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Statement on virtual Cabinet Meeting of 4 November 2020

1. Issues in the environment

1. Economy

1.1. The 2020 Medium Term Budget Policy Statement presented by Finance Minister Tito Mboweni on Wednesday, 28 October 2020, sets out a course that limits the operational spending of government. It also supports economic growth to boost the creation of much-needed jobs. The allocations support our drive to revive the economy from the devastation of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic and attract investments. 

1.2. Cabinet welcomes Operation Vulindlela, which will support the implementation of the Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan by accelerating priority structural reforms.

1.3.  Cabinet is resolute in its commitment to get the economy growing again and therefore our current tough actions will accelerate our efforts to build a more resilient economy.

2. COVID-19

2.1. Cabinet is concerned that some people are behaving recklessly and irresponsibly as if COVID-19 no longer exists. Cabinet calls on all people in South Africa to continue adhering to the health protocols of practising social distancing, wearing masks in public and washing our hands with water and soap or an alcohol-based sanitiser, and avoiding large gatherings.

2.2. Such consistent considerate behaviour remains the greatest defence in protecting ourselves and others against the virus. Our responsible actions will ensure we minimise the rates of infections whilst we continue to rebuild our economy.

2.3. Cabinet continues to encourage all of us to download the free COVID-19 Alert SA mobile app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. The app – which has been zero-rated by mobile networks and can be downloaded without any data costs – will improve contact tracing by alerting users if they have been in close contact with other users who have tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 14 days. The app does not gather any personal information or track a user’s location.

2.4. Cabinet  will deliberate the outcomes of the National Coronavirus Command Council (NCCC) to be held next week..  President Ramaphosa will thereafter brief the nation on the developments in South Africa’s risk-adjusted strategy to manage the spread of COVID-19.

3. Infrastructure development

3.1. The Infrastructure South Africa Project Preparation Roundtable and Marketplace held in Midrand, Gauteng from 3 to 4 November 2020 takes forward the infrastructure roll out programme..  

3.2. The event showcased 27 large-scale infrastructure projects with a combined value of R210 billion to South African and international investors, including delegates of development finance institutions and multilateral development banks.

3.3. The project preparation roundtable ensures that projects undergo intensive feasibility assessments and transaction advisory support that will make them investment-ready.

3.4. Among the projects presented to investors are the Ngqura-Coega liquefied natural gas terminal in the Eastern Cape; the Social Housing Regulatory Authority’s Social Housing Programme; a jet fuel pipeline at the Cape Town International Airport; a space infrastructure hub to be established by the South African National Space Agency, and a science and technology park in Limpopo.

3.5. These projects have the potential to employ a significant number of South Africans and form a vital component of the job-creation impetus of the South African National Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan recently unveiled by President Cyril Ramaphosa.

3.6. Cabinet appreciated the contribution that has been made by the private sector, which has contributed the necessary expertise at their own cost. 

3.7. Cabinet welcomes the secondment by the private sector of 25 experts who will assist Infrastructure South Africa in bringing the planned projects to fruition.

3.8. Furthermore, Cabinet welcomes the announcement by Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure Patricia de Lille that an infrastructure-focused anti-corruption structure will ensure the ethical management of infrastructure contracts.

3.9. The Infrastructure and Investment Office in The Presidency will in the coming days provide details of the commitments made by investors during this week’s roundtable and marketplace.

4.  South Africa Investment Conference (SAIC)

4.1 South Africa will host its third South African investment conference on 17 and 18 November 2020 focusing on investment in the wake of COVID-19, consolidation and construction

4.2 This year’s conference focuses on the delivery of existing commitments to realise job creation and economic development. In addition , government will highlight  actions taken to foster a conducive investment environment, with a focus on economic reconstruction and recovery

4.3 The conference builds on the successes of the last two conferences which raised R664billion, laying a foundation for investment and accelerated economic growth.

5. Energy

5.1. Cabinet welcomed the commissioning of the final wind turbine at 140 megawatts (MW) at the Nxuba Wind Farm, Eastern Cape, which is part of the fourth round of the country’s Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme. Once all the wind turbines are commissioned, they will produce 460 Gigawatt hours per year to the grid and advance our climate change commitments significantly. 

5.2. The full commercial operation of Eskom’s Unit 2 at the Kusile Power Station in Mpumalanga contributes 800 MW to the power grid. Kusile is the first power station in Africa to install flue-gas desulphurisation technology – a state-of-the-art technology used to remove oxides of sulphur, such as sulphur dioxide, from exhaust flue gases in power plants that burn coal or oil –   which is in line with current international air quality standards. 

5.3. Cabinet also welcomed the announcement by Total SA that it had found a significant amount of gas off the southern coast of Mossel Bay in the Western Cape. This will contribute towards the country’s efforts to expand power generation so as to allow the economy to grow and attract more investments. 

6. National Taxi Lekgotla  

6.1. The declaration adopted at last week’s National Taxi Lekgotla is pivotal in building a more efficient and safe public transport sector. The outcomes take the country closer to formalising an empowerment model for the taxi industry and will place it on a sustainable growth path. 

6.2. Cabinet welcomes the commitment to sectorial determination for the taxi industry, which ensures compliance with the country’s labour laws and strengthens the industry’s regulatory model.  

7. Disability Rights Awareness Month

7.1. Government is working with various sectors of society to ensure the full empowerment of people with disabilities. Disability Rights Awareness Month, which started on 3 November and will end on 3 December 2020, is marked under the theme: “Together Building Communities Inclusive of Disabilities.” 

7.2. This period provides an opportunity to raise an awareness on the rights of people with disabilities. This awareness advocacy month focuses on calling on both the public and private sectors to upscale the recruitment, retention and accommodation of persons with disabilities in the workplace.

8.  Crime Prevention

8.1. Cabinet condemns the senseless and callous killing of police officers who have dedicated their lives to serve and protect. The killing and attack of police officers is a direct attack on the rule of law and the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996

8.2. Cabinet extends its condolences to the families and friends of all officers who have died in the line of duty such as Sergeant Mzoxolo Gxotani from the East London Tactical Response Team in the Eastern Cape, Groblersdal Station Commander Colonel Jeffrey Seroka in Mpumalanga, Crime Intelligence Officer Ofentse Mokgadinyane and Detective Sergeant Billy Mahooe in the Free State; and Sergeant Sibongile Teka and Constable Kganyisa Sitofile in the Western Cape.

8.3. Cabinet further condemned the shooting and killing of eight people aged between 30 and 40 by unknown gunmen in Gugulethu in the Western Cape on Monday, 2 November 2020. 

8.4. Cabinet assures the nation that police working with communities will ensure those involved in these criminal acts are arrested and face the full might of the law. 

9. Southern African Development Community (SADC) Media Awards

9.1. Cabinet calls on all South African media to submit their entries for the 2021 SADC Media Awards competition. Journalists from the SADC member states are invited to enter or submit nominations for the awards.

9.2. The SADC Media Awards promotes SADC’s objectives in achieving economic development, peace and security, and growth, alleviating poverty, as well as enhancing the standard and quality of life of the peoples of Southern Africa.

