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Statement on the Special Cabinet Meeting of 12 and 13 May 2020

A Special Cabinet Meeting was held on a virtual platform on 12 and 13 May 2020. Cabinet was apprised through the National Coronavirus Command Council on progress achieved and challenges experienced in the implementation of Level 4 of the Risk-Adjusted Approach towards reducing the spread of COVID-19.
Cabinet welcomed the generally positive response from the public and business in adhering to the approved Level 4 restrictions and guidelines. This level enabled an estimated 1,5 million South Africans to return to work and to much-needed economic activity.
This return was accompanied by requirements on employers to implement COVID-19-specific health protocols that are directed at protecting employees, customers and the broader community.
Cabinet also commended the nation on its overwhelming adherence to the requirement that masks be worn in public places at all times.
Cabinet was updated on the substantial progress achieved by the Department of Health in working with provinces to ensure that all parts of the country are able to intensify screening, testing, treatment and contact tracing as the pandemic develops.
Cabinet also welcomed progress reported on the rollout of the multifaceted economic and social support and relief programmes that have assisted enterprises and vulnerable citizens since the start of the national lockdown.
Cabinet expressed its understanding for challenges and frustrations experienced by the public and businesses due to a lack of clarity in some of the Level 4 regulations, which gave rise to inconsistent interpretation and enforcement.
Cabinet committed that regulations would be reviewed to provide the necessary clarity and enable improved compliance.
Cabinet further noted variations in infection rates between different metropolitan and district municipalities. It is this differentiation that informed Cabinet to embark on a differentiated level approach as a response to COVID-19.
Having appreciated the progress made towards levelling the pandemic curve and capacitating the public health system to deal with an increase in infections, Cabinet approved the further easing of restrictions.
Ministers will initiate and finalise broad-ranging consultations within government, key sectors of the economy and with civil society. This will lead to the general relaxing of the lockdown restrictions from Level 4 towards Level 3 and others.
This will ease pressure on the economy and facilitate greater movement of people while maintaining vigilance against the disease and enforcing health safety measures. The key imperative that drives Cabinet’s response to COVID-19 is to decrease infections and save lives.
All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.
1. Mr Mulima Godfrey Mashamba as the Deputy Director-General (DDG): Evaluation, Evidence and Knowledge Systems at the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation.
2. Dr Cynthia Ntombifuthi Khumalo as the DDG: Arts, Culture Promotion and Development at the Department of Sports, Arts and Culture.
3. Extension of employment contract of Mr Nkhumeleni Victor Tharage as the Director-General (DG) at the Department of Tourism.
4. Dr Sabelo Siyabonga Buthelezi as the DG at the Department of Health.  
Enquiries: Ms Phumla Williams – Cabinet Spokesperson
Mobile: 083 501 0139

Statement on the Virtual Cabinet Meeting held on Wednesday, 27 May 2020

1.  Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in South Africa

1.1.  Cabinet was briefed on the outcome of consultations undertaken by President Cyril Ramaphosa with various civil-society organisations, to ensure that the country’s progression from Level 4 to Level 3 of the national lockdown has the support and inputs of all social partners.

1.2. Accompanied by various Ministers, he met with community, labour and business sectors, South African Council of Churches; leadership of interfaith communities; Mayors; Premiers; South African Local Government Association, traditional leadership and political parties represented in Parliament.

1.3.  Cabinet welcomed the outcome of these consultations, which were broadly constructive and enriched planning for the gradual easing of restrictions to Level 3 which kicks in on the 1st June 2020. This level will entail a further broadening of economic activity and the removal of restrictions on the movement of people. It will also enable about eight million South Africans to return to work.

1.4. Special attention will be given to ‘hotspot’ areas which have increased rates of coronavirus infections. Provincial health departments will roll out dedicated health interventions in those hotspot areas in the form of intensified screening, testing, and quarantine and prevention measures. 
1.5. Cabinet reiterated its support for the inclusive consultations undertaken by President Ramaphosa since the start of the national state of disaster on 15 March 2020. These consultations have made it possible for all sectors of society to play a role in the fight against the Covid19 pandemic, saving of lives and protecting livelihoods.

1.6. The operational and technical management of COVID-19 interventions is driven by the National Joint Operational and Intelligence Structure (NATJOINTS) and the Department of Health. NATJOINTS is a multidisciplinary coordinating structure of government that is activated to manage large projects. 

1.7. The COVID-19 NATJOINTS is built on work streams that comprise scientists; health specialists; engineers; representatives of the National Disaster Management centres; legal advisors; leadership of the country’s security and law-enforcement agencies, and teams from departments that make up the economic and social clusters of the Forum of South African Directors-General.

1.8. NATJOINTS receives reports from different departments and submits proposals to Directors-General (DGs) to develop recommendations that are presented to the National Coronavirus Command Council (NCCC).

1.9. The NCCC deliberates DGs’ recommendations and also makes its own recommendations to Cabinet where proposals, including regulations, are approved. This process ensures that the Executive takes collective decisions that are consensual and inclusive. Therefore, Cabinet condemns in the strongest possible terms false suggestions that individual members of the Executive are responsible for recommendations that emanate from the NCCC or decisions taken by Cabinet.

1.10. Cabinet appeals for the unity in action by all sectors of society against a common and dangerous enemy, the COVID-19 pandemic.

1.11. Cabinet thanks all South Africans for their continuing sacrifice and understanding during the purposeful lockdown period. President Ramaphosa’s declaration of the national state of disaster in terms of the Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act 57 of 2002) immensely contributed to saving lives. 

1.12. The drastic containment measures resulted in significantly slowing and reduction of the infectious trajectory. The lockdown gave South Africa the time and space to put measures in place in the public and private health sectors to deal with an inevitable increase in infections.

1.13. Cabinet continues to appeal to all South Africans to take greater personal responsibility to protect themselves and others to reduce the spread of the virus.

1.14.  Ministers across a range of portfolios will unpack the details in media briefings that will be conducted today, Thursday 28 May and tomorrow, Friday 29 May 2020.

Cabinet Decisions

2.  Hosting of Deep Space Ground Station

2.1. Cabinet approved that the South African National Space Agency (SANSA) enter into a partnership with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to host a Deep Space Ground Station. The station, which will be based in Matjiesfontein in the Western Cape, will support human spaceflight missions to the Moon, Mars and beyond.  

2.2. It will be integrated into an existing network of three sites in the United States of America, Spain and Australia. As the fourth site, it will complement the other three sites and provide improved coverage and redundancy for critical mission support. SANSA will operate, maintain and manage the station.

2.3. The station will benefit South Africa in, amongst others, the development of scarce skills and the growth of the science, engineering, technology and innovation sector. It will also provide opportunities to feed the knowledge economy, and increase the national research output in space science and technology. 

3. Draft White Paper on Fire Services

3.1. Cabinet approved the Draft White Paper on Fire Services. The White Paper outlines key policy proposals that will form the basis of the fire services legislation that will replace the current Fire Brigade Services Act, 1987 (Act 99 of 1987).  
3.2. It outlines the roles and responsibilities of both the national and provincial spheres of government in supporting municipalities. To ensure that this service is constantly aligned to the modern ways of managing fire disasters, it proposes research and data collection capacity. 
3.3. In general, it also seeks to align it with other legislations passed post 1994 and which relate to local government. A wide consultation with all the relevant stakeholders and general public has been undertaken.

4.  Executive functions during Level 3

4.1. Cabinet approved that under Level 3, which starts from Monday, 1 June 2020, it would adopt a blended approach which includes both physical and virtual Cabinet meetings.

4.2 Cabinet also approved the monitoring teams comprising Ministers and Deputy Ministers. They have been allocated to each of the 52 districts and metros to monitor the measures that have been put in place to combat the spread of COVID-19.


All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.
1. Council for Mineral Technology (MINTEK) Board: 
Dr Vanguard Mbuyiseli Mkosana (Chairperson);
Ms Ntokozo Faith Ngcwabe – Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE);
Mr Rantsadi Andries Moatshe (Alternate);
Dr Maropeng Walter Ngobeni;
Prof Lindiwe Zungu;
Mr Philippus Rudolf Heydenrich;
Ms Pontsho Maruping;
Mr Harold Motaung;
Ms Phydelis Ntombifuthi Zikalala-Mvelase;
Ms Margaret Mosibudi Phiri;
Mr Lefadi Lucas Makibinyane; and
Dr M Motuku.

