Cape Town- Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa will brief Parliament tomorrow, Wednesday 9 September 2015 on progress made by the government towards the achievement of objectives of the National Development Plan. The briefing will take place within the context of responding to several questions from members of Parliament during the sitting of the National Assembly.
The National Development Plan remains at the centre of government efforts and an overarching programme to eliminate poverty, unemployment and reduce inequality in South Africa by 2030. The NDP has received endorsement from South Africans across the political spectrum.
During the same sitting of the National Assembly, Deputy President Ramaphosa will outline how South Africa’s international relations strategy has been effective in promoting peaceful resolution of conflict while advancing the national interest including the objectives of the African Agenda.
Since the advent of democracy, South Africa has been involved in conflict resolution and post-conflict reconstruction and development initiatives including the DRC, Burundi, Lesotho, South Sudan and Zimbabwe. Over the past year South Africa has also been asked to share its experience in the truth and reconciliation and constitutional development processes with the people of Sri Lanka.
Equally, Deputy President Ramaphosa will provide a progress report regarding his recent visits to the Peoples Republic of China and Japan aimed at exploring new and innovative means of growing South Africa’s economy.
In this regard, Deputy President Ramaphosa visited the Peoples Republic of China with a view to studying the Chinese model of state-owned enterprises and how South Africa can utilise this model to address challenges of poverty, unemployment and inequality.
Similarly, Deputy President Ramaphosa visited Japan to reassure Japanese investors that South Africa is indeed open for business while encouraging foreign direct investment into South Africa. During the visit, Deputy President Ramaphosa briefed Japanese investors regarding South Africa’s macro-economic stability, vibrancy and conducive business environment for Japanese business to invest in the country with a focus in those ventures can create jobs for our people.
The Deputy President will also outline to parliament what best practice models the government is putting into place in the public service to respond to challenges identified by the Public Protector with regard to some government departments and state-owned enterprises.
Issued by: Ronnie Mamoepa at 082-990-4853
The Presidency