with our sister countries to realise an Africa Free Trade Area that stretches from Cape Town to Cairo, and from Dakar to Mombasa.

We know only too well the enormity of the challenges that confront us, but we are united in the knowledge that we have the means and the determination to overcome them.

Just as the strongest steel is forged in fire, just as diamonds are forged deep inside the earth’s crust under the most extreme pressure, let us turn adversity into opportunity.

In doing so, let us each play our part:  for upon the conduct of each depends the fate of all.

By working together towards the South Africa that we all want, sparing neither strength nor courage, we will progress and we will succeed.

I wish you and yours a successful and peaceful 2020.

Happy New Year to you all.

Issue by: The Presidency

Statement on the Cabinet Meeting of 28 February 2018

Cabinet met on Wednesday, 28 February 2018, at Tuynhuys, Cape Town.

A. Issues in the environment

1.    National Budget Speech

1.1.  Cabinet appreciates the overwhelming confidence expressed in the 2018 National Budget which was tabled in Parliament, Cape Town, last week. In the recent spirit of renewal that has gripped our great nation, Cabinet calls on all South Africans to partner with government to grow our economy and create much-needed jobs.

1.2. The reduction in expenditure of R85 billion over the next three years demonstrates government’s commitment to fiscal consolidation and the prudent allocation of resources to grow the economy.

1.3.  The steps announced to slow the pace of debt accumulation and contain the budget deficit greatly improve our fiscal framework and give South Africans confidence in the future prospects of our economy.

1.4.  Cabinet is resolute that the interventions will reflect in our country’s economic growth, affirm its economic standing and safeguard its investment grade status.

1.5.  The 2018 National Budget supports the poor in our society through a comprehensive social assistance programme and fee-free tertiary education for students from poor households.

1.6.  As a response to the concern raised on the Value-Added Tax (VAT) increases proposed, Cabinet is considering expanding the list of basic goods that are zero-rated on VAT.

2. Nelson Mandela Centenary

2.1.  Cabinet joins President Cyril Ramaphosa in his call on South Africans to reaffirm a shared commitment to serve people as we continue to celebrate the centenary of the birth of former President Nelson Mandela. Madiba is the first President of a Democratic South Africa and would have turned 100 years of age on 18 July 2018.

2.2. Madiba is a global icon who is revered worldwide as a Champion of Human Rights, non-racism and non-sexism. He played a critical role in unifying South Africans, and inspiring democratic unity across Africa and the globe.

2.3. The first celebration of Nelson Mandela’s centenary took place during the African Union Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in January 2018. A number of events will be held throughout the country this year to reflect on the life of Tata Madiba.

2.4. Cabinet calls upon all South Africans to join in the centenary celebrations in their workplaces, schools, churches and civic organisations. It calls on each one of us this year to emulate the values of Nelson Mandela by working in our respective ways to build a united, non-racist, non-sexist and prosperous country.

2.5. The country also celebrates the centenary of one of the great daughters of the African soil Mama Albertina Sisulu, who dedicated her life to fight for the emancipation of women and the liberation of South Africa.  Cabinet will in the next meeting also outline a programme for the celebration of the Centenary of Mama Albertina Sisulu.

3.  Drought

3.1. Cabinet appreciates the relentless efforts made by the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Drought together with stakeholders in all spheres of government and society in dealing with the persistent drought conditions that have hit several parts of the country.

3.2. Apart from the fact that South Africa is a water-scarce country, the effects of global warming continue to affect the rain patterns, thus causing our dam levels to remain low.  

3.3. The Inter-Ministerial Task Team on Drought continues to facilitate work between national government, provinces and municipalities in all drought-affected areas. This includes implementing short, medium and long-term measures to address and mitigate the potential impact of this drought.

3.4. Government has made funds available to provide short-term assistance to affected provinces. It has provided a relief grant worth R473 million and an additional R6 billion in the 2018/19 financial year to augment water infrastructure in the Western Cape‚ Eastern Cape and Northern Cape.

3.5. Cabinet calls on all to continue to work with government in conserving water by using it responsibly and sparingly. Cabinet remains committed to making South Africa a country of choice for visitors and potential investors alike. 

4. Police killings

4.1. Cabinet expresses condolences to the families and friends of the five police officers and a former soldier who were recently brutally murdered in an attack on the Ngcobo Police Station in the Eastern Cape.

4.2. Cabinet strongly condemns any senseless killing of our servicemen and women.  The loss of one police officer, soldier or any other person who serves to protect society and our people is unacceptable.

4.3. Cabinet has committed, through the Minister of Police, to do whatever possible to capacitate our police stations to prevent such attacks in the future. 

4.4. Cabinet further appeals to parents and society at large to ensure children are kept safe at all times and to partner with law-enforcement agencies to protect the rights of our children. Any form of abuse against a child must be exposed and reported immediately. By working together, we can keep our communities safe and ensure that criminal elements have no place to hide.

B. Cabinet decisions  

1.  Cabinet approved the Draft Revised White Paper on National Transport Policy to be published for public comments. The policy aims to provide a transport system that is integrated with other related sector plans so as to reduce both the cost of commuting and doing business. It also aligns the country’s transportation plans to the global transportation trends.

2. Cabinet approved the Green Paper on Roads Policy for South Africa to be published for public comments. The policy provides the overarching framework that ensures South Africa’s roads are better managed, safer and include all modes of transport to deliver a sustainable approach to roads management. It guides the road regulations, infrastructure, safety, road funding and non- motorised transport.

3.  Cabinet was briefed on the findings of the 2015/16 National Survey of Research and Experimental Development (R&D Survey). 
R&D is an integral part of the country’s socio-economic development.  This has been collective efforts of government, industry and research institutions. The report is available on the Department of Science and Technology (DST) website:

4. Cabinet approved the designs of the 2018 commemorative collector’s coin series, which will be produced by the South African Mint Company. The 2018 designs collection will be celebrating the Nelson Mandela Centenary. These collections were preceded by the 2017 commemorative coins that celebrated South Africa under the theme of Freedom, Democracy and Cultures.

C. Bills

1. Cabinet approved the submission of the Customary Initiation Bill of 2018 to Parliament. The Bill seeks to protect, promote and regulate the governance aspect of the practice of customary initiation. 
It provides national norms and standards aimed at the protection of life and the prevention of injuries and all forms of abuse experienced by initiates.

2. Cabinet approved for the submission of the National Qualifications Framework Amendment Bill of 2016 to Parliament. The Bill, which amends the National Qualifications Framework Act, 2008 (Act 67 of 2008), strengthens the Act by improving measures to deal with issues of misrepresentation, imposes consequences on persons who misrepresent their qualifications or organisations that issue invalid qualifications.
It also proposes regulations to ensure that fraudulent qualifications are referred to the relevant professional bodies (database of individuals who misrepresented their qualifications). It also addresses the accreditation of foreign qualifications.

3. Cabinet approved the Railway Safety Bill of 2017 to be published for public comments. The Bill seeks to improve railway safety and create a governance structure to oversee the work of the Rail Safety Regulator of South Africa. It is also aligned to the National Rail Policy regarding the strengthening of safety monitoring, and the promotion and enforcement of safety in our railways.

4. Cabinet approved for the Draft Economic Regulation of Transport Bill of 2017 to be published for public comments and consultation. The Bill addresses the regulatory and capacity gaps in respect of provision of a cost-effective and efficient transport system.

D. Upcoming events

1. South Africa will be hosting the Southern African Development Community Ministers of Labour, Employment and Social Security, as Chair, from 1 to 2 March 2018 at the Cape Town International Convention Centre. The theme of the conference is: “Horizon decent work: Advancing connectivity, coherence and inclusivity”. Participants will include social partners – organised business, labour and community.

2. President Ramaphosa in his capacity as the Chair of SADC will undertake consultative visits to Angola, Botswana and Namibia from 2 to 3 March 2018.  He will be accompanied by the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Lindiwe Sisulu and Minister of Defence and Military Veterans Nosiviwe Maphisa Nqakula.

3. South Africa will   co-host the 17th World Conference on Tobacco or Health (WCTOH) from 7 to 9 March 2018 in Cape Town under the theme: “Uniting the World for a Tobacco-free Generation”. This is the first hosting in Africa.

The WTCOH calls for committed action and provides a platform for governments, civil-society organisations, United Nations agencies, international organisations, health workers and other stakeholders to discuss shared knowledge and experiences, particularly regarding to youth and women who are exposed to tobacco use.

Hosting the conference contributes towards addressing the National Development Plan’s goals by creating awareness and education on the harmful effects of tobacco use, and the need to intensify tobacco control measures.

4. On the 10 and 11 March the IEC will open the Voting Registration Centres for people to come and register and check their registration details. 

Cabinet urges all eligible voters to visit their voting stations to update the voters’ roll in preparation for the 2019 general elections. Cabinet particularly calls on first-time voters to ensure they participate in their constitutional democratic right to vote by going to register to vote.

This registration weekend is a milestone towards the culmination of a two-year project to obtain the residential addresses of all registered voters.

The voting stations will be open between 08:00 and 17:00 to assist new voters to register to vote, and allow registered voters who have relocated to reregister in their correct voting district and update their address details on the voters’ roll.

E. Messages

1. Cabinet commends all teachers who were honoured at the 18th National Teaching Awards which took place in Johannesburg on Saturday, 17 February 2018. The awards recognised outstanding teaching and leadership in several categories, including the Nelson Mandela Lifetime Achievement Award and Professor Kader Asmal Award.

2. Cabinet conveys its condolences to Deputy Minister Obed Bapela on the loss of his wife Constance Bapela, who served the country as a councillor at the time of her passing.

3. Cabinet joins President Ramaphosa in conveying condolences to the family, friends and associates of the political economist and author, Prof Johannes “Sampie” Terreblanche, who passed on at the age of 84.

4. Cabinet congratulates Minister Naledi Pandor on her recognition by Leiden University in the Netherlands as an Oort Honorary Visiting Professor of Astronomy and Development. This is in recognition of the Minister’s extraordinary accomplishment in harnessing science, particularly astronomy, as a tool for global development and societal benefit.

F. Appointments

All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.

1. Ms Lerato Matabogeas Deputy Director-General (DDG): Tradeand Investment South Africa, Department of Trade and Industry (the dti).
2. Ms Shandokane Evelyn Masotjaas DDG: Consumer and Corporate Regulation, the dti.
3. Ms Vuyelwa Vumendlini as DDG: International and Regional Economic Policy, National Treasury. 
4. Mr Joseph Tebogo Leshope as Chief Operations Officer of SENTECH.
5. Ms Vuyo Zitumane as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Amatola Water.
6. Adv Seeng Catherine Ntsaba-Letele as Chief Ombud of the Community Schemes Ombud Service. 
7. Mr Edward Mamadise as CEO of the National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications. 
8. Dr Sagren Moodley as the representative from the DST on the South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions.

9. Reappointments to the Patent Examination Board: 
a. Ms Shanaaz Tiry Mahomed;
b. Ms Sandra Cleiland;
c. Prof Christiena Maria van der Bank; and
d. Adv Nhlanhla Paul Sibisi.

Enquiries: Ms Phumla Williams – Acting Cabinet Spokesperson 
Cell: 083 501 0139

Statement on the Cabinet Meeting of 14 March 2018

Cabinet met on Wednesday, 14 March 2018, at Tuynhuys, Cape Town

A. Issues in the environment

1. Economic growth

1.1. Cabinet welcomes the 1.3% growth in the economy in 2017. This is an increase from 0.3% in 2016. The performance of the economy under difficult conditions bodes well for the country’s future economic prospects.

1.2. The growth figures signal that the economy is on an upward trajectory, with National Treasury expecting the economy to expand by 1.5% this year and accelerate to 2.1% in 2020.

1.3. Cabinet calls on all sectors of society to build on the positive momentum of 2017, and work with government to translate its plans into concrete action to sustain economic growth and create jobs.

2. Land reform 

2.1. Cabinet welcomes the adopted motion to amend the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996 so as to allow for the expropriation of land without compensation.

