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Statement on the Cabinet Meeting of 13 December 2019

Statement on the Cabinet Ordinary Meeting held at Union Buildings, Pretoria on Friday, 13 December 2019

A. Issues in the environment

1. Eskom

1.1. Cabinet fully supports all efforts meant to ensure electricity supply certainty in our country. In this regard, Cabinet has mandated Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan to negotiate with the Chief Executive Officer Mr Andre de Ruyter to commence his duties earlier than the set date.
1.2. Mr de Ruyter together with his management team will immediately deal with the concerning issues of governance, lack of financial management as well as stabilize the operations of Eskom. This includes dealing with the huge backlog of maintenance of the aging fleet of their power stations and the structural defects in Medupi and Kusile power stations.
1.3. Deputy President David Mabuza will convene a resuscitated Energy War Room comprising Finance Minister Tito Mboweni; Minerals and Energy Minister Gwede Mantashe and Minister Gordhan.  The team will deal with any challenges to our energy supply in the country.
1.4. Renewables will play a key role in our energy supply to complement the efforts of Eskom.
2. South African Airways (SAA) Business Rescue

2.1. The SAA was this past week placed under Business Rescue. Cabinet is confident that this intervention will assist in repositioning the national airline into a stronger, competitive entity that with time will gain confidence of all South Africans and attract equity partners.
2.2. Cabinet has welcomed the appointment of the Business Rescue Practitioner Mr Les Matuson from the Matuson Associates. He will work with the Black Partners that will be announced in due course.
2.3. The SAA will receive an additional R2 billion in financial assistance from government to contribute towards the radical restructuring of the airline. Also, the existing SAA lenders will provide an additional R2 billion.
2.4. Cabinet is confident that this intervention will restore the reputation of the airline and prevent the collapse which would have had a negative impact on passengers, suppliers and other partners in the aviation sector and importantly, the workforce.
2.5. Minister Gordhan will report progress regarding this Business Rescue intervention to Cabinet on a regular basis.
3. Flooding

3.1. Cabinet sends condolences to those who lost their loved ones as a result of the recent floods experienced in various parts of the country.
3.2. Government is coordinating a multidisciplinary intervention through the National Disaster Management Centre to respond to the devastation caused by these floods.
3.3. Cabinet welcomes the support of various organisations in providing rapid relief efforts. The evacuation of people from buildings and relocation of people who were displaced in community halls and churches displayed a true spirit of Ubuntu (Humanity). Cabinet calls on the public to listen to alerts and tips on severe weather conditions.
3.4. Fast-moving flood water is life threatening and drivers and pedestrians are urged to be extremely careful and to completely avoid using routes which have been flooded.
3.5. Residents who live below the flood line of rivers and dams are warned to be cautious and move to safer areas at the earliest sign of flooding. Do not put your life at risk by swimming in dams and rivers during heavy rains.

4. Festive Season

4.1. Cabinet wishes all South Africans a safe and prosperous Festive Season. As South Africans we must continue showing Ubuntu to fellow South Africans and our visitors during this period of merriment.
4.2. Cabinet calls on all South Africans to observe the rules of the road as they make their way to their holiday destination and throughout the festive season. The responsibility to reduce the carnage on the roads lies with every one of us. Responsible behaviour on the road includes no drinking and driving, driving within the speed limits, being considerate for other road users, including pedestrians. Let us work together to save lives #LiveBeyondDezemba # Arrive Alive.
4.3. Government’s “Safer Festive Season Operations” has already started with the South African Police Service (SAPS) out in force during this period. Citizens are encouraged to use the MySAPS mobile App, which is the first of its kind on the African continent.
4.4. The new App allows citizens to interact with law-enforcement officials more effectively by providing tip-offs anonymously, finding nearest police stations and facilities, and allowing a victim of crime to send messages instantly during an emergency.
4.5. Cabinet also appeals to parents and guardians to ensure that children are not left unattended during this time.
4.6. Cabinet encourages South Africans to take a Sho’t Left by visiting local attractions and support domestic events. The use of registered tour operators or tourist guides will ensure safety and enhance travel experiences. Details of registered tourist guides can be found on the various Provincial Tourism Office websites.
5. 2019 National Senior Certificate (NSC) Examination results

5.1. Cabinet thanks teachers, learners and parents for working with government to ensure the successful conclusion of the 2019 NSC Examinations. Results will be announced on the evening of 7 January 2020 and matriculants are encouraged to visit the website of the Department of Basic Education ( or register via SMS by sending their ID number and Exam number to 35658 to get their results.   

B. Cabinet decisions

6. Biofuels Regulatory Framework

6.1. Cabinet approved the Biofuels Regulatory Framework, which will give effect to the implementation of the Biofuel Industrial Strategy. Biofuels are internationally recognised as immediate less carbon-intensive substitute. They blend fuel for conventional mineral fuels so as to reduce air pollutant from the use of transport fuel.
6.2. The framework provides five areas to be regulated namely (1) the feedstock Protocol. The protocol mitigates the risk of the biofuels programme towards food security. (2) The mandatory blending regulations so as to create certainty of biofuels demand.  (3) The cost recovery mechanism for blending of biofuels. (4) The Biofuels subsidy mechanism for biofuels farmer support and biofuel manufacturer’s support. (5) the selection criteria for biofuel projects requiring a subsidy. The framework document can be accessed through the Department of Energy website:
7. National Security Council

7.1. Cabinet approved the re-establishment of the National Security Council to streamline the coordination of all the security related work of the country. The council will be responsible for the approval of the National Security Strategy, the National Intelligence priorities of the country and National Intelligence Estimates.  
7.2. The council will be chaired by the President in his capacity as the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed and Security Forces. The other members of the council will be Deputy President Mabuza; State Security Minister  Ms Ayanda Dlodlo; Defence and Military Veterans Minister  Mrs Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula; Home Affairs Minister Mr Aaron Motsoaledi; Police Minister Mr Bheki Cele; Finance Minister  Mr Tito Mboweni and Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Minister  Ms Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma.
8. White Paper on Home Affairs

8.1. Cabinet approved the White Paper on Home Affairs, as well as the high-level strategy and road map for repositioning the Department of Home Affairs as a critical enabler for economic development and national security.
8.2. The White Paper is based on a policy foundation for a modernised and digitised government that takes us closer to realizing the objectives of e-Government and e-Commerce.
9. Cabinet approved the submission of the Madrid Agreement on the International Registration of Marks (1989) to Parliament for ratification.

9.1. The Madrid Protocol covers the protection of trade marks. Trademarks build brand recognition and competitive advantage in marketing goods and services both locally and internationally.
9.2. Accession to the Madrid Protocol will enable the   advancement of the country’s Intellectual Property (IP) Policy. It will offer South African businesses particularly the small businesses an avenue to use the IP system to market their goods and services internationally.
10. Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA)

10.1 Cabinet approved the dissolution of the Interim Board of PRASA and placing of the entity under administration.
10.2. South Africa needs a reliable, economical and smooth flowing rail corridors that acts as the backbone of public transport in linking the various modes of transport. The Auditor-General’s recent outcomes for 2018/19 reported serious governance failures at PRASA, lack of effective financial management process resulting in PRASA obtaining a Disclaimer Audit Outcome.
10.3. To this effect, Cabinet approved the appointment of an Administrator, Mr Bongisizwe Mpondo, to administer the affairs of the entity for 12 months. This intervention will contribute in restoring the effective performance of PRASA.
11. Broadcasting Digital Migration

11.1. Cabinet was briefed on the status of the Broadcasting Digital Migration programme regarding decoder storage, distribution and installation management.
11.2. It noted the framework for installation of the decoder stock kept at South African Post Office warehouses. Cabinet approved that for the remaining decoder installations, installers will be appointed at local municipality level.  This revised delivery model is meant to fast-track the process towards the migration from analogue to digital and the  release of the High Demand Spectrum. 
11.3. Cabinet also approved the appointment of Mr Newyear Niniva Ntuli as the Administrator and Accounting Authority of the Universal Service and Access Agency of South Africa for 24 months.
12. Report on 25-Year Review of Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality in South Africa: 1994-2019