9.3. The SADC Media Awards is a powerful tool to drive the narrative of a new Africa, one of unlimited potential and a renewed hope for a better future.

10.  2020 National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations 

10.1. Cabinet has joined President Ramaphosa in wishing the matric class of 2020 good luck with their NSC examinations which commenced today, 5 November and will finish on 15 December 2020. We urge all parents, guardians and the entire society to support and encourage the candidates as they complete their 12 years of learning. 

10.2. The COVID-19 pandemic impacted on schooling and preparation for this year’s Grade 12 examinations. However, the Department of Basic Education and schools introduced a catch-up programme to prepare learners. Cabinet is confident these learners have the potential to produce the best results.

B. Cabinet decisions

1. Government Programme of Action (PoA) 

1.1.  Cabinet approved the first biannual Government PoA Report for the period January to June 2020. The work that happened during this period gives effect to the 2019-2024 Medium Term Strategic Framework.

1.2. The period reviewed coincided with the disruptive effect of the COVID-19 global pandemic, which saw government resources and operations being diverted to protect lives and livelihoods. 

1.3. Cabinet is however pleased with the progress that has been made in implementing the key expected deliverables. Although some of the deliverables were disrupted, Cabinet is satisfied with the envisaged recovery programmes of the respective clusters. The details of these reports will be unpacked during the planned cluster media briefings. 

C.  Upcoming event

1. South Africa accedes to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation (TAC) With South East Asian Nations (ASEAN)

1.1. The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor, will represent the South African Government on the occasion of South Africa's accession to the TAV with ASEAN.

1.2. The virtual signing ceremony will be held on Tuesday, 10 November 2020. Minister Pandor will participate in the event from Cape Town, where she will be joined by the Heads of Mission of the ASEAN Pretoria Committee.

1.3. South Africa has diplomatic and economic relations with individual ASEAN members. The country’s accession to the TAC will formalise its relationship with ASEAN as a bloc.

1.4. South Africa’s accession to the TAC is also an opportunity to boost political and economic collaboration with this important and growing international organisation.

D.  Messages

1. Congratulations

1.1. Cabinet joins President Ramaphosa in congratulating Dr John Pombe Magufuli on his election as the President-elect of the United Republic of Tanzania. We look forward to working with Dr Magufuli to strengthen strong bilateral relations, as well as in matters of mutual interest in the Southern African Development Community region, as well as the African continent and the world.

1.2. Cabinet congratulates Ms Shudufhadzo Musida for being crowned Miss South Africa 2020 and wishes her well in her role as a Brand South Africa representative. She joins   part of a collective of South Africans who are raising the South African flag to position the country globally. 

1.3. Cabinet congratulates Banyana Banyana, who started their COSAFA Cup title defence with a 2-0 win over Angola in Port Elizabeth on Tuesday, 3 November 2020.

2. Condolences

Cabinet sent condolences to the family and friends of:

2.1.  Mr Enuga Sreenivasulu Reddy, who passed on at the age of 96. He was born to a politically active family in South India. He led the United Nations campaign against apartheid and actively supported the South African freedom movement for more than half a century, and also played a central role in promoting international sanctions against the country.

Ms Phumla Williams
Cabinet Spokesperson
Cell: 083 501 0139

Address by President Cyril Ramaphosa at Women's Day celebration, Thusong Service Centre, Paarl

Minister in the Presidency for Women, Ms Bathabile Dlamini,
Minister of Arts and Culture, Mr Nathi Mthethwa,
Ministers and Deputy Ministers,
Premiers of our Provinces present,
Speaker of the National Assembly,
Members of the Sisulu Family,
Mayor of the Winelands District, Dr Elna von Schlicht,
Mayor of the Drakenstein Municipality, Mr Conrad Poole,
Stalwart of the liberation struggle, Ms Sophie de Bruyn,

Fellow South Africans, 

We are celebrating Women’s Day in a historic year. 

It is historic because we remember that one hundred years ago Charlotte Maxeke led women from across the country to form the Bantu Women’s League. 

Charlotte Maxeke was born at a time when women were still considered ‘auxiliary’ members of the national liberation movement. The Bantu Women’s League defied not only the tyranny of racial oppression, but also the prejudice and discrimination that women daily confronted. 

It advanced a vision of a society defined by freedom, dignity, equality and respect. 

The struggles fought by the Bantu Women’s League affirmed black women as political activists and social reformers, leaders in their own right and agents of their own liberation. 

This year we also celebrate the centenary of the birth of Mama Albertina Sisulu, one of the greatest leaders this country has known, a woman who inherited the fighting spirit of Charlotte Maxeke and the institutional legacy of the Bantu Women’s League. 

We celebrate her extraordinary contribution to the struggle of the South African people for liberation. 

Through Mama Sisulu’s courage and selflessness, she kept the flame of freedom burning even in the darkest moments of apartheid oppression. 

She embodied the values that continue to guide our struggle for the emancipation of women and, indeed, the freedom of all people, everywhere. 

Women’s Day is an opportunity to pay tribute to the remarkable women leaders who have been at the forefront of the liberation struggle. 

It is on this day that we remember leaders like Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, Lilian Ngoyi, Helen Joseph, Rahima Moosa, Sophie de Bruyn, Dora Tamana, Bertha Gxowa, Florence Matomela, Ruth First, Dorothy Zihlangu, Ray Alexander, Liz Abrahams, Dorothy Nyembe, Victoria Mxenge, Phila Ndwandwe, Nomkhosi Mini, Coline Williams, Fatima Meer, Florence Ribeiro, Emma Mashinini, Sister Bernard Ncube, Lydia Kompe, Dulcie September, Josephine Moshobane, Mildred Lesea, Helen Suzman and many others. 

We pay tribute to the women who went to prison for burning their passes, who stood trial for treason, who defied unjust laws, who went on strike for a living wage, who joined the ranks of Umkhonto we Sizwe, who were banished, censored and jailed, who lost their lives to the murderous forces of the apartheid state. 

Women’s Day is a celebration of the achievements of these women and millions more. 

It is a celebration of the great achievements over many years of struggle to ensure that the role of women in society and in public life is recognised and affirmed. 

It is a celebration of the many women who have excelled in fields from which they have traditionally been excluded, who today occupy positions of authority and responsibility. 

It is a celebration of the great strides being made by young women in the fields of farming, medicine, science, arts, entrepreneurship and politics. 

It is a celebration of our Constitution, the transformational laws we have passed and our ongoing efforts to ensure that women are equally able to occupy positions of responsibility and authority in all spheres of life. 

It is a celebration of the road we have travelled since the Bantu Women’s League was formed a century ago. 

Fellow South Africans, 

On this Women’s Day, as we celebrate our achievements, we are bound to recognise that the struggle for the emancipation of the women of this land continues. 

Our efforts to build a society defined by freedom, dignity, equality and respect are incomplete. 

Poverty, hunger, homelessness, landlessness and unemployment define the lives of millions of our people. 

Prejudice, discrimination, exploitation and violence are still present in our society, which – despite the progress we have made – has not yet fully emerged from our racist and patriarchal past. 

Many South African women are still burdened by poverty, and oppressed by cultural practices, social convention and prejudice. The face of poverty and suffering is still worn by the women of our country. 