2.2. Government has since 1994 worked hard to reverse the legacy of land dispossession under colonialism and apartheid. Working within the law, government has done much to ensure the continued productivity of the land, while speeding up the process of redress for those affected by land dispossessions.

2.3. The matter has been referred to the Constitutional Review Committee, which must report back to Parliament by 30 August 2018. The recommendations to the National Assembly will be informed by a series of public hearings followed by committee meetings.

2.4. Cabinet calls on all stakeholders to make their input during this process of engagement, which will guide the solutions to take our country forward. As a caring and people-centred government, all stakeholders will be engaged during this process. 

2.5. Cabinet further urges communities to desist from illegal land invasions. We are a law-abiding and peace-loving country with adequate mechanisms of dealing with issues, including the land issue.

2.6. South Africa remains open for business, and investments in agriculture and farming are welcomed. It is in South Africa's interests to have commercial farmers and this process can ensure we have even greater numbers of successful commercial farmers.

3. Nofingxana community’s Double Drift Wildlife Economy Project

3.1. Cabinet welcomes the launch of the Nofingxana community’s Double Drift Wildlife Economy project, at Double Drift Nature Reserve in the Eastern Cape by the Minister of Environmental Affairs, Dr Edna Molewa. This included the handing over of the title deed to the Likhaya Lethu Communal Property Association (CPA) on behalf of the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform, Ms Maite Nkoana-Mashabane.

3.2. The Double Drift Community were dispossessed of their residential and grazing rights by the 1913 Land Act.  In 1994, this community lodged a land claim which was settled in 2012 resulting in Likhaya Lethu Communal Property Association (CPA) being established.

3.3. The Likhaya Lethu CPA consist of 1500 Double Drift Community members and received R6 million from the Department of Environmental Affairs to develop a Wildlife Economic business venture in the farm Naudeshoek (1400 hectares). The transaction was processed through the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform.

4. VBS Mutual Bank

4.1. Cabinet has noted the South African Reserve Bank announcement with regard to the VBS Mutual Bank.  The appointed curatorship will support the VBS Mutual Bank to restore its liquidity challenges and serve the interests of the public and VBS depositors.

Cabinet remains committed to the diversification and transformation of the financial sector without jeopardising the interest of the depositors.

5. Investment campaign

5.1. Cabinet welcomes the ‘CEOs Know’ campaign by Brand South Africa, in collaboration with Business Leadership South Africa, to promote South Africa as an investment destination.

5.2. This builds on our world-class infrastructure through InvestSA One-Stop Shop, research and development capabilities, innovation and an established manufacturing base to support investors. New growth areas have also been opened in the oceans economy, renewable energy, the green economy and shale-gas exploration.

5.3. The campaign features CEOs from multinational corporations based in South Africa sharing their insights on continued investment in South Africa.

5.4. Cabinet encourages all South Africans in the spirit of “Thuma Mina” (Send Me) sweeping across our nation to play their part by sharing their positive stories to build our country’s reputation and grow its investment appeal.

6. Independent Power Producers (IPPs) Procurement Programme

6.1. Cabinet has noted the High Court case filed by two non-governmental organisations regarding government’s decision to sign the power purchase agreements with 27 IPPs. The matter will be concluded by the High Court on 27 March 2018. In the spirit of constitutionalism and the rule of law, the signing has been postponed.

6.2. Cabinet affirms the commitment to resolve the matters around these programmes. The Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme will ensure that consumers in our country have access to cost-efficient and clean energy, and will bring much-needed investment in South Africa. These projects will provide 61 600 full-time jobs, 95% of which are for South African citizens, specifically youth. 

6.3. Cabinet reaffirms its commitment to a solid public-private partnership as we pursue our energy transition objectives of the future and a better life for all. This is needed to bring much-needed policy and regulatory certainty, and maintain South Africa’s position as an energy investment destination of choice.

7. Listeriosis

7.1. Cabinet extends its heartfelt condolences to the friends and family of those who lost their lives after contracting Listeriosis, and wishes those who are recuperating a speedy recovery. More than 180 people died and 940 cases were reported in South Africa.

7.2.  Cabinet is encouraged by the intensive efforts by the Department of Health, the National Institute for Communicable Diseases and the World Health Organisation to stop the listeria bacteria from spreading. To further strengthen these efforts, the Minister of Health, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, will meet with the South African Nursing Council on Thursday, 15 March 2018.

7.3. Cabinet acknowledges that the positive progress made in identifying and isolating the source of the deadly Listeriosis outbreak and subsequent recall of food products from three Enterprise and Rainbow meat processing plants – where the bacteria was found – was a defining moment to stop the outbreak.  The food-borne disease was first identified in June 2017.

7.4. Listeriosis is a serious and preventable illness that can be treated successfully with antibiotics. Those most at risk are pregnant women, very young infants, elderly persons and people with a weakened immune system. People who show symptoms of fever, muscle aches, nausea or diarrhoea should visit their medical practitioner or local clinic immediately.

7.5. Cabinet is optimistic that South Africa will defeat the current outbreak and urges all people to observe the five food safety rules during this time:

- Wash hands with soap and water before handling food, and after using a bathroom;
- Cook food thoroughly and do not eat half-cooked food as the Listeria bacteria will die when food is well cooked;
- Do not handle raw and cooked food together;
- Keep food at appropriate temperatures; and
- Make sure that all milk products are pasteurised or at least parboiled and wash non-cooked food with clean running water before ingestion or at least with pre-boiled water.

7.6. Those with any uncertainty related to Listeriosis may contact the National Institute for Communicable Diseases on 011 386 6400.

8. Social grants

8.1. Cabinet was briefed on the state of readiness by the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) to provide the hybrid model in the distribution of social grants to beneficiaries on 1 April 2018. This is in line with the Constitutional Court (ConCourt) judgement that ordered the extension of the current contract with the Cash Paymaster Services (CPS) up until 31 March 2018.

8.2. Cabinet reiterates its commitment to government’s social assistance programme, which is at the heart of our poverty-alleviation initiatives and central to restoring the dignity of our people. It is satisfied that the beneficiaries of social grants will be paid on 1 April 2018. The current SASSA cards remain valid until December 2018. The process of changing the beneficiary cards will be done in a seamless manner that will not disrupt the payment of grants. All beneficiaries who receive their grants through their respective paypoints which includes commercial banks, South Post Office and other retailers.

8.3. Cabinet calls on those who do not have bank accounts to visit their nearest SAPO branches to open their accounts. Cabinet has instructed the SASSA together with GCIS to do everything possible to inform all the beneficiaries of any possible changes that may take place in the process of transition from CPS to the new hybrid model.   Cabinet remains committed to ensuring government adheres to the ConCourt judgement. SASSA offices will be opened and ready to process the new applicants.

8.4. Cabinet urges all members of the public, especially beneficiaries, to contact SASSA on 0800 60 10 11 or visit the nearest SASSA office for more information.

9. Voter registration

9.1. Cabinet joins the Independent Electoral Commission and President Ramaphosa in thanking all South Africans who heeded the call to register to vote or to update their address details in the past weekend’s voter registration drive. This is milestone in preparation for the sixth national and provincial elections expected to take place in 2019.

9.2. A total of 2 767 139 citizens visited voting stations over the past weekend.

9.3. Of the 2.76 million plus voters who visited their voting stations:

- Just over 1.3 million re-registered in their current voting district.
- More than 800 thousand changed their registration to a new voting district,
- Almost 500 thousand were votes registering for the first time
- And of the new votes registrations 82 percent were under the age of 30 and approximately 54 percent were women.
- The province of Gauteng saw the most new registrations at 23.69 percent followed by Kwa-Zulu Natal with 18.78 percent and Limpopo with 17.03 percent.

9.4. The Eastern Cape had the highest level of registration at 87 percent, followed by the Free State at just over 82 percent and Kwa-Zulu Natal, Limpopo and Northern Cape 79 percent.  Gauteng’s overall registration at 67.3 percent.

9.5. The IEC reported that the voter’s roll now stands at 26 250 939 voters, which roughly equates to 75 percent of the eligible voting population based on Statistics South Africa voting age population estimates.

9.6. About 300 000 citizens who visited voting stations are among the almost 2.8 million voters for whom the IEC did not have an address going into the weekend.

9.7. An up-to-date and accurate voter’s role affirms the credibility of the voter’s role and strengthens our democracy by ensuring free, fair and credible elections.

9.8. Cabinet calls on all South Africans who were not able to visit their local voting station over the past weekend to visit their local IEC office to verify and complete their addresses. Alternatively the IEC’s online facility at and the app remains available 24 hours a day for registered votes to check and update their address details.

10. Well wishes for triathlete Mhlengi Gwala

10.1. Cabinet joins the Minister of Sport and Recreation, Ms Thokozile Xasa, in denouncing the barbaric act of violence against a young triathlete, Mhlengi Gwala, who was attacked with a chainsaw while cycling in KwaZulu-Natal.

10.2. Cabinet wishes the athlete a speedy recovery and extends a warm thank you to the medical team of St Augustine Hospital who are caring for him.

Crime has no place in our society and Cabinet calls on communities to work together with law-enforcement agencies to bring criminals to book.

11. Drought declared a national disaster

Under the leadership of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Minister Zweli Mkhize, government has declared a national state of disaster to deal with the country’s drought and water crisis. Cabinet extends its appreciation to those in South Africa who continue to save water and the relentless efforts made by the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Drought together with stakeholders in all spheres of government and society in dealing with the persistent drought conditions that have hit several parts of the country.

Apart from the fact that South Africa is a water-scarce country, Cabinet is assured that we remain a preferred choice of destination for tourists

B. Cabinet decisions

1. Cabinet approved that the Agreement Amending Annex 1 (Co-operation on Investment) of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Protocol on Finance and Investment (FIP) be tabled in Parliament for ratification.

1.1. The purpose of the FIP is to harmonize financial and investment policies of Members States, so that they are consistent with the objectives of SADC. This will ensure that any changes to financial and investment policies in one Member State does not necessitate undesirable adjustments in other Member States.

1.2. The aim of the Amendments are to preserve the right of governments to regulate in the public interest and to balance the rights and obligations of investors and Governments.

2. Cabinet approved the tabling of the Revised and Renamed United Nations (UN) Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners (“Nelson Mandela Rules”), in Parliament.

2.1. The renaming of the Standard Minimum Rules to “Nelson Mandela Rules” honours the legacy of our former President, who spent 27 years in prison.

2.2. There has also been a worldwide extension of the Nelson Mandela International Day scope, observed by UN Member States on 18 July, to promote humane conditions of imprisonment, raise awareness about prisoners being a part of society and value the work of prison staff as a social service.

2.3. The rules will assist South Africa to speed up the transformation towards a people’s developmental correctional system that is consistent with various international principles and guidelines.

C. Bills

1. Cabinet approved submission of the Prevention and Combating of Hate Crimes and Hate Speech Bill of 2018 into Parliament.
The Bill aims to create the offences of hate crimes and hate speech, and to put in place measures to prevent and combat these offences. It intends to address violence against persons on the basis of prejudice. It will also give effect to South Africa’s’ obligations in terms of international human rights instruments.

2. Cabinet approved for the iKamva National e-Skills Institute Bill, 2018 (iNeSI Bill) to be submitted to Parliament. The Bill provides for the establishment of iNeSI, as a legal entity with its own legislation to address e-skills (digital skills) capacity challenges in the country. Capacity development of e-Skills is seen as of the priority areas of Government in building an inclusive economy and to establish a capable and developmental state.

The institute (iNeSI) will act as a national catalytic collaborator and change agent, for the development of digital skills and organisational capacity in the country.

3. Cabinet approved for the introduction of the Hydrographic Bill of 2018 into Parliament. The Bill seeks to recognise and grant legislative status to the Office of the Hydrographer, which has been in existence in the Department of Defence (South African Navy) since the inception of hydrographic services in South Africa.

It will enable the Hydrographer of the South African Navy to be recognised as the National Hydrographer. It will ensure that the provision of hydrographic services is formalised and enacted into law. This is in line with the International Maritime Organisation and the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, which is an international maritime treaty which sets minimum safety standards in the construction, equipment and operation of merchant ships.

