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Message of condolence on the passing of His Majesty King Sigcawu

Acting President Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma has, on behalf of President Cyril Ramaphosa, expressed her heartfelt condolences following the passing of His Majesty, King Mpendulo Calvin Sigcawu, Ah! Zwelonke.

The Acting President has also on the part of government and the people of South Africa expressed her deepest condolences to the AmaXhosa Royal Family and the community as a whole, on the passing of His Majesty, the King.

"I am deeply saddened by the untimely passing of His Majesty King Zwelonke whose contribution to the development of the institution of traditional  leadership is beyond measure," said Acting President Dlamini Zuma.

His Majesty became King of amaXhosa in 2006 and led his people until his passing today, Thursday 14 November 2019.

He was also the first King in South Africa to be coronated in 2015 after the democratic recognition of traditional leadership.

“Our country has lost a leader who was close to his people; a torch-bearer for peace and unity,” says the Acting President. “As Government, we are proud to have worked with such a great leader. Kumkani Zwelonke will forever be remembered with great respect and admiration for his dedication and selflessness in serving his people. Lala kahle Tshawe!"

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President on 072 854 5707

OR Lungi Mtshali, Spokesperson to the Acting President on 082 088 5060

Issued by: The Presidency
PretoriaActing President Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma has, on behalf of President Cyril Ramaphosa, expressed her heartfelt condolences following the passing of His Majesty, King Mpendulo Calvin Sigcawu, Ah! Zwelonke.

The Acting President has also on the part of government and the people of South Africa expressed her deepest condolences to the AmaXhosa Royal Family and the community as a whole, on the passing of His Majesty, the King.

"I am deeply saddened by the untimely passing of His Majesty King Zwelonke whose contribution to the development of the institution of traditional leadership is beyond measure," said Acting President Dlamini Zuma.

His Majesty became King of amaXhosa in 2006 and led his people until his passing today, Thursday 14 November 2019.

He was also the first King in South Africa to be coronated in 2015 after the democratic recognition of traditional leadership.

“Our country has lost a leader who was close to his people; a torch-bearer for peace and unity,” says the Acting President. “As Government, we are proud to have worked with such a great leader. Kumkani Zwelonke will forever be remembered with great respect and admiration for his dedication and selflessness in serving his people. Lala kahle Tshawe!"

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President on 072 854 5707

OR Lungi Mtshali, Spokesperson to the Acting President on 082 088 5060

Issued by: The Presidency

Black Business Council reaffirms support for government efforts to grow economy

The Black Business Council (BBC) has assured President Cyril Ramaphosa of its “unshakeable support” for government’s efforts to achieve inclusive economic growth.

At an engagement with President Cyril Ramaphosa in Pretoria today, Thursday 21 November 2019, the Council committed to work in partnership with government to address the economic challenges represented by high levels of unemployment, especially youth unemployment; the country’s sovereign credit rating, and the systemic risk arising from Eskom’s financial and operational difficulties.

The Council outlined its keenness to address challenges faced in the South African economy and unlocking opportunities presented in various sectors. 

The Black Business Council represents black professionals and business associations and chambers, which has since the dawn of democracy partnered with government to increase the participation of black business in the nation’s economy. The Council is an influential voice in articulating the position of the business community around key national economic issues.

BBC President Sandile Zungu noted the progress made by government in areas such as preferential procurement; competition law; the allocation of radio frequency spectrum; the adoption of an integrated resource plan for energy; the fight against gender-based violence and femicide and the inception of the African Continental Free Trade Area.

The Council drew attention to the challenges faced by state-owned enterprises; the erosion of capacity in the public sector; low levels of business confidence; the impact of crime on tourism; insufficient competition in the financial services sector; the effect of the crisis at Eskom on industrialisation, and the slow pace of digital migration.

The BBC briefed the President on opportunities arising from digital transformation, including the possible creation of 500,000 jobs in 10 years in globally traded services such as business process outsourcing; labour-absorbing platforms that will draw lower skilled workers into transport or accommodation services, and the positioning of South Africa as a hub for frontier technologies.

The Council also expressed its interest in ensuring that black business participates meaningfully in intra-African trade with the advent of free trade across the continent.