2.    Council for Geoscience Board:
Dr Humphrey Lawrence Mbendeni Mathe (Chairperson);
Mr Andries Moatshe (DMRE);
Dr Thuli Khumalo (Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries);
Mr Sanelo Malaza (alternate);
Ms Rosalind Mdubeki (Department of Rural Development and Land Reform);
Ms Pontsho Tsotetsi (alternate);
Ms Deborah Mochothli (Department of Water and Sanitation);
Mr Paul Nel (alternate);
Dr Jennifer Mirembe;
Mr Smunda Mokoena;
Mr Xolisa Mvinjelwa (mining sector);
Adv Ntika Maake;
Ms Adila Chowan (commerce sector);
Mr B Gerryts (Department of Science and Innovation);
Ms Lebogang Madiba (National Treasury); and
Mr Moses Mabuza – Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

3. Non-executive directors to the Ports Regulator of South Africa Board: 
Mr Zolani Kgosietsile Matthews (Chairperson);
Ms Siphokazi Matolengwe;
Mr Asraf Mohamed Adam;
Ms Leanda-Marsha Vilakazi;
Ms Kenosi Selane; 
Mr Zola Fihlani;
Dr Tshisikawe Victor Munyama; and
Ms Zandile Kabini.

4. Mr Abel Moffat SithoIe as CEO of the Public Investment Corporation. 
5. Ms Phumla Williams as DG of the Government Communication and Information System (GCIS).

Enquiries: Ms Phumla Williams – Cabinet Spokesperson 
Mobile: 083 501 0139

Statement on the Cabinet Meeting of 4 June 2020

Statement on the Virtual Cabinet Meeting held on Thursday, 4 June 2020

1. North High Court Judgment of Tuesday, 2 June 2020

1.1. A special virtual Cabinet meeting was held today, Thursday, 4 June 2020, to discuss developments in South Africa’s efforts to save lives and protect livelihoods amid the COVID-19 pandemic. As part of this discussion, Cabinet reflected on the North Gauteng High Court judgment delivered by Justice Norman Davis on Tuesday, 2 June 2020, which declared the COVID-19 lockdown regulations in levels 3 and 4 unconstitutional and invalid.

1.2. After obtaining legal advice and listening to numerous comments made by members of the legal fraternity in reaction to the judgement, we are of the view that another court might come to a different conclusion on the matter.

1.3. Cabinet has therefore decided to appeal the North Gauteng High court decision.

1.4. Government will ask that its appeal be heard on an urgent basis so that it can obtain certainty on the regulations. The Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma will be joined in this appeal by President Cyril Ramaphosa and the Minister of Health, Dr Zweli Mkhize.

1.5. Cabinet wishes to assure the nation that all interventions introduced since the declaration of a state of national disaster in March 2020 by President Cyril Ramaphosa have been directed primarily at saving lives.

1.6. In implementing these interventions, government has consistently consulted all sectors of society, as the fight against COVID-19 is a national effort that requires unity in action between Government and all South Africans.

1.7. While government appeals the court judgment, current regulations remain in force and we appeal and urge all our people to observe all the health protocols that have been put in place including washing of hands, social distancing, wearing of masks in public as well as screening and referral for testing where necessary.

2. Extension of the National State of Disaster

2.1. Cabinet approved the extension of the National State of Disaster by another month from the 15th June to 15 July 2020. The law allows for the National State of Disaster to last  for 90 days which necessitates the extension.

3. Western Cape COVID-19 infections

3.1. Cabinet remains concerned about the intensity and increase of COVID-19 infections in the Western Cape. To this effect, President Ramaphosa will undertake a visit to the province on Friday, 5 June 2020, to discuss the situation with Premier Alan Winde and the provincial executive, and to assess the province’s readiness for continued management of the pandemic.   

3.2. President Ramaphosa will be accompanied by the Health Minister Dr Zweli Mkhize; Defence Minister Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula; Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga; Police Minister Bheki Cele; Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation Minister Lindiwe Sisulu; and Public Works and Infrastructure Minister Patricia de Lille.

4. Child Protection Week

4.1. Cabinet reminds the public that this week is Child Protection Week which started this past Sunday, 31 May and ends this coming Sunday, 7 June 2020. Child Protection Week seeks to elevate issues of the protection of children throughout the year. This year’s theme is: “Let Us All Protect Children, During COVID-19 and Beyond”.

5. Water shortage

5.1. Cabinet has noted the recent drop in dam levels, particularly in the Western Cape. As a water-scarce country, the dam levels have a negative impact on our water needs. Cabinet therefore makes an appeal to all of us to use water sparingly.

Enquiries: Ms Phumla Williams – Cabinet Spokesperson
Cell: 083 501 0139

Statement on the Virtual Cabinet Meeting held on Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Statement on the Virtual Cabinet Meeting held on Wednesday, 10 June 2020

1. Update on Coronavirus (COVID-19)

1.1. At its virtual meeting held on Wednesday, 10 June 2020, Cabinet received an updated report from the National Coronavirus Command Council (NCCC). The NCCC tabled a number of recommendations pertaining to the enhanced risk adjusted Alert Level 3 of the national lockdown.

The recommendations are based on submissions made by various sectors and deliberations by the National Joint Operational and Intelligence Structure.

1.2. However, Cabinet decided to defer approval of the recommendations pending a full health assessment report from the Ministerial Health Advisory Committee on COVID-19. The NCCC is expected to receive the full presentation by early next week.

1.3. Cabinet once again appeal to and urge all South Africans to adhere and voluntarily comply with measures put in place to combat the spread of COVID-19. The measures include regular washing of hands, social distancing and wearing of masks when in public.

2. National Petroleum Company

2.1. Cabinet was briefed on the ongoing work to rationalize all petroleum (oil and gas) subsidiaries of the state owned diversified energy company, Central Energy Fund.

2.2. The rationalization will result in three subsidiaries (PetroSA, Strategic Fuel Fund and iGas) merged into one single National Petroleum Company. This gives effect to the announcement made by President Cyril Ramaphosa in his State of the Nation Address on 13 February 2020, to repurpose and rationalize a number of state-owned enterprises to support growth and development.

2.3. Cabinet approved the proposed appointment of a professional restructuring company that specializes in mergers to investigate the most viable model of this single National Petroleum Company.

3. Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Policy Framework in Post-School Education and Training System

3.1. Cabinet approved the GBV Policy Framework in Post-School Education and Training System. The policy framework seeks to respond to the increased number of GBV-related cases at institutions of higher learning.

3.2. The policy framework provides guidance on structures, mechanisms and processes that institutions of higher learning must put in place to prevent incidents of GBV in their campuses. In addition to providing oversight structures, it also compels such institutions to create awareness on their GBV policies. 

4. Feasibility Study Report on the Resistance and Liberation Movement Museum (RLMM)

4.1. Cabinet approved the Feasibility Study Report on the establishment of the RLMM. The museum will contribute towards conserving the history of the resistance and liberation struggle in South Africa.

4.2. The study, which Cabinet approved in 2015, was commissioned within the context of the Resistance and Liberation Heritage Route (RLHR) Project. The RLHR contributes towards the development and transformation of the South African heritage landscape.

4.3. Once completed, the museum will conserve a series of heritage elements (tangible and intangible) and provide common narrative, memory and experiences relating to the liberation struggle in South Africa.

5. National Khoi and San Heritage Route

5.1. Cabinet approved the implementation of the National Khoi and San Heritage Route, which is a national legacy project. The route will identify, highlight, conserve and promote the heritage of the Khoi, Nama, Griekwa, Khorana and San. This project contributes towards the acknowledgement of the previously neglected and marginalized South African history.

5.2. It also gives effect to the Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Act, 2019 (Act 3 of 2019), which legislate for the recognition of the Khoi and San traditional leaders.

6. Designs of 2021 and 2022 commemorative coins

6.1. Cabinet approved the designs of the 2021 and 2022 commemorative circulation coins which are issued by the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) and the South African Mint Company.