D. Upcoming events

1. Human Rights Month/Day
The 2018 National Human Rights Month/Day commemorations will be held under the theme: “The year of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela: promoting and deepening a human rights culture across society”.

The national event will take place on 21 March 2018 at George Thabe Cricket Pitch, Sharpeville in Vereeniging. Cabinet urges all sectors to pay homage to this national day, which celebrates South Africa’s human rights tradition and honours people such as Madiba who paid the ultimate price and sacrificed for the achievement of liberation and freedom that we enjoy today.

2. National Imbizo Focus Week

The National Imbizo Focus Week will take place from 9 to 15 April 2018 under the theme: “Together we move South Africa forward”. This year, the Mandela Centenary celebration forms a big part of the focus week, under the sub-theme: “Be the legacy”. The Executive will be engaging with communities in various parts of the country. The respective programmes of Ministers will be communicated in due course.

3. Youth employment 

3.1. President Cyril Ramaphosa is expected to launch the pilot of the Youth Employment Services initiative at the Riversands hub in Diepsloot, on 27 March 2018. The initiative, in collaboration with the private sector, aims to empower one million young people over the next five years to become economically active, either as a member of the workforce or running their own businesses or finding their passion for further study.

4. Working visit to Mozambique and Zimbabwe

President Ramaphosa will undertake working visits to the Republic of Mozambique and Republic of Zimbabwe respectively on Saturday, 17 March 2018. The visits will mainly focus on strengthening bilateral relations with the abovementioned countries.

The President will also exchange views on peace and security matters in the region and the continent, and further deliberate on global issues of mutual interest.

E. Messages

1. Cabinet congratulates Ntsiki Biyela, South Africa’s first black woman winemaker who launched her own brand. With a degree in viticulture from Stellenbosch University plus 13 years working experience, her Aslina Wines will in 2018 sell 12 000 bottles in the USA, Germany, Taiwan, and Ghana.

2. Cabinet congratulates Caster Semenya on breaking the South African 1 000m record that stood for 35 years at the Athletix Grand Prix meeting held at Tuks in Pretoria. Our golden girl won the race in a time of 2:35:44, beating the old record set in 1983 by Ilze Wicksell by almost two seconds. Cabinet also commends Semenya for fulfilling her long-held goal to get a university degree, when she completed her Diploma in Sports Science at the North-West University in Potchefstroom.

3. Cabinet expresses condolences to the friends and family of Honourable Member of Parliament, Loliwe Fazeka who was killed in a car crash in the Eastern Cape, last week.

4. Cabinet also sends condolences to the loved ones of South Africa’s Ambassador to Sweden, Ms Faith Radebe who passed on Tuesday the 13th March 2018. She was previously the Inspector General of Intelligence in South Africa.

F.  Appointments
All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.
1.    Dr Philemon Mjwara as Director-General at the Department of Science and Technology for an extended contract period of three years, commencing on
1 April 2018.
2.    Ms Memme Sejosengwe as Secretary-General at the Office of the Chief Justice for an extended contract period of three years, effective from 1 April 2018.
3.    Ms Thuli E Radebe, as Executive Director at the Centre of Public Service Innovation for an extended contract period of six months.
4.    Mr Thilivhali Archibald Ramawa as the Chief Financial Officer of the National Electronic Media Institute of South Africa.
5.    Board of Sentech SOC Limited:
a.    Mr Magatho Mello (reappointment as non-executive director and Chairperson);
b.    Mr Lumko Mtimde (reappointment as non-executive director);
c.    Dr Sandile Malinga (non-executive director); and
d.    Ms Elizabeth Malaka (non-executive director).
6.    Board of Broadband Infraco:
a.    Mr Mandla Ngcobo (reappointment as non-executive director and Chairperson);
b.    Ms Nokuthula Selamolela (reappointment as non-executive director);
c.    Mr Gift Mphefu (non-executive director);
d.    Ms Zandile Matilda Kabini (non-executive director); and
e.    Ms Jennifer Schreiner (non-executive director).
7.    Board of the SAPO:
a.    Mr Comfort Ngidi (reappointment as Chairperson);
b.    Ms Nomahlubi Simamane (reappointment as Deputy Chairperson);
c.    Adv Juliana Galetlane Rasethaba (non-executive director); and
d.    Dr Charles Nwaila (non-executive director).

Ms Phumla Williams – Acting Cabinet Spokesperson (GCIS)
Cell: 083 501 0139

Statement on the Cabinet Meeting of 25 April 2018

Cabinet met on Wednesday, 25 April 2018, at Tuynhuys, Cape Town

A. Issues in the environment

1. Funerals of stalwarts and veterans

1.1. Cabinet thanks all people around the world, especially South Africans, for their warm and generous response in the wake of the passing of ‘imbokodo’ Mama Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, Struggle stalwart Dr Zola Skweyiya and trade unionist Archie Sibeko.

1.2. Our stalwarts dedicated their lives to the dream of a better South Africa and our countrymen and women are drawing inspiration from their struggles.

1.3. Cabinet also joins President Cyril Ramaphosa in paying tribute to the late Veteran diplomat, Ambassador George Nene, who served South Africa with distinction and dedication during his period in exile in mobilising our region and continent to secure the liberation of South Africa.

2. North West protests

2.1. Cabinet deliberated on the unstable situation that has unfolded in North West, which has affected a number of services, particularly health services. As a caring government, Cabinet has approved two immediate interventions to restore order and stability in the area.

2.2. Cabinet approved the invoking of Section 100(1)(b) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996 to address the apparent crisis, particularly in the health sector. The main objective of this intervention will be to:

  • restore trust and confidence between labour and government;
  • assist the province to upgrade its systems and capabilities to a new normality;
  • ensure compliance with the legislative and regulatory framework of government;
  • stabilise the labour environment, restore sustainable service delivery, ensure security of staff and improve financial management.

2.3. Cabinet also mandated a task team of Ministers to visit North West to establish the facts on the ground. They are expected to submit a report in the next two weeks. The report back will assist in determining any further interventions that may still be required. 

2.4. The Task Team comprises the Ministers of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (Convener); Health; Finance; Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, as well as the Justice, Crime Prevention and Security Cluster of Ministers.

2.5. Whilst noting the concerns that were raised by communities, Cabinet strongly condemns the acts of violence, looting and destruction of property that accompanied protests in some areas of the province.

3. Public sector wage negotiations

3.1 Cabinet was briefed on the current Public Service wage negotiations. Cabinet urged the Department of Public Service and Administration together with  the mandating committee to work expeditiously to resolve the impasse on the wage negotiations.

4. Bus strike

4.1. Cabinet calls on all stakeholders in the public transport sector to bring a speedy end to the national bus strike. We urge all parties to return to the negotiation table so as to reach an agreement that is in the best interest of all parties and the country.

5. Violence at Moses Mabhida Stadium

5.1. Cabinet condemns the senseless violence and malicious damage to property by soccer fans following a pitch invasion at Durban's Moses Mabhida Stadium during a Premier Soccer League game at the weekend.

5.2. Law-enforcement agencies are urged to ensure that all those involved in hooliganism and acts of violence at the match are held responsible for their actions.

5.3. Cabinet calls for a swift investigation and the implementation of stricter security measures to ensure the safety of spectators and officials. It urges all role players to cooperate with investigations to prevent future occurrences.

6. Community radio stations

6.1. Cabinet welcomes the agreement reached to reconnect 15 community radio stations that were suspended by Sentech for non-payment of signal distribution fees, while more sustainable solutions are being sought.

6.2. The agreement was reached after government met with Sentech, the National Community Radio Forum, the Media Development and Diversity Agency and the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa.

6.3. The community radio sector is a critical communication platform that gives our people access to information and which serves as a means to creating an informed citizenry. All parties have agreed to convene soon to come up with a long-lasting solution that will result in the sustainability of these stations.

7. Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting

7.1. Cabinet welcomes the adoption of the Programme of Action for the Commonwealth for the next two years.

7.2. President Ramaphosa led a South African Delegation to the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM 2018) under the theme: “Towards a Common Future” from 19 to 20 April 2018.

7.3. In positioning South Africa as one of the world’s leading emerging market investment destination, President Ramaphosa also addressed the African Leaders’ Roundtable of the Commonwealth Business Forum, and engaged with senior international investors and business leaders. He also extended an invitation to leading investors and leaders of business to attend South Africa’s much anticipated Investment Summit scheduled for later this year.

7.4.    Under the leadership of President Ramaphosa, the South African delegation also used the opportunity presented by the CHOGM to continue lobbying for South Africa’s candidature to the United Nations (UN) Security Council for the term 2019 – 2020. These elections are scheduled for 8 June 2018 in New York, USA.

8.  Investment

8.1. Cabinet welcomes President Ramaphosa’s appointment of four special envoys on investment to engage both domestic and foreign investors around economic opportunities in South Africa.

8.2. These envoys are mandated to attract investment in a focused and cost-effective manner. The investment drive will culminate in a major investment conference towards the end of the year to raise more than R1 trillion in new investments over five years.

9. Launch of Gauteng’s InvestSA One-Stop Shop

9.1. Cabinet strongly encourages local and international investors to use the Provincial One-Stop Shop investment facilities being launched around the country – the latest being Gauteng’s One-Stop Shop.

9.2. The InvestSA One-Stop Shop is a presidential programme to promote and facilitate investment in South Africa. Already, the InvestSA One-Stop Shop has been successfully implemented in KwaZulu-Natal and the Western Cape.

9.3. One-Stop Shop investment centres are being rolled out in all the provinces, and will be used to coordinate and incorporate the special economic zones, provincial investment agencies, local authorities and the relevant government departments involved in regulatory, registration, permits and licensing matters.

10. New Post Office-SASSA Post Bank cards

10.1. Cabinet welcomes the successful pilot roll-out of new South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) cards at selected post offices in the Western Cape to allow social-grant beneficiaries to swap existing cards for the new South African Post Office (SAPO)-SASSA Postbank cards.

10.2. Social-grant recipients and cardholders are still able to use their existing cards until December 2018, but Cabinet encourages beneficiaries to swap their old cards by visiting their nearest SASSA or SAPO from 2 May until the end of September 2018.

11.  Higher Education

11.1. Cabinet welcomes the progress being made in the implementation of free education as detailed by the Minister of Higher Education and Training. The announcement of a significant increase in baseline allocation to NSFAS from R9,849 billion 2017/18 to R35,321 billion in 2020/21 demonstrates Governments commitment to assisting students from poor and working class households.

12.  SMME Support Programme

12.1. Cabinet welcomes the launch of the Employment Promotion through the small, medium and micro-sized enterprise (SMME) Support Programme, which is a partnership between the Department of Small Business Development (DSBD) and the European Union.

12.2. It will support SMMEs through business development services, assist them with access to markets, improve their access to finance, and help ease the administrative and regulatory burden on small businesses.
13. Science and Technology

13.1. Cabinet commends all those involved in the realisation of ZACUBE-2, which is Africa’s largest and most advanced cube satellite. The 4kg ZACUBE-2 satellite – which was developed by the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) and the French South African Institute of Technology, and managed by the South African National Space Agency – was funded by the Department of Science and Technology. It is the second nanosatellite to be developed at the CPUT.

13.2. The cube satellite has been sent to India for launching into space. It will help gather data to unlock economic growth in the oceans economy. The nanosatellite will assist in addressing the needs of the Operation Phakisa Oceans Economy programme and also help track marine activity along South Africa’s coast and proactively detect forest fires.

14.  KwaZulu-Natal Mining Indaba

14.1. Cabinet welcome the outcome of the two-day KwaZulu-Natal Mining Indaba, where delegates deliberated on issues that will help in transforming the sector and unlock mining value-chain opportunities in the province.

14.2. Mining is one of the key sectors that can assist us to transform our economy and Cabinet has called on the mining companies, labour and communities to strengthen relations in order for mining to be sustainable.

B. Cabinet decisions 

1. Cabinet approved the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for the National Youth Policy (NYP) 2015-2020. The framework provides for accountability and efficiency in the achievement of the NYP 2020 objectives. The policy aims to improve performance and enhance service delivery, particularly to the programmes of the youth.