12.1. Cabinet approved the report, which will serve as the Country’s Report Back to the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (Beijing+25) of the United Nations (UN). The UN Commission on the Status of Women is scheduled to make the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action in March 2020. South Africa is the signatory to the Beijing Declaration. 
12.2. The report highlights progress in a number of areas in respect of women empowerment and attempts to narrow the gap of gender inequality. Whilst it affirms that South Africa has comprehensive gender-responsive legislative and policy interventions to redress sexism, challenges of transforming historical gender imbalances and addressing the persisted patriarchal practices and stereotyping remain.
13. Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and Femicide National Strategic Plan (NSP) (2020-2030)

13.1. Cabinet was briefed on the NSP 2020-2030, which provides a multi-sectoral, coherent strategic policy and programming framework to ensure a coordinated GBV national response by government and the country as a whole. Cabinet approved that all funded programmes of the plan must be implemented by the various affected departments. 
13.2. Cabinet, however, directed further work be done in refining the proposed institutional and coordination arrangement of this work. The following Ministers were directed to do further work in this regard: Social Development Minister Ms Lindiwe Zulu; Justice and Correctional Services Minister Mr Ronald Lamola; Police Minister Mr Bheki Cele; Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities Minister Mrs Maite Nkoana-Mashabane. Minister Mrs Nkoana-Mashabane will convene this team.
14. Recommendations of the Presidential Advisory Panel on Land Reform and Agriculture

14.1. On 24 July 2019, Cabinet received the Report of the Presidential Advisory Panel on Land Reform and Agriculture chaired by Dr Vuyokazi Mahlati, which made 73 recommendations.  Through the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Land Reform led by Deputy President Mabuza, all the affected departments were asked to study the recommendations relating to their respective portfolios and respond accordingly.
14.2. Cabinet has since endorsed and supported 60 of the recommendations. Only nine were not approved and three were noted. The various departments will provide a fuller briefing on the areas that were noted and not approved.
15. Gauteng Freeway Improvement Project (GFIP)

15.1. Cabinet noted the report on the GFIP (e-tolls) of the Task Team led by Transport Minister Mr Fikile Mbalula. A final decision on the recommendations of the Task Team as contained in the report will be made in the New Year.
16. Beneficiary Selection and Land Allocation Policy

16.1. Cabinet approved the publication of the policy for public comment. The policy provides for a credible and transparent process for land allocation and beneficiary selection.
16.2. Notably, it addresses the gender inequity in land allocation and access, and a lack of mechanisms to enable poor communal residents and villagers to access land in case of natural disasters and other emergency situations.

C. Bills

17. Cabinet approved the publication of the Victim Support Services Bill of 2019 for public comment. The Bill provides for integrated and multi-disciplinary intervention approach towards the needs of victims of crime and violence. Through this bill the activities and services by various departments in the Justice, Crime Prevention and Security Cluster and the Social Cluster will be better coordinated as part of a singular value chain.

18. Cabinet also approved the Social Services Practitioners Bill of 2019 to be gazetted for public comment. The Bill was developed to expand the regulation of social service practitioners by recognising that there are both professional and auxiliary levels within the social service occupations. This Bill once it is legislated, will repeal the current Social Service Professional Act, 1978 (Act 110 of 1978). The Department of Social Development will at a later stage unpack the two proposed bills.

19. Cabinet approved the submission of the Expropriation Bill of 2019 for public comment. The Bill has been enhanced by inputs from the extensive consultation with the public and from different formations. Once passed into law, the Bill will provide uniform procedures to be followed when effecting the expropriation. It provides a legal framework for government departments and other organs of state in the three spheres of government to apply uniform land and other infrastructure expropriation procedures. 

20. Cabinet approved the publication of the draft Upstream Petroleum Resources Development Bill for public comment.  The Bill seeks to create an environment that will promote investment into the upstream petroleum sector. It provides guidance on the exploration and production activities that will contribute to economic growth and transformation. The Bill also separately provides for the regulation of petroleum resources. It establishes the Petroleum Agency of South Africa, which will make recommendations to the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy.

21. Cabinet approved the publication of the Municipal Fiscal Powers and Functions Amendment Bill for public comment. The Bill amends the Municipal Fiscal Powers and Functions Act, 2007 (Act 12 of 2007). It regulates the powers of municipalities to levy development charges in respect of land development applications submitted to the municipality.

Development charges are one of the instruments that municipalities can use to finance the development of municipal infrastructure. This enables municipalities to execute their role of providing well-maintained and functioning infrastructure services to unlock economic growth.

22. Cabinet approved the submission to Parliament the Auditing Profession Amendment Bill. The Bill amends the Auditing Profession Act, 2005 (Act 26 of 2005). The Bill proposes that the Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors be empowered to subpoena any person with any information required to complete an investigation on improper conduct by auditors. The amendments also empower the Minister of Finance to determine the maximum amount which can be imposed on an auditor with a guilty finding following a disciplinary hearing.

D. Upcoming events

23. Call for entries for Southern African Development Community (SADC) Media Awards

23.1. The South African media are invited to submit their entries for the 2020 SADC Media Awards competition not later than 28 February 2020. Journalists who wish to enter the competition can access more information from the and

E. Messages

24. Congratulations

Cabinet extends its congratulations to:

24.1. Miss South Africa Zozibini Tunzi for being crowned Miss Universe 2019 in Atlanta, USA.
24.2. Restaurant Mosaic for being named the highest-ranking South African restaurant at the annual La Liste World Restaurant Awards in Paris, France.
24.3. the 4 971 new police officers who graduated  last week friday from the police colleges. The newly graduated police officers will be joining the ranks of the SAPS to improve the safety of citizens.
24.4. United Kingdom (UK) Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his Conservative Party for winning the 2019 UK General Elections and looks forward to further strengthening of relations between the two countries during his tenure.
24.5. Amajita (South African U20 National Soccer team) for their valiant game against Zambia and achieving runners-up at the U20 COSAFA Cup.

F. Appointments

All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.

25. Human Resource Development Council of South Africa:

Adv Richard Sizani (Public Service Commission);
Ms Phindile Mkwanazi (National School of Government);
Ms Riefdah Ajam (Federation of Unions of South Africa);
Mr Narius Moloto (National Council of Trade Unions);
Mr Bheki Ntshalintshali (Congress of South Africa Trade Unions);
Dr Octavia Mkhabela (Retired);
Dr Chris Nhlapo (Cape Peninsula University of Technology);
Dr Dudu Mkhize (South African Youth into Engineering);
Mr Sanele Mlotshwa (South African College Principals Organisation);
Mr Thulani Dlamini (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research);
Dr Glenda Kruss (Human Sciences Research Council);
Mr Joe Samuels (South African Qualifications Authority);
Mr Bruno Peter Nkosi Druchen (Deaf Federation of South Africa);
Mr Sifiso John Mtsweni (National Youth Development Agency);
Dr Jeremia Gule (Institute of People Management);
Ms Busisiwe Mavuso (Business Leadership South Africa);
Mr Mustak Ally (Minerals Council South Africa);
Mr Dumisani Mphafa (Black Business Council);
Prof Sibongile Muthwa (Universities South Africa);
Ms Sesi Nombulelo Nxesi (Sector Education and Training Forum);
Dr Randall Carolissen (National Student Financial Aid Scheme);
Ms Yvonne Pelle (Continuation Education and Training Sector);
Mr Christo van der Rheede (AgriSA);
Mr Michael Peter (Forestry South Africa);
Ms Sithembiso Dlamini (Tourism South Africa); and
Mr Gerhard Hattingh (Manufacturing Enterprise Solution Association).

26. The Board of Road Accident Fund (RAF).

27. Ms Nompumelelo (Mpumi) Mpofu as the Managing Director of the Airport Company South Africa.

Ms Phumla Williams – Acting Cabinet Spokesperson
Mobile: 083 501 0139

Statement on the Cabinet Meeting of 31 January 2020

Statement on the Special Cabinet Meeting held at Sefako Makgatho Presidential Guest House, Pretoria on Friday, 31 January 2020

1.  Cabinet decision

1.1 Alongside the three-day Cabinet Lekgotla held at the Sefako Makgatho Presidential Guest House in Tshwane from 29 to 31 January 2020, a Special Cabinet was held on Friday, 31 January 2020. 