President Ramaphosa was accompanied by Minister of Trade and Industry Ebrahim Patel; Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development Thoko Didiza and Minister of Tourism Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane.

The President said it was encouraging that the business sector, particularly black business, was keen to engage with government on the challenging economic climate to create jobs and improve the living conditions of South Africans.

He restated government’s irrevocable commitment to broad-based black economic empowerment as well as maintaining the non-racial character of the country. The President called for a national discussion on gender transformation which lags behind race transformation.

The President welcomed the BBC’s public statement of support to the incoming Chief Executive of Eskom and assured the Council that the selection process had been undertaken with the required rigour.

The President also welcomed the BBC’s willingness to work with government to build the capacity of the state. He called on BBC’s members in provinces to participate in the Khawuleza model of district-based development and work alongside the public sector in unlocking problems and developing solutions.
The President invited the BBC to further engagement on the Council’s call for a reimagination and repositioning of the township economy.

The President agreed that relevant Ministers would engage further with the BBC on issues raised in today’s discussion, and that there should be structured periodic engagements between the President and the Council.

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President on 072 854 5707 

Issued by: The Presidency

President Ramaphosa undertakes Working Visit to the Kingdom of Lesotho

President Cyril Ramaphosa will undertake a Working Visit to the Kingdom of Lesotho on Wednesday 27 November 2019 at the invitation of the Right Honourable Prime Minister Thomas Thabane to attend the closing ceremony of the Multistakeholder National Dialogue Plenary II.

President Ramaphosa is expected to engage with, among others, political parties and civil society groupings.

President Ramaphosa will attend the closing ceremony of the Multistakeholder National Dialogue Plenary II in his capacity as the SADC Facilitator to  Lesotho. 

President Ramaphosa was appointed the Southern African Development Community (SADC) facilitator to Lesotho in September 2014 when he held the  position of Deputy President of the Republic of South Africa.

After assuming the position of President of the Republic in 2018, President Ramaphosa appointed former Deputy Chief Justice Dikgang Moseneke to lead the SADC Facilitation Team to Lesotho.

The Multistakeholder National Dialogue Plenary II, from 25 to 27 November 2019, is a very important milestone in the reforms process of the Kingdom of Lesotho. This will mark the end of the phase of consultations and negotiations on the reforms that are required. It will also be the beginning of a new phase of the operationalization of reforms under the guidance of the newly established National Reforms Authority.

The President will be accompanied by the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor, the Minister of State Security, Ms Ayanda Dlodlo, and the Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Ms Candith Mashego-Dlamini.

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President on 072 854 5707 

Issued by: The Presidency

President Ramaphosa urges swift police action in the wake of murder of Precious Ramabulana

President Cyril Ramaphosa has called upon the South African Police Service (SAPS) to intensify the manhunt for the killer of 21 year old Limpopo student Precious Ramabulana, and to ensure the perpetrator is apprehended and brought to book swiftly.

Ramabulana was found dead on Sunday in her student accommodation in Mokomene, Limpopo after being attacked by an assailant in the early hours  of the morning.

“The savagery inflicted on this young woman – she was reportedly stabbed 52 times, points to a level of depravity that is beyond the comprehensible,”  President Ramaphosa said.

“We are horrified at yet another killing of an innocent woman, and we are angry, this simply cannot go on,” the President added.

President Ramaphosa has directed Minister of Police to avail all the necessary resources to support local police in the search for the killer.

On Monday the President launched the annual 16 Days of Activism of No Violence against Women and Children in Lephalale in Limpopo, where he updated the nation on progress in implementing the National Emergency Response Plan to combat gender-based violence and femicide.

“This week alone our courts have handed down life sentences to three perpetrators convicted of crimes against women and children: we are going to make good on our promise to the women of this country that those who are terrorizing them will be removed from society,” said President Ramaphosa.

At the launch President Ramaphosa called on all South Africans to report gender-based violence and to work with law-enforcement authorities.

“I call upon friends, family and the community: and anyone with information that could lead to the arrest of Precious’ killer to come forward,” said President Ramaphosa, adding that “all information will be treated confidentially and the SAPS crime hotline can be reached at 08600 10111.”