2. Cabinet approved the hosting of the Annual Africa Month Programme for May 2018 under the theme: “A Year of Nelson Mandela – Building a Better Africa and a Better World”. The month of May celebrates the achievements made in the development of Africa.  The events culminate in Africa Day on 25 May, which is a day declared by the African Union and celebrated in Africa.

3. Cabinet was briefed on the report and interventions made on the status of sexual exploitation, abuse and serious misconduct cases against the deployed South African National Defence Force (SANDF) members that support the UN Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

3.1. Whilst Cabinet was satisfied with interventions made in addressing these abuses, it condemns in the strongest possible terms any form of sexual abuse and acts of misconduct by the SANDF members in the mission areas.

3.2.  A team was deployed to investigate all the reported allegations. Although some of the cases have been finalised, others are already at the stage of military trials. All these investigations have been conducted through the military legal process in a transparent and accountable manner.

3.3. South Africa will as usual continue to react swiftly when dealing with such incidences. Ill-discipline and criminal behaviour in the ranks of the SANDF is despised and will not be tolerated. Those found to have transgressed will be dealt with through the Code of Conduct and Military Disciplinary Code.

3.4. Cabinet further supported the finalisation of the Military Disciplinary Bill, which seeks to deal with overall discipline in the SANDF, including strengthening the definition of sexual exploitation and the minimum sanction increased to 10 years.  

C. Bills

1. Cabinet approved for the publication of the Control of Tobacco Products and Electronic Delivery Systems Bill of 2017 in the Government Gazette for public comments.

The Bill repeals the Tobacco Products Control Act, 1993 (Act 83 of 1993) so as to promote public health and to align the South African tobacco control law with the World Health Organisation Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.  It addresses key areas relating to indoor public areas, display of tobacco products at point of sale, use of electronic devices and the introduction of plain packaging of tobacco products.

2. Cabinet approved for the publication of the Integrated Framework Bill of 2018 to be published in the Government Gazette for public comments. The Bill seeks to achieve coordinated and integrated planning across all spheres of government, which are mutually reinforcing and work cohesively to promote more effective implementation of the National Development Plan (NDP).

Institutionalising planning is in line with the NDP and seeks to give effect to the commitment in the Medium Term Strategic Framework 2014-2019 to establish mechanisms and capacity within the State to undertake long-term development planning. It will promote a more coordinated and responsive State that would be more effective in promoting the structural changes required for inclusive growth, and for developing the country’s human resource base and a stronger democracy.

D. Upcoming events 

1. Freedom Day

Cabinet commends all South Africans and sectors who are in various ways participating in the current Freedom Month celebrations. President Ramaphosa will deliver the keynote address at the National Freedom Day celebration on 27 April 2018 at Dr Petrus Molemela Stadium in Bloemfontein, Free State under the theme: “The year of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela: towards full realisation of our freedom through radical socio-economic transformation”.

The event will be followed by the 2018 National Orders Awards on Saturday, 28 April 2018 in Pretoria, where President Ramaphosa will bestow to deserving recipients the Order of the Baobab, The Order of Ikhamanga, The Order of Luthuli and The Order of the Companions of OR Tambo. National Orders are the highest awards that South Africa bestows, through the President, on citizens and members of the international community who have contributed meaningfully towards making the country a free, democratic and successful nation; united in its diversity.

2. May Day celebrations

Cabinet calls on all workers around the country to join in celebrating the Workers' Day on Tuesday, 1 May 2018 and to reflect on the gains of workers’ rights since the dawn of democracy.  This day serves as a reminder that workplaces should be safe and that employers must do more to ensure the safety of their workers, especially in the mining sector.  

Cabinet also expressed its heartfelt sympathy to the families, friends and colleagues of the six miners who were burnt to death when the bus taking them to work was set alight by a petrol bomb thrown by unknown attackers.

Cabinet called on community members to assist the police in their quest to swiftly crack this case.

E. Messages

Cabinet congratulates:

1. Ndebele artist Esther Mahlangu, who received an honorary doctorate from the University of Johannesburg in recognition of her outstanding contribution to South African indigenous arts and culture.

2. Team South Africa, who held our flag high at the Commonwealth Games on Australia's Gold Coast, when they finished sixth with a total of 37 medals (13 gold, 11 silver and 13 bronze). Their success is a result of hard work, determination and perseverance. This is an inspiration to young athletes and reaffirms that sport is part of the social fabric that binds us together as South Africans.

2.1. Top achievers who won gold medals include:

  • Caster Semenya – women’s 800m and 1500m;
  • Luvo Manyonga – men’s long jump;
  • Ndodomzi Ntutu – men’s T12 100m;
  • Henri Schoeman – men’s triathlon;
  • Tatjana Schoenmaker – women’s 100m and 200m breaststroke;
  • Chad le Clos – men’s 50m, 100m and 200m butterfly;
  • Cameron van der Burgh – men’s 50m breaststroke;
  • Akani Simbine – men’s 100m; and
  • Martin Erasmus – men’s 97kg wrestling freestyle.

3. Professor Sibongile Muthwa and Dr Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi on their recent inauguration as vice-chancellor and chancellor respectively of the Nelson Mandela University.

4. Team South Africa for winning three awards at the 10th Global Entrepreneurship Congress in Istanbul, Turkey in April 2018, in recognition for the country’s commitment and dedication to advancing SMMEs. The Department of Small Business Development with its partner, 22 on Sloane, Africa’s largest start-up campus, won the Global Entrepreneurship Country of the Year Award. Team South Africa also won the Brand Champions and Research Champions Award, which recognises Global Entrepreneurship Network countries from around the world.

F. Appointments

All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.

1. Deputy Minister Mondli Gungubele as Chairperson of the Board of the Presidential Investment Corporation SOC Limited.
2. Ms Thandaza Zenobia Lungile Shandu as Deputy Director-General: Institutional Support and Coordination in the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs.

Ms Phumla Williams – Acting Cabinet Spokesperson
Cell: 083 501 0139

Statement on the Cabinet Meeting of 9 May 2018

Cabinet met on Wednesday, 9 May 2018, at Tuynhuys, Cape Town

A. Issues in the environment

1. Gender-based violence (GBV)

1.1. Cabinet reiterates its condemnation of violence against women and children, and calls on all of us in our respective formations to take a stand in stopping violence against women, children and the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender communities.  

1.2. It is the duty of every South African to educate one another on the rights of women and children, and on the various recourse mechanisms that exist to help victims of violence.

1.3. Cabinet welcomes the decision by the South Gauteng High Court to sentence convicted murderer Sandile Mantsoe to 32 years in prison for the murder of his ex-girlfriend Karabo Mokoena. Other cases such as the discovery of the body of 10-year-old Katlego Joja in Mamelodi West, east of Pretoria and the killing of Zolile Khumalo, by a former student, at the Mangosuthu University of Technology in Durban, is testimony to the continuing challenges we face as a nation. Cabinet extends its heartfelt condolences to the Joja and Khumalo families.

1.4. While justice and the law-enforcement agencies are seized with ensuring that the perpetrators do not go unpunished, as a society we all have a role to play in stopping these crimes. South Africans are encouraged to actively join advocacy and awareness-raising programmes in their respective communities and sectors.

1.5. Cabinet also encourages victims to report these heinous crimes to law-enforcement authorities, who must investigate allegations of GBV and act firmly within the ambit of the law to ensure that justice is served.

1.6. In a separate but related issue, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly proclaimed 13 June as International Albinism Awareness Day. The campaign aims to raise awareness about people living with albinism who are fully protected by the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996. It is the duty of all South Africans to educate themselves and others in the community on albinism so as to dispel myths and misconceptions. This will alleviate the trauma experienced by people with albinism and their families.

2. International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) decision

2.1. Cabinet expressed concerns with the developments regarding to the new regulations of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF).

2.2. Cabinet welcomes the work being done by the Department of Sport and Recreation South Africa and, the fact that a high level panel of experts in the related fields of medicine and law were assemble by SRSA. This panel will study these regulations closely and interrogate the scientific evidence that the IAAF had relied upon. It will evaluate all available research & scientific evidence as well as related ethical issues and use the outcome to challenge these regulations in the appropriate forums.

2.3. Cabinet calls upon South Africans to support all athletes that may be affected by these regulations both here at home and in the rest of the world.

3. Situation in North West

3.1. Cabinet was presented with the report by the Inter-Ministerial Task Team (IMTT) on North West. The report provided the preliminary work that has been done in the last two weeks. Cabinet was satisfied with the progress made by the IMTT in its efforts to stabilise the Province.

3.2. The IMTT, led by Minister in The Presidency, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, will remain seized with the North West issues. A detailed media briefing on the outcomes of this work by the IMTT will be held in the North West next week.

4. Japan-Africa Public-Private Economic Forum

4.1. President Cyril Ramaphosa delivered a keynote address at the inaugural Japan-Africa Public-Private Economic Forum held at the Sandton Convention Centre from 3 to 4 May 2018. The forum was co-hosted by South Africa, together with the government of Japan and the Japan External Trade Organization.

Cabinet welcomes the continued commitment that was made at the Tokyo International Conference on African Development in Nairobi, Kenya in 2016, which saw Japan pledging US$30 billion in Africa between 2016 and 2019. More than 100 Japanese companies have a presence in Africa.

5. United States (US) Steel and Aluminum Tariff increase

5.1. Cabinet expresses its disappointment on the decision by the US not to exempt South Africa from the application of steel and aluminum duties.

5.2. The South African Government will continue to engage with US authorities to find a mutually acceptable outcome. Cabinet also encourages domestic exporters to continue to lobby US buyers to apply for product exemptions, as South African companies export niche products and semi-processed products for further processing in the US.

6. Revitalisation of Industrial Parks

6.1. Cabinet welcomes the completion of the first phase of the revitalisation of the Phuthaditjhaba Industrial Park in the Free State as an important milestone in implementing the Revitalisation of Industrial Parks Programme.

6.2. The R50-million upgrades will attract more local entrepreneurs to set up their operations due to the improved infrastructure and security.

7. Investment

7.1. Cabinet congratulates the partnership between the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti) and Aspen Pharmacare, which has resulted in the announcement of a R1-billion investment in the pharmaceutical drug plant in Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape. The pharmaceutical company benefited from the dti’s 12I Tax Incentive with a tax credit of about R209 million.

7.2. The opening of the facility will create 500 new jobs. This is a significant investment which is taking South Africa into a new level of manufacturing space and creating the necessary jobs that the country needs.

8. Lower data costs

8.1. Cabinet welcomes the new rules proposed by the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa to improve regulations around data, SMS and voice services.

8.2. The changes are steps toward ensuring fairness in business practice around data pricing and ensure that consumers will not lose unused data. The Market Inquiry being conducted by the Competition Commission will highlight and focus on additional measures, to ensure South African data prices support broader digital access and prepare us for the opportunities created by the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

9. Mining Sector

9.1. Cabinet joins President Ramaphosa in expressing sadness following the loss of lives of mineworkers at the Sibanye-Stillwater’s Driefontein Mine near Carletonville on the West Rand, and furthermore extends its condolences to the families and friends of the deceased. The Minister of Mineral Resources, Mr Gwede Mantashe, is expected to represent government at a memorial service to be held this week.

9.2. Cabinet urges the mining sector to fast-track their research that will assist us in the capability in detecting seismic activities in the mines and save lives.

10. UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

10.1. Cabinet joins President Ramaphosa in expressing appreciation for UNICEF’s support and cooperation in empowering the youth of South Africa.

10.2. Executive Director of UNICEF, Ms Henrietta Fore, paid a courtesy call to President Ramaphosa on Monday, 7 May 2018. She outlined UNICEF's report on South Africa's initiatives in the areas of education, work skills development and economic opportunities for young people, especially for those between 10 and 18 years old. UNICEF commended South Africa’s efforts to create opportunities for young people to participate meaningfully in the economy, and expressed willingness to assist our country’s schools with the provision of water and sanitation.

10.3. UNICEF has invited South Africa to share its success on youth empowerment as part of its global campaign to advance opportunities for youth – a sure sign of our country’s strengthening relations with the UN.