6.2. The R5 commemorative circulation coin and the R5 sterling-silver, gold plated collectors’ coin will be issued in 2021 to celebrate the Centenary of the SARB. The fourth Decimal Coin Series of South Africa, which will be issued in 2022 will consist of 10 cent, 20 cent, 50 cent, R1, R2 and R5 coin.


1. Financial Sector Laws Amendment Bill of 2020

1.1. Cabinet approved the submission of the Financial Sector Laws Amendment Bill of 2020 to Parliament. The Bill proposes to designate the SARB as the Resolution Authority, and enhances the SARB’s regulatory tools for discharging its statutory mandate of ensuring stability of the financial system.

1.2. The Bill proposes a new framework to resolve financial institutions, primarily banks, when they enter a period of financial distress. It also introduces South Africa’s first comprehensive deposit insurance scheme that will ensure that depositors are paid their funds when a bank fails.

1.3. Such a scheme will protect the vulnerable depositors and ensure minimal disruptions to the financial system and broader economy when such institutions enter into financial distress.


Ms Sekgothadi Kabelo as Non-Executive Director of the Ports Regulator of South Africa Board.

Enquiries: Ms Phumla Williams – Cabinet Spokesperson 
Mobile: 083 501 0139

Statement on the Virtual Cabinet Meeting of 24 June 2020

1. South African Airways (SAA) Business Rescue Plan

1.1. Cabinet received a progress report on the SAA business rescue process from the IMC on the SAA, chaired by the Public Enterprises Minister Mr Pravin Gordhan.

1.2. Cabinet maintains that a positive vote from creditors to finalize the business rescue process is still the most viable and expeditious option, for the national carrier to restructure its affairs which include its business, its debt and other liabilities. Cabinet believes a restructured airline will pursue the transformational agenda such as the lack of opportunities for the advancement of black pilots after 26 years into our democracy.  

1.3. It supports the proposal for a new airline and the concerted effort to mobilise   funding from various sources, including from potential equity partners for the uptake of the new airline.  This is the only realistic pathway from which a new viable, sustainable, competitive airline that can provide an integrated domestic, regional and international services.

2. Economy

2.1. Cabinet welcomes the 2020/21 supplementary adjustments budget delivered by Finance Minister Tito Mboweni on Wednesday, 24 June 2020. This was necessitated by the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic and the resultant economic downturn. The Supplementary Budget sets out a roadmap to stabilize debt by improving our spending patterns and creating a foundation for economic revival.

2.2. Cabinet is optimistic that the commitments announced by Minister Mboweni will put our economy firmly on a solid and sustainable path, particularly if everyone joins government in implementing them.

3. Update on COVID-19

3.1. Cabinet received a progress report from the National Coronavirus Command Council. As part of responding to the enhanced risk adjusted Level 3 of the national lockdown, amendments to the regulations in terms of the Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act 57 of 2002) were presented.

3.2. Whilst Cabinet appreciated the extensive work still being done to maintain a balance between sustaining livelihoods and saving lives, it approved the gazetting of the amendments relating to the opening of restaurants, hotels and casinos.

3.3. Cabinet reiterates the call to all of us to work together to stop the spread of infections within our communities by observing the health protocols such as regularly washing hands, social distancing and wearing a mask when in public.

4. Gender-Based Violence (GBV)

4.1. Cabinet is extremely concerned about the spike in GBV cases across the country. Following the recent spate of murders of women and children, it has called on all people in South Africa to unite and work together to stop this carnage. Cabinet commends law-enforcement agencies for their swift action in arresting some of the suspects and has urged the agencies to continue working tirelessly to arrest all those involved in these gruesome murders.

4.2. Cabinet is unwavering in its commitment to fully implement a range of interventions developed from the National Strategic Plan on GBV and Femicide. The Inter-Ministerial Committee chaired by Minister in The Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities, Ms Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, continues to drive the multidisciplinary government interventions. However, the most effective intervention requires all South Africans to play their part in ending the culture of violence against the most vulnerable members of society.

5. Sustainable Infrastructure Development Symposium of South Africa (SIDSSA)

5.1. Cabinet welcomes the inaugural SIDSSA held virtually this week, under the theme: “Investing in infrastructure for shared prosperity: now, next and beyond”.  
SIDSSA is a platform that brings together critical role-players in the infrastructure investment space, who are galvanised around a key goal of accelerating an infrastructure-led economic recovery plan. Infrastructure intervention remains a catalyst to South Africa’s economic recovery package.

5.2. Through this process, a total of 276 projects have already been evaluated.  These form catalytic infrastructure investment projects with a multiplier effect in creating employment opportunities and boosting the economy.  

5.3. Eighty-eight of these projects are investment-ready and include industries with proven superior multiplier effects in energy; water; transport; information and communication technology infrastructure; human settlements; agriculture and agro processing.

5.4. These projects will be funded mainly from either of the three streams –commercial, blended financing and fiscal allocations. As part of the economic recovery package, the country’s spirit of public-private collaboration continues to focus on addressing spatial disparities, transforming the economy and creating much-needed jobs.


All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.

1. Board members of the Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors:

1.1. Ms Martie Janse van Rensburg (Reappointment);
1.2. Mr Iqbal Motala (Reappointment);
1.3. Mr Madoda Petros (Reappointment);
1.4. Ms Nombulelo Gumata;
1.5. Ms Thembeka Semane;
1.6. Mr Roy Andersen;
1.7. Mr Preston Speckmann;
1.8. Ms Jesmane Boggenpoels;
1.9. Mr Shauket Fakie; and
1.10 Prof Nirupa Padia.

2. Board members of the South African Special Risk Insurance Association:

2.1. Mr Moss Ngoasheng (Chairperson);
2.2. Ms Priscilla Mokonyane (Deputy Chairperson);
2.3. Ms Moipone Ramoipone;
2.4. Mr Desmond Marumo;
2.5. Ms Japhtaline Mantuka Maisela;
2.6. Mr Christiaan Johannes van Dyk;
2.7. Mr Enos Ngutshane;
2.8. Mr Reginald Haman;
2.9. Mr Sathie Gounden;
2.10. Ms Margret Mosibudi Phiri;
2.11. Ms Refilwe Moletsane; and
2.12. Ms Nolwandile Mgoqi-Mbalo.

Enquiries: Ms Phumla Williams – Cabinet Spokesperson
Mobile: 083 501 0139

Statement on the virtual Cabinet Meeting of Friday, 10 July and 12 July 2020

1. Update on Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

Cabinet received a status report from the National Coronavirus Command Council. It comprised submissions and recommendations from the Ministerial Advisory Council on Coronavirus and the National Joint Operational and Intelligence Structure (Natjoint).

Cabinet appreciated the progress made in the reopening of businesses under Level 3 of the Risk-Adjusted Approach. It was apprised on the latest infection figures and hospital occupancy rate as the continued number of infections were being reported, particularly in the three provinces – Gauteng, Western Cape and Eastern Cape. 

Cabinet deliberated on the proposed interventions to further tighten existing measures to assist in reducing the number of infections and freeing of hospital beds in anticipation of the projected rise in new infections. The interventions included the reintroduction of a curfew and suspension of the sale of alcohol.

Cabinet approved all the proposed interventions aimed at saving lives and minimising the movement of people during this lockdown period. President Cyril Ramaphosa briefed the nation on these measures. Ministers are currently holding media briefings to unpack all these interventions.

2. State of Disaster

Cabinet approved the extension of the National State of Disaster to 15 August 2020, which is due to lapse on 15 July 2020. The extension is in terms of Section 27(1) of the Disaster Management Act, 2002 Act 57 of 2002.   

The current regulations and directives gazetted in terms of the Disaster Management Act of 2002 remain relevant during the Risk-Adjusted Approach in easing the lockdown restrictions and managing COVID-19 infections within the health protocols.

3. Appointments

Cabinet approved the following appointments:

3.1 Mr Kgathatso Tlhakudi as Director-General (DG) in the Department of Public Enterprises.
3.2 Advocate Mikateko Joyce Maluleke as DG in the Department of Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities.