Many are not able to have and access educational and economic opportunities. They are neglected in the provision of government services and are overlooked by the business community. 

Patriarchy remains a defining feature of our society. 

This Women’s Day, as we celebrate our achievements, as we recognise our many challenges, let us reaffirm our determination, together, as women and men, to build a non-sexist South Africa. 

We must intensify and hasten our efforts to advance women’s emancipation and achieve meaningful gender equality. 

We must start with a grave admission. 

Across our society, in towns small and cities large, in homes, in schools, in colleges and universities, in our streets, our parks and open spaces, a war is being waged against women. 

It is a war against women’s bodies, their dignity and their right to freedom, security and equality. 

It is an affront to our common humanity and a betrayal of the values of our Constitution. 

In ways that are both subtle and brutal, women are subjected each and every day to verbal, emotional and physical abuse. 

In a society that has long struggled against gender-based violence, the assault on the integrity and humanity of women has reached unprecedented levels. 

While it is difficult to establish the full extent of this epidemic – as many offences go unreported – studies show that the lifetime experience of South African women of gender-based violence is higher than the global average. 

Disturbingly, a significant percentage of South African men admit to perpetrating violence against women. 

Women are abused by virtue of the fact that they are women, transgender, are gender non-conforming or because of their sexual orientation. 

Violence is perpetrated against women by men who are strangers, acquaintances, relatives or intimate partners. 

The violence that women are subjected to crosses boundaries of race and class, culture and language. 

Yet there is a real danger that because violence against women has become so pervasive, society is gradually unmoved and has stopped seeing it as unacceptable and abhorrent. 

Instead of outrage, there is only weary acceptance. 

Instead of action, there is only lamentation. 

In answering the threat of complacency, last week, thousands of women mounted huge protests across the country as part of campaigns by #TheTotalShutdown movement and the Young Women’s Desk of the ANC Women’s League. 

I can report, Aunt Sophie de Bruyn, that a large group of women marched on the Union Buildings, demanding, as you did 62 years ago, that the government addresses the plight of South Africa’s women. 

Unlike you, Aunt Sophie, these protestors were met by a government of the people, a government democratically-elected with a clear and unequivocal mandate to transform society. 

Unlike you, these protestors were met by a government that listens and that is determined to work with all South Africans to rid our country of this scourge. 

It is a government in which there is no place for people who further victimise those who report violence against women or who protest against it. 

We are committed to deal with any public servants especially our police officers who, through their treatment of survivors of violence, make the trauma and pain even worse. 

We salute all those who took part in these protests, who had the courage to raise their voices, to articulate the anger, frustration, pain and disappointment of so many South African women. 

We salute them for challenging those of us in positions of authority to act with greater purpose and urgency to end the war that is being fought against women. 

We must acknowledge, as a government and as a society, that since the advent of democracy we have failed to ensure that the women of South Africa are able to exercise their constitutional right to peace and security. 

In that sense, we have failed to live up to the promise of 1994. 

We therefore share a responsibility to correct this failing, to work together across society to fundamentally change attitudes, practices and institutions to end violence against women.

The women of our country in their memorandum they submitted to me at the Union Buildings suggested, demanded, called for, the holding of a National Gender Summit where they want to do discuss matters of national importance about how South Africa can give them a best life their country can give them. 

Government has agreed that this National Gender Summit should take place on 31 August to forge consensus on approaches to effectively and urgently deal with the crisis of gender-based violence, discrimination against women and gender disparities. 

The recommendations of the Gender Summit must be comprehensive, guiding the work of government and the activities of all stakeholders. 

Government is committed to doing its part through policies, programmes and practices that dramatically reduce levels of gender-based violence – and ultimately eradicate it – that ensure swift action against perpetrators, and which provide necessary support and protection to survivors of violence. 

Ultimately, however, violence against women is a societal issue – it requires that all of us, wherever we are, are actively engaged in ending this brutal assault on our people and on our society. 

Fellow South Africans, 

If we are to realise the vision of those pioneering women who founded the Bantu Women’s League, we must improve the economic position of women. 

That is why we have placed the creation of jobs and training opportunities for young people – and especially young women – at the centre of our economic agenda. 

We must recognise that young women are doing much themselves, taking advantage of educational opportunities, starting businesses and bringing energy and innovation to a number of fields and occupations. 

Yet, despite the progress made, young people are more likely to be unemployed than the rest of the population. 

Young women face additional challenges of gender inequality, discrimination and oppressive social practices. 

Therefore, each and every policy and programme that advances the empowerment of young people must make specific provision for the empowerment of young women. 

An important part of our effort will be to create pathways for young women into work. 

Many young black women do not have the skills, access to networks or exposure to the work environment to easily find employment. 

Many live far away from potential places of work and cannot afford to go looking for work. 

In response to this challenge, government, business, labour and several civil society organisations have worked together to launch the Youth Employment Service, which facilitates one-year work experience opportunities for unemployed young people in participating companies. 

We will be closely monitoring the intake into this programme, as well as the outcomes, to ensure that young women are equally represented. 

Ultimately, the most direct and sustainable way to empower young women is through education and skills development. 

Global experience has shown that education is the most effective way to empower young women and promote gender equality. 

Yet, young women face several challenges, such as outdated attitudes to the education of women, relegation to domestic duties or responsibility for child care. 

That is why we need to ensure that girls and young women remain in school to complete matric, that they are able to study in areas like mathematics, science and technology, and that they can proceed without hindrance to higher education and further training. 

Fellow South Africans, 

Government has embarked on a range of measures to accelerate comprehensive land reform and expand agricultural production. 

These measures, in addition to correcting a historical injustice, aim to unlock the economic potential of our land and our people. 

It is essential that we use this process to ensure equitable access for women to land in both rural and urban areas – for agriculture, for housing and for business purposes. 

Women who live in rural areas must have their right to land recognised and enforced, and must have the means to use their land to improve their lives and the lives of their families. 

Poor and working class women have the same right, and need to have the same opportunity, as men to own property in well-located urban areas. 

As we embark on the distribution of title deeds to our people we are committed to ensure that women are, at minimum, equal beneficiaries of government programmes to address asset poverty. 

The return of the land will have little meaning and limited effected unless it is returned to all those from whom it was taken, both women and men. 

Importantly, we must lead a campaign to change patriarchal attitudes in society. 

It is vital that everyone understands that where women are emancipated, society progresses and thrives. 

We must empower young men to play their role in freeing society from the oppressive bonds of patriarchy. 

When women are free, we are all free. 

We look to young women to lead the way. 

They should not wait for others to liberate them. 

Like those who marched on the Union Buildings last week, and like those who marched on the Union Buildings in 1956, they should realise that the power to achieve meaningful change is in their hands. 

Fellow South Africans, 

It is 100 years since the formation of the Bantu Women’s League and a hundred years since the birth of that great stalwart of our movement, Mama Albertina Sisulu. 

We mark these historic events not merely to recall the extraordinary path that the women of our country have walked over many decades of oppression, repression, discrimination and exploitation. 

We mark these historic events not only to applaud the outstanding contributions that millions of women have made to the achievement of our non-racial and non-sexist democracy. 