B. Cabinet decisions

1. Cabinet approved the Industrial Policy Action Plan (IPAP) 2018/19 – 2020/21. This is the 10th iteration of a rolling annual action plan aligned to successive three-year cycles of the Medium Term Expenditure Framework.

The revised IPAP summarises the achievements of the industrial policy over the past nine years. It provides an economic analysis of the global and domestic economy relevant to industrial policy, summarises the challenges and constraints to the optimal implementation of the industrial policy, as well as a range of transversal and sector specific time-bound key action plans assigned to the respective departments.

2. Cabinet approved that the Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA) Agreement be tabled in Parliament for ratification. The agreement establishes the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa, East African Community and Southern African Development Community.

This TFTA is a key Africa-led project that marks a decisive step to overcome the continent’s colonial heritage of small fragmented markets, by promoting intra-African investments and attracting more foreign investment into the free trade area.

As a result of regional integration efforts and stable economies, there has been strong growth in intra-African investments.

3. Cabinet approved South Africa’s Third National Communication Report for submission to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

The primary objective of the UNFCCC is to achieve the stabilisation of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere to a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic activities from interfering with the climate system.

South Africa’s report contains an analysis of its progress from the initial National Communication to the Second National Communication and subsequently the Third Communication Report, as reviewed by the international community and domestic stakeholders.

C. Bills

1. Cabinet approved the submission of the Aquaculture Development Bill of 2018 to Parliament. The Bill, which came out of full consultation with all the relevant  stakeholders in the aquaculture sector, seeks to promote aquaculture development in the oceans economy. It provides, amongst others, the institutional arrangements of the sector; sets out the licensing and permitting  requirements for aquaculture and the establishment of the aquaculture development zones.

2. Cabinet approved the submission of the Occupational Health and Safety Bill  of 2018 to Parliament. The Bill amends the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act 85 of 1993). Once adopted, the Bill will ensure greater protection of workers in respect of injuries and diseases at the workplace.

The Bill establishes a clearly defined Health and Safety Management System and is in line with international best practice. It also provides for mandatory risk assessment to be conducted by the employer and a workplace-specific risk management plan developed and implemented to minimise the exposure of employees to risk.

D. Messages

1. Congratulations

1.1. Cabinet congratulates President Ramaphosa, who has been invited by the International Labour Conference (ILO) Governing Body to co-chair the Global Commission on Future of Work.  

1.2. The President has also been invited to address the conference, which is celebrating 100 years of existence. Whilst there he, will pay homage and honour the Centenary of former President Nelson Mandela. Cabinet thanks the Africa Group in the ILO governing body for leading the discussion in Geneva and appreciates the discussions held by the country’s ruling party in their local constituencies.

2. Condolences

2.1.Cabinet expresses condolences to the family and friends of the late former and first Minister of Finance of democratic South Africa, Mr Derek Keys, who played a significant role in the smooth handover of Treasury to a democratically elected government in 1994.   

3. Ramadan

3.1.Cabinet extends well wishes to the Muslim community as they begin fasting for the holy month of Ramadan next week. During Ramadan, Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset, as they spend time deepening their spirituality.

E. Upcoming Events

1. President Ramaphosa will today, 10 May 2018, visit the Department of Defence and Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA) respectively, as part of his efforts to engage with senior leadership to ensure that the work of government is effectively aligned. This visit is part of the President’s commitment announced in his maiden State of the Nation Address in February 2018 to visit every national department in this regard.

2.  Deputy President David Mabuza will today, 10 May 2018, address the 3rd Human Resource Development Council of South Africa Summit at Emperors Palace in Johannesburg under the theme: ‘Partnerships revitalising work and learning’. The two-day summit will bring together key industry leaders, labour experts and academics to deliberate on various issues, including proposals to deal with youth unemployment, and advance empowerment and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

3. Cabinet also reiterates the invitation to South Africans to join the year-long Centenary celebrations of Tata Nelson Mandela and Mama Albertina Sisulu, who helped build the foundation of the South Africa’s democracy we enjoy today. The Inter-Ministerial Committee on the Nelson Mandela Centenary and Centenary of Albertina Sisulu launched the National Programme this week. Details of the celebrations can be found on the government website (, where other upcoming government scheduled briefings/activities can also be found.

F. Appointments

All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.

1. Ms Lerato Mataboge as the dti representative to the Board of the Export Credit Insurance Corporation of South Africa SOC Limited.

2. Ms RS Mogaladi as Deputy Director-General: Institutional Support and Co-ordination, CoGTA.

Ms Phumla Williams – Acting Cabinet Spokesperson
Cell: 083 501 0139

Statement on the Cabinet Meeting of 23 May 2018

Cabinet met on Wednesday, 23 May 2018, at Tuynhuis, Cape Town.

1. Issues In The Environment

1.1. Gender Based Violence (GBV)

Cabinet strongly condemns the violence against women and children. The most recent cases of Nonkululeko Mpanza and Nompumelelo Mhlongo in Thokoza, Ekurhuleni; Katlego Joja, in Mamelodi, Tshwane; Promise Mthembu in KwaZulu Natal; and Jabulile Nhlapo, the Unisa student brings into sharp focus the level of violence that threatens the lives of our women and children.

Cabinet expresses its deepest condolences to the families and friends of these women and children. The issue of crime against women and children requires all of us to actively be involved in fighting it.

Cabinet continues to strengthen law enforcement agencies in the fight to stop gender based violence. Amongst the bills approved in this last cabinet is the Criminal Procedure Amendment Bill of 2018, which amends the Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977. The Bill will extend the list of sexual offences in respect of the prosecution and significantly it will allow the sexual cases to go before Courts even after 20 years.

These interventions add to a number of measures that government has already put in place. A total of fifty four Thuthuzela Care Centers across the country, have been opened to serve as a one stop facility to reduce secondary victimization and reduce the time of finalizing sexual cases.

1.2. Government has set up seventy five dedicated Sexual Offences Courts so as to deal decisively with sexual violence against women. Furthermore the South African Police have established one thousand and forty seven dedicated facilities for victims at police stations countrywide to accommodate and assist victims of GBV

1.3. Child Protection Week will be held from 27 May to 2 June 2018, Cabinet calls on parents, guardians and communities to work with law-enforcement agencies to protect our children. Cabinet reiterates that if you suspect your child is missing you must immediately report to your nearest police station.

1.4. We must work together as a peace-loving and law-abiding society to tackle all crimes against women and children.  Cabinet calls on those aware of any crimes against children to contact the toll- free Childline on 0800 055 555 or Crime Stop on 086 0010111. If you are a woman in distress or if you are aware of a woman in distress, the GBV Command Centre’s toll-free number is 0800 428 428 or (O800 GBV GBV). 

1.5. Cabinet calls on all of us to work together to do more to prevent violence against women and children, support survivors of abuse and bring perpetrators to justice. It is the duty of everyone to report those who hurt, exploit and abuse women and children so that the perpetrators can be arrested and convicted.

2. Economy

Cabinet welcomes the positive growth in employment of two hundred and six thousand jobs reflected in the first quarter of 2018, from the latest Quarterly Labour Force Survey released by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA). The upswing in employment was driven by increases in six of the ten industries. The unemployment rate amongst our young people however remains high at 52.4 % with an absorption rate of only 12.2 %. Cabinet calls on sectors of society to continue to pull together to tackle youth unemployment.

In the spirit of ‘Thuma Mina’ inspired by President Cyril Ramaphosa in his maiden State of the Nation Address in February 2018, Cabinet calls on all South Africans, in particular the private sector, to help create jobs and invest locally so that more South Africans can be drawn into the economy.

3. Energy

Cabinet welcomes as a milestone the launch of the Xina Solar One Concentrated Solar Power Project in the Northern Cape. It is one of seven Concentrated Solar Power Projects under the Department of Energy’s Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (REIPPPP).

The Xina Solar One plant will provide clean energy to Eskom under a 20 year power purchase agreement. This will translate into 95 000 South African households receiving clean energy especially during peak hours.

4. North West

Cabinet received a second report from the Inter Ministerial Committee (IMC) on North West and is satisfied with the progress in stabilizing the province.

In its previous meeting Cabinet approved that North West Province be placed under Section 100 (1) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996.

Cabinet also increased the members of IMC with the Ministers of Basic Education; Public Service and Administration, Human Settlements, Social Development, Tourism; Environmental Affairs and Transport.

The IMC was asked to do further work in the Province and advise cabinet on which of the provincial departments should be placed under Section (1) (a) or section 100(1) (b) of the constitution.

As a result of this work, Cabinet has approved that five of the Provincial departments should be placed under Section 100 (1) (b):
(1) Office of the Premier
(2) Department of Community Safety and Transport Management
(3) Department of Basic Education and Sports Development
(4) Department of Health
(5) Department of Public Works and Roads

Five departments are to be placed under section 100(1) (a) namely:

(1) Department of Finance, Economy and Enterprise  Development (FEED)
(2) Department of Local Government and Human Settlement
(3) Department of Rural, Environment and Agricultural  Development (READ)
(4) Department of Social Department 
(5) Department of Tourism

Cabinet approved that the necessary correspondence be sent to the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) and that communication with the relevant stakeholders in North West should take place. The investigative work of the Justice Crime Prevention and Security Cluster (JCPS) to continue on all those matters that require the law enforcement agencies to intervene.

5. International Relations

5.1. Cabinet condemned in the strongest terms the acts of violent aggression carried out by Israeli armed forces along the Gaza border, which led to the deaths of a large number of civilians. Given the indiscriminate and grave manner of the latest Israeli attack, the South African government made a decision to recall Ambassador Sisa Ngombane until further notice.

5.2. Cabinet calls on the Israeli Defence Force to withdraw from the Gaza Strip and bring to an end the violent and destructive incursions into Palestinian territories. Their routine actions present yet another obstacle to a permanent resolution to the conflict, which must come in the form of two states, Palestine and Israel, existing side-by-side and in peace.

5.3. Cabinet reiterates calls made by several member states of the United Nations for an independent inquiry into the killings, with a view to hold those responsible accountable.

6. Cash-In-Transit (CIT) heists

Cabinet is deeply concerned by the resurgence of CIT heists and rejects this blatant criminality. We further commend law enforcement agencies for their swift response in apprehending suspects and thank members of the public who assisted law enforcers with these arrests.

Members of the public who may have prior information are urge to lend a hand and contact the law enforcement agencies.

7. Cabinet Decisions

Presidential State Owned Enterprise Council (PSEC)

Cabinet approved the establishment of a Presidential State Owned Enterprises Council to be chaired by President Cyril Ramaphosa. The broad terms of reference is to reposition the State Owned Enterprises as effective instruments of economic development. 

The PSEC will provide political oversight and strategic management. Amongst its focus will be to strengthen the governing framework of the State Owned Enterprises and ensure that the SOE specific interventions are implemented to stabilise these companies.

The membership of PSEC will comprise of relevant Ministers; experts; labour and civil society. The names of the members of the PSEC will be announced at a later stage. The PSEC will build on work done by the Inter-Ministerial Committee – SOE that was formed in February 2015 chaired by the Deputy President. Cabinet approved the Intellectual Property (IP) Policy of the Republic of South Africa-Phase 1. The policy has incorporated inputs from the stakeholder’s submissions and representations. It responds to the National Development Plan’s (NDP) call for greater emphasis on innovation, improved productivity and more intense pursuit of a knowledge economy

The IP Policy Phase I is informed among others by the Constitution, the NDP, the National Drug Master Plan, the National Industrial Policy Framework and the various iterations of the Industrial Policy Action Plan.

It will serve as an important policy instrument in promoting innovation, technology transfer, research and development, creative expression, consumer protection, industrial development and more broadly, economic growth.

Cabinet approved the ratification of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons by Parliament. The Treaty is the culmination of humanitarian initiative on nuclear weapons launched in 2010. It is a strategic intervention in the area of nuclear disarmament and the long-standing impasse in multilateral nuclear disarmament negotiations.

The Treaty is fully aligned to South Africa’s long-standing disarmament policies, domestic legislation and international obligations.

Cabinet approved the Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material, to be tabled in Parliament.

The Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material is the only legally binding international instrument in the area of physical protection of nuclear material. The amended convention is an important milestone in international efforts to improve the physical protection of nuclear materials and facilities by setting common standards of protection.

It covers among others, the physical protection of nuclear material in domestic use, storage and transport, and the protection of nuclear materials and facilities against sabotage

Cabinet approved the co-hosting of the 10th International Conference of the Ombud’s Institutions of the Armed Forces, by the Office of the Military Ombud, which is scheduled for October 2018.

This is an annual event organised by the Centre for the Democratic Control of the Armed Forces, based in Geneva, Switzerland, and will for the first time be co-hosted in Africa.

8. Bills

8.1. Cabinet approved the Medical Schemes Amendment Bill of 2018 to be published in the Government Gazette for public comments.

The Bill amends the Medical Schemes Act 131, 1998 to align it with the National Health Insurance White Paper and the Draft National Health Insurance Fund Bill.  The Bill amongst others seeks to improve the regulation of the medical schemes industry and to also align the regulatory framework to the changes that have taken place over the past decade in the sector.

This Bill will also ensure that beneficiaries are better protected and promotes better access to private health funding.

8.2. Cabinet approved the introduction of the State Liability Amendment Bill, 2018 to Parliament. The Bill amends the State Liability Act, 1957. It provides for the settlement structure of claims against the State that came as a result of wrongful medical treatment of persons by servants of the State. This will provide for a  reduced impact  of lump sum payments on the budgets of public hospitals.

These amendments will increase the financial resources available to provincial hospitals to provide health care services.

8.3. Cabinet approved the publication of the National Climate Change Bill of 2018 for public comment. The Bill allows for the alignment of policies that influence South Africa’s climate change response. It will ensure, the country’s transition to a lower carbon and climate resilient economy.

This is an additional step in South Africa’s efforts to implement the national Climate Change Response Policy, to promote sustainable development, and to fulfill the right to an environment that is not harmful to health or wellbeing as enshrined in our Constitution.

8.4. Cabinet approved the introduction of the Criminal Procedure Amendment Bill of 2018, which amends the Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977 into Parliament.

The proposed amendment Bill will extend the list of sexual offences in respect of the prosecution and significantly it allows for the charges to be instituted even after 20 years. The amendments give effect to the South Gauteng High court judgement in the Levenstein case.

The case declared Section 18 of the Criminal Procedure Act 51, 1977 inconsistent with the Constitution and invalid to the extent that it bars, in all circumstances the right to institute a prosecution for all sexual offences, other than those listed in section 18 (f), (h) and (i) of this Act after the lapse of 20 years from the time when the offence was committed.

The amendments will allow the National Prosecuting Authority wider discretion to institute prosecutions in sexual offences in accordance with Chapter 2 of the Constitution.

9. Upcoming Events

9.1. Nelson Mandela Africa Day Centenary Lecture

President Cyril Ramaphosa will deliver the Nelson Mandela Africa Day Centenary Lecture at the Africa Renaissance Conference, on 24 May 2018 at the Inkosi Albert Luthuli International Convention Centre in Durban.

The event forms part of the yearlong centenary commemorations of the lives of our first democratic President, Tata Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela and Struggle icon Mama Albertina Nontsikelelo Sisulu, which are taking place across the continent and the globe.

9.2. Africa Day

Africa Day is held annually on 25 May across the continent to mark the founding of the then Organisation of African Unity – now known as the African Union – in 1963. It is a celebration of Africa’s diversity and a call for unity in the continent.

South Africa is celebrating Africa Day with a month-long Africa Month festival of activities that are celebratory and educational, with political and socio-economic benefits for the people of South Africa and the Continent. The theme for Africa Month is: “A Year of Nelson Mandela – Building a Better Africa and a Better World”.

10. Messages

10.1. Condolences

Cabinet expressed condolences to the family and friends of the late veteran photographer and recipient of the National Order of Ikhamanga, Mr Sam Nzima, who used his camera to expose the brutality of apartheid rule. He will be remembered for his iconic photograph of Hector Pieterson‚ on 16 June 1976, which forced the world to take notice and act against the brutal apartheid regime.

Cabinet extends its deepest sadness and condolences to the family of Dr Phillip Nchipi Tabane, who passed on after a long illness on 18 May 2018. As a founding member of the Malombo Jazzmen, he was one of South Africa’s most talented musicians.

Cabinet conveys condolences to the family and friends of Mr Sonwabo Eddie Funde who was the former South African Ambassador to Germany and Chairperson of the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC).

Cabinet is deeply saddened following the deaths of two young girls who were killed after a wall collapsed in Durban.  We extend our heartfelt condolences to their families.

10.2. Congratulations

Cabinet commends Vusumuzi Ndlovu who came seventh in the S. Pellegrino Young Chef 2018 awards that recently took place in Milan. His accomplishment has made South Africa proud.

Cabinet congratulates the newly crowned International Boxing Federation (IBF)‚ World Boxing Association (WBA) Super and the Ring Magazine junior flyweight champion Hekkie "Hexecutioner" Budler, who became the first South African to hold two major world crowns simultaneously after winning the IBF and WBA junior-flyweight titles.

11. Appointments

All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.

Ms Boitumelo Mosako as Chief Financial Officer at the Development Bank of South Africa

Non-executive directors of the Land and Agricultural Development Bank Board:

Mr Mabotha Arthur Moloto (re-appointment and Chairperson)
Ms Dudu Hlatshwayo (re-appointment and Deputy Chairperson)
Ms Susan Ann Lund (re-appointment)
Ms Matome Sydney Makgoba
Dr Steven Thomas Cornelius

South African Tourism Board:

Dr Tanya Ethel Abrahamse (re-appointment)
Mr Enver Duminy (re-appointment)
Ms Michelle Julie Constant (re-appointment)
Mr Thebeetsile Ikalafeng (re-appointment)
Mr Abba Omar Yacoob (re-appointment)
Mr Monwabisi Peter Fandeso (Chairperson)
Ms Pamela Bulelwa Yako
Ms Kathleen Elizabeth Rivett-Carnac
Ms Dawn Elizabeth Robertson
Mr Ravi Nadasen
Ms Lindiwe Sangweni-Siddo
Mr Mohamed Baba
Ms Nomzamo Bhengu (Department of Tourism representative)

Mr Dinizulu Kumalo Percival Sechemane as the Chief Executive officer of Rand Water.

Advocate (Dr) Seswantsho Godfrey Lebeya as the National Head for the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (DPCI).

Mr Goodman Ntandazo Vimba as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in the Municipal Infrastructure Support Agent at the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs.

Mr Lindokuhle Cedric Mkhumane as the Deputy Director General: Enterprise Development and Entrepreneurship at the Department of Small Business Development.

Mr Phakamani Hadebe as the Group Chief Executive (GCE) of Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd (Eskom) and ex officio member (Executive Director) of the Board.

Non-Executive Directors to the South African Express Board:

Ms Mmakeaya Magoro Tryphosa Ramano (Chairperson)
Mr Ronald Ozzy Lamola
Mr Thulani Matiki Norman Kgomo
Mrs Thandiwe January-McLean
Mr Kugan Harikrishna Thaver
Mr Bongisiwe Mpondo
Ms Hlengiwe Thandeka Makhathini
Dr Thabi Leoka
Mr Ahmed Ismail Bassa
Mr Trevor Abrahams (re-appointment)

Non-Executive Directors to the Transnet Board:

Mr Popo Molefe (Chairperson)
Ms Mpho Emily Letlape
Mr Louis Leon von Zeuner
Ms Ursula Nobulali Fikelepi
Ms Dimakatso Catherine Matshoga
Ms Ramasela Joyce Ganda
Prof Edward Christian Kieswetter
Mr Aluwani Percy Ramabulana
Dr Fholisani Sydney Mufamadi
Ms Vivien McMenamin
Advocate Oupa Motaung
Ms Gratitude Ramaphaka

Ms Phumla Williams – Acting Cabinet Spokesperson
Cell: 083 501 0139

Statement on the Cabinet Meeting of 6 June 2018

Cabinet met on Wednesday, 6 June 2018, at the Union Buildings, Pretoria.

A. Issues in the environment


Cabinet has noted the decline of 2,2% in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the first quarter of 2018. Statistics South Africa (StatsSA) released the figures this week. The agriculture, mining and manufacturing industries contributed to the decline in this first quarter. Cabinet has mandated the Economic Cluster Ministers to urgently meet to discuss the way forward with regard to these figures. 

The GDP results bring into sharp focus the need for all sectors of the country to work together to support South Africa’s local economy. Business and labour need to continue to work with government in support of initiatives such as the Nine-Point Plan to stimulate economic growth and create much-needed jobs. One of its key pillars is the Industrial Policy Action Plan (IPAP), which focuses on increasing manufacturing, employment creation and exports. Cabinet is confident that the IPAP will help grow our industrial sector and economy.

Later this year, government will host an International Investment Summit to profile South Africa as an investment destination. The aim of the event is to work towards generating R1,2 trillion in new investments over the next five years, which will have a significant impact on economic growth and employment creation.

2. Investments

Cabinet welcomes the launch of a new world-class factory that manufactures information and communications technology products in East London in the Eastern Cape on 5 June 2018 by Yekani Manufacturing, a wholly black-owned company. This R1-billion investment will create 1 000 new quality jobs in addition to the existing workforce of 450, mostly youth and women.

This investment has benefited from both the Special Economic Zone Infrastructure Incentive and the Black Industrialist Scheme (BIS).  The BIS saw the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti) approving incentive support to 103 black industrialists over the previous two financial years. Forty-eight companies were also provided with market access support, eight of which are in the Eastern Cape.

3. National Minimum Wage (NMW)

Cabinet welcomes the passing of the NMW Bill by the National Assembly. It expresses its appreciation to all stakeholders at the National Economic Development and Labour Council for their role in reaching this agreement. This begins a process towards narrowing the wage gap, especially for the low income earners. Approximately 6,4 million workers in South Africa will benefit once the Bill has been signed into law. Cabinet, however, acknowledges that more work still needs to be done to close the wage disparities that still exist in the country.

The Bill will now be sent to the National Council of Provinces for concurrence before the President signs it into law.

4. Basic services

Cabinet is pleased with the results of the Non-financial Census of Municipalities 2017 released by StatsSA. The results showed more consumers have received free basic services such as electricity, water and sanitation in 2017 as compared with 2016. Government remains committed to providing daily basic services to all its citizens, especially poor people. The most recent water-related project is the R96-million Mhlathuze Water Project in Richards Bay in KwaZulu-Natal, which will deliver running tap water to more than 6 000 households.

5. Public Service wage negotiations

Cabinet received a briefing from the Minister of Public Service and Administration on the Public Service wage negotiations. Cabinet appreciates the commitment by all stakeholders in finding an amicable solution that would benefit all role players. Cabinet reaffirms government’s commitment to fully engage with labour so as to arrive at a workable deal for all involved.

6. Social grants

Cabinet reassures beneficiaries of social grants that government will continue providing this important service, as mandated by the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996. Social grants will continue to be paid and the process to replace the old South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) card with the new one will continue until the end of September 2018.

The partnership between SASSA and the South African Post Office is yielding positive results as more beneficiaries have since May 2018 been coming forward to swap their cards.

Cabinet urges communities to ignore recent short messages directing social-grant beneficiaries to re-register for their social grants to avoid not being paid. Such misleading messages seek to create confusion amongst the poor and derail government from ensuring that social grants are seamlessly paid to beneficiaries without failure.

7. North West

Cabinet received a third progress report from the Inter-Ministerial Task Team (IMTT) on North West. Cabinet is satisfied with the progress made to operationalise the invoked Section 100(1) (a) and (b) in the North West provincial departments. It was further approved that the IMTT will onwards report to Cabinet once a month to enable the teams deployed in the province to continue with the work.

Cabinet endorsed a visit to the North West on 7 June 2018 to brief the North West Executive, Provincial Legislature and the external auditors responsible for the province.

8. Protest action

Cabinet condemns the recent violent protests around the country, and is especially saddened by the acts of violence and intimidation of patients and medical staff at the Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital. Protestors who exercise their rights to protest should do so without violating the rights of others, particularly the vulnerable. No amount of grievance justifies violence and the threatening behaviour seen in the past week.