1.2 The Minister of Public Service and Administration, Mr Senzo Mchunu, briefed Cabinet on the wage negotiations with the Public Service unions currently underway. A more extensive discussion on these negotiations will take place in the next sitting of Cabinet.

1.3 Cabinet was satisfied with the work which seeks to build a public service that responds to the economic challenges we face as a country. The Minister was mandated to continue with this work. Government remains committed to working with the Public Service unions in building a capable, ethical and developmental state.

2.  Appointments

Cabinet approved the following appointments:

2.1 Advocate Solomzi Mbada as Chief Executive Officer of the Armaments Corporation of South Africa.
2.2 Ms Portia Derby as Group Chief Executive of Transnet Holdings.
2.3 Directors of the South African Nuclear Energy Corporation for three years.

  1. Mr David Nicholls (Chairperson to Necsa)
  2. Ms Adila Chowan;
  3. Mr Joseph Shayi;
  4. Dr Gregory Davids;
  5. Ms Senamile Masango;
  6. Mr James Mashukudu Maboa;
  7. Ms Letlhogonolo Noge-Tungamia; and
  8. Dr Namane Magau.

Phumla Williams – Acting Cabinet Spokesperson  
Cell: 083 501 0139

Statement on the Cabinet Meeting of 12 February 2020

Statement on the Cabinet Meeting held on Wednesday, 12 February 2020 at Parliament, Tuynhuys in Cape Town

A. Issues in the environment

1. 2020 State of the Nation Address (SoNA)

1.1. Cabinet welcomes the 2020 SoNA delivered by President Cyril Ramaphosa at a Joint Sitting of the two houses in Parliament, Cape Town on Thursday, 13 February 2020. The address was delivered following the 30th anniversary of the release of the Father of the Nation, Tata Madiba, who walked free from Victor Verster Prison on 11 February 1990. 

1.2. President Ramaphosa’s 2020 SoNA provided an elaborate government Programme of Action (PoA) that will seek to ramp up the country’s ailing economy by fixing the economic fundamentals.

1.3. The next few months will see the implementation of measures that will fundamentally change the trajectory of energy generation and procurement in the country.

1.4. The President highlighted plans to boost local production that will empower small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs). Over 1 000 locally produced products will be procured through these SMMEs. These initiatives will form part of the innovative ways to support youth entrepreneurship and self-employment.

1.5. The new Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) college campuses to be built this year will assist in bridging the gap between youth unemployment and skills. The Youth Employment Service, together with the TVET colleges and the private sector, will ensure that more learners receive practical workplace experience as part of their training.

1.6. Cabinet also welcomes the announcement to set up the SheTradesZA platform which will assist women-owned businesses to participate in global value chains and markets.

1.7. The District Development Model that was piloted last year in one metro and two district municipalities will this year be rolled out in all districts and metros. This will give effect to a holistic service delivery model that encompasses one plan supported by all three spheres of government.

1.8. The President’s address has inspired all to unite and forge ahead towards overcoming our challenges and build a thriving South African democracy.  Cabinet invites all sectors of society to partner with government in implementing government’s PoA. 

1.9. During the debates in Parliament this week, members of the Executive will further unpack the PoA to be rolled out in the current financial year and beyond.

2. African Union (AU) Summit

2.1. Cabinet congratulates President Ramaphosa on assuming the AU Chairship on behalf of South Africa. The President will use his role to advance peace and stability, good governance, gender equality and the empowerment of women to grow Africa’s economy. Later this year the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Agreement also comes into effect.

2.2. This agreement converges into a single market across 54 nations of about 1,2 billion people with a combined gross domestic product of over US$3 trillion.  As the Chair, South Africa will host a summit to finalise the AfCFTA protocol of implementation.

2.3. South Africa will also work towards a stable and peaceful Africa under the theme: “Silencing the Guns: Creating Conducive Conditions for Africa’s Development”.

2.4. Cabinet also welcomes the resuscitation of the African Diaspora Agenda. The size of the African Diaspora, and the skills and resources it contains, necessitate effective engagement mechanisms to harness this potential to advance the development of this continent.

3. German Official Visit

3.1. Cabinet welcomes the outcomes of the Official Visit by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, which strengthened existing relations between the two countries. Chancellor Merkel visited South Africa at the invitation of President Ramaphosa from 5 to 7 February 2020.

3.2. South Africa used the opportunity to share the many investment opportunities available in the country. This was done during a Business Forum comprising both South African leaders and the business delegation accompanying Chancellor Merkel. As one of the biggest investors in South Africa, Germany has over 600 companies in our country.

4. Social Compact Convention on Social Cohesion and Nation-Building

4.1. Cabinet joins President Ramaphosa in welcoming the outcomes of the Social Compact Convention on Social Cohesion and Nation-Building held under the theme: “The Decade of Unity and Renewal: Towards a Social Compact for Cohesion and Nation-Building”.

4.2. Under the leadership of the Department of Sports, Arts and Culture – together with The Presidency and other key stakeholders – business, government, labour and civil society agreed to work together to build a cohesive society and advance freedom, peace and security as well as respect for all human rights.

4.3. The social compact takes forward the National Development Plan, which advocates the need for partnerships in growing South Africa, given the socio-historical divisions across society, especially along racial lines, which still persist today.

5. Coronavirus

5.1. Cabinet reaffirms that all the country’s health facilities are on high alert to deal with any eventuality of the Coronavirus. There are no reports or suspected cases of the virus and Cabinet reiterates the message of the Minister of Health, Dr Zweli Mkhize, that all measures have been put in place to prevent any infections in the country.

5.2. All our ports of entry are on high alert and health professionals are conducting temperature screening for all international travellers. In addition, South Africa has developed and distributed clinical guidelines and case definitions to doctors and nurses in both the public and private sectors.

5.3. All provinces have activated outbreak response teams, and are on high alert to detect and manage inadvertent cases that may arise in the country. A number of hospitals have also been identified across the country as centres to quarantine and treat anyone who may be infected with the Coronavirus.

5.4. Through our Embassy in China we are closely monitoring the situation and we are confident that we are prepared to evacuate  students and other South African citizens currently in Wuhan, China should the need arise.

B. Cabinet decisions

6. Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia (TAC)

6.1. Cabinet approved South Africa’s accession to the TAC which will be submitted to Parliament for ratification. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) comprises one of the fastest-growing and dynamic regions in the world. Accession to the TAC will strategically afford South African business the opportunity to access that region, and the ASEAN countries to access South African and Southern African Development Community regional markets.

7. 6th United Nations (UN) International Partnership for Technology in Peacekeeping Symposium

7.1. Cabinet approved that the 6th UN International Partnership for Technology in Peacekeeping Symposium be hosted in South Africa from 23 to 26 June 2020. Although various countries have hosted this event in the past, this will be the first time it is hosted in Africa.

7.2. The symposium contributes to improving the continent towards conflict prevention, peacekeeping, security and post-conflict reconstruction and development. The focus this year will be finding solutions by promoting the use of modern technologies and concepts in the UN-led field missions.

During this symposium, South Africa will be able to promote its locally developed technology products and the country’s defence industrial capabilities.

C. Bills

8. Public Procurement Bill

8.1. Cabinet approved the publication of the Public Procurement Bill for public comment. Once passed into law, the Bill will repeal the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, 2000 (Act 5 of 2000) and amend other procurement-related laws. 

8.2. The Bill proposes a single regulatory framework of public procurement. It establishes the procurement authority to regulate and promote Section 217 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996 across government. It provides for a more flexible legislation for preferential procurement strategies in support of government’s socio-economic objectives.