Ms Phumla Williams – Cabinet Spokesperson
Mobile: 083 501 0139

Statement on the virtual Cabinet Meeting of Wednesday, 5 August 2020

A. Focus on Corruption

1. Abuse of resources for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) interventions

1.1. Cabinet reflected with disappointment on recent reports of acts of corruption and theft of the much-needed resources that government has allocated to save lives and livelihoods during the COVID-19 pandemic.

1.2. Some unscrupulous individuals and companies have been looting state resources that were meant to provide food to needy families and personal protective equipment (PPEs) to frontline officials, particularly healthcare workers.   

1.3. Such criminal and immoral activities included inflating quoted prices, intercepting and redirecting food parcels meant for the poor, and acts of fraud involving funds designated to alleviate the hardships of employees and businesses affected by the shutting down of economic activities during the national lockdown.   

1.4. Cabinet has called on all public institutions to uphold the highest standards of integrity and accountability, and fulfil their mandates effectively and efficiently. Cabinet remains committed to building a capable, ethical and developmental state. It supports the recent call by President Cyril Ramaphosa for law-enforcement agencies to do whatever they can to arrest those involved in corruption, irrespective of who they are and ensure they recover the looted funds.

1.5. Government has over the years introduced various interventions to fight against the scourge of corruption, which negatively affects the delivery of services to the poor and vulnerable.  

1.6. The recently established special coordination centre aims to strengthen the collective efforts among law-enforcement agencies to prevent, detect, investigate and prosecute COVID-related corruption. It comprises the Financial Intelligence Centre; Independent Police Investigative Directorate; National Prosecuting Authority; South African Police Service’s Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (the Hawks), Crime Intelligence and Detective Service; South African Revenue Service; Special Investigating Unit (SIU) and the State Security Agency. 

1.7. Allegations of corruption being investigated include the fraudulent distribution of food parcels, social relief grants, procurement of PPEs and other medical supplies, and the looting of the Unemployment Insurance Fund’s COVID-19 Temporary Employee/Employer Relief Scheme.   

1.8. To speed up and strengthen the process of dealing with corruption, President Ramaphosa recently signed a proclamation authorizing the SIU to investigate any unlawful or improper conduct in the procurement of any goods, works and services during or related to the national state of disaster in any state institution.

The SIU is empowered to probe any allegations relating to the misuse of COVID-19 funds across all spheres of the State and institute civil proceedings to recover any damages or losses incurred by the State. To ensure that action is taken speedily, the President will receive interim reports on investigations every six weeks. He will also get reports from the Health Sector Anti-Corruption Forum that is tasked to investigate irregularities and maladministration in the health sector. 

1.9. Cabinet also welcomes the amendments to the original regulations of the Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture, Corruption and Fraud in the Public Sector, including Organs of State. The amended regulations will now allow for the sharing of information by the commission with the other law-enforcement agencies. This will help to expedite the investigation and prosecution of corruption-related cases.

1.10. As part of strengthening these interventions, Cabinet also approved the setting up of a team of five Ministers to, amongst others, look into all COVID-19-related procurements made during the lockdown period and strengthen current procurement systems. The team comprises the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services, Mr Ronald Lamola (Convenor); Minister of Finance, Mr Tito Mboweni, Minister of Public Service and Administration, Mr Senzo Mchunu, Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma and Minister in The Presidency, Mr Jackson Mthembu.

1.11. All government departments will be expected to submit all procurement contracts awarded during this period to this ministerial team to be published and made accessible to the public. 

1.12. Cabinet welcomes the announcement that at least 36 corruption-related cases are at various stages of investigation and prosecution. These cases send a strong message that government will not tolerate any acts of corruption, particularly among its officials, and that all perpetrators will be arrested and prosecuted. 

1.13. Corruption is the biggest crime that robs the poor and deprives them of basic services. As a society, we are responsible for the fight against corruption and should expose it without fear or favour. Cabinet urges the public to use the different national and sectoral anti-corruption hotlines created to support efforts to expose and pursue corruption-related allegations.

B. Key Decisions    

2. National Digital and Future Skills Strategy

2.1. Cabinet approved the publication of the National Digital and Future Skills Strategy. The strategy is the outcome of the White Paper on National Integrated Information and Technology that was published in September 2016.   

2.2. The strategy responds to a coordinated framework to promote skills capacity for all sectors of the economy within the context of digital transformation and technological advancement of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. It provides for a futuristic and collaborative implementation approach which will include the private sector, academia and society as a whole. 

3. National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy (NCCAS)

3.1. Cabinet approved the NCCAS for implementation. This strategy serves as the country’s National Adaptation Plan as required by the United Nations  
Framework Convention on Climate Change. The National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy (NCCAS) outlines a set of objectives, interventions an outcomes to enable our country to give expression to South Africa’s commitment to the Paris Agreement on climate change.

3.2. The Strategy that was developed in consultation with government, the private sector and local communities is aimed at reducing the vulnerability of society, the economy and the environment to the effects of climate change. It also provides an integrated and coordinated approach to the management of adaptation measures in response to the impacts of climate change.  
Now that it has been adopted, the Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries will co-ordinate all levels of government, business and civil society in implementation. The 10-year plan will be reviewed every five years

4. Women’s Month Commemoration, August 2020

4.1. Cabinet approved the Women’s Month commemoration programme under the theme: “Realising women’s rights for an equal future”. This year’s Women’s Month focuses on a call to action to champion women’s rights and gender equality. 

4.2. Government is committed to the fight to eradicate gender-based violence and femicide (GBVF). Cabinet this week approved three Bills for submission to Parliament, which will strengthen our justice system to support and protect victims of GBVF.

4.3. The month-long programme will enhance the mobilisation of women and strengthen organised formations of women towards a sustainable path of action on issues affecting them. On Sunday, 9 August 2020, President Ramaphosa will undertake a nationwide televised activity, together with a panel of guest speakers.

C. Bills

5. GBVF Bills approved

5.1. Cabinet approved the submission of the three GBV Bills – Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Bill of 2020; National Register for Sexual Offences) and the Domestic Violence Amendment Bill – to Parliament. These Bills respond to a number of issues raised during the Presidential Summit Against GBVF held in 2018 in respect of the criminal justice system.   

5.2. The amendments provide a victim-centred response in the criminal justice system in respect of sexual offences. It tightens bail conditions for perpetrators of sexual offences. Warrants of arrest will no longer be a requirement prior to law-enforcement agencies responding to reported sexual crimes. Parole conditions are also strengthened and minimum sentences increased. The amendments also strengthen the consequences of contravening a protection order. 

5.3. The Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Bill also amends the National Register for Sex Offenders by broadening its scope from only children and mentally disabled persons, and extends it to protect all vulnerable groups. Persons who are in this register are compelled to disclose this information when they submit applications to work with these groups.

5.4. The Domestic Violence Amendment Bill facilitates the obtaining of protection orders against acts of domestic violence via electronic means. It obliges the Department of Social Development and Department of Health to provide certain services to victims of domestic violence and aligns the provisions of the Domestic Violence Act, 1998 (Act 116 of 1998) with the provisions of the Protection from Harassment Act, 2011 (Act 17 of 2011).

6. Cannabis for Private Purposes Bill of 2020

6.1. Cabinet approved the submission to Parliament of the Cannabis for Private Purposes Bill of 2020 for processing. The Bill gives effect to a Constitutional Court judgement that declared unconstitutional some parts of the Drugs and Drug Trafficking Act, 1992 (Act 140 of 1992) and Medicines and Related Substances Control Act, 1965 (Act 101 of 1965). 

6.2. The judgement was suspended for 24 months to allow Parliament to correct those sections. This Bill regulates the use and possession of cannabis and the cultivation of cannabis plants by an adult for personal use. It provides the limit of the quantity of cannabis that may be possessed by an adult and criminalizes the smoking of cannabis in public places.    

7. Fund Raising Amendment Bill of 2017

7.1. Cabinet approved the submission of the Bill to Parliament. The Bill rationalizes the Fund-Raising Act, 1978 (Act 107 of 1978), by consolidating the existing three funds – Disaster Relief Fund, South African Defence Force Fund and Refugee Relief Fund – into one National Social Development and Relief Fund. 

7.2. The fund will thereafter focus on proactive mitigations of disasters and promote the social development of communities. The consolidated fund will assist in streamlining the administrative processes, and enable efficient services to poor communities and reduce costs. It will consolidate the three boards into one board.

