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President Ramaphosa to welcome African Education Ministers

President Cyril Ramaphosa will on Monday, 29 July 2019 deliver a welcome message to the first high-level dialogue of the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA).

The event takes place at the Emperors Palace Hotel in Gauteng.

The two-day forum on 29 and 30 July, will become an annual High-Level Policy Forum on Secondary Education in Africa.

It will bring together Ministers responsible for education, as well as labour, academics, policy-makers, high-level representatives from development  cooperation partners, the private sector, civil society, teachers and parents and youth organisations from across the African continent. 

The engagement will provide an opportunity for key stakeholders to share and discuss comprehensive and innovative education and training models/programmes that aim at developing the youth with the necessary knowledge, tools and know-how for employability or job creation. 

Outcomes of the High-Level Annual Policy Dialogue Forum will contribute to the discussions and key decisions that inform reforms in the countries’ policies and practices.
Members of the media are invited as follows:
Date: 29 July 2019
Time: 8:00 for 09:00
Venue: Emperors Palace Hotel, Kempton Park

Members of the media interested in covering the President's opening address should immediately with Tsakane Khambane on 082 084 5566 by no later than 09:00, Sunday 28 July 2019. 

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President on 072 854 5707 / Elijah Mhlanga,
Spokesperson: Department of Basic Education on 083 580 8275 

Issued by: The Presidency 

President Ramaphosa to receive NEDLAC 2018 post Presidential Jobs Summit Report

President Cyril Ramaphosa will tomorrow, Thursday 01 August 2019, receive a report by the National Economic Development and Labour Council (NEDLAC) on progress made in the implementation of the Framework Agreement adopted by the 2018 Presidential Jobs Summit.

The Summit was convened in October 2018 at the Gallagher Conference Centre.

The NEDLAC report will document progress and challenges encountered in relation to the Framework Agreement that was adopted at the Summit and which included programmes and projects to create jobs; mechanisms to unblock barriers to effective implementation; as well as agreements on the   imperative for job retention and ways to prevent job losses.

 Since the Jobs Summit, agreements and commitments made have been tabulated in six work plans which are being used to inform implementation and monitor progress made.

The work plans are as follows:
• Prevention of Job Losses Interventions
• Economic Sector Specific Interventions
• Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMME) Interventions
• Education and Skills Interventions
• Inclusive Growth Interventions
• Public and Social Interventions

The aim of the 2018 Summit was to explore mechanisms to ensure the economy grows and becomes more productive, and to upscale investment in the economy. The engagement among government, business, labour and community also set out to ensure that workers are better skilled and that the economic infrastructure is expanded. 

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President on 072 854 5707 

Issued by: The Presidency 

President appoints members of the Commission for Gender Equality

President Cyril Ramaphosa has, in terms of Section 3 of the Commission on Gender Equality Act and Section 193(4) (b) of the Constitution, appointed members of the Commission for Gender Equality, effective today, 1 August 2019. 

The Commission on Gender Equality (CGE) is an statutory body established to promote respect for gender equality and the protection, development and attainment of gender equality. 

The CGE advances, promotes and protects gender equality in South Africa through undertaking research, public education, policy development, legislative initiatives, effective monitoring and litigation.

The following Commissioners have been appointed on a full-time basis: 
• Ms Tamara Eugenia Mathebula from 1 August 2019 and expiring on 31 October 2022 (the 
remainder of a term that began in 2017).
• Ms Octavia Lindiwe Ntuli-Tloubatla – from 1 August 2019 to 31 July 2024.
• Ms Jennifer Smout – from 1 August 2019 to 30 June 2024
• Mr Mbuyiselo Botha – from 1 August 2019 to 31 May 2024
• Dr. Tlaleng Mofokeng – from 1 August 2019 to 30 April 2024
• Ms O’hara Ngoma-Diseko – from 1 August 2019 to 31 March 2024

The following persons are appointed as part-time members of the Commission
• Ms Nomasonto Grace Mazibuko – from 1 August 2019 to 31 July 2024
• Ms Dibeela Gertrude Mothupi – from 1 August 2019 to 31 July 2024
• Ms Busisiwe Deyi – from 1 August 2019 to 31 July 2024

President Ramaphosa has further appointed Ms Tamara Eugenia Mathebula as the Chairperson of the Commission Gender for the remainder of her unexpired term of office in the Commission, which will end on 31 October 2022. 

President Ramaphosa has wished the new Commissioners well in their roles. 