9. Employment Equity Amendment Bill of 2020

9.1. Cabinet approved the submission of the Employment Equity Amendment Bill of 2020 to Parliament. The amendments will empower the Minister of Employment and Labour, in consultation with sector stakeholders, to introduce enabling provisions for the setting of sector-specific Employment Equity numerical targets. It also reduces the regulatory burden on small employers.  The Bill promotes equal opportunity and fair treatment in employment through the elimination of unfair discrimination.

10.  Upgrading of Land Tenure Rights Amendment Bill

10.1. Cabinet approved publication of the Upgrading of Land Tenure Rights Amendment Bill for public comment. The Bill provides for a constitutionally permissible procedure for the determination of rights of ownership and occupation of land to remedy the constitutional invalidity of two sections of the Upgrading of Land Tenure Rights Act, 1991 (Act 112 of 1991). The current arrangement discriminates against women in the conversion of the land tenure rights into ownership.

10.2. The Bill also ensures application to the entire country, where previously the Act did not apply to the former ‘independent states’ of Bophuthatswana, Ciskei, Transkei and Venda.

11. Merchant Shipping Bill of 2020

11.1. Cabinet approved publication of the Merchant Shipping Bill of 2020 for public comment. The Bill seeks to give effect to the government vision to revive the maritime transport sector, and enhance its contribution to growth and radical transformation of the economy. It aligns to the shipping provisions of the Comprehensive Maritime Transport Policy which was approved by Cabinet in 2017. Once approved into law, the Bill will repeal a number of related marine legislations.

12. Railway Safety Bill of 2020

12.1. Cabinet approved submission of the Railway Safety Bill of 2020 to Parliament. The Bill seeks to strengthen the safety of our railway and ensure rail becomes an attractive mode of transport that is also able to positively contribute to the economy.

12.2. The Bill was first approved for public consultation in February 2018 and went out for public consultation in all provinces in March 2018. The approved Bill to be submitted to Parliament has taken into account inputs received during the public consultation. The parliamentary process will also refine the Bill before it is passed into law.

13. Transport Appeal Tribunal Amendment Bill of 2018

13.1. Cabinet approved submission of the Transport Appeal Tribunal Amendment Bill of 2018 to Parliament. The Bill amends the Transport Appeal Tribunal Act, 1998 (Act 39 of 1998) which deals with appeals relating to applications for road carrier permits (now called operating licences). The amendment takes into account policy changes, developments and new legislation since 1998.

13.2. The Bill streamlines and improves appeal procedures, which will result in savings of costs and time, and better enabling operators of cross-border and domestic road transport to convey passengers efficiently and make a living for themselves.

D. Messages

14. Congratulations

14.1. Cabinet extends its congratulations to:

  • the team of South African Grade 11 learners: Sureshka Naidoo; Caitlin Schwarer; Nondumiso Ntshangase; Nosipho Dube; Mihlali Precious Stofile; Ondele Bede; Okhela Sigwela and Lizalise Dlomo, who won the 5th International School Moot Court Competition in Poland.
  • South African swimmer Natalie du Toit for being been voted through to the final five candidates for the Laureus Sporting Moment Award of the last 20 years (2000-2020).

15. Condolences

15.1. Cabinet sent condolences to the:

  • family and friends of Professor Joseph Shabalala, the legendary musician and founder of the Grammy Award winning group Ladysmith Black Mambazo. His music inspired countless people around the world and united South Africans. President Ramaphosa has declared a Special Official Funeral Category 2 to honour Professor Shabalala.
  • government and people of Kenya at the passing of former Kenyan President His Excellency Daniel Toroitich Arap Moi, who served as Kenya’s second post-liberation President.
  • family and friends of Captain Thabiso Collins Tolo (49), First Officer Tebogo Caroline Lekalakala (33) and Flight Inspector Gugu Comfort Mnguni (36), whose plane crashed into mountainous terrain near Mossel Bay in the Western Cape on 23 January 2020. At the time of their death they were based at the South African Civil Aviation Authority.
  • family and friends of Mr Marcelino dos Santos, one of the founders of the Mozambique Liberation Front (FRELIMO), who died at the age of 90. The historic leader was also one of the symbols of African nationalism. He was a veteran of the armed liberation struggle of Mozambique, and was also a politician and poet who signed his texts with the pseudonyms of Lilinho Micaia and Kalungano.

E. Appointments

All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.

16. Mr Busani Ngcaweni as the Principal in the National School of Government.

17. Ms Yoliswa Makhasi as the Director-General of the Department of Public Service and Administration.

18. Mr Ayanda Kanana as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Executive Director of the Land and Agricultural Development Bank.

19. Mr Basil Bryan Ford as the Executive Caretaker and Accounting Authority for the Universal Service and Access Agency of South Africa.

20. Mr Luvuyo Keyise as the Executive Caretaker and Accounting Authority of the State Information Technology Agency.

21. South African National Parks Board members:

a. Mr Zola Luxolo Fihlani;

b. Ms Gertrude Buyelwa Koyana;

c. Mr Faizal Docrat;

d. Mr Jeoffrey Mashele.

22. South African Biodiversity Institute Board members:

a. Ms Phuthanang Cenea Motsielwa;

b. Ms Pamela Bulelwa Yako; and

c. Dr Kowiyou Yessoufou.

23. Isimangaliso Wetland Park Authority Board members:

a. Prof Antonia Thandi Nzama (Chairperson);

b. Ms Nomagcisa Cawe;

c. Prof Christopher Peter Small;

d. Mr Leon Langalibalele;

e. Ms Letlhogonolo Noge-Tungamirai;

f. Mr Gonasagren Ganesh Nair; and

g. Inkosi Tembe Mabhudu Israel;

h. KwaZulu-Natal Tourism Authority representative;

i. CEO; and

j. Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries representative.

Phumla Williams – Acting Cabinet Spokesperson
Cell: 083 501 0139

Statement on the Cabinet Meeting of 11 March 2020

Statement on the Cabinet Meeting held on Wednesday, 11 March 2020 at Parliament, Tuynhuys in Cape Town 

A. Issues in the environment

1. Coronavirus (COVID-19) 

1.1. Cabinet reassures all in South Africa that every precaution is being taken to safeguard the country against any surge of the COVID-19. The Minister of Health, Dr Zweli Mkhize, reported to cabinet that there were 13 cases of COVID-19 in South Africa. This morning, the Minister of Health confirmed that another four new cases have been identified, bringing the number of COVID-19 cases to 17. He will provide further details during the course of the day. 

1.2. Cabinet reiterates the call by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and Health Minister, Dr Zweli Mkhize, for all people in South Africa to continually practice preventative measures to stop the transmission and spread of the virus. The preventative measures include washing your hands often with soap and water or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, they also include avoiding touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands and covering your mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing following with disposing of the tissue.

Common symptoms of the virus include, fever, cough and difficulty in breathing.  When displaying the symptoms as described above, individuals are advised to stay home and seek medical assistance.

1.3. We appeal to all to respect the privacy of CODVID-19 patients and their families. We also strongly caution against the dissemination of any false information related to the virus so as to prevent the spread of fear, stigma and discrimination within our society.  Concerned individuals may contact the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) Hotline on 0800 029 999 for accurate information regarding COVID-19.

1.4. Cabinet joins President Cyril Ramaphosa in wishing well the repatriation team and the South African Airways crew who departed on Tuesday to the City of Wuhan, Hubei Province in the People’s Republic of China, to repatriate 122 South Africans. The medical team from the Department of Health and the Military Health form part of the repatriation team. Cabinet has expressed its appreciation to South African Airways for their valuable assistance in this repatriation exercise.

1.5. The repatriation team and the repatriated South Africans are expected back in the country this Friday, 13 March 2020. Upon their return, they will be quarantined for a minimum of 14 days, to a maximum of 21 days. During this period, the movement of people and goods in and out of the quarantine zone will be restricted.  

1.6. We strongly caution people against attempting to make any physical contact or attempting to visit the quarantine zone.  Once the quarantine period ends, and tests confirm no underlying COVID-19 virus infection of our compatriots, they will be released back into their respective communities. 

1.7. Cabinet commends the work done by the Inter-Ministerial Committee tasked to deal with COVID-19, led by the Minister of Health and working with the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD), in tracking and containing the virus, while assisting those affected by it and continuously updating the nation. 