We mark these historic events so that we may be reminded, as we look to the future, that no matter how great the challenges we face, no matter how difficult the problems that we must overcome, by working together – women and men, young and old, black and white – we will prevail. 

Guided by the revolutionary vision of Charlotte Maxeke, inspired by the courage and commitment of Albertina Sisulu and fortified by the daily struggles of millions of South African women, we will surely succeed to build a society in which the daughters of our nation will live in peace, dignity, security and comfort. 

I thank you.

Statement on virtual Cabinet Meeting of 18 November 2020

Statement on the virtual Cabinet meeting of Wednesday, 18 November 2020

A.  Issues in the environment

1. 12th Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) Summit

1.1. Cabinet welcomed the outcomes of the 12th BRICS Summit which was led by President Cyril Ramaphosa. Hosted by President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation, the summit deliberated on the BRICS partnership for global stability, shared security and innovative growth.

1.2. The outcomes included the adoption of a revised Strategy for BRICS Economic Partnership (2020-2025) and the adoption of the BRICS Counter-Terrorism Strategy. The Moscow Declaration adopted at the end of the summit expressed, among other issues, support for the African Union (AU) Agenda 2063 and the efforts towards intensified integration and development in the continent, including implementation of the Agreement of the African Continental Free Trade Area.

1.3. The summit also noted progress achieved by the AU in addressing infrastructure gaps, particularly within the framework of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development, and the importance of promoting investments to support industrial development, create jobs, ensure food security, fight poverty and provide for Africa’s sustainable development.

2.  Working Visit by the President of Malawi

2.1. Cabinet welcomed the recent successful Working Visit to South Africa by members of the Malawian Government led by President Lazarus Chakwera. The meeting between Presidents Chakwera and Ramaphosa discussed bilateral, regional and continental matters of mutual interest.

2.2. South Africa remains committed to deepening and strengthening relations with Malawi through expanded trade and investment with a goal of achieving decent livelihoods in both countries. The two countries have cordial relations dating back many decades.

2.3. Cabinet was also briefed on the issue of Mr Shepherd and Mrs Mary Bushiri, who fled to Malawi while out on bail of R200 000 each following charges of fraud and money-laundering.

2.4. Cabinet was satisfied with the manner in which the Justice, Crime Prevention and Safety Cluster has handled the matter and the cluster will update the public on the developments regarding this matter. Extradition processes have been initiated.

3.  Municipal by-elections

3.1. Cabinet commends the Independent Electoral Commission for the successful by- elections, held in 95 wards across 55 municipalities on Wednesday, 11 November 2020. Municipal elections remain a pillar of sharpening our democracy at district and municipal levels. 

3.2. Cabinet thanked all South Africans who took part in the by-elections, which were the first time after election activities were suspended in March owing to the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic.

4.  Five national days of mourning 

4.1. Cabinet has urged South Africans to take part in the five days of mourning to remember those who have lost their lives to COVID-19 and gender-based violence and femicide (GBVF). All national flags will fly at half-mast during five days of mourning starting from Wednesday, 25 November to Sunday, 29 November 2020.

4.2. In a united move to honour and remember all those who have succumbed to COVID-19 and GBVF, all citizens are encouraged to wear attires and ornaments which symbolise mourning based on their culture, tradition and religious belief.

5.  Signing of Sugar Master Plan

5.1. Cabinet welcomed the signed Sugar Industry Master Plan by Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development Minister Thoko Didiza and the sugar industry sector. The Sugar Master Plan seeks to take urgent action to protect thousands of jobs, rural livelihoods and businesses, and at the same time create a bold new ambition for the future, which seeks to create diversified revenue streams for sugar producers, and deliver significant new job opportunities.

5.2. The sugar industry is a critical employer of workers and a source of livelihood for large numbers of rural communities

B.   Cabinet decisions 

1. National Anti-Corruption Strategy (NACS) 

1.1. Cabinet approved the NACS which provides a nationwide intervention framework. The strategy is the culmination of a countrywide consultation with various sectors, including business, government and civil society. The NACS Reference Group, comprising civil society, academia, business and government representatives, supported the compilation of this strategy.

1.2. The NACS covers six pillars, which include promoting and encouraging active citizenry, whistle-blowing, integrity and transparency; advancing the  professionalization of employees, enhancing governance in institutions, and strengthening resourcing and coordination of performance and accountability.

1.3. The strategy also proposes and interim National Anti-Corruption Advisory Council as a structural arrangement to ensure greater monitoring, accountability and transparency. This interim structure will commence a process to set up an independent overarching statutory structure that will report directly to Parliament.

2. National Protected Areas Expansion Strategy (NPAES)

2.1. abinet approved the revised NPAES for implementation. The strategy was approved for public consultation in November 2018. These consultations resulted in a number of revised inputs being added in the nine chapters of this strategy.

2.2. South Africa is one of the richest countries in terms of plants and animal diversity. It is listed as one of the world’s top three mega diverse nations. Managing and conserving these essential biodiverse elements also contributes to creating jobs through tourism and nature conservation programmes, and also serves as places of scientific research.

3.  Revised National Biodiversity Framework (NBF)

3.1. Cabinet approved the publication of the NBF for public comment. This is a sectoral plan of action to address the biodiversity threats identified during the scientific assessment of the state of biodiversity and ecosystems in South Africa done by the South African National Biodiversity Institute in 2019.

3.2. The most critical areas in the assessment report relates to fresh water ecosystems, rivers and estuaries with fresh water fish being the most vulnerable of all the species.

4. Commercial Forestry Sector (CFS) Master Plan for South Africa (2020-2025)

4.1. Cabinet approved the implementation of CFS Master Plan, which has been agreed upon by the industry, government and labour. The plan balances environmental, economic and social benefit from the forestry resources.

4.2. It captures seven key focus areas: (a) expansion of the forestry resource and maintenance/protection, (b) transformation of the sector, (c) value addition and processing, (d) timber theft and illegal activities, (e) research, development, innovation and skills development, (f) key inhibitors to the growth of the sector and (g) institutional development.

5.  A national implementation framework towards the professionalization of the Public Service

5.1. Cabinet approved publication of the draft national implementation framework towards the professionalization of the Public Service. This is in line with the commitment made by the sixth administration to create a capable, ethical and developmental Public Service.

5.2. The framework proposes five critical professionalization pillars which will be led by the National School of Government (NSG), in partnership with various institutions of learning. The five pillars include pre-entry recruitment and selection within the Public service; induction and onboarding; planning and performance management; continuous learning and professional development, and career progression and career incidents.

6. Policy proposals to amend Public Service Administration Management Act (PAMA) of 2014 and Public Service Act (PSA) of 1994

6.1. Cabinet has approved policy proposals that seek to amend the PAMA, 2014 (Act 11 of 2014) and the PSA, 1994 (Act 103 of 1994). Among other things, they propose a move towards a single Public Service, retention of the status of the NSG as a national department and clarify the role of the Office of Health Standards Compliance in respect of mechanisms for the coordination of norms and standards in the public administration.

6.2. The policy proposals for the PSA include clarifying the heads of department in the Office of the Premier and The Presidency, and also correct some of the issues occasioned by the court judgements.