D. Appointments
All appointments are subject to security and qualification verification.

8.1. South African Police Service
a. Brigadier Ebrahim Ahmed Kadwa – Gauteng Provincial Head: Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (DPCI); and
b. Brigadier Moiki Obed Ngwenya – Eastern Cape Provincial Head: DPCI. 

8.2. Mr Collins Letsoalo – Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Road Accident Fund.  

8.3. Non-executive members to the Board of the Road Traffic Infringement Agency:
a. Ms Bongekile Zulu (Chairperson);
b. Mr Tshikane Owen Mtsetweni;
c. Dr Prittish Dala;
d. Ms Dorcas Khosa-Shikwambana; and
e. Mr Bonolo Molemo Ramokhele.

8.4. Non-executive directors to the Airports Company South Africa Board:
a. Ms Dudu Hlatshwayo; and
b. Dr Kgabo Badimo. 

8.5. Non-executive members to the Railway Safety Regulator Board:
a. Mr Boy Johannes Nobunga; (Chairperson);
b. Ms Yongama Pamla (Deputy Chairperson);
c. Mr Sisa Lunga Mtwa;
d. Adv Nokuzola Gloria Khumalo;
e. Ms Nompumelelo Ekeke;
f. Ms Dineo Mathibedi;
g. Ms Salome Chiloane-Nwabueze;
h. Adv Frans Johannes van der Westhuizen; and
i. Adv Johannes Collen Weapond.

8.6. Mr Khathutshelo Ramukumba – Chief Financial Officer of the South African Post Office. 
8.7. Mr Mlamli Booi – CEO of SENTECH SOC Limited (Reappointment).  
8.8. Dr Mzubanzi Bismark Tyobeka – CEO of the National Nuclear Regulator (Reappointment).

8.9. National Nuclear Regulator Board:
c. Dr Thapelo Motshudi (Chairperson);
d. Ms Dineo Peta (Deputy Chairperson);
e. Mr Protas Phili; 
f. Ms Devinagie Bendeman;
g. Dr Nomusa Qunta;
h. Mr Bernard Pelei Petlane;
i. Mr David Mamphitha; and
j. Ms Lindelwa Dlamini. 

8.10. Board of Directors to the National Radioactive Waste Disposal Institute:
a. Ms Thandeka Zungu (Chairperson);
b. Mr Mogwera Khoathane (Deputy Chairperson);
c. Dr Kgaugelo Chiloane;
d. Dr Cornelius Ruiters; 
e. Ms Leandra Vilakazi;
f. Ms Lerato Makgae (Department of Mineral Resources and Energy); and
g. Mr Trevor Mark Gordon (Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries).

8.11. Extension: Term of Office for the Interim Board of Directors of the Small Enterprise Finance Agency:
a. Mr AM Mahosi (Chairperson);
b. Mr M Radebe (Deputy Chairperson);
c. Mr J Kganyago;
d. Ms N Dlamini;
e. Ms NR Mlonzi;
f. Ms DL Mabuza;
g. Ms M Makara; and
h. Industrial Development Corporation representative. 

8.12. Mr Mlindi Mashologu – Deputy Director-General (DDG):  Information Society Development and Research, Department of Communications and Digital Technologies.   
8.13. Ms Thabitha Constance Mametja – DDG: Corporate Services, Department of Justice and Constitutional Development. 

Enquiries: Ms Phumla Williams – Cabinet Spokesperson 
Mobile: 083 501 0139

Statement on the virtual Cabinet Meeting of Wednesday, 26 August 2020

A. Issues in the Environment

1. Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Alert Level 2

1.1. The move from Alert Level 3 to Alert Level 2 of the national lockdown with effect from 18 August 2020 has resulted in the welcome relaxation of restrictions on some of the socio-economic activities. This significant transition will inevitably revive our economy and contribute to the creation of much-needed jobs, particularly in the tourism and hospitality industry.  

1.2. Alert Level 2 will make it possible for Ministers to present themselves before the two houses of Parliament, the National Assembly and the National Council of Provinces, to amongst others, answer questions from members of Parliament.

1.3. While the ‘second wave’ of infections experienced by several other countries is an ever-present possibility, our collective actions over the next few weeks and months can prevent that from happening, and will determine how quickly we move further forward. Cabinet calls on everyone to take extra precautions, practise responsible behaviour and do the right things so that we avoid a second peak.  

1.4. Government is working with social partners and communities to ensure that districts are adequately resourced and organised to contain the spread of the virus.     

1.5. Our nation has made great strides in fighting the pandemic. Our good work, unfortunately, is being undermined by the reckless actions of some people who refuse to take personal responsibility to prevent the spread of the virus. Those who drive under the influence of alcohol and behave recklessly are endangering the lives of innocent people. 

1.6. As a result of such reckless behaviour, this week we mourn the untimely death of three Tshwane Metro Police Department officers who lost their lives in a tragic crash with a drunk driver this past weekend. This fatal accident is a wake-up call to all of us, individually and collectively, to reflect on what we can do to begin acting responsibly and playing our part in curbing alcohol abuse.

1.7. Cabinet urges all people in South Africa to continue observing the health protocols even during Alert Level 2. We must all maintain social distancing, wear a mask when in public and regularly wash hands with water and soap or use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser. 

2. Return to school and tertiary institutions

2.1. Cabinet welcomed the reopening of primary and secondary schools under the Department of Basic Education this past Monday. Grades 6 and 11 learners returned to classes on Monday while Grades 7 and 12 learners returned last month following the temporary closure of schools to prevent the potential spread of COVID-19. 

2.2. Cabinet also welcomed the announcement that under Alert Level 2 lockdown, all universities will be allowing the controlled return of students to campus-based tuition in line with the criteria published in the Government Gazette (Vol 660, No 43414 on 8 June 2020). According to the criteria developed, under Level 2 of the lockdown, a maximum of 66% of students will be allowed to return to university campuses. 

2.3. It also welcomed the staggered return of Technical and Vocational Education and Training college students, the reopening of Community Education and Training centres and the return of staff to their workplace. This will be done in terms of the detailed COVID-19 management plans in place across the sector, and to ensure the continued safety of students and staff, while allowing for greater access to campus teaching and learning for more students. 

3. Anti-corruption

3.1. Cabinet reiterated its commitment to ensure that allegations of corruption relating to COVID-19 procurement are swiftly investigated by law-enforcement agencies such as the Special Investigating Unit. Those implicated will be severely punished, and money stolen from the State by unscrupulous companies and individuals by inflating the prices of personal protective equipment will be recovered. 

3.2. Cabinet is also pleased with the progress made by the Committee of Ministers chaired by Justice and Correctional Services Minister Ronald Lamola. The team of Ministers was expected to coordinate the compilation of all the COVID-19 procurements and make it accessible to the public. In the interest of transparency, National Treasury’s website ( has since published the information of most of the departments and entities that have fully complied.  

3.3. National Treasury will continue with additional work to refine the submitted information for further processing. Cabinet reaffirms that law-enforcement agencies will continue to be responsible for the investigative work. 

3.4. The  Fusion Centre, which coordinates the work of all law-enforcement agencies, remains  on track to present its first six weekly report in the first week of September 2020 to President Cyril Ramaphosa.

3.5. Cabinet will give the necessary support to all law-enforcement agencies.This will include giving them the resources they need to function optimally, independently without fear, favour and prejudice in facilitating  the investigation and prosecution of corruption-related cases without any further delay.  

3.6. The scourge of corruption, which manifests itself in the blatant theft and looting of state resources, is the biggest societal cancer that has the potential to erode public trust in government’s concerted efforts to improve the lives of the people. Cabinet condemns in the strongest possible terms all acts of corruption and is confident that all wrongdoers will eventually be prosecuted, without fear or favour.

3.7. Cabinet calls on all South Africans to report corruption to the National Anti-Corruption Hotline on 0800 701 701.

B. Cabinet Decisions

1. Training programmes for members of the Executive and senior managers in the Public Service

1.1. Cabinet approved two training programmes that will give effect to the commitment of building the capacity of the state. The first one is the Economic Governance Spring School training, for members of the Executive from all spheres of government.  It is designed to broaden learning perspectives through analysis and critical reflection on the nature of challenges of government. It will be conducted by the National School of Government (NSG), in partnership with the Wits School of Governance and the OR Tambo School of Leadership.