“Whoever committed this brutal act must know that there is no corner for you to hide. You will be found, you will be tried, and you will receive the highest penalty,” the President added.

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President – 072 854 5707

Issued by: The Presidency

President Ramaphosa to visit home of Precious Ramabulana

President Cyril Ramaphosa has lauded the South African Police Service (SAPS) for their swift action that led to the arrest of a man suspected of involvement in the murder of 21 year old Limpopo student Precious Ramabulana.

“Earlier in the week I had requested Minister of Police to spare no effort to track down the perpetrator of this heinous crime – that we have now had an arrest is truly sterling police work,” President Ramaphosa said.

“We are keeping our promise to the women and girls of this country that our law-enforcement authorities will not hesitate to act against perpetrators of  gender-based violence. We are making sure that violent criminals are apprehended and not left to roam the streets with impunity where they can attack  again,” President added.

Ramabulana was attacked and killed in her student accommodation in Mokomene, Limpopo on Sunday.

“Since Precious’ death the women of the community have told us they feel unsafe and fearful; the arrest of the suspect will not only reassure them but bring a measure of comfort to her bereaved family,” said President Ramaphosa. 

President Ramaphosa will visit the Ramabula family in Makhado, Limpopo province, tomorrow, Sunday 1 December 2019, to pay his respects.

Under the National Emergency Action Plan to combat gender based violence and femicide approved by Parliament, President Ramaphosa announced that departments had been directed to reprioritise their budgets to allocate the necessary resources to programmes to combat gender-based violence.

This includes resourcing and capacitating the SAPS to enable it to investigate cases of GBV effectively.

At Monday’s launch of the annual 16 Days of Activism of No Violence against Women and Children President Ramaphosa also directed that additional capacity would be provided to police forensic teams to bolster investigations.

Forensic specialists formed part of the team that arrested the suspect in Botlokwa.

The President said: “I commend the SAPS for swiftly following up leads that led them to the suspect. I have the utmost confidence the same urgency will be applied to investigating all crimes of this nature around the country.”

“It is in the interests of justice that this investigation should now move ahead without unnecessary delay and when appropriate, to proceed to trial,” the President concluded.

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President – 072 854 5707

Issued by: The Presidency

Presidential Working Committee on Jobs focuses on local procurement and agriculture

President Cyril Ramaphosa has today, 02 December 2019, chaired the fourth monthly meeting of the Presidential Working Committee on Jobs at Nedlac House, Rosebank.

The Presidential Working Committee was established to accelerate implementation of the commitments made at the Jobs Summit held in 2018 to create jobs and stem job losses. The Working Committee is composed of leaders of government, labour, business and civil society.

The President has welcomed the steady progress in addressing some of the main impediments to job creation. In this regard, the President has  commended work done to date including the piloting of eVisas, the acceleration of the water licensing process, the process towards spectrum allocation  and a more pragmatic approach to attracting critical skills to the country.

“Through these meetings we have witnessed the value of working through issues as social partners. We are still some distance from where we want to be. We are not yet seeing the results of new investments or the benefits of policy reforms but the progress we have made is stirring hope. We need now to convert that hope into investment, growth and jobs,” said President Ramaphosa

Today’s meeting of the Presidential Working Committee on Jobs, which is the last for the current calendar year, focused on progress being made to realise local procurement as well as agricultural sector commitments. 

On local procurement, the meeting received a report on ongoing work to create a transparent business-to-business procurement platform to allow more companies, especially black owned companies, to compete for procurement so as to increase uptake of locally produced goods by domestic retailers. 

Working together with Proudly South Africa and the Manufacturing Circle, there is also an ongoing project to identify imported products purchased in large enough volumes to warrant exploration of local production and encourage business to review their procurement budgets to increase expenditure from local producers. 

Social partners are collaborating to strengthen support for supplier development and access to markets for small, medium and micro enterprises. The Presidential Working Committee is further collecting data on company-specific interventions to identify opportunities.

The Presidential Working Committee has welcomed progress in land reform, noting that a number of private land owners and farmers had voluntarily taken the initiative to address equitable access to land. The meeting encouraged more initiatives of such a nature. 