9. Safety and security

Cabinet welcomes and supports the ‘stabilisation intervention plan’ by the South African Police Service (SAPS), which will partner with South Africans towards efforts to make our communities safer. The high-density visibility of uniformed police officers on foot and vehicles – supported by the SAPS air wing, continuous cordon and search operations, roadblocks and relentless search for wanted suspects – will go a long way in ensuring that people in our country are and feel safe.

Communities are encouraged to provide information relating to their safety to a local police station or call the toll-free Crime Stop number: 086 00 10111. Cabinet appeals to members of the public to use the Crime Stop line responsibly. An abuse of this facility may affect a legitimate emergency call that may have saved a life.

10. Youth Month

Cabinet urges all South Africans to play their part in youth-empowerment programmes and projects during Youth Month in June. This year is the centenary of Tata Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela and Mama Albertina Nontsikelelo Sisulu and Youth Month 2018 is embraced under the theme: “Live the legacy: Towards a socio-economically empowered youth”.

Inspired by their iconic legacies, young people need to be empowered to take up a more active role in developing their communities with a view to working together to develop South Africa. Government is working hard to ensure that youth are able to access the many support and educational government programmes that would enhance their participation in the economy.

11. Preliminary and mid-term exams

Cabinet calls on parents and guardians to support, within necessary means, children who are writing preliminary and mid-term examinations taking place across the country.

Cabinet warmly appreciates the vital role child caregivers play in shaping our future leaders whilst creating conducive and safe environments for our children to learn. We also encourage all learners to continue studying and striving to do their best.

Cabinet also welcomes the reopening of schools in various parts of North West, including Koster and Rustenburg. This comes after weeks of protests and disruptions in teaching and learning in the areas. Cabinet urges parents, learners and teachers to collaborate in trying to recover the lost time and fully commit to catch-up programmes.

12. Drought and fire

Cabinet reminds South Africans that the country is still experiencing drought. South Africa is one of the 30-driest countries in the world and the lower-than-normal rainfalls have worsened the situation. All people must continue partnering with government to conserve water so as to ensure there is sufficient supply for all.

As we enter the winter season, Cabinet calls on communities to take extra care to prevent shack and veld fires. Government continues to work with communities to promote safety measures at this time when many use various forms of fuel and heating to keep warm. 

13. Science and Technology

Cabinet notes astrological developments over the past weekend when astronomers working with the Catalina Sky Survey in Arizona, USA, discovered a small asteroid (2018 LA) near the orbit of the Moon, which hours later made contact with Earth.

The resultant explosion which sent waves of low-frequency sound (infrasound) rippling through the atmosphere were detected by an infrasound monitor in South Africa, which was deployed as part of the International Monitoring System of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty.

This highlights the growing capability of modern sky surveys to discover asteroids targeting Earth and South Africa’s internationally recognised capability. 

B. Cabinet decisions

14. Cabinet approved for the submission of the 2016/17 report on the performance of the Research and Development (R&D) Tax-Incentive Programme to Parliament. The incentive programme has enabled companies to diversify their R&D portfolio, generate intellectual property and create new products. The incentive programme, which was introduced in November 2006, is being implemented by the Department of Science and Technology together with the South African Revenue Service and National Treasury.

From March 2016 to February 2017, a total of 153 R&D tax-incentive applications were received from 117 companies, 58 of which were first-time applicants. The applications were for 571 R&D projects worth an estimated

R3,6 billion. Cabinet is pleased with the growth in the number of companies that invest in R&D and continues to call on business to invest more in R&D, which remains an important pillar of our efforts to grow the economy.

15. Cabinet approved the publishing of the 2016/17 survey on government funding for Scientific and Technological Activities. The survey annually monitors the performance of the science and technology sector, and its contribution to South Africa’s growth and development. Cabinet has noted the budget constraints that have resulted in slow growth in R&D expenditure across departments. 

16. Cabinet approved the reviewed Policy Framework for Accreditation of Diversion Services in South Africa. The policy framework was put in place in 2010 in line with the Child Justice Act, 2008 (Act 75 of 2008). The reviewing process seeks to ensure that diversion service providers and diversion programmes are at all times compliant with the minimum standards. Six of the chapters have been amended to improve the quality and standards of services provided to children found in conflict with the law.

17. Cabinet approved the Regional Engagement Strategy for Biosafety and its implementation. Biotechnology is recognised as an important potential driver of economic growth and a major tool in the fight against hunger and poverty, especially in developing countries.

This strategy will facilitate intra-African trade and improve the region’s competitiveness in global markets. It will improve South Africa’s collaboration and cooperation within the African region.

C. Bills

18. Cabinet approved the National Health Insurance (NHI) Bill of 2018 to be published in the Government Gazette for public comment. The Bill seeks to establish the NHI Fund of South Africa, as a public entity, so as to provide for a sustained universal health access that is affordable and of high quality. It also sets out its functions, powers and duties.

The Bill provides a framework for the active purchasing of healthcare services by the fund on behalf of users and creates mechanisms for the equitable, effective and efficient use of the resources of the fund to meet the health needs of users. The Minister of Health will next week hold a full media briefing to unpack this Bill.

19. Cabinet approved for the introduction of the Science and Technology Laws Amendment Bill of 2017 to Parliament. The Bill harmonizes the provisions which regulate the operations and governance of the public entities that report to the Minister of Science and Technology. This will ensure consistency in all requirements to be met and processes to be followed.

D. Upcoming events

20. Group of Seven (G7) Summit

Cabinet welcomes South Africa’s invitation to attend the upcoming G7 Summit in Canada. South Africa participated in the summit seven years ago and this invitation is an indication of renewed confidence in the South African economy.

Our government will seek to use the opportunity to invite investors to inject capital into our economy. Investment is necessary for economic growth and job creation on a scale that will significantly reduce current levels of unemployment.

21. South Africa-India 125 Years Anniversary Event

As part of the Nelson Mandela and Albertina Sisulu centenary celebrations, Cabinet welcomes the commemoration on 7 June 2018 of Mahatma Gandhi’s removal from a train at Pietermaritzburg Station 125 years ago. This event spurred Gandhi’s philosophy of Satyagraha (truth-force), which had a significant influence on our political leadership and contributed to our liberation struggle.

22. Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic State Visit

President Cyril Ramaphosa hosted his Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic counterpart, Brahim Ghali, on 4 June 2018 during a State Visit to the country.

Cabinet expresses its solidarity with the people of Saharawi in their fight for independence and calls on the international community to provide the necessary support to the people of Saharawi.

E. Messages

23. Condolences

23.1. Cabinet joins President Ramaphosa in sending heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of the five boys who died in a blaze at the Masiya informal settlement in Philippi, Cape Town.

The fire also displaced 30 residents of the informal settlement. Government is working hard to ensure that there is housing, security and comfort for all South Africans.

24. Congratulations

24.1. Cabinet wishes African National Congress veteran Baba Andrew Mokete Mlangeni a happy belated birthday. Baba Mlangeni celebrated his 93rd birthday on Wednesday, 6 June 2018. He was among the first to be sent for military training outside South Africa and after being arrested on his return, he was found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment on Robben Island.

24.2. Cabinet congratulates Proteas fast bowler Kagiso “KG” Rabada, who stole the show at the Cricket South Africa Awards held recently in Sandton, Gauteng.  He was recognised with six awards, including the Cricketer and Players’ Player of the Year awards. It has been a remarkable year for young Rabada who among other achievements, rose to the No 1 bowling ranking in the world in Test match cricket. He is currently the leading wicket-taker for 2018 and also ranked No 7 in One Day International cricket.

24.3. Cabinet welcomes the appointment of Siya Kolisi as the first black captain of the Springbok team for the three match test series against England. We are confident that he will do South Africa proud as our captain, and will inspire others by his actions and leadership on and off the field of play.

24.4. Cabinet welcomes the appointment of Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene as Chairperson of the New Development Bank (NDB) Board of Governors. The NDB is a multilateral development bank established by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) in 2014. It is mandated to mobilise resources for infrastructure and sustainable development projects in BRICS and other emerging economies and developing countries, complementing the efforts of multilateral and regional financial institutions for global growth and development.

F. Appointments

All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.

25. Reappointment of Mr Ebrahim Mohamed as the Commissioner of the National Consumer Commission.

26.  Board of the South African National Accreditation System:

a.  Ms Fezile Flip Wetes;

b.  Mr Lulama Lloyd Mayedwa;

c. Mr Tom Tshitangano;

d. Mr Samuel Mlangeni;

e.  Ms Lerato Herriette Mothae;

f.  Dr Matshwenyego Sarah Mohlala;

g. Ms Patricia Lindi Tlou; and

h. Ms Anna-Marie Lotter (reappointment as the dti representative).

27.  National Metrology Institute of South Africa (NMISA):

a. Mr Ndwakhulu Samuel Mukhufhi (reappointment as Chief Executive Officer).

28.  Non-executive members of the NMISA Board:

b.  Mr Molelekoa Petrus Mohlomi;

c. Mr Odirile Welcome Dingoko;

d. Ms Bavelile Gloria Hlongwa;

e. Ms Nobom Gcinashe Mfabana;

f. Ms Lindie Lankalebalelo;

g. Ms Jabu Vuyiswa Mogadime (reappointment); and

h. Dr Tshengedzeni Demana (the dti representative).

29. Reappointment of Mr Rakesh Garach as Non-Executive Chairperson of the National Empowerment Fund Board of Trustees.

30. South African Special Risk Insurance Association Board:

a. Mr Norman Tinyiko Baloyi (Non-Executive Director and Chairperson);

b. Ms Priscilla Onkgodisitse Mokonyane (Non-Executive Director and Deputy Chairperson);

c. Ms Bajabulile Luthuli (Executive Director); and

d. Mr Christiaan Johannes van Dyk (Non-Executive Director).

Ms Phumla Williams – Acting Cabinet Spokesperson
Cell: 083 501 0139

Statement on the Cabinet Meeting of 6 June 2018

Cabinet met on Wednesday, 6 June 2018, at the Union Buildings, Pretoria.

A. Issues in the environment


Cabinet has noted the decline of 2,2% in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the first quarter of 2018. Statistics South Africa (StatsSA) released the figures this week. The agriculture, mining and manufacturing industries contributed to the decline in this first quarter. Cabinet has mandated the Economic Cluster Ministers to urgently meet to discuss the way forward with regard to these figures. 

The GDP results bring into sharp focus the need for all sectors of the country to work together to support South Africa’s local economy. Business and labour need to continue to work with government in support of initiatives such as the Nine-Point Plan to stimulate economic growth and create much-needed jobs. One of its key pillars is the Industrial Policy Action Plan (IPAP), which focuses on increasing manufacturing, employment creation and exports. Cabinet is confident that the IPAP will help grow our industrial sector and economy.

Later this year, government will host an International Investment Summit to profile South Africa as an investment destination. The aim of the event is to work towards generating R1,2 trillion in new investments over the next five years, which will have a significant impact on economic growth and employment creation.

2. Investments

Cabinet welcomes the launch of a new world-class factory that manufactures information and communications technology products in East London in the Eastern Cape on 5 June 2018 by Yekani Manufacturing, a wholly black-owned company. This R1-billion investment will create 1 000 new quality jobs in addition to the existing workforce of 450, mostly youth and women.

This investment has benefited from both the Special Economic Zone Infrastructure Incentive and the Black Industrialist Scheme (BIS).  The BIS saw the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti) approving incentive support to 103 black industrialists over the previous two financial years. Forty-eight companies were also provided with market access support, eight of which are in the Eastern Cape.

3. National Minimum Wage (NMW)

Cabinet welcomes the passing of the NMW Bill by the National Assembly. It expresses its appreciation to all stakeholders at the National Economic Development and Labour Council for their role in reaching this agreement. This begins a process towards narrowing the wage gap, especially for the low income earners. Approximately 6,4 million workers in South Africa will benefit once the Bill has been signed into law. Cabinet, however, acknowledges that more work still needs to be done to close the wage disparities that still exist in the country.