1.8. Cabinet appreciates that most provinces have deferred communication on this COVID-19 matter to the Minister of Health because of its national and international importance. We urge all other provinces to also follow suit to ensure centralisation of communication and therefore avoid any unintended confusion and uncoordinated messaging. 

1.9. President Ramaphosa will soon update political parties represented in Parliament as well as church leaders on COVID-19. A special Cabinet on COVID-19 is being convened for this Sunday, 15 March 2020, in Tshwane. 

2. The Economy

2.1.Cabinet reflected on the release of Statistics South Africa’s report on the Gross Domestic Product which revealed that our economy slipped into a technical recession.  Figures showed GDP decreasing by 1.4% in Quarter 4 of 2019. This follows a contraction of 0.8% in Quarter 3 of the same year.

2.2. Despite acknowledging the debilitating effects of load shedding, Cabinet remains resolute in fixing the fundamentals, pursue critical areas of growth and drive collaborative solutions with all social partners so that together we set the country on a path to economic growth. 

2.3. We are intensifying our investment and to date projects with an investment value of R9 billion have been completed and 27 projects worth just over R250 billion are in implementation phases, with more coming on stream this year.

3. Vodacom Data Prices

3.1. Cabinet welcomes the announcement by the Competition Commission on the landmark consent agreement reached with Vodacom regarding the reduction of the operator’s data-prices. This follows the Competition Market Inquiry into data services requested by the then Minister of Economic Development Ebrahim Patel in 2017, which found that data-prices were higher than many other countries and discriminated against poorer consumers.  

3.2. The agreement with Vodacom comes into effect on 1 April 2020 and will see cost of data decrease across all monthly bundles, with the 1GB bundle prices dropping from R149 to R99 (a reduction of 34%), with further discounts in the next year. Vodacom will also enable data-free access to consumers to certain public interest websites (like GCIS, the new BizPortal and Wikipedia) and access to South Africans university websites. Further discounts will apply to consumers in over 2000 poorer communities and users will have a ‘basic package’ of two free daily sms messages.

4. PEPSICO acquisition of Pioneer Foods

4.1. Cabinet also welcomes the groundbreaking worker empowerment deal with PepsiCo as a part of the company’s acquisition of South African food company, Pioneer Foods. PepsiCo has committed to jobs, investment as well as local empowerment and procurement. It also agreed that its Sub-Saharan Headquarters would be located in South Africa.

4.2. Pioneer Foods 10 000 workforce is also protected from merger-specific retrenchments and PepsiCo has agreed to maintain aggregate employment levels at current levels for a period of 5 years. Employees in the company would also be issued with 1.6 billion Rands worth of shares in PepsiCo that will be used to acquire a 13% stake in Pioneer Foods within 5 years.

5. Fight against women and child abuse

5.1. Cabinet welcomes the Gauteng High Court ruling to turn down the request for leave to appeal in the case against convicted rapist Nicholas Ninow. Last year, Ninow was handed a life sentence after raping a seven-year-old girl at a Dros restaurant in Silverton, Pretoria in 2018.

5.2. The judgement, sentencing and rejection of leave to appeal, sends a strong message to perpetrators and would-be perpetrators of women and children abuse that, South Africa’s justice institutions will hold them accountable for their despicable actions.

5.3. Together we must eradicate the abuses that undermine the fundamental human rights of women and children. Through our collective actions we must ensure that no woman or child is sexually harassed, beaten, raped or attacked anywhere in our country. 

6. Road safety

6.1. Cabinet expresses condolences to the 25 families of the passengers who died in the bus crash near Centane in the Eastern Cape earlier this month. It also wishes the 68 injured passengers a speedy recovery.

6.2. The investigations by the Road Traffic Management Corporation and the South African Police Service should assist in providing answers to the circumstances surrounding this tragedy. Transport providers have a duty to do everything in their power to ensure the safety of their passengers.  

6.3. Cabinet has approved the submission of the National Road Traffic Amendment Bill of 2019 to Parliament. Once passed into law, the Bill will contribute in reducing the carnage on our roads.

B. Cabinet decisions

1. Gender-Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF) National Strategic Plan (NSP)

1.1. In December 2019, Cabinet approved the GBVF-NSP. It further directed a team of Ministers led by the Minister in The Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities, Ms Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, to do further work on the proposed GBVF institutional arrangement to oversee the implementation of the GBVF-NSP.

1.2. Appreciating the urgency of driving and overseeing the work to stop GBVF, Cabinet approved the establishment of the National Council on GBVF (NCGBVF). The structure will mobilise people nationally, provincially and locally to lead and support transformative GBVF interventions. It will also be responsible for the implementation of the GBVF-NSP.
1.3. The National Council on GBVF will report to the President through Minister Nkoana-Mashabane. Cabinet also approved the setting up of an Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) comprising of Police Minister Bheki Cele; Justice and Correctional Services Minister Ronald Lamola; Public Service and Administration Minister Senzo Mchunu; Social Development Minister Lindiwe Zulu and Minister Nkoana-Mashabane as the convener.

1.4. Cabinet reiterated the urgency to seek decisive measures to stop violence perpetrated against the vulnerable members of our society. The IMC has been directed to move expeditiously in formalising the National Council on GBVF. They have further been directed to continue to explore the feasibility of legislating this current institutional arrangement.   

1.5. The Commission for Gender Equality – as a chapter nine institution with a constitutional mandate to promote respect for gender equality and the protection, development and attainment of gender equality – will also be expected to continue to regularly assess and monitor progress being made in the implementation of the GBVF-NSP.

2. Township and Rural Entrepreneurship Programme (TREP)

2.1. Cabinet approved the implementation of the Township and Rural Entrepreneurship Programme (TREP) through the Township Entrepreneurship Fund. This is in line with the economic interventions to harness and grow the township and rural economies. 

2.2. The fund will provide support and ensure self-sustaining economic hubs aligned to the District Development Model in those areas.

3. Revised National Evaluation Policy Framework 2019-2024

3.1. Cabinet approved the Revised National Evaluation Policy Framework 2019-2024, and the National Evaluation Plan 2020-2025, which enhances the evaluation system within government. It will enhance government’s capacity to implement the adopted 2020-2024 Medium Term Strategic Framework.   

3.2. Both documents can be accessed through the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation website ( 

4. Antarctic and Southern Ocean Strategy

4.1. Cabinet approved the publication of the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Strategy for public comment.  South Africa is the gateway to Antarctica for 10 other international Antarctica programmes. All these programmes contribute to the South African economy.

4.2.The strategy proposes the following five pillars: (a) international engagements and cooperations; (b) research; (c) conservation and sustainable use; (d) capacity development and training and (e) people awareness. The strategy also responds to the Antarctic Treaty system.

C. Bills

1. National Road Traffic Amendment Bill of 2019

1.1. Cabinet approved the submission of the National Road Traffic Amendment Bill of 2019 to Parliament. The Bill proposes amongst others regulations for the driving-school industry and proposes appropriate standards under which learner drivers must be taught. 

1.2. It also deals with fraud and corruption within the road traffic environment, increases penalties for those who fail to comply with traffic rules; prohibits alcohol consumption by drivers and proposes the national number plate legislation.

1.3. The Bill also proposes the streamlining of the powers of the Minister of Transport and those of the provincial Members of the Executive Committee responsible for transport. 

2. Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Amendment Bill of 2019

2.1. Cabinet approved the submission of the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Amendment Bill of 2019 to Parliament.

2.2. The Bill deals with proposed amendments to the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA), 1993 (Act 130 of 1993). The Bill extends coverage for occupational injuries and diseases to previously excluded vulnerable workers as well as the improvement of compensation benefits to employees in general. 

2.3. The Bill now includes amongst others domestic workers under the category of employees for purposes of benefits in terms of the COIDA of 1993. It also proposes the rehabilitation and reintegration framework of injured and/or diseased employees into the workplace. 