6.3. The amendments are premised on furthering the Single Public Administration initiative and also give effect  to the policy reforms envisaged in the National Development Plan to build a professional public service.

6.4. The Single Public Administration initiative is underpinned by the principle to ensure efficient, quality, collaborative and accountable service delivery.

7.  Official Identity Management Policy

7.1. Cabinet approved the Official Identity Management Policy to be released for public comment. The policy proposes a number of changes, including amending the Identification Act, 1997 (Act 68 of 1997) and Alteration of Sex Description and Sex Status Act, Act 40 of 2003) to align them with the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act of 1996 and the Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 (Act 4 of 2013.

7.2. It also proposes the integration of the National Population Register to enable a single view of a person with features to interface with other government and private sector identity management systems. It will integrate the current systems into a biometric- enabled National Identity System. The new proposed population register will form the basis of an official e-identity which will serve as the backbone of state and private digital platforms.  

8. Protocol to the Constitutive Act of the AU Relating to the Pan-African Parliament (PAP)

8.1. Cabinet approved the submission of the Protocol to the Constitutive Act of the AU to the PAP for ratification. To give effect to this protocol, member states need to ratify them through their respective parliaments. South Africa hosts the PAP, which is the legislative arm of the AU.

C. Bills

1. National Small Enterprise Amendment (NSEA) Bill of 2020

1.1. Cabinet approved the publishing of the NSEA for public comment, which seeks to amend the National Small Enterprise Act, 1996 (Act 102 of 1996). The amendments provide for the Office of the Small Enterprises Ombud Service and repeal the provision for the establishment of an Advisory Body.

1.2. The Bill broadens access to justice for  small enterprises through the Ombud Service, which will be tasked with considering and disposing of complaints by small enterprises.

1.3. Implementation of the amendments will realise greater stability to the sector and advance economic opportunity through the creation of job opportunities by small, medium and micro enterprises.

2.  National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) Amendment Bill 

2.1. Cabinet approved the submission of the NYDA Amendment Bill for public comment. The amendments enhance the operational effectiveness of the NYDA in expanding its reach and increasing responsiveness to young people’s needs.

2.2. Youth constitute nearly a third of South Africa’s population and implementation of this Bill will go further in contributing towards building a highly skilled labour force and also increasing support for  entrepreneurship.  This will contribute towards addressing the triple developmental challenges of poverty, inequality and unemployment.

D.  Upcoming events   

1.  16 Days of Activism 

1.1. Cabinet approved the theme: “Women’s Economic Justice towards a non-violent and non-sexist South Africa” for the 16 Days of Activism campaign, which is the high-point of the 365 Days against GBVF campaign. Due to the National State of Disaster regulations that prohibits large gatherings, President  Ramaphosa will launch the campaign virtually on Wednesday, 25 November 2020. The Emergency Response Action Plan to combat GBVF that was approved in 2019 commenced to give effect to support survivors; uplift awareness and prevention campaigns; improve laws and policies; promote the economic empowerment of women, and strengthen the criminal justice system.

1.2. The adopted National Strategic Plan (NSP), which was received by President Ramaphosa early this year, takes forward the emergency response intervention that were started in 2019. The Inter-Ministerial Committee on GBVF led by the Minister in The Presidency for Women, Children and Persons with Disabilities, Ms Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, continues to oversee the mainstream operationalisation of the programmes of the NSP.

2.  World Aids Day – 1 December 2020

2.1. The theme for World AIDS Day on 1 December 2020: “We’re in this together, Cheka Impilo!” underscores individual responsibility to ensure that the gains made thus far in responding to the HIV and tuberculosis (TB) epidemics are not lost.

2.2. South Africa has the biggest HIV epidemic in the world, with about 7.7 million people living with HIV, and accounts for a third of all new infections in Southern Africa. More people are now testing for HIV. South Africa has the world’s largest antiretroviral therapy programme. It is the first country in sub-Saharan Africa to fully approve Pre- exposure Prophylaxis, which is now being made available to those at high risk of infection.

2.3. Cabinet urges South Africans to follow the Cheka Impilo three steps: First, get your health checked, get tested for HIV and TB for free at any clinic near you. Second, take action once you know your results, begin treatment immediately or stay on treatment. Lastly, live smart, live healthy by avoiding risky sexual behaviour, avoiding unhealthy habits, and maintaining a healthy, balanced diet.

3.  Group of Twenty (G20) Leaders’ Summit

3.1. President Ramaphosa will lead the South African delegation to the virtual G20 Leaders’ Summit on Saturday, 21 November and Sunday, 22 November.

3.2. The G20 Leaders’ Summit is convened by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with a focus on deepening global cooperation around the theme of “Realising Opportunities of the 21st Century for All”. The summit is set out to lead international efforts to develop a robust coordinated global response to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, safeguard the global economy and enhance international cooperation.

3.3. Discussions will centre on empowering people, protecting the planet and the resolution of global challenges through solutions that benefit all of humanity.

E. Messages

1. Congratulations 

Cabinet extends its congratulations and well wishes to:

  • President Ramaphosa for celebrating his 68th birthday on Tuesday, 17 November 2020.
  • President Alassane Ouattara and the people of Cote d’Ivoire for conducting successful elections.
  • United States of America (USA) President-elect Joseph R. Biden, and the people of the USA, following a successful election.
  • Master KG for winning the Best African Act Award at the MTV EMA’s following the hit song Jerusalema that featured Nomcebo Zikode, which became one of the biggest songs on the planet.
  • Banyana Banyana who earned a fourth successive COSAFA Women's Championship title with a 2-1 victory over Botswana.
  • Bafana Bafana who completed a double over Sao Tome and Principe to stay on course for the 2022 Africa Cup of Nations tournament.

2.   Condolences  

Cabinet sent condolences to the:

  • people of Ghana and the family and friends of Ghana’s former President Jerry Rawlings.
  • family, friends and colleagues of the outgoing Auditor-General Mr Kimi Makwetu who served our country with distinction and contributed towards inculcating a culture of accountability in the use of state resources. Mr Makwetu's death was a huge loss to the auditing profession and the ongoing task of building an accountable administration. Cabinet expressed pride that Mr Makwetu was elected by acclamation to the United Nations’ Independent Audit Advisory Committee, a task he would, without a doubt, have executed with distinction.
  • government and people of the State of Palestine following the passing of Dr Saeb Erekat. Dr Erekat was the Secretary-General of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organisation, member of the Fatah Central Committee and prominent academic, the lead Palestinian peace negotiator and a close friend of South Africa.

F.    Appointments

All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.

1.    Governing Body of the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration:
a.    Mr Enos Ngutshane (Chairperson);
b.    Mr Siobhan Leyden;
c.    Mr Kaizer Moyane;
d.    Mr Sifiso Lukhele;
e.    Ms Riefdah Ajam;
f.    Mr Narius Moloto;
g.    Mr Bheki Ntshalintshali;
h.    Mr Thembinkosi Mkalipi;
i.    Ms Thabitha Constance Mametja; and
j.    Ms Tshepo Mahlaela.