The Bill will now be sent to the National Council of Provinces for concurrence before the President signs it into law.

4. Basic services

Cabinet is pleased with the results of the Non-financial Census of Municipalities 2017 released by StatsSA. The results showed more consumers have received free basic services such as electricity, water and sanitation in 2017 as compared with 2016. Government remains committed to providing daily basic services to all its citizens, especially poor people. The most recent water-related project is the R96-million Mhlathuze Water Project in Richards Bay in KwaZulu-Natal, which will deliver running tap water to more than 6 000 households.

5. Public Service wage negotiations

Cabinet received a briefing from the Minister of Public Service and Administration on the Public Service wage negotiations. Cabinet appreciates the commitment by all stakeholders in finding an amicable solution that would benefit all role players. Cabinet reaffirms government’s commitment to fully engage with labour so as to arrive at a workable deal for all involved.

6. Social grants

Cabinet reassures beneficiaries of social grants that government will continue providing this important service, as mandated by the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996. Social grants will continue to be paid and the process to replace the old South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) card with the new one will continue until the end of September 2018.

The partnership between SASSA and the South African Post Office is yielding positive results as more beneficiaries have since May 2018 been coming forward to swap their cards.

Cabinet urges communities to ignore recent short messages directing social-grant beneficiaries to re-register for their social grants to avoid not being paid. Such misleading messages seek to create confusion amongst the poor and derail government from ensuring that social grants are seamlessly paid to beneficiaries without failure.

7. North West

Cabinet received a third progress report from the Inter-Ministerial Task Team (IMTT) on North West. Cabinet is satisfied with the progress made to operationalise the invoked Section 100(1) (a) and (b) in the North West provincial departments. It was further approved that the IMTT will onwards report to Cabinet once a month to enable the teams deployed in the province to continue with the work.

Cabinet endorsed a visit to the North West on 7 June 2018 to brief the North West Executive, Provincial Legislature and the external auditors responsible for the province.

8. Protest action

Cabinet condemns the recent violent protests around the country, and is especially saddened by the acts of violence and intimidation of patients and medical staff at the Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital. Protestors who exercise their rights to protest should do so without violating the rights of others, particularly the vulnerable. No amount of grievance justifies violence and the threatening behaviour seen in the past week.

9. Safety and security

Cabinet welcomes and supports the ‘stabilisation intervention plan’ by the South African Police Service (SAPS), which will partner with South Africans towards efforts to make our communities safer. The high-density visibility of uniformed police officers on foot and vehicles – supported by the SAPS air wing, continuous cordon and search operations, roadblocks and relentless search for wanted suspects – will go a long way in ensuring that people in our country are and feel safe.

Communities are encouraged to provide information relating to their safety to a local police station or call the toll-free Crime Stop number: 086 00 10111. Cabinet appeals to members of the public to use the Crime Stop line responsibly. An abuse of this facility may affect a legitimate emergency call that may have saved a life.

10. Youth Month

Cabinet urges all South Africans to play their part in youth-empowerment programmes and projects during Youth Month in June. This year is the centenary of Tata Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela and Mama Albertina Nontsikelelo Sisulu and Youth Month 2018 is embraced under the theme: “Live the legacy: Towards a socio-economically empowered youth”.

Inspired by their iconic legacies, young people need to be empowered to take up a more active role in developing their communities with a view to working together to develop South Africa. Government is working hard to ensure that youth are able to access the many support and educational government programmes that would enhance their participation in the economy.

11. Preliminary and mid-term exams

Cabinet calls on parents and guardians to support, within necessary means, children who are writing preliminary and mid-term examinations taking place across the country.

Cabinet warmly appreciates the vital role child caregivers play in shaping our future leaders whilst creating conducive and safe environments for our children to learn. We also encourage all learners to continue studying and striving to do their best.

Cabinet also welcomes the reopening of schools in various parts of North West, including Koster and Rustenburg. This comes after weeks of protests and disruptions in teaching and learning in the areas. Cabinet urges parents, learners and teachers to collaborate in trying to recover the lost time and fully commit to catch-up programmes.

12. Drought and fire

Cabinet reminds South Africans that the country is still experiencing drought. South Africa is one of the 30-driest countries in the world and the lower-than-normal rainfalls have worsened the situation. All people must continue partnering with government to conserve water so as to ensure there is sufficient supply for all.

As we enter the winter season, Cabinet calls on communities to take extra care to prevent shack and veld fires. Government continues to work with communities to promote safety measures at this time when many use various forms of fuel and heating to keep warm. 

13. Science and Technology

Cabinet notes astrological developments over the past weekend when astronomers working with the Catalina Sky Survey in Arizona, USA, discovered a small asteroid (2018 LA) near the orbit of the Moon, which hours later made contact with Earth.

The resultant explosion which sent waves of low-frequency sound (infrasound) rippling through the atmosphere were detected by an infrasound monitor in South Africa, which was deployed as part of the International Monitoring System of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty.

This highlights the growing capability of modern sky surveys to discover asteroids targeting Earth and South Africa’s internationally recognised capability. 

B. Cabinet decisions

14. Cabinet approved for the submission of the 2016/17 report on the performance of the Research and Development (R&D) Tax-Incentive Programme to Parliament. The incentive programme has enabled companies to diversify their R&D portfolio, generate intellectual property and create new products. The incentive programme, which was introduced in November 2006, is being implemented by the Department of Science and Technology together with the South African Revenue Service and National Treasury.

From March 2016 to February 2017, a total of 153 R&D tax-incentive applications were received from 117 companies, 58 of which were first-time applicants. The applications were for 571 R&D projects worth an estimated

R3,6 billion. Cabinet is pleased with the growth in the number of companies that invest in R&D and continues to call on business to invest more in R&D, which remains an important pillar of our efforts to grow the economy.

15. Cabinet approved the publishing of the 2016/17 survey on government funding for Scientific and Technological Activities. The survey annually monitors the performance of the science and technology sector, and its contribution to South Africa’s growth and development. Cabinet has noted the budget constraints that have resulted in slow growth in R&D expenditure across departments. 

16. Cabinet approved the reviewed Policy Framework for Accreditation of Diversion Services in South Africa. The policy framework was put in place in 2010 in line with the Child Justice Act, 2008 (Act 75 of 2008). The reviewing process seeks to ensure that diversion service providers and diversion programmes are at all times compliant with the minimum standards. Six of the chapters have been amended to improve the quality and standards of services provided to children found in conflict with the law.

17. Cabinet approved the Regional Engagement Strategy for Biosafety and its implementation. Biotechnology is recognised as an important potential driver of economic growth and a major tool in the fight against hunger and poverty, especially in developing countries.

This strategy will facilitate intra-African trade and improve the region’s competitiveness in global markets. It will improve South Africa’s collaboration and cooperation within the African region.

C. Bills

18. Cabinet approved the National Health Insurance (NHI) Bill of 2018 to be published in the Government Gazette for public comment. The Bill seeks to establish the NHI Fund of South Africa, as a public entity, so as to provide for a sustained universal health access that is affordable and of high quality. It also sets out its functions, powers and duties.

The Bill provides a framework for the active purchasing of healthcare services by the fund on behalf of users and creates mechanisms for the equitable, effective and efficient use of the resources of the fund to meet the health needs of users. The Minister of Health will next week hold a full media briefing to unpack this Bill.

19. Cabinet approved for the introduction of the Science and Technology Laws Amendment Bill of 2017 to Parliament. The Bill harmonizes the provisions which regulate the operations and governance of the public entities that report to the Minister of Science and Technology. This will ensure consistency in all requirements to be met and processes to be followed.

D. Upcoming events

20. Group of Seven (G7) Summit

Cabinet welcomes South Africa’s invitation to attend the upcoming G7 Summit in Canada. South Africa participated in the summit seven years ago and this invitation is an indication of renewed confidence in the South African economy.

Our government will seek to use the opportunity to invite investors to inject capital into our economy. Investment is necessary for economic growth and job creation on a scale that will significantly reduce current levels of unemployment.

21. South Africa-India 125 Years Anniversary Event

As part of the Nelson Mandela and Albertina Sisulu centenary celebrations, Cabinet welcomes the commemoration on 7 June 2018 of Mahatma Gandhi’s removal from a train at Pietermaritzburg Station 125 years ago. This event spurred Gandhi’s philosophy of Satyagraha (truth-force), which had a significant influence on our political leadership and contributed to our liberation struggle.

22. Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic State Visit

President Cyril Ramaphosa hosted his Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic counterpart, Brahim Ghali, on 4 June 2018 during a State Visit to the country.

Cabinet expresses its solidarity with the people of Saharawi in their fight for independence and calls on the international community to provide the necessary support to the people of Saharawi.

E. Messages

23. Condolences

23.1. Cabinet joins President Ramaphosa in sending heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of the five boys who died in a blaze at the Masiya informal settlement in Philippi, Cape Town.

The fire also displaced 30 residents of the informal settlement. Government is working hard to ensure that there is housing, security and comfort for all South Africans.

24. Congratulations

24.1. Cabinet wishes African National Congress veteran Baba Andrew Mokete Mlangeni a happy belated birthday. Baba Mlangeni celebrated his 93rd birthday on Wednesday, 6 June 2018. He was among the first to be sent for military training outside South Africa and after being arrested on his return, he was found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment on Robben Island.

24.2. Cabinet congratulates Proteas fast bowler Kagiso “KG” Rabada, who stole the show at the Cricket South Africa Awards held recently in Sandton, Gauteng.  He was recognised with six awards, including the Cricketer and Players’ Player of the Year awards. It has been a remarkable year for young Rabada who among other achievements, rose to the No 1 bowling ranking in the world in Test match cricket. He is currently the leading wicket-taker for 2018 and also ranked No 7 in One Day International cricket.

24.3. Cabinet welcomes the appointment of Siya Kolisi as the first black captain of the Springbok team for the three match test series against England. We are confident that he will do South Africa proud as our captain, and will inspire others by his actions and leadership on and off the field of play.

24.4. Cabinet welcomes the appointment of Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene as Chairperson of the New Development Bank (NDB) Board of Governors. The NDB is a multilateral development bank established by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) in 2014. It is mandated to mobilise resources for infrastructure and sustainable development projects in BRICS and other emerging economies and developing countries, complementing the efforts of multilateral and regional financial institutions for global growth and development.

F. Appointments

All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.

25. Reappointment of Mr Ebrahim Mohamed as the Commissioner of the National Consumer Commission.

26.  Board of the South African National Accreditation System:

a.  Ms Fezile Flip Wetes;

b.  Mr Lulama Lloyd Mayedwa;

c. Mr Tom Tshitangano;

d. Mr Samuel Mlangeni;

e.  Ms Lerato Herriette Mothae;

f.  Dr Matshwenyego Sarah Mohlala;

g. Ms Patricia Lindi Tlou; and

h. Ms Anna-Marie Lotter (reappointment as the dti representative).

27.  National Metrology Institute of South Africa (NMISA):

a. Mr Ndwakhulu Samuel Mukhufhi (reappointment as Chief Executive Officer).

28.  Non-executive members of the NMISA Board:

b.  Mr Molelekoa Petrus Mohlomi;

c. Mr Odirile Welcome Dingoko;

d. Ms Bavelile Gloria Hlongwa;

e. Ms Nobom Gcinashe Mfabana;

f. Ms Lindie Lankalebalelo;

g. Ms Jabu Vuyiswa Mogadime (reappointment); and

h. Dr Tshengedzeni Demana (the dti representative).

29. Reappointment of Mr Rakesh Garach as Non-Executive Chairperson of the National Empowerment Fund Board of Trustees.

30. South African Special Risk Insurance Association Board:

a. Mr Norman Tinyiko Baloyi (Non-Executive Director and Chairperson);

b. Ms Priscilla Onkgodisitse Mokonyane (Non-Executive Director and Deputy Chairperson);

c. Ms Bajabulile Luthuli (Executive Director); and

d. Mr Christiaan Johannes van Dyk (Non-Executive Director).

Ms Phumla Williams – Acting Cabinet Spokesperson
Cell: 083 501 0139

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