3. Local Government: Municipal Demarcation Bill of 2020

3.1. Cabinet approved the publication of the Local Government: Municipal Demarcation Bill of 2020 for public comments. Once passed into law, it will repeal the current Local Government: Municipal Demarcation Act, 1998 (Act 27 of 1998.

3.2. The Bill provides for the among others, the establishment and operations of the Municipal Demarcation Board, the criteria and procedures for the determination and redetermination of municipal boundaries and ward boundaries as well as the establishment of an Appeals Authority. 

D. Upcoming events

1. Human Rights Month     

1.1. President Ramaphosa will deliver the keynote address at the 2020 National Human Rights Day commemorations to be held on Saturday, 21 March 2020 at the Colesberg Sports Stadium in the Northern Cape under the theme: “The year of unity, socio-economic renewal and nation-building.”

1.2. Human Rights Day in South Africa has its origins in the historic events of Sharpeville (Gauteng) and Langa (Western Cape) on 21 March 1960, where a number of people were gunned down fighting for their human rights. 

1.3. Cabinet calls on South Africans to celebrate Human Rights Day and honour those who sacrificed their lives for us to achieve the freedom we continue to enjoy today. 

1.4. One such exemplary and dedicated leader is Dr Alfred Bathini Xuma, one of the first African medical doctors in South Africa and former President of the African National Congress. President Ramaphosa commemorated Dr Xuma’s life by declaring a Special Official Funeral: Category 1 for his reburial from Brixton cemetery in Johannesburg to his birthplace in KwaManzana village, Engcobo in the Eastern Cape this past Sunday. 

2. President Ramaphosa working visit to the Republic of Congo

2.1. President Ramaphosa is attending the Inaugural Meeting of the Contact Group on Libya taking place in Oyo, in the Republic of Congo on 11 and 12 March 2020.  He is being accompanied by the following Ministers, Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor, the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans, Ms Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula and Minister of State Security, Ayanda Dlodlo.  

2.2. His Excellency Denis Sassou N’Guesso, President of the Republic of Congo, invited President Ramaphosa to attend the meeting as Chair of the African Union.

2.3. The 33rd Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union decided to establish a Contact Group, chaired by the Republic of Congo and include members of the AU High-Level Committee (HLC) on Libya to provide political leadership and promote coordination of international efforts in the search for a solution to the Libyan Crisis.

E. Condolence message

1. Cabinet sent condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of senior IPID investigator Mandla Mahlangu (47), who was killed this week.  Cabinet also sends condolences to the families, friends and colleagues of two Hawks officers Detective Warrant Officer Delene Grobelaar Koonin (44), Sergeant Wynand Herbst (42) who were killed in a shootout in the North West.
2. Cabinet condemns the killings of these dedicated officials, who have a duty to protect all South Africans.  As a nation we should all rise in condemning the killing of our police men and women. 

F. Congratulatory message

Cabinet extends its congratulations and well-wishes to: 

1.1. President-elect, His Excellency Mr Fauré Essozimna Gnassingbé, on his re-election as the President of the Republic of Togo during the Presidential Elections held on 22 February 2020. Cabinet joins President Ramaphosa in also congratulating the people of Togo for conducting peaceful elections.

G. Appointments

All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.

1.    Members to the Board of the South African Maritime Safety Authority:
a.    Ms Nthato Minyuku (Chairperson).
b.    Ms Lindelwa Nonjabulo Dlamini;
c.    Mr Lucas Haluodi;
d.    Ms Eva Dorothy Khosa; and
e.    Mr Captain Bheka Clive Zulu.

Ms Phumla Williams
Acting Cabinet Spokesperson 
Cell: 083 501 0139

Statement on the Cabinet Meeting of 15 April 2020

A virtual Special Cabinet Meeting was held today, 15 April 2020, to discuss the socio-economic recovery plan post the COVID-19 National Lockdown.
This follows the announcement made by President Cyril Ramaphosa two weeks ago, that the Cabinet would have a full discussion to come up with an economic recovery plan for the country.
Five presentations were received from the clusters: (1) Economic Sectors, Investment, Employment and Infrastructure Development; (2) Governance, State Capacity and Institutional Development; (3) Social Protection, Community and Human Development; (4) International Cooperation, Trade and Security; and (5) Justice, Crime Prevention and Security.
The presentations were a culmination of the work done by all the Cabinet clusters, focusing on the country’s economic recovery as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic and the recent downgrading of South Africa by ratings agencies Moody’s and Fitch respectively.  
Cabinet resolved that further discussions and consultations are still required before the final consolidated plan is approved to be shared with the nation.  
All the Cabinet clusters have been asked to work together to produce one consolidated document on key priorities of the country’s economic recovery plan, to be completed before the next Cabinet Meeting scheduled to take place on Monday, 20 April 2020.
Cabinet has also directed Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan to prepare an updated report on the South African Airways, for discussion at the upcoming meeting. Thereafter, Cabinet will finalise the country’s economic recovery plan.
Cabinet thanks all people across the country for staying at home during the lockdown period.
Ms Phumla Williams – Acting Cabinet Spokesperson
Mobile: 083 501 0139

Statement on the Cabinet Meeting of 21 April 2020

Statement on the Special Cabinet Meeting of Monday, 20 April 2020

A virtual Special Cabinet Meeting was held on Monday, 20 April 2020, to among other things, deliberate on the consolidated report on the socio-economic recovery plan post the COVID-19 National Lockdown.

During the virtual Special Cabinet Meeting held last Wednesday, the chairpersons of the five clusters – (1) Economic Sectors, Investment, Employment and Infrastructure Development; (2) Governance, State Capacity and Institutional Development; (3) Social Protection, Community and Human Development; (4) International Cooperation, Trade and Security; and (5) Justice, Crime Prevention and Security – were directed to revisit their submissions and consolidate them into one report.  

The consolidated submission aims to guide the country on practical ways to reignite economic growth and also proposes government interventions to deal with the socio-economic hardships caused by the COVID-19 national lockdown, particularly the absence of economic activity.

Cabinet was satisfied with the proposals presented yesterday. President Cyril Ramaphosa will this evening Tuesday, 21 April 2020, address the nation to outline the expanded COVID-19 socio-economic measures that form part of the national response to the pandemic. The time will be communicated in due course.

Cabinet also received an updated report on the South African Airways from Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan. After appreciating the progress that has been made and other planned engagements with organised labour this week, Cabinet directed that the Inter-Ministerial Committee should meet and further process this work.

A consolidated report that will have taken all the pending work into consideration will be resubmitted in the next Cabinet cycle.


Cabinet also approved the appointment of Ms Avril Adelle Williamson as the Director-General of the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs.

Ms Phumla Williams
Cell: 083 501 0139

Statement on the Special Cabinet Meeting of 12 and 13 May 2020

A Special Cabinet Meeting was held on a virtual platform on 12 and 13 May 2020. Cabinet was apprised through the National Coronavirus Command Council on progress achieved and challenges experienced in the implementation of Level 4 of the Risk-Adjusted Approach towards reducing the spread of COVID-19.
Cabinet welcomed the generally positive response from the public and business in adhering to the approved Level 4 restrictions and guidelines. This level enabled an estimated 1,5 million South Africans to return to work and to much-needed economic activity.
This return was accompanied by requirements on employers to implement COVID-19-specific health protocols that are directed at protecting employees, customers and the broader community.
Cabinet also commended the nation on its overwhelming adherence to the requirement that masks be worn in public places at all times.
Cabinet was updated on the substantial progress achieved by the Department of Health in working with provinces to ensure that all parts of the country are able to intensify screening, testing, treatment and contact tracing as the pandemic develops.
Cabinet also welcomed progress reported on the rollout of the multifaceted economic and social support and relief programmes that have assisted enterprises and vulnerable citizens since the start of the national lockdown.
Cabinet expressed its understanding for challenges and frustrations experienced by the public and businesses due to a lack of clarity in some of the Level 4 regulations, which gave rise to inconsistent interpretation and enforcement.
Cabinet committed that regulations would be reviewed to provide the necessary clarity and enable improved compliance.
Cabinet further noted variations in infection rates between different metropolitan and district municipalities. It is this differentiation that informed Cabinet to embark on a differentiated level approach as a response to COVID-19.
Having appreciated the progress made towards levelling the pandemic curve and capacitating the public health system to deal with an increase in infections, Cabinet approved the further easing of restrictions.
Ministers will initiate and finalise broad-ranging consultations within government, key sectors of the economy and with civil society. This will lead to the general relaxing of the lockdown restrictions from Level 4 towards Level 3 and others.
This will ease pressure on the economy and facilitate greater movement of people while maintaining vigilance against the disease and enforcing health safety measures. The key imperative that drives Cabinet’s response to COVID-19 is to decrease infections and save lives.
All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.
1. Mr Mulima Godfrey Mashamba as the Deputy Director-General (DDG): Evaluation, Evidence and Knowledge Systems at the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation.
2. Dr Cynthia Ntombifuthi Khumalo as the DDG: Arts, Culture Promotion and Development at the Department of Sports, Arts and Culture.
3. Extension of employment contract of Mr Nkhumeleni Victor Tharage as the Director-General (DG) at the Department of Tourism.
4. Dr Sabelo Siyabonga Buthelezi as the DG at the Department of Health.  
Enquiries: Ms Phumla Williams – Cabinet Spokesperson
Mobile: 083 501 0139