1.2. The second programme is designed for heads of departments. It consists of three components, namely an Executive Induction Programme, Executive Education Programme and a new programme to be called Etella. These programmes will be conducted by the NSG, in partnership with the University College London.  

2. Postponement of the hosting of  the 2020 International Maritime Organisation (IMO)

2.1. Owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, Cabinet has approved the postponement of hosting the IMO and its parallel event of World Maritime Day, from October 2020 to October 2021. Cabinet had approved the hosting of this event in November 2015. 

C. Bills

1. Agricultural Produce Agents Amendment Bill of 2018

1.1. Cabinet approved the submission of the Agricultural Produce Agents Amendment Bill of 2018 to Parliament. The amendments seek to protect the rights of the producers from unregulated aspects of the fresh produce agents. Once passed into law, the agents will amongst others be compelled to take out fidelity insurance and keep trust accounts. 

1.2. The amendments proposed in the Bill were fully canvased with all relevant stakeholders. The changes will also improve market access opportunities for smallholder producers as well as previously disadvantaged market agents, traders and hawkers. 

2. Sectional Titles Amendment Bill

2.1. Cabinet approved the submission of the Bill to Parliament. The Bill amends the Sectional Titles Act, 1986 (Act 95 of 1986), which provides for the establishment of sectional title schemes. The proposed amendments provide clarity and protect the lessees in the properties under the sectional-arrangement buildings. 

3. Electoral Law Amendment Bill of 2020

3.1. Cabinet approved the submission of the Electoral Law Amendment Bill of 2020 to Parliament. The Bill amends three pieces of legislation, namely the Electoral Commission Act, 1996 (Act 51 of 1996);  Electoral Act, 1998 (Act 73 of 1998) and Local Government Municipal Electoral Act, 2000 (Act 27 of 2000).

3.2. The proposed changes will enhance the existing legislative mechanism. The amendments will amongst others introduce innovations in electoral practices in keeping with best practices to improve the Independent Electoral Commission’s efficiency in managing elections. 

D. Appointments

All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.

1. Extension of the contract of Mr Hubert Mathanzima Mweli as the Director-General at the Department of Basic Education for a period of five years. 
2. South African Post Office Board:
a. Mr Emmanuel Lekgau;
b. Ms Nolitha Pieters;
c. Mr Sandile Phillip; 
d. Mr Sipho Majombozi; and
e. Ms Yvette Lillian Mavivi Myakayaka-Manzini.

3. Non-executive directors of the Postbank SOC Limited:
a. Mr Gcobani Mancotywa;
b. Mr Darwin Zinzile Nkonki;
c. Mr Thabile Wonci; and
d. Adv Leigh Hefer-Hendrikse.

Enquiries: Ms Phumla Williams – Cabinet Spokesperson 
Mobile: 083 501 0139

Statement on the virtual Cabinet Meeting of 9 September 2020

A. Issues in the environment

1. Update on the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) 

1.1. Cabinet welcomes the drop in the number of new confirmed COVID-19 cases over the past few weeks and the improved recovery rate that has increased to 87 percent. The number of people requiring admission in our hospitals and the demand for COVID-19 tests have also dropped. 

1.2. Cabinet thanks all South Africans for playing their part in adhering to restrictions to flatten the curve. We commend the dedication and sacrifice of all health professionals who have been our frontline defence against the virus.      

1.3. Let us build on the momentum of this encouraging news and continue to work together to consistently do the right things, such as practising social distancing, wearing a mask when in public, and washing hands with soap and water or using an alcohol-based hand sanitiser. 

1.4. Cabinet encourages all people in South Africa to download the free COVID Alert SA Application from the Apple App Store or Google Play. The Department of Health introduced the app as another tool to alert South Africans if they have been exposed to someone with COVID-19. The app strengthens our nation’s fight against the spread of the virus.  

1.5. Cabinet also approved the extension of the national state of disaster to 15 October 2020 in terms of Section 27(5)(c) of the Disaster Management Act, 2002 (57 of 2002). This is to continue giving effect to the regulations that remain relevant to manage the spread of COVID-19 infections. 
2. Gender-based violence (GBV)

2.1. The scourge of GBV continues to plague our nation with the senseless violent assault and murder of women. The recent victims of this heinous crime include actress Thandeka Mdeliswa (34) who was shot at her family home in Evander, Mpumalanga and the 28-year-old woman who was killed by her husband while reporting a domestic violence at the Madeira Police Station in the Eastern Cape. Cabinet calls for justice to be served on these crimes and others that are reported.

2.2. Cabinet recently approved three laws to intensify the fight against GBV. They are the Domestic Violence Amendment Bill; Criminal and Related Matters Amendment Bill of 2020; and the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Bill of 2020. These laws contribute towards ensuring effective and efficient protection for victims of domestic violence and GBV.         
3. Clicks advertisement        

3.1. Cabinet has noted with great concern an extremely disturbing advertisement published on the Clicks website, which justifiably triggered widespread public outrage. Cabinet considers the advertisement profoundly offensive and racist.

3.2. Black hair has been the subject of intense politicisation and a source of unjust discrimination in our recent history. Our nation’s history is littered with laws and societal norms that equated ‘blackness’ and the associated physical traits – for example, dark skin, kinky and curly hair – to a badge of inferiority. 

3.3. We therefore welcome the immediate corrective actions taken by Clicks.  These include their commitment to work with government to promote local products in all their stores and to collaborate with all their suppliers to promote the constitutional values as enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996. They will also put in place a diversity and inclusion training programme for all their managers and staff. 

3.4. Cabinet calls on the advertising agencies of Clicks and other stores to also adopt tangible programmes which promote and protect human rights, and raise awareness about despicable issues of racism, inequality and discrimination. 

3.5. All sectors of our society must endorse partnerships between government departments and Chapter Nine institutions in implementing anti-racism and anti-discrimination educational campaigns.

3.6. Equally, government reminds all South Africans that the right to speak out against any injustice without fear of reprisal is enshrined in our Constitution. However, the right to protest comes with the inherent responsibility to do so peacefully and without infringing on the rights of others. Government condemns the acts of vandalism at Clicks stores. Such unlawful acts undermine the spirit of human rights that has shaped this country since the dawn of democracy. 

3.7. South Africa is working towards growing the economy and cannot afford to risk the loss of jobs due to business closures. Lawlessness and vandalism of private and public property should not be condoned as they are not a responsible and progressive option to resolve a conflict.
4. Economy

4.1. The steep contraction of our Quarter 2 Gross Domestic Product to record levels of 16,4% annualized to 51,2% as a result of COVID-19, raises the risk of reaching the Supplementary Budget forecast of -7.2% growth in 2020.   

4.2. This affirms the correctness of government’s decision to urgently embark on an economic recovery plan, working together with all our social partners to get the economy on a better growth trajectory.

4.3. The plan, which will be infrastructure led, will also include implementation of much-needed structural reforms.
5. Death of Nathaniel Julius

5.1. Cabinet expressed its condolences to the family of Nathaniel Julius, a 16-year-old boy who was allegedly shot and killed by police officers in Eldorado Park. 

5.2. The arrest of the three police officers by the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) on charges of murder and defeating the ends of justice affirms the fundamental principle that no person is above the law. 

5.3. Cabinet calls on the community of Eldorado Park to assist the IPID and continue to work within the criminal justice system to ensure that justice prevails.
6. Auditor-General Report (AG) on COVID-19 procurements

6.1. The recent AG Report also highlighted some irregularities and illegal transactions on the COVID-19 relief package introduced by government to ease economic distress and prevent the spread of the virus. 

6.2. The findings will be handed over to the multi-agency Fusion Centre that is tasked with investigating COVID-19-related fraud and corruption. Findings include overpricing, government employees applying for relief they were not entitled to, potential fraud and the sidestepping of supply chain management rules and regulations.