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President on 072 854 5707 

Issued by: The Presidency 

President Ramaphosa calls for 2020 National Orders nominations

The Grand Patron of the National Orders, President Ramaphosa, invites members of the public to nominate persons from all walks of life who, in their view, are deserving of the country’s highest honours, the National Orders, in April next year.

The next National Orders awards investiture ceremony will take place in April 2020, honouring South Africans and eminent foreign nationals who have contributed to the achievement of a free, united, non-racial, non-sexist, prosperous and democratic South Africa in various ways. Also   honoured are citizens who have sacrificed life and limb to save others and those who have excelled in various fields.

The ceremony contributes towards unity, reconciliation and nation building.

The selection process of the awards will be processed and administered by the National Orders Advisory Council appointed by the President of the Republic.

The members of the Council are:
Ms Brigitte Mabandla (Chairperson)
Mr Mandla Langa (Deputy Chairperson)
Dr Glenda Gray
Dr Molefi Oliphant
Dr Lindiwe Mabuza
Prof Malegapuru Makgoba
Mrs Sally Padayachie
Rev. Buti Tlhagale
Mr James Motlatsi
Dr Fazel Randera, and
Ms Nothembi Mkhwebane

The following six orders are bestowed annually on deserving recipients: 

The Order of Mendi for Bravery recognises South African citizens who have performed acts of bravery. 

The Order of Ikhamanga recognises South African citizens who have excelled in the fields of arts, culture, literature, music, journalism and sport.

The Order of the Baobab recognises South African citizens who have contributed to community service, business and economy, science, medicine and technological innovation.

The Order of Luthuli recognises South African citizens who have contributed to the struggle for democracy, nation-building, building democracy and human rights, justice and peace as well as for the resolution of conflict.

The Order of Mapungubwe recognises South Africans who have excelled and attained exceptional achievement to the benefit of South Africa and beyond.

The Order of the Companions of OR Tambo recognises eminent foreign nationals for friendship shown to South Africa. It is therefore an Order of peace, cooperation and active expression of solidarity and support.

Nominations forms are available on The Presidency website: Members of the public are urged to attach a motivation on the person nominated.  

Self- nomination or the nomination of public servants is not permissible. The 2020 National Orders nominations will close on 31 August 2019.

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President on 072 854 5707 

Issued by: The Presidency 

President Ramaphosa to attend the signing ceremony of the Peace and Reconciliation Agreement

The President of the Republic of South Africa, His Excellency, Mr Cyril Ramaphosa will attend the Peace and Reconciliation Agreement Ceremony in Maputo, Mozambique, tomorrow, Tuesday, 06 August 2019.
The Agreement follows the successful political dialogue between the Government of Mozambique and the Mozambique National Resistance (RENAMO), which culminated with the signing of an agreement on Definitive Cessation of Military Hostilities, on 01 August 2019.
South Africa and Mozambique share cordial and fraternal bilateral, political, economic and social relations underpinned by strong historical ties dating back  from the years of the liberation struggle. South Africa’s attendance of the signing ceremony in Mozambique is in solidarity with the people of Mozambique  and in support of peace and stability in the country.
President Ramaphosa will be accompanied by the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor.

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President on 082 854 5707
Issued by: The Presidency 

President heartened by Deputy Minister Dlamini’s recovery

President Cyril Ramaphosa is heartened by the recovery being made by Sdumo Dlamini, Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, who is being treated in a Durban hospital after taking ill on 14 July 2019.
President Ramaphosa placed a phone call from Pretoria to Deputy Minister Dlamini in hospital today, Tuesday 06 August 2019.
The President was pleased to hear the Deputy Minister in good spirits and to learn from the Deputy Minister that he was making good progress.
The President wishes the Deputy Minister a speedy and full recovery.

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President on 072 854 5707
Issued by: The Presidency