2.    Non-executive members to the Board of Directors of the Armaments Corporation of South Africa:
a.    Ambassador Jeanette Thokozile Ndhlovu (reappointment);
b.    Dr Reginald Cassius Lubisi;
c.    Dr Phillip David Dexter;
d.    Ms Refilwe Matenche;
e.    Maj Gen (ret) Lungile Christian Pepani;
f.    Ms Fundiswa Skweyiya-Gushu;
g.    Mr Timothy Mandla Sukazi; and
h.    Ms Peta Nonceba Mashinini.

3.    6th-Term on the Council of the Engineering Council of South Africa: 

1.    Ms Refilwe Buthelezi;
2.    Ms Prudence Madiba;
3.    Ms Tshwaraganang Ramagofu;
4.    Mr John Daniels;
5.    Mr Mashao Lawrence Lebea;
6.    Mr Kasango Nyembwe;
7.    Mr Simphiwe Nathaniel Zimu;
8.    Mr Thembinkosi Cedric Madikane;
9.    Mr Sipo Mkhize;
10.    Ms Nirvanna Rampersad;
11.    Ms Liezl Smith Smith;
12.    Ms Refilwe Lesufi;
13.    Ms Sarah Skorpen;
14.    Ms Abimbola Olukunle;
15.    Mr Sandiswa Jekwa;
16.    Ms Linda Njomane;
17.    Mr Mpho Ramuhulu;
18.    Ms Philile Precious Mdletshe;
19.    Mr Lesetja Boshomane;
20.    Ms Amelia Mtshali;
21.    Mr Thulebona Memela;
22.    Ms Simangele Mngomezulu;
23.    Ms Otilia Mthethwa;
24.    Mr Thembinkosi Gamedze;
25.    Ms Phumza Zweni;
26.    Mr Bhekinkosi Williamson Mvovo;
27.    Ms Patronella Fikile Sibiya;
28.    Ms Cingisa Mbola;
29.    Ms Thulisile Mwelase;
30.    Mr Kemraj Ramgobind Ojageer;
31.    Mr Enson Muranganwa Mangwengwende;
32.    Ms Thandeka Chili;
33.    Mr Sifiso Keswa;
34.    Ms Sejako Morejwane;
35.    Ms Nirasha Sampson;
36.    Ms Sewela Mutileni;
37.    Ms Nokhana Moerane;
38.    Mr Mamadi Isau Mailula;
39.    Ms Natalie Skeepers;
40.    Mr Matome Edmund Modipa; 
41.    Dr Reginald Sethole Legoabe.
42.    Mr Carlo Van Zyl;
43.    Mr Ranthekeng Moloisane;
44.    Mr Njabulo Nhleko;
45.    Ms Elizabeth Theron;
46.    Mr Arnold Heinz Sommer;
47.    Ms Rachel Ledwaba;
48.    Mr Nic Smit; and
49.    Mr Sekete Zachia David Botsane;

4.     Commission for Employment Equity 
a.    Ms Tabea Kabinde  (Chairperson);
b.    Mr Bhabhali kaMaPhikela Nhlapho;
c.    Ms Lebogang Mulaisi;
d.    Mr Puleng Tsebe;
e.    Mr Mpho Vuma;
f.    Thembi Chagonda;
g.    Ms Zinzisa Pearl Mgobondela;
h.    Ms Stieneke Jensma; and
i.    Ms Dineo Mmako.

5.    Mr Mashwahle Joseph Diphofa – Extension of five-year contract as Director-General (DG) of the Department of Traditional Affairs.
6.    Dr Phil Mjwara – Extension of two-year contract as DG of the Department of Science and Innovation.
7.    Dr Duncan Ettienne Pieterse – Deputy DG (DDG): Economic Policy, Department of National Treasury.
8.    Dr Thuli Nomsa Khumalo – DDG: Climate Change and Air Quality Management, Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries.

Ms Phumla Williams
Cabinet Spokesperson
Cell: 083 501 0139

Statement on the virtual Cabinet Meeting of Wednesday, 2 December 2020

A. Issues In The Environment

1. Increase in Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) infections

1.1. Cabinet has expressed extreme concern about the spike in the number of new COVID-19 infections in the Eastern Cape and parts of the Western Cape. The rise in infections has been attributed to, among other factors, non-adherence to COVID-19 prevention protocols and Alert Level 1 regulations.

1.2. Cabinet approved the proposed intervention measures for the Nelson Mandela Bay (NMB) Metropolitan Municipality to address increasing COVID-19 infections. Cabinet also approved that the initiation schools may proceed within the strict health protocols outside of the NMB Metro. The Minister of Health, Dr Zweli Mkhize, will be undertaking visits to the Western Cape to assess what needs to be done to intervene in areas such as the Garden Route. 

1.3. Cabinet reiterated the importance of adhering to non-pharmaceutical interventions such as washing hands with water and soap or using an alcohol-based hand sanitiser, maintaining social distancing and wearing a mask in public. All of us should support the call by the World Health Organisation to prevent new COVID-19 infections.

1.4. As we approach the festive season, we should remember that the pandemic is still active and dangerous. Therefore, we must avoid unnecessary travel, particularly by public transport, and limit frequenting public venues such as restaurants, taverns or bars. Each of us needs to ensure we take precautions to avoid spreading the virus to our families, especially our elders. 

1.5. We must always maintain social distancing even as we gather as families to celebrate the holidays. Through our responsible behaviour, we can all contribute to fighting and containing the spread of COVID-19. Cabinet also approved the extension of the National State of Disaster to 15 January 2021.

2. Freight transport industry

2.1. Cabinet strongly condemned the lawlessness affecting the road freight industry and commended the swift response by the police in arresting suspects in Gauteng. Cabinet offered its condolences to the families and colleagues of drivers who lost their lives and wish those injured a speedy recovery.

2.2. While we understand the frustrations at the violation of immigration laws by some companies, violence is not the solution. Cabinet calls on all affected people to submit their concerns about the freight transport industry to relevant structures instead of resorting to violence.

2.3. Employment and Labour Minister Thulas Nxesi is leading a team of Ministers that is dealing with this matter and is expected to submit a concrete proposal to Cabinet to address all disputes affecting the industry. 

3. Infrastructure development

3.1. Cabinet welcomed the handover of the uMshwathi Bulk Water Supply Scheme in KwaZulu-Natal, which will completely change the lives of more than 3 000 households in the areas of Albert Falls, Mpolweni, Trustfeed and Nadi.

3.2. The scheme is a precursor to various other regional bulk water supply projects that will span across seven district municipalities – Zululand, King Cetshwayo, iLembe, uThukela, uMgungundlovu and Harry Gwala. Cabinet urges the beneficiaries to conserve and use water sparingly for the benefit of all households. 

4. Safer holidays

4.1. As South Africans take time to enjoy the holidays with their families and friends, Cabinet encourages all of us to do so responsibly. In addition to adhering to all health protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19, we must also abide by the rules of the road to ensure that we all reach our destinations safely. 

4.2. Road safety is the responsibility of all South Africans and all motorists are urged to adhere to the speed limit, do not drink and drive, and do not drive recklessly and negligently. 

4.3. Parents and caregivers are urged not to leave children unsupervised during the holiday season. By working together to take care, we can ensure a safe and joyous festive season.