6.3. Cabinet reiterates its resolve to continue to decisively pursue all those found to have abused these funds irrespective of who they are. The discrepancies that are exposed by the public through the information published on the National Treasury website ( will be followed up with the relevant departments.
B. Cabinet decisions
1. National Climate Change interventions

1.1. Cabinet approved the establishment of the Presidential Climate Change Coordinating Commission. This is in line with the Presidential Job Summit Framework Agreement signed during the Presidential Job Summit in 2018. The commission will coordinate the just transition of our country to a low carbon climate and resilient economy and society by 2050.

1.2. The structure will be represented by government, social partners, civil society as well as experts from academia and research institutions.  South Africa is the signatory to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).  

1.3. Cabinet also approved the submission of the country’s Low Emission Development (LED) Strategy to the UNFCCC Secretariat. This LED Strategy will advance the national climate change and development policy in a more coordinated, coherent and strategic manner. It provides mitigation measures focusing on four key sectors of the economy, namely Energy; Industry; Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use; and Waste.
2. National Waste Management Strategy (NWMS) 2020

2.1. Cabinet approved the 2020 NWMS to replace the 2011 NWMS. The waste management strategy gives into effect the terms of the National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 2008 (Act 59 of 2008). It directs the environmental protection programmes. It drives a sustainable and an environmentally friendly, inclusive economic growth, with three focus pillars – waste minimisation, effective and sustainable services, and waste awareness and compliance.
3. Agricultural colleges 

3.1. Cabinet approved the establishment of agricultural colleges as the competency of Higher Education Colleges in terms of the Higher Education Act, 1997 (101 of 1997), as amended.   

3.2. The agricultural colleges – which are currently under the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development – provide programmes that are aligned to higher education qualifications which include skills training and vocational programmes. The relocation of these colleges to the Department of Higher Education and Training will align them to the prescribed Higher Education Act of 1997 and will improve their governance and management.
4. 2017/18 Report on Research and Development (R&D) Tax Incentive Programme 

4.1. Cabinet approved the submission of the 2017/18 Report to Parliament on R&D Tax Incentive Programme. The research tracks usage of the incentive by companies to promote research and development within their respective sectors. This tax incentive programme was first introduced in November 2006. According to the report, from November 2006 to February 2018, 
out of 1 091 companies which applied for support, 902 were granted this tax incentive. The full report will be accessible once presented in Parliament. 
5. Draft White Paper on Audio and Visual Content Services Policy Framework

5.1. Cabinet approved publication of the Draft White Paper on Audio and Audio Visual Content Services Policy Framework: A New Vision for South Africa 2020, for public consultation and comment. 

5.2. The White Paper, amongst others, proposes new policy and regulatory changes and recommendations intended to reposition the audio-visual media sectors for future growth and promote investments.
6. Transformation of the Heritage Landscape

6.1. Cabinet was briefed on the progress made by the consultative task team led by the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture on the transformation of the heritage landscape. The team was to reflect on the current heritage landscape, and how Cabinet responds to the historical and critical values of our Constitution. 

6.2. The team makes recommendations of the statues/monuments that should espouse the founding values of the new democratic South Africa. It proposes the relocation of some of the historical statues to the theme parks that will be located across the country. A full audit of all the statues, symbols and monuments will be done and the outcome thereof will guide the identification of the proposed cultural nation-building parks. 

6.3. Cabinet endorses this process, which will contribute towards nation-building and ensure public spaces reflect the constitutional values of a post-colonial and post-apartheid democratic order. The cultural nation building parks will relocate all the historical details that depict colonialism and apartheid artefacts for future generations.
C. Messages

1. Congratulations

Cabinet extends its congratulations and well wishes to the: 

1.1. former Director-General (DG) in The Presidency and Cabinet Secretary, Dr Cassius Lubisi, as he exits the Public Service to go on retirement after having served as an exemplary public servant in The Presidency and in KwaZulu-Natal. Dr Lubisi leaves behind a legacy of ethical, professional and courageous service to the people of South Africa.

1.2. former Department of Health DG, Dr Precious Matsoso, on her appointment as a panellist in the World Health Organisation Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response. 
2. Condolences

Cabinet sent condolences to the:

2.1. family and friends of acclaimed poet and political activist Mr Achmat Dangor who used his writing skills to expose the injustices of the apartheid government and give a voice to the voiceless. 

2.2. family, friends and colleagues of Mrs Nyameka Goniwe, Speaker of the Inxuba Yethemba Municipality in the Eastern Cape and widow of Struggle activist, Tata Matthew Goniwe.

2.3. family and friends of retired South African National Defence Force Surgeon-General, Lieutenant-General Vejay Ramlakan, who also contributed to the liberation of all South Africans.

2.4. family and friends of Mr Petrus Meyer, fondly known as Oom Piet, of the Western Cape, and Ambassador Kgoṧi Mohlamme Piet Mathebe and Mr David Mbulaheni Malada of Limpopo. These distinguished South Africans dedicated their lives to the struggle for freedom and democracy in South Africa. 

2.5. family and friends of renowned human rights activist Advocate George Bizos, who passed on at the age of 92. He was an icon of the struggle against apartheid in South Africa. Adv Bizos served as legal counsel to Nelson Mandela for many years and was among the panel of lawyers who represented defendants in the Rivonia Trial. 
He was a celebrated human rights lawyer and was also a founding member of the Legal Resources Centre, a human rights organisation. 
D. Appointments

All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.
1. Lieutenant General Tebello Constance Mosikili as the Deputy National Head of the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation.
2. Mr Trevor Rammitiwa as the Chief Executive Officer of the National Electronic Media Institute of South Africa.
Ms Phumla Williams – Cabinet Spokesperson 
Cell: 083 501 0139

Statement on the Virtual Cabinet Meeting of Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Statement on the Virtual Cabinet Meeting of Wednesday, 23 September 2020


1. Update on the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

1.1. In his address to the nation on Wednesday, 16 September 2020, President Cyril Ramaphosa announced the move to Alert Level 1 of the national lockdown with effect from Monday, 21 September 2020. This has further opened up more economic activities in the country, which will contribute immensely to rebuilding the economy, restoring growth and creating much-needed jobs.

1.2. The announcements made by the President were favourably welcomed by all sectors of the South African society – including labour, business, civil society and political formations.

1.3. The national state of disaster regulations which give effect to the announcements by the President, were gazetted on Friday, 18 September 2020. The new regulations eased certain restrictions implemented since March 2020 to prevent the spread of the virus. They include, amongst others, the permissible number of people at public gatherings, events and funerals, as well as the opening of borders for travel within Africa and internationally, effective from 1 October 2020.

1.4. Cabinet has encouraged further engagement with the traditional leadership to address issues related to initiation schools and practices, which are still prohibited during Alert Level 1. More information on the gazetted regulations is accessible on the government website (

1.5. Cabinet urges all people in South Africa to continue observing the COVID-19 health protocols such as maintaining social distancing, wearing a mask in public and regularly washing hands with soap and water or using an alcohol-based hand sanitiser.

1.6. Cabinet also encourages the public to download the COVID Alert mobile app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. The app – which has been zero-rated by mobile networks and can be downloaded without any data costs – will improve contact tracing by alerting users if they have been in close contact with other users who have tested positive for COVID-19 in the past14 days.  The App does not gather any personal information or track a user’s location.

2. Gender-based violence and femicide (GBVF)

2.1. Cabinet remains determined to fight the scourge of GBVF by strengthening the security cluster structures; legislative framework; providing psychosocial support and advocacy programmes within communities.  

2.2. Based on data obtained through the South African Police Service (SAPS), government has sadly identified 30 GBVF hotspots around the country. Cabinet has assured the affected communities that working with the police, intervention measures will be strengthened to ensure the protection and safety of women and children.

2.3. Cabinet has welcomed and appreciated the R50-million donation from the United Kingdom which will extend the Solidarity Fund’s ongoing efforts to counter the economic devastation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The funds will focus on projects that support and promote women.

2.4. Cabinet also expressed concern at disturbing reports of human-trafficking incidences involving women and children in the country. Police are following up and investigating all reported cases related to human and drug trafficking.

2.5. Cabinet appeals to the public to report these heinous crimes to the police immediately instead of using social media platforms, which makes it difficult for law-enforcement agencies to respond quickly and adequately. The public is again cautioned to refrain from peddling fake news, which may cause unnecessary panic, inflame emotions and incite violence in our society.