NPC commits to stronger action on Vision 2030

President Cyril Ramaphosa has welcomed the National Planning Commission’s (NPC) initiative to review aspects of the National Development Plan in order to lead the country’s response to current difficulties in the economy, weaknesses in the state and social ills and challenges affecting   communities.
President Ramaphosa held discussions with the NPC, whose term expires in September 2019, at his Mahlamba Ndlopfu official residence in Pretoria today. This was the first NPC meeting with the President in the current political term and the first since Minister in the Presidency Jackson Mthembu became Chair of the Commission, supported by Prof Malekgapuru Makgoba as Deputy Chairperson.
The Commission’s focus is on long-term development issues in the country, with the implementation of the National Development Plan (NDP) as the  Commission’s immediate concern. NPC members are respected thinkers who are expected to contribute fresh ideas and insights for long-term planning   to advance growth and development in South Africa.
The President was briefed that the Commission was in the process of reviewing progress in – as well as non-implementation in certain areas of - the NDP with a view to achieving better results in implementation of the Plan.
As part of this review, the NPC will investigate the capacity and capability of the state to measure implementation of NDP. The review will also touch on better alignment between the national Budget and implementation of the NDP.
To address current realities in the South African economy, the National Planning Commission has developed a focus on the priorities set out by the President in the June 2019 State of the Nation Address.
The Commission has developed indicators that will track progress in the creation of employment for young people; reduction in unemployment rates; support given to township and rural enterprises; the acceleration of land reform, with clear property rights; climate change resilience; the implementation of spectrum licensing; the restructuring of Eskom; new approaches to infrastructure development and increases in local procurement.
The Commission will also look at the country’s performance in terms of increasing public and private investment; the roll-out of a re-imagined industrial policy; expansion of trade with African markets and the doubling of tourist arrivals by 2030.
President Ramaphosa reaffirmed the National Development Plan as the country’s development blueprint but said periodic reviews and adjustments that responded to pressing realities were welcome.
The President urged the Commission to play a more visible role in leading national discussion on South Africa’s long-term development and providing clear positions on key issues in society.
He also invited the Commission to address government proactively on weaknesses in the public sector as and when those weaknesses were identified. The President foresees more direct and frequent engagement between the Commission and Cabinet. 
The President’s engagement with the NPC arose from the President’s assertion in the June 2019 State of the Nation Address that “we must restore the National Development Plan to its place at the centre of our national effort, to make it alive, to make it part of the lived experience of the South African people”.
The National Development Plan’s Vision 2030 is premised on the understanding that government alone cannot provide a decent standard of living; it requires determined and measurable actions from all social actors and partners across all sectors of society.
The President’s meeting with the Commission was one in a series of consultations between the President and key national institutions that are leading strategic thinking on and planning and implementation of critical initiatives to grow South Africa inclusively and competitively.
These consultations allow the President and stakeholders to explore actions to address current challenges in the economy and society and to put in place long-term plans for sustainable development.
On Thursday, 1 August 2019, President Ramaphosa received an update from the National Economic Development and Labour Council (NEDLAC) on work being done to implement agreements reached among government, labour, business and community at the 2018 Presidential Jobs Summit to stimulate economic activity and increase employment.
The meeting agreed that government would, as one of the NEDLAC partners, urgently implement numerous actions arising from the Presidential Jobs Summit.
The meeting also agreed that the President and Deputy President David Mabuza would lead the government delegation to monthly NEDLAC meetings at which the social partners will report on the implementation of Jobs Summit interventions and work more urgently to fulfill the commitments of the Framework Agreement.
On Thursday, 8 August 2019, the President will address the Forum of South African Directors-General and engage this senior echelon of leadership in the public sector on the capability of the public service to give effect to the development goals set out by the President in the June 2019 State of the Nation Address.
On Wednesday, 14 August 2019, the President will hold discussions with a group of economists to assess challenges in the economy and identify ways to overcome these challenges and build an inclusive and competitive economy.
On Thursday, 20 August 2019, President Ramaphosa will convene the President’s Coordinating Council for deliberations on alignment and collaboration among national, provincial and local government in the implementation of the priorities the President has set for the current political term and the five goals South Africa will pursue over the coming decade.
For the Sixth Administration, all programmes and policies across all departments and agencies will be directed in pursuit of the following overarching tasks: 
• Economic transformation and job creation
• Education, skills and health
• Consolidating the social wage through reliable and quality basic services
• Spatial integration, human settlements and local government
• Social cohesion and safe communities
• A capable, ethical and developmental state
• A better Africa and World
In the State of the Nation Address, the President said it was necessary for all social partners to more clearly define the South Africa we want and to agree on the concrete actions required to achieve them.

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President on 072 854 5707
Issued by: The Presidency

President Ramaphosa to meet National Planning Commission

President Cyril Ramaphosa will today, Tuesday 06 August 2019, meet with the members of the National Planning Commission (NPC) at his Mahlamba Ndlopfu official residence in Tshwane.

The Commission will brief the President on progress made and challenges encountered since the commencement of this collective’s term 2015.

The Commission will update the President on indicators used to measure the implementation of the National Development Plan and will report on the Review of the National Development Plan.