B. Cabinet Decisions

1. Cabinet approved the IMTT recommendation for a withdrawal of the direct interventions under section 100(1)(b) in North West by the end of the 2020/21 financial year.

1.2. Cabinet is satisfied with progress that has been made on the national government’s intervention in North West, although more work still needs to be done to fully restore good governance in the province. 

1.3. Progress has been made in restoring community and labour peace, financial controls, consequence management and service delivery. There has also been a turnaround in audit results, and an end to six years of decline and stagnation of audit findings.  A full report will be tabled in Parliament.

2. Update on the South African Airways (SAA) Business Rescue Plan (BR Plan)

2.1. Cabinet was briefed on the progress regarding the implementation of the SAA BR Plan and how the allocation of the R10.5 billion will be effectively used to ensure the success in the implementation of the BR Plan.  

2.2. Cabinet appreciated the progress and implored the Department of Public Enterprises (DPE) to hasten the implementation of key initiatives to ensure the emergence of a new restructured, efficient and techno-savvy national airline. 

2.3. The DPE was directed to finalise the appointment of the interim board for SAA and to conclude the appointment of the Strategic Equity Partner for the restructured SAA. Mango was commended on the strategic role it played as an SAA subsidiary, to ensure the continued presence of the airline in the market. 

3. National Seasonal Preparedness (Contingency) Plan for the 2020-21 Summer Season

3.1. Cabinet approved the National Seasonal Preparedness Plan for the 2020-2021 Summer Season presented by the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma. The plan follows predictions which indicated that increased chances of above-normal rainfall over most parts of the country are expected. This implies that the summer rainfall areas covering all eight provinces – except the winter rainfall areas such as Western Cape – have a high expectation of floods and windstorms. 

3.2. In implementing the plan, mitigating measures are put in place to reduce the impact of extreme summer seasonal hazards. This plan incorporates the festive season starting from November 2020 to February 2021, since this period prone to increased risks of weather-related hazards. Cabinet further noted that some parts of the Cape provinces are still experiencing severe drought.

3.3. Cabinet calls on the public to make the necessary preparations against summer seasonal hazards and ensure effective responses that would save lives, protect property and infrastructure. 

4. National Policy Development Framework

4.1. Cabinet approved the National Policy Development Framework that will guide all government departments in drafting their respective public policies. The framework seeks to standardise the policy-formulation processes across all spheres of government.

4.2. The document outlines the various steps to be followed in public policy formulation, which include policymaking cycles, expected standards; factors to be considered when formulating a policy and institutional arrangements to be put in place for effective policymaking and implementation processes.   

4.3. The current framework does not ensure uniformity and synergy in policymaking in government. The document will be accessible through the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) website ( 

5. Land Donations Policy

5.1. Cabinet approved the policy for implementation, which aims to accelerate land donations as one of the ways to respond to the slow pace of land reform. 

5.2. The implementation of the policy will create meaningful opportunities for citizens in peri-urban and rural areas to participate in the economy. It puts in place incentives and guides land donations by owners of large tracts of land. The incentives come with prescribed empowerment responsibilities on the part of big institutional land holders that will donate land.

5.3. Donated land and the incentive policy measures are aligned to the agreement reached by social partners in the 2016 Operations Phakisa on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development. The policy was released for public consultation in February 2020.

6. National Policy on Beneficiary Selection and Land Allocation of 2020

6.1. Cabinet approved the policy, which provides for a fair, credible and transparent process for beneficiary selection and land allocation in South Africa. The policy incorporates comments received during its publication earlier in the year and sets out to address, amongst others, gender inequality in land ownership. 

6.2. It prioritises the allocation of land ownership to women, thereby promoting the advancement of women in this regard. It also seeks to address the diverse land needs as expressed by communities for agricultural production, human settlements, commonage, residential and industrial development. 

6.3. The policy proposes the creation of an independent structure to process the land allocations and provides for an online application system to ensure full transparency to the allocation of the land. 

7. Draft One-Stop Border Post (OSBP) Policy 

7.1. Cabinet approved the draft OSBP Policy for public consultation. The creation of the OSBP seeks to harmonise the movement of people and goods between South Africa’s land ports of entry and its neighbouring countries. The proposals in the policy seek to address congestion which results in delays, particularly by cross-border travellers and traders. 

7.2. This policy gives effect to the One-Stop Border Framework that was adopted by Cabinet in 2018. At a continental level, the policy contributes to the Presidential Infrastructure Champion Initiative, which advances interconnectivity amongst African countries to address infrastructure deficit and boost intra-Africa trade. The draft policy will be gazetted for public comment during the first quarter of 2021.

8. Ratification of the International Labour Organisation Convention Concerning the Elimination of Violence and Harassment in the World of Work Convention of 2019 (No. 190)

8.1. Cabinet approved the submission of the World of Work Convention of 2019 (No. 190) to Parliament for ratification. The convention addresses violence and harassment, specifically in the workplace. It provides a clear framework for action and an opportunity to shape a future of work based on dignity and respect, free from violence and harassment.

8.2. Ratification of this convention is aligned to the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996. Once ratified, the provisions of the convention will be domesticated and aligned to the Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act 66 of 1995).

8.3. The Department of Employment and Labour has already developed a Code of Good Practice on the Prevention and Elimination of Violence and Harassment in the World of Work.

9. Revised Antarctic and Southern Ocean Strategy

9.1. Cabinet approved the revised strategy for implementation, which includes comments received during its publication earlier in the year. The strategy provides for the coordination and implementation of the Antarctic Treaties Act, 1996 (Act 60 of 1996), relating to research, conservation, sustainable resource use and environmental management in support of the African agenda.  

9.2. This contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals, by recognising that the Antarctic and Southern Ocean are critical parts of the global climate system. The strategy contributes to climate action and ecological integrity by promoting the establishment of specially protected and managed areas. It was published in March 2020 for public comment.

10. Human Rights, Liberation and Reconciliation: Nelson Mandela Legacy Sites Nomination Dossier 

10.1. Cabinet approved submission of the Human Rights, Liberation and Reconciliation: Nelson Mandela Legacy Sites Nomination Dossier to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation’s World Heritage Centre for consideration and inscription as a World Heritage Site. This is part of the broader Resistance and Liberation Heritage Route Project. 

10.2. The nomination puts forward 10 individual sites in four provinces and seven municipalities. These represent our history of liberation and human rights, and provides evidence of the different phases of the struggle for freedom. 

10.3. This nomination is aligned to the National Development Plan, which emphasises the conservation and restoration of protected areas. It also recognises the potential of the creative economy’s contribution towards generating employment and export earnings.

C. Bills 

1. Preservation and Development of Agricultural Land Bill of 2020

1.1. Cabinet approved submission of the Bill to Parliament. The Bill repeals the Agricultural Land Act, 1970 (Act 70 of 1970) to give effect to constitutional requirements, and provide a fair and balanced approach in the use of agricultural land.

1.2. The Bill proactively protects agricultural land for food production through the establishment of Protected Agricultural Areas in which high potential agricultural land will be delineated for agricultural purposes and low potential agricultural land will be permitted for non-agricultural uses. 