Statement on the Virtual Cabinet Meeting held on Wednesday, 27 May 2020

1.  Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in South Africa

1.1.  Cabinet was briefed on the outcome of consultations undertaken by President Cyril Ramaphosa with various civil-society organisations, to ensure that the country’s progression from Level 4 to Level 3 of the national lockdown has the support and inputs of all social partners.

1.2. Accompanied by various Ministers, he met with community, labour and business sectors, South African Council of Churches; leadership of interfaith communities; Mayors; Premiers; South African Local Government Association, traditional leadership and political parties represented in Parliament.

1.3.  Cabinet welcomed the outcome of these consultations, which were broadly constructive and enriched planning for the gradual easing of restrictions to Level 3 which kicks in on the 1st June 2020. This level will entail a further broadening of economic activity and the removal of restrictions on the movement of people. It will also enable about eight million South Africans to return to work.

1.4. Special attention will be given to ‘hotspot’ areas which have increased rates of coronavirus infections. Provincial health departments will roll out dedicated health interventions in those hotspot areas in the form of intensified screening, testing, and quarantine and prevention measures. 
1.5. Cabinet reiterated its support for the inclusive consultations undertaken by President Ramaphosa since the start of the national state of disaster on 15 March 2020. These consultations have made it possible for all sectors of society to play a role in the fight against the Covid19 pandemic, saving of lives and protecting livelihoods.

1.6. The operational and technical management of COVID-19 interventions is driven by the National Joint Operational and Intelligence Structure (NATJOINTS) and the Department of Health. NATJOINTS is a multidisciplinary coordinating structure of government that is activated to manage large projects. 

1.7. The COVID-19 NATJOINTS is built on work streams that comprise scientists; health specialists; engineers; representatives of the National Disaster Management centres; legal advisors; leadership of the country’s security and law-enforcement agencies, and teams from departments that make up the economic and social clusters of the Forum of South African Directors-General.

1.8. NATJOINTS receives reports from different departments and submits proposals to Directors-General (DGs) to develop recommendations that are presented to the National Coronavirus Command Council (NCCC).

1.9. The NCCC deliberates DGs’ recommendations and also makes its own recommendations to Cabinet where proposals, including regulations, are approved. This process ensures that the Executive takes collective decisions that are consensual and inclusive. Therefore, Cabinet condemns in the strongest possible terms false suggestions that individual members of the Executive are responsible for recommendations that emanate from the NCCC or decisions taken by Cabinet.

1.10. Cabinet appeals for the unity in action by all sectors of society against a common and dangerous enemy, the COVID-19 pandemic.

1.11. Cabinet thanks all South Africans for their continuing sacrifice and understanding during the purposeful lockdown period. President Ramaphosa’s declaration of the national state of disaster in terms of the Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act 57 of 2002) immensely contributed to saving lives. 

1.12. The drastic containment measures resulted in significantly slowing and reduction of the infectious trajectory. The lockdown gave South Africa the time and space to put measures in place in the public and private health sectors to deal with an inevitable increase in infections.

1.13. Cabinet continues to appeal to all South Africans to take greater personal responsibility to protect themselves and others to reduce the spread of the virus.

1.14.  Ministers across a range of portfolios will unpack the details in media briefings that will be conducted today, Thursday 28 May and tomorrow, Friday 29 May 2020.

Cabinet Decisions

2.  Hosting of Deep Space Ground Station

2.1. Cabinet approved that the South African National Space Agency (SANSA) enter into a partnership with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to host a Deep Space Ground Station. The station, which will be based in Matjiesfontein in the Western Cape, will support human spaceflight missions to the Moon, Mars and beyond.  

2.2. It will be integrated into an existing network of three sites in the United States of America, Spain and Australia. As the fourth site, it will complement the other three sites and provide improved coverage and redundancy for critical mission support. SANSA will operate, maintain and manage the station.

2.3. The station will benefit South Africa in, amongst others, the development of scarce skills and the growth of the science, engineering, technology and innovation sector. It will also provide opportunities to feed the knowledge economy, and increase the national research output in space science and technology. 

3. Draft White Paper on Fire Services

3.1. Cabinet approved the Draft White Paper on Fire Services. The White Paper outlines key policy proposals that will form the basis of the fire services legislation that will replace the current Fire Brigade Services Act, 1987 (Act 99 of 1987).  
3.2. It outlines the roles and responsibilities of both the national and provincial spheres of government in supporting municipalities. To ensure that this service is constantly aligned to the modern ways of managing fire disasters, it proposes research and data collection capacity. 
3.3. In general, it also seeks to align it with other legislations passed post 1994 and which relate to local government. A wide consultation with all the relevant stakeholders and general public has been undertaken.

4.  Executive functions during Level 3

4.1. Cabinet approved that under Level 3, which starts from Monday, 1 June 2020, it would adopt a blended approach which includes both physical and virtual Cabinet meetings.

4.2 Cabinet also approved the monitoring teams comprising Ministers and Deputy Ministers. They have been allocated to each of the 52 districts and metros to monitor the measures that have been put in place to combat the spread of COVID-19.


All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.
1. Council for Mineral Technology (MINTEK) Board: 
Dr Vanguard Mbuyiseli Mkosana (Chairperson);
Ms Ntokozo Faith Ngcwabe – Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE);
Mr Rantsadi Andries Moatshe (Alternate);
Dr Maropeng Walter Ngobeni;
Prof Lindiwe Zungu;
Mr Philippus Rudolf Heydenrich;
Ms Pontsho Maruping;
Mr Harold Motaung;
Ms Phydelis Ntombifuthi Zikalala-Mvelase;
Ms Margaret Mosibudi Phiri;
Mr Lefadi Lucas Makibinyane; and
Dr M Motuku.

2.    Council for Geoscience Board:
Dr Humphrey Lawrence Mbendeni Mathe (Chairperson);
Mr Andries Moatshe (DMRE);
Dr Thuli Khumalo (Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries);
Mr Sanelo Malaza (alternate);
Ms Rosalind Mdubeki (Department of Rural Development and Land Reform);
Ms Pontsho Tsotetsi (alternate);
Ms Deborah Mochothli (Department of Water and Sanitation);
Mr Paul Nel (alternate);
Dr Jennifer Mirembe;
Mr Smunda Mokoena;
Mr Xolisa Mvinjelwa (mining sector);
Adv Ntika Maake;
Ms Adila Chowan (commerce sector);
Mr B Gerryts (Department of Science and Innovation);
Ms Lebogang Madiba (National Treasury); and
Mr Moses Mabuza – Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

3. Non-executive directors to the Ports Regulator of South Africa Board: 
Mr Zolani Kgosietsile Matthews (Chairperson);
Ms Siphokazi Matolengwe;
Mr Asraf Mohamed Adam;
Ms Leanda-Marsha Vilakazi;
Ms Kenosi Selane; 
Mr Zola Fihlani;
Dr Tshisikawe Victor Munyama; and
Ms Zandile Kabini.