More work still remains to be done to improve and expand the grain and livestock value chains, including expansion of feedlots, as well as growing the poultry industry to position it for the export market. The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development is working with the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition to increase exports of meat and fruit products to the Middle East and Asia.

Labour has called for greater attention to be given to the challenges faced by farm workers including access to support structures in the event of evictions. 

The President has expressed satisfaction that momentum is building to addressing regulatory barriers and welcomed the progress made to date, noting that “greater determination and urgency is required in the implementation of the identified reforms.” 

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President on 072 854 5707

Issued by: The Presidency

President Ramaphosa congratulates President Hage Geingob and the people of Namibia on successful elections

On behalf of the Government and the people of South Africa, President Cyril Ramaphosa has extended his warmest congratulations to the people of Namibia on a successful election and to Dr Hage Geingob on his re-election on 27 November 2019 for a second term as President of the Republic of Namibia. 

The Presidential and Legislative Elections, held on of 27 November 2019, were an important milestone in entrenching democracy since the independence of Namibia in 1990.

President Ramaphosa acknowledged the deep fraternal and historical relations between the two countries. The two neighbouring countries share common  positions and common views on a number of regional and global issues. 

President Ramaphosa reiterated his commitment to work closely with President Geingob in pursuit of greater regional integration through Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) as well as continental political and economic integration as espoused in the African Union (AU)’s Agenda 2063. 

Furthermore, the two countries will continue to cooperate in advancing the interests of our continent in international forums.    

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President on 072 854 5707

Issued by: The Presidency

President commences working visit to Republic of Togo

President Cyril Ramaphosa has this evening, 05 December 2019 arrived in Lome, in the Republic of Togo, for a Working Visit aimed at strengthening the already strong bilateral, political and economic relations between South Africa and the Republic of Togo.

The President is on the last leg of working visits to three members of the Economic Community of West African States.

The visit to Togo follows successful engagements between President Ramaphosa and President Alpha Condé of the Republic of Guinea and President  Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo of the Republic of Ghana on Wednesday 04 December 2019 and Thursday 05 December respectively.

President Ramaphosa will upon his arrival in Lomé attend a State Banquet hosted in his honour by President Faure Gnassingbé. 

On Friday 06 December 2019, President Ramaphosa and President Gnassingbé will undertake a guided tour of the Port of Lomé and the Peacekeeping Operations Training Center.

Following this, the leaders will hold bilateral discussions at State House, Lomé.

The leaders will also preside over the signing of a cooperation framework agreement, an agreement that will enable cooperation in a number of fields including agro-processing, port management, mining and energy.

South African business has a significant footprint in Togo and some of the major South African companies operating in the country including MTN, WBHO, AngloGold Ashanti, Gateway Africa and UBU Holdings. Nedbank is a shareholder in the Lomé Head-Quartered West African Bank, Eco bank.  

President Ramaphosa’s Working Visits to the sister Republics provide an opportunity for South Africa to explore new areas of cooperation with the three partner states and to promote increased trade and investment flows to the mutual benefit of the peoples of the four countries. 

The visits will also create a platform for President Ramaphosa to engage with his counterparts on matters of mutual interest in South Africa’s quest for a peaceful and prosperous continent in line with the aspirations of the African Union's transformative Agenda 2063 as well as reform of the global governance system. 

President Ramaphosa is accompanied by the following Ministers: International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor; Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, Ms Thoko Didiza; Defence and Military Veterans, Ms Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula; State Security, Ms Ayanda Dlodlo, and Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry Mr Fikile Majola. 

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President on 072 854 5707

Issued by: The Presidency

President concludes successful working visits

President Cyril Ramaphosa has today, Friday 06 December 2019, concluded successful Working Visits to three members of the Economic Community  of West African States.

The visits to the Republic of Guinea, the Republic of Ghana and the Republic of Togo from 04 to 06 December 2019 were directed at deepening political, economic and social relations between South Africa and sister countries.

The visits also formed part of the prelude to South Africa’s assumption of the Chairship of the African Union early in 2020, as well as the inception of the  African Continental Free Trade Area in the middle of 2020.

The visits were marked by a strong focus on measures that could be taken to enhance trade, investment, infrastructure development and the transfer of skills and technology between South Africa and the respective partner states.