2.6. Anyone with information should contact the SAPS on the Crime Stop number 08600 10111 or use the free MySAPS Application, which can be downloaded on any iPhone or smartphone.

3. Destruction and theft of public infrastructure

3.1. Cabinet welcomes the recent arrests of suspects in Johannesburg and Cape Town involved in stealing copper cables and train signal cables. Police also acted swiftly in arresting people involved in the destruction of the main road in Msinga, KwaZulu-Natal. 

3.2. Cabinet commends this breakthrough made by the police on the theft and vandalizing of the rail infrastructure; a serious crime which resulted in some instances in the loss of innocent lives due to train collusions.

3.3. Public infrastructure remains the cornerstone of driving our economy. It remains a critical component in our drive to grow the economy and create the much-needed jobs. Cabinet calls on all South Africans to report these criminal activities to the police.

4.South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) online service

4.1. Cabinet welcomed the launch of the online grant application portal by the SASSA, which enables applications to be lodged on The portal – which will initially be piloted on Child Support, Older Persons and Foster Child grants – will save potential beneficiaries transport costs and the inconvenience of standing in queues.

4.2. Cabinet encourages new applicants to use the self-service as it helps to eliminate the potential risk of contracting COVID-19 at overcrowded public places.

5. United Nations General Assembly (UNGA)

5.1. President Ramaphosa participated in the virtual UNGA Debate of the 75th Session of the UNGA on Tuesday, 22 September 2020 under the theme: “The Future We Want, the UN We Need: Reaffirming our Collective Commitment to Multilateralism”.

5.2. Cabinet advocates that the anniversary be used as an opportunity to achieve much-needed reforms of the UN Security Council (UNSC) to reflect contemporary realities in the world.

5.3. South Africa will preside over the UNSC for a second time in December 2020 as it completes its third term as an elected member of the UNSC.

6. G20 Trade and Investment Ministerial Meeting

6.1. Cabinet welcomed the outcomes of the G20 Trade and Investment Ministerial Meeting hosted virtually by Saudi Arabia on Tuesday, 22 September 2020. The meeting brought together Trade Ministers from key economies, including the United States, China, Japan, India, Brazil and Germany. South Africa was represented by Trade, Industry and Competition Minister Ebrahim Patel.

6.2. In its statement, the meeting outlined the importance of economic diversification, which lays the basis for support to build the country’s domestic manufacturing capabilities in critical sectors, including pharmaceuticals and food.

6.3. The meeting also supported measures to promote women’s economic empowerment and micro, small and medium enterprises and recognised the risks of illicit trade.

7. Southern African Customs Union (SACU) Council of Ministers Meeting

7.1. Cabinet welcomed the outcomes of the SACU Council of Ministers Meeting held on Monday, 21 September 2020. Finance and Trade Ministers from Namibia, Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho and South Africa attended the meeting, which was chaired by Finance Minister Tito Mboweni and South Africa was represented by Minister Patel.

7.2. The council considered the role of SACU in the context of the new African Continental Free Trade Agreement. It resolved that the future work of the council will focus on building and developing SACU countries into a stronger manufacturing and innovation hub that can provide goods and services across the continent.


1. Presidential Commission on the Fourth Industrial Revolution (PC4IR) Report

1.1. Cabinet approved the publication of the PC4IR Report in the Government Gazette. The report makes proposals to reinvigorate the country’s industrialisation aspirations and improve our global and continental economic competiveness to enhance inclusive growth.

1.2. Key drivers of the PC4IR Strategy include economic competiveness, responding to service delivery challenges, human capacity investment and responding to COVID-19.

1.3. This gives effect to the 2018 State of the Nation Address, which directed that a Digital Industrial Revolution Commission would respond to rapid technological advances and ensure the nation’s prosperity.

2. Transport Month 2020 Campaign

2.1. Cabinet approved the 2020 October Transport Month campaign programme under the theme: “Together Shaping the Future of Transport”. Cabinet approved in 2005 that October be dedicated to raising awareness on transport as one of the critical economic enablers.  

2.2. This year’s programmes will focus on three areas namely (1) developments in the transport sector, in reopening of the economy in the face of COVID-19; (2) safety in all modes of transport, and (3) transformation, empowerment and formalisation of the taxi industry.

2.3. The national month-long programme will focus on the various sectors of the transport industry. It will culminate in the National Taxi Lekgotla at the end of October 2020, which will consolidate inputs from the Provincial Taxi Makgotla. 


1. Correctional Services Amendment Bill of 2020

1.1. Cabinet approved the submission of the Correctional Services Amendment Bill of 2020 to Parliament. The amendments are primarily in response to the Constitutional Court judgement handed down in the Phaahla Judgement on 3 May 2019.

1.2. The amendments entrench the right to a fair trial as contemplated in Section 35(3)(n) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996 in the application of the Section 136 (1) of the Correctional Services Act, 1998 (Act 111 of 1998).

2. SAPS Amendment Bill of 2020

2.1. Cabinet approved publication of the Bill in the Government Gazette for public comments. The Bill amends the SAPS Act, 1995 (Act 68 of 1995), to bring it in line with the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996 and to ensure optimal policing.  

2.2. It provides, amongst others, a legal framework in the governance of the police service and the establishment of community-based neighbourhood forums. The Bill also takes into consideration the recommendations that came out of the Marikana Commission of Inquiry led by retired Judge Ian Farlam.


1. Heritage Day

1.1. Heritage Day is being celebrated today, 24 September 2020 under the Heritage Month theme: “Celebrating South Africa’s Living Human Treasures”. President Ramaphosa will make a televised address to the nation.

1.2. South Africans are encouraged to use Heritage Month to celebrate our rich culture and heritage, and engage in nation-building and social cohesion activities. President Ramaphosa has encouraged South Africans to join the global phenomenon and take up the Jerusalema dance challenge on Heritage Day.

1.3. Cabinet has appreciated the ingenuity of Master KG (born Kgaogelo Moagi)  for producing Jerusalema, the popular song featuring vocalist and songwriter Nomcebo Zikode. Cabinet thanks them for bringing to the fore the country’s artistic musical skills and capability, on this song that has taken the world by storm. They are our official Arts and Culture Ambassadors to the World.


1. Condolences

Cabinet sent condolences to the family and friends of:

1.1. veteran detective, Lieutenant-Colonel Charl Kinnear, who was killed outside his home in Bishop Lavis in Cape Town. He had dedicated three decades of his life to the SAPS and was investigating organised crime in the country.
1.2. Sergeant Thabile Mapoma, who was brutally murdered in Khayelitsha in the Western Cape.
1.3. SA Rugby Executive Council member, Mr Monde Tabata, aged 60. Mr Tabata was passionate about an inclusive and successful future for rugby in South Africa.
1.4. Reverend Emmanuel Motolla of the Zion Christian Church (ZCC). Cabinet also extended condolences to members of the ZCC and wished them strength and fortitude during this difficult time.


All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.

1. Small Enterprise Finance Agency (sefa):

1.1. Mr Mxolisi Dalukhanyo Matshamba as the Chief Executive Officer;
1.2. Ms Sedzani Mudau (Non-Executive Director on the sefa Board);
1.3. Ms Ziyanda Buthelezi-Ngcobo (Non-Executive Director on the sefa Board); and
1.4. Ms Hilda-Marie Tsoadi (Industrial Development Corporation representative on the sefa Board).

2. Small Enterprise Development Agency (Seda):

2.1. Dr Joy Ndlovu as the Chairperson of the Seda Board; and
2.2. Dr Stella Bvuma (Non-Executive Director on the Seda Board).

3. Extension of the fixed-term employment contract of Mr Ian van Niekerk as the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Broadband Infraco.

4. Mr Molatlhegi Khunou Kgauwe as the CFO of the State Information Technology Agency.

5. Ms Marelize Potgieter as the Deputy Director-General (DDG): Court Administration Services at the Office of the Chief Justice.

6. Mr Brightboy Nhlakanipho Nkontwana as the DDG: Negotiations, Labour Relations and Remunerations at the Department of Public Service and Administration.

Ms Phumla Williams – Cabinet Spokesperson
Mobile: 083 501 0139

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