The mandate of the commission includes, among others the following responsibilities: 

- To promote and advance the implementation of the National Development Plan across different sectors of society;
- To undertake detailed planning in a selected number of sectors to be determined from time to time;
- To conduct regular engagements with various sectors of society on all matters pertaining to the long-term development of the country;
- To facilitate stakeholder engagements aimed at forging a social compact towards more effective implementation of the National Development Plan;
- To undertake research into long-term trends, analyse implementation of short to medium term plans with a view to recommend improvements to Government as well as produce reports to inform policy and planning; and
- To contribute to development of international partnerships and networks on national planning.


Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President on 072 854 5707

Issued by: The Presidency

President to lead National Women's Day celebration

President Cyril Ramaphosa will on Friday, 09 August 2019, deliver the keynote address at the National Women’s Day commemoration event.

The event will take place at the Vryburg showgrounds in the Dr Ruth Segomotsi District in the North West Province.

The National Women’s Day commemorations this year take place under the theme “25 Years of Democracy: Growing South Africa Together for Women’s Emancipation”.

Annually, South Africa dedicates the month of August to the commemoration of the march - on 9 August 1956 - by more than 20 000 women from all  backgrounds and cultures to the Union Buildings in Pretoria.

Marchers demanded an end to Pass Laws which sought to control the movement of women around the country and regard women as property of the state.

This historic protest contributed greatly to the emancipation of women and the attainment of equality for all citizens. 

The 2019 Women’s Day forms part of the nation’s celebration of 25 years of freedom and democracy. It is also an important day that provides an opportunity to recognise the crucial role played by women during the struggle for liberation against colonisation and apartheid. 

The Women's Day commemorations also coincide with the 65th anniversary of the Womens Charter, which brought the ideals and aspirations of women into a single document, in 1954. 

In this regard, government and all South Africans will take stock of progress that has been made to emancipate women and strengthen efforts to improve their lives. 

Since 1994 government has committed to a progressive legislative framework and human rights agenda that is strongly informed by principles of gender equality, women's emancipation and empowerment. 

Today women play critical and remarkable roles across varying sectors of our society. 

In his State of the Nation Address, President Ramaphosa highlighted the continuing challenges of gender based violence and femicide experienced by women and young girls. The President has committed government to continue to work with civil society organisation on strategies to curb the scourge.

The Vryburg event will be attended by North West communities and forms part of a month-long, nationwide programme of activities to mark Women’s Month.

President Ramaphosa will be supported by Cabinet Ministers, Members of the North West Executive Council and other Senior Government Officials. 

Media are invited as follows:

Date: Friday, 09 August 2019
Time: 11:00
Venue: Vryburg Showgrounds, North West Province

Media were requested to apply for accreditation by no later than 26 July 2019. Accreditation cards can be collected from the Mini-Garona Government Offices on 8 August, 09:00-18:00 and 9 August, 07:00 - 10:00. To follow up on your accreditation you can call Tsakane Khambane on 082 084 5566.

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President on 072 854 5707

Issued by: The Presidency

SACC pledges action to rebuild South Africa

The South African Council of Churches (SACC) has presented President Cyril Ramaphosa with a range of initiatives the Council will undertake, where there can be collaboration with various levels of government working alongside government, to realise what the Council envisions as the “Promise of the Post-Apartheid South Africa”. 

The Council – an inter-denominational forum of 36 member churches and organisations – laid it out its commitment to rebuilding South Africa morally and materially at a meeting with President Ramaphosa in Pretoria today, Thursday 08 August 2019. 

President Ramaphosa met with the SACC as part of ongoing engagement between government and all sectors of civil society as part of building social  compacts for renewal, growth and development. 

Through advocacy, care and empowerment the SACC works for moral reconstruction in South Africa, focusing on justice, reconciliation, integrity of the natural environment, the eradication of poverty, and contributing towards the empowerment of all those who are spiritually, socially and economically marginalised. 

The Council briefed the President that its initiative arose from its concern that South Africa was spatially, socially, economically and politically polarised. The Council is also of the view of that the cost of corruption and maladministration to poor communities has been immense and that recovery requires long, hard and systemic work. 

The Council will leverage the rich outcomes of their recent National Convention of South Africa initiative, articulated in its “The South Africa We Pray4” campaign Civil Society Manifesto, to increase its public engagement as a moral voice that will champion social justice and constitutional values. Among other interventions, member churches will also engage communities in local economic development projects. 

President Ramaphosa welcomed the SACC proposals and briefed the Council on actions government has undertaken in areas such as health, economic opportunities for youth and the repositioning of Eskom to renew society and build the economy.

Government will continue to engage with the SACC on how the intended collaboration can be realised.

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President on 072 854 5707

Issued by: The Presidency

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