In agriculture in particular, cooperation will facilitate the transition from subsistence farming to commercially scaleable cultivation and the beneficiation of agricultural products within comprehensive value chains.

South Africa and the three states will also cooperate in defence and security as part of the African Union’s “Silencing of the Guns” campaign which forms part of the continent’s developmental Agenda 2063 and seeks to end all forms of conflict and insecurity from politically motivated conflicts to gender-based violence.

The host Presidents expressed their support for South Africa’s Chairship of the AU and shared South Africa’s positive anticipation of an era of free trade across the Continent.

In the Republic of Guinea, President Ramaphosa and His Excellency President Professor Alpha Condé discussed wide-ranging discussions on bilateral relations as well as on regional and international issues of common interest.

They have agreed to consider developing new agreements  in various areas to promote the exchange of expertise between the countries.

The Presidents reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening and deepening bilateral relations by holding regular sessions of the Joint Commission of Cooperation, the third of which will be held in Conakry in 2020.
During his visit to Accra, Ghana, President Ramaphosa and His Excellency President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo engaged on areas of cooperation in defence, security, agriculture, sports, arts and culture and infrastructure development, among other areas.

The leaders also witnessed the signing of an agreement to establish a Bi-National Commission between the two countries, which will elevate relations to the Presidential level.

President Akufo-Addo commended President Ramaphosa for dispatching Special Envoys to a number of countries, including Ghana, whose nationals were affected by violence in South Africa several months ago.

President Ramaphosa congratulated President Akufo-Addo on Ghana's designation as the seat of the Permanent Secretariat of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement, which comes to force in 2020.

At the conclusion of his working visit in Togo, President Ramaphosa and His Excellency President Faure Gnassingbé witnessed the signing of a cooperation framework agreement that will enable partnership in a number of fields including agro-processing, port management, mining and energy.

The two leaders agreed to encourage business people from South Africa to Togo to explore opportunities for trade and mutual investment as well as the promotion of tourism between the two countries.

Addressing continental concerns, the two leaders strongly condemned continued terrorist and extremist activities in various regions of the Continent.

President Ramaphosa expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to visit the Autonomous Port of Lomé, a strategic logistical hub for the region. 

The Port of Lomé is a transshipment hub for the West African sub-region and provides important economic infrastructure and networks to surrounding landlocked states.

In terms of Togo’s National Development Plan, the Lomé port is due to expand container terminals and fishing wharfs. This provides opportunities for South African enterprises wishing to enter the West African sub-region as well as companies that could play a role in the port expansion projects.

South Africa was commended for the role it is currently playing as a Non-Permanent Member of the United Nations Security Council and its anticipated role as Chair of the African Union in 2020.

On the three visits, President Ramaphosa invited businesses in Guinea, Ghana and Togo to identify opportunities for partnerships with South African counterparts in the interest of advancing mutual  development and growth.

President Ramaphosa was accompanied by the following Ministers: International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor; Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, Ms Thoko Didiza; Defence and Military Veterans, Ms Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula; State Security, Ms Ayanda Dlodlo, and Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry Mr Fikile Majola. 

President Ramaphosa returns to South Africa this evening, Friday 06 December 2019.

Media enquiries: Spokesperson to the President, Khusela Diko on 072 854 5707 

Issued by: The Presidency

President Ramaphosa to receive a courtesy call from the World Council of Churches delegates

President Cyril Ramaphosa will, on Monday 09 December 2019, receive a courtesy call from the World Council of Churches (WCC).  

The Council is in South Africa hosted by its affiliate the South African Council of Churches from 7-12 December 2019, including members of the Churches Commission for International Affairs of the World Council of Churches whose Moderator is Reverend Frank Chikane. 

The Council's engagements are centered on issues of gender based violence and public violence targeting foreign nationals and South Africans

The engagement by the President with the highest echelon of the clergy is in the context of advancing the objective of realising a socially cohesive and  safe South Africa and the world. 

Members of the media are invited for a photo opportunity as follows:
Date: Monday, 09 December 2019
Time: 9h00
Venue: Lakes Hotel, Benoni

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko: Spokesperson to the President on 072 854 5707

Issued by: The Presidency

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