4. Mr Abel Moffat SithoIe as CEO of the Public Investment Corporation. 
5. Ms Phumla Williams as DG of the Government Communication and Information System (GCIS).

Enquiries: Ms Phumla Williams – Cabinet Spokesperson 
Mobile: 083 501 0139

Statement on the Cabinet Meeting of 4 June 2020

Statement on the Virtual Cabinet Meeting held on Thursday, 4 June 2020

1. North High Court Judgment of Tuesday, 2 June 2020

1.1. A special virtual Cabinet meeting was held today, Thursday, 4 June 2020, to discuss developments in South Africa’s efforts to save lives and protect livelihoods amid the COVID-19 pandemic. As part of this discussion, Cabinet reflected on the North Gauteng High Court judgment delivered by Justice Norman Davis on Tuesday, 2 June 2020, which declared the COVID-19 lockdown regulations in levels 3 and 4 unconstitutional and invalid.

1.2. After obtaining legal advice and listening to numerous comments made by members of the legal fraternity in reaction to the judgement, we are of the view that another court might come to a different conclusion on the matter.

1.3. Cabinet has therefore decided to appeal the North Gauteng High court decision.

1.4. Government will ask that its appeal be heard on an urgent basis so that it can obtain certainty on the regulations. The Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma will be joined in this appeal by President Cyril Ramaphosa and the Minister of Health, Dr Zweli Mkhize.

1.5. Cabinet wishes to assure the nation that all interventions introduced since the declaration of a state of national disaster in March 2020 by President Cyril Ramaphosa have been directed primarily at saving lives.

1.6. In implementing these interventions, government has consistently consulted all sectors of society, as the fight against COVID-19 is a national effort that requires unity in action between Government and all South Africans.

1.7. While government appeals the court judgment, current regulations remain in force and we appeal and urge all our people to observe all the health protocols that have been put in place including washing of hands, social distancing, wearing of masks in public as well as screening and referral for testing where necessary.

2. Extension of the National State of Disaster

2.1. Cabinet approved the extension of the National State of Disaster by another month from the 15th June to 15 July 2020. The law allows for the National State of Disaster to last  for 90 days which necessitates the extension.

3. Western Cape COVID-19 infections

3.1. Cabinet remains concerned about the intensity and increase of COVID-19 infections in the Western Cape. To this effect, President Ramaphosa will undertake a visit to the province on Friday, 5 June 2020, to discuss the situation with Premier Alan Winde and the provincial executive, and to assess the province’s readiness for continued management of the pandemic.   

3.2. President Ramaphosa will be accompanied by the Health Minister Dr Zweli Mkhize; Defence Minister Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula; Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga; Police Minister Bheki Cele; Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation Minister Lindiwe Sisulu; and Public Works and Infrastructure Minister Patricia de Lille.

4. Child Protection Week

4.1. Cabinet reminds the public that this week is Child Protection Week which started this past Sunday, 31 May and ends this coming Sunday, 7 June 2020. Child Protection Week seeks to elevate issues of the protection of children throughout the year. This year’s theme is: “Let Us All Protect Children, During COVID-19 and Beyond”.

5. Water shortage

5.1. Cabinet has noted the recent drop in dam levels, particularly in the Western Cape. As a water-scarce country, the dam levels have a negative impact on our water needs. Cabinet therefore makes an appeal to all of us to use water sparingly.

Enquiries: Ms Phumla Williams – Cabinet Spokesperson
Cell: 083 501 0139

Statement on the Virtual Cabinet Meeting held on Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Statement on the Virtual Cabinet Meeting held on Wednesday, 10 June 2020

1. Update on Coronavirus (COVID-19)

1.1. At its virtual meeting held on Wednesday, 10 June 2020, Cabinet received an updated report from the National Coronavirus Command Council (NCCC). The NCCC tabled a number of recommendations pertaining to the enhanced risk adjusted Alert Level 3 of the national lockdown.

The recommendations are based on submissions made by various sectors and deliberations by the National Joint Operational and Intelligence Structure.

1.2. However, Cabinet decided to defer approval of the recommendations pending a full health assessment report from the Ministerial Health Advisory Committee on COVID-19. The NCCC is expected to receive the full presentation by early next week.

1.3. Cabinet once again appeal to and urge all South Africans to adhere and voluntarily comply with measures put in place to combat the spread of COVID-19. The measures include regular washing of hands, social distancing and wearing of masks when in public.

2. National Petroleum Company

2.1. Cabinet was briefed on the ongoing work to rationalize all petroleum (oil and gas) subsidiaries of the state owned diversified energy company, Central Energy Fund.

2.2. The rationalization will result in three subsidiaries (PetroSA, Strategic Fuel Fund and iGas) merged into one single National Petroleum Company. This gives effect to the announcement made by President Cyril Ramaphosa in his State of the Nation Address on 13 February 2020, to repurpose and rationalize a number of state-owned enterprises to support growth and development.

2.3. Cabinet approved the proposed appointment of a professional restructuring company that specializes in mergers to investigate the most viable model of this single National Petroleum Company.

3. Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Policy Framework in Post-School Education and Training System

3.1. Cabinet approved the GBV Policy Framework in Post-School Education and Training System. The policy framework seeks to respond to the increased number of GBV-related cases at institutions of higher learning.

3.2. The policy framework provides guidance on structures, mechanisms and processes that institutions of higher learning must put in place to prevent incidents of GBV in their campuses. In addition to providing oversight structures, it also compels such institutions to create awareness on their GBV policies. 

4. Feasibility Study Report on the Resistance and Liberation Movement Museum (RLMM)

4.1. Cabinet approved the Feasibility Study Report on the establishment of the RLMM. The museum will contribute towards conserving the history of the resistance and liberation struggle in South Africa.

4.2. The study, which Cabinet approved in 2015, was commissioned within the context of the Resistance and Liberation Heritage Route (RLHR) Project. The RLHR contributes towards the development and transformation of the South African heritage landscape.

4.3. Once completed, the museum will conserve a series of heritage elements (tangible and intangible) and provide common narrative, memory and experiences relating to the liberation struggle in South Africa.

5. National Khoi and San Heritage Route

5.1. Cabinet approved the implementation of the National Khoi and San Heritage Route, which is a national legacy project. The route will identify, highlight, conserve and promote the heritage of the Khoi, Nama, Griekwa, Khorana and San. This project contributes towards the acknowledgement of the previously neglected and marginalized South African history.

5.2. It also gives effect to the Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Act, 2019 (Act 3 of 2019), which legislate for the recognition of the Khoi and San traditional leaders.

6. Designs of 2021 and 2022 commemorative coins

6.1. Cabinet approved the designs of the 2021 and 2022 commemorative circulation coins which are issued by the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) and the South African Mint Company.

6.2. The R5 commemorative circulation coin and the R5 sterling-silver, gold plated collectors’ coin will be issued in 2021 to celebrate the Centenary of the SARB. The fourth Decimal Coin Series of South Africa, which will be issued in 2022 will consist of 10 cent, 20 cent, 50 cent, R1, R2 and R5 coin.


1. Financial Sector Laws Amendment Bill of 2020

1.1. Cabinet approved the submission of the Financial Sector Laws Amendment Bill of 2020 to Parliament. The Bill proposes to designate the SARB as the Resolution Authority, and enhances the SARB’s regulatory tools for discharging its statutory mandate of ensuring stability of the financial system.

1.2. The Bill proposes a new framework to resolve financial institutions, primarily banks, when they enter a period of financial distress. It also introduces South Africa’s first comprehensive deposit insurance scheme that will ensure that depositors are paid their funds when a bank fails.

1.3. Such a scheme will protect the vulnerable depositors and ensure minimal disruptions to the financial system and broader economy when such institutions enter into financial distress.


Ms Sekgothadi Kabelo as Non-Executive Director of the Ports Regulator of South Africa Board.

Enquiries: Ms Phumla Williams – Cabinet Spokesperson 
Mobile: 083 501 0139

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