1.3. The implementation of the Bill addresses the threat to national and household food security.

D. Upcoming Events

1. African Union (AU) Summit 

1.1. The AU will host the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Extraordinary Summit on 5 and 6 December 2020, in preparation for the start of the AfCFTA on 1 January 2021. 

1.2. The AfCFTA holds enormous benefits for South Africa as it serves as a catalyst to economic growth and investment. The free-trade area opens our exports of goods and services to a market of more than 1,2 billion people. As Chair of the AU, South Africa has been at the forefront of driving the implementation of the AfCFTA.

1.3. The agreement advances economic integration and development, women empowerment on the continent, and strengthens efforts towards peace and stability in Africa.

2. Reconciliation Day

2.1. South Africa will commemorate Reconciliation Day on 16 December 2020 under the theme: “United in Action against Racism, Gender-Based Violence and Other Intolerances”. Let us use this day to recommit ourselves towards achieving nation-building and social cohesion.

2.2. This year’s focus on racism underscores the importance of each person taking responsibility to fight racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance in the country. 

3. International Anti-Corruption Day

3.1. South Africa will join the rest of the world in commemorating International Anti-Corruption Day on Wednesday, 9 December 2020. The day raises awareness about the cost and negative effects of corruption, and seeks to eliminate it. 

3.2. Corruption is unacceptable, whether it occurs in the public or private sector. Corruption takes various forms and acts like ‘buying’ a drivers licence, paying a bribe to escape lawful punishment, collusion and anti-competitive behaviour, all constitute corruption. 

3.3. The success of our fight against corruption depends on the involvement of all citizens and institutions. In November 2020, Cabinet approved the National Anti-Corruption Strategy for implementation and called on everyone to form a united front in fighting corruption. If you see something, say something, report corruption by dialling the National Anti-Corruption Hotline on 0800 701 701. 

E. Messages

1. Congratulations

Cabinet extended its congratulations and well-wishes to: 

1.1. Ms Tsakani Maluleke, who has been appointed Auditor-General of South Africa with effect from 1 December 2020. Cabinet wishes her well in her responsibilities to ensure accountability in the use of state resources. 

2. Condolences

Cabinet sent condolences to the:

2.1. family, friends and colleagues of former Bafana Bafana and Mamelodi Sundowns defender Anele Ngcongca. 
2.2. Royal Bafokeng nation on the passing of Mohumagadi (Queen Mother), Dr Semane Bonolo Molotlegi.
2.3. AbaThembu nation on the passing of AmaXhosa Queen-Mother Nozamile Sigcawu, mother of the late King Mpendulo Zwelonke Sigcawu.
2.4. family of His Majesty King Goodwill Zwelithini on the passing of his son Prince Lethukuthula Zulu.

F. Appointments

All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.

1. Ms Mukondeleli Johanna Mulaudzi as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Ports Regulator of South Africa. 
2. Ms Ayanda Noah as the Chairperson of the Central Energy Fund SOC LTD Board.
3. Mr Loyiso Tyabashe as the CEO of the South African Nuclear Energy Corporation.

4. Council members of the Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority:
a. Dr Audrey Leah Mofomme (Chairperson);
b. Mr Matome Solomon Ralebipi (Deputy Chairperson);
c. Mr Humphrey Nhlanhla Ngubane;
d. Dr Sithembile Nombali Mbete; and
e. Ms Thandeka Ntshangase.

5. Extension of the contract of Mr Mbulelo Tshangana as the Director-General (DG) of the Department of Human Settlements.
6. Ms Nomfundo Clementine Tshabalala as the DG of the Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries. 
7. Dr Annette Theresa Griessel as the Deputy DG (DDG): National Planning Coordination at the DPME.
8. Dr Nontsikelelo Valencia Tshayingca-Mashiya as the DDG: Corporate Services at the DPME.
9. Ms Dorcas Tshepiso Moahloli as the DDG: Assets and Liability Management at National Treasury. 

Ms Phumla Williams – Cabinet Spokesperson
Cell:  083 501 0139

Statement on virtual Special Cabinet Meeting of 9 December 2020

Statement on the virtual Special Cabinet Meeting of Wednesday, 9 December 2020

A virtual Special Cabinet Meeting was held yesterday Wednesday, 9 December 2020, to deliberate on an appointment in the Department of Tourism. Cabinet approved the appointment subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearances.

Ms Mirriam Mmaditonki Setwaba was appointed Deputy Director-General: Tourism Sector Support Services at the Department of Tourism.

Phumla Williams
Cell: 083 501 0139

Opening Address by President Cyril Ramaphosa at the South Africa Investment Conference, Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg

Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am pleased to welcome you all to this inaugural investment conference.

We are pleased and humbled that you have responded to the call by the government and the people of South Africa to participate in this conference and  thus be part of a new dawn in our country.

 As representatives of the domestic and international investment community, as representatives of business organisations and international financial institutions, by your presence here, you have chosen to walk with us along the path of growth, employment and shared prosperity.

Like us, you believe that South Africa is a land of opportunity – a land where the soil is rich and the oceans teem with life, where the beautiful vistas of our country are spectacular and its diverse people are vibrant and resilient.

For you know that its people are its great wealth.

Like us, you believe that there is vast potential in South Africa; and that it has enormous potential that has been constrained for decades by narrow prejudice and debilitating human neglect.

Together with us, you celebrated the miracle of our peaceful transition to democracy.

You were there when we began to rebuild our economy and fundamentally change the fortunes of our people.

You witnessed both our achievements and our missteps.

You supported us and wanted us to succeed as you wished us well.

And when we stumbled, you looked on with concern and disillusionment when it seemed that we may squander the remarkable inheritance of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela.

Yet, throughout these difficulties, you have retained an abiding interest as both domestic and international business in the fortunes of this country.

We know that, like the people of South Africa, you have harboured a profound hope that we will prevail.

This inaugural South Africa Investment Conference is therefore an expression of a shared hope and a renewed confidence.

It is a bold and unequivocal statement that we are determined to put behind us the period of uncertainty and discord and embrace a future of cooperation and partnership.

We are here to declare that we are determined to build a country that is driven by enterprise and innovation, to develop an economy that is diverse and resilient and prosperous, and to create companies that achieve sustained returns not only for their shareholders, but also for the workers that drive them and the communities that support them.

We are country that is rich in ways that we often do not appreciate.

There are few places in the world that have the abundance of minerals that lie beneath the ground on which we now stand, that have the soil to sustain such a diversity of plants, crops, livestock and game, where the sun shines nearly all year around and where the golden beaches stretch on forever.

We have an incredible natural inheritance, whose economic and social value we have not yet even begun to effectively explore.

Our political and social inheritance, by contrast, is deeply contradictory.

Through decades of deliberate underdevelopment, the majority of South Africans were dispossessed of their land, assets and livelihoods, and denied the education and the skills that make meaningful participation in the economic life of the country possible.

The devastating effects of this manifest injustice still define our society and severely constrain our economic development.

The continued exclusion of millions of South Africans – particularly as it relates to skills and to ownership of assets – is the single greatest impediment to the growth of our economy and the development of our society.

It explains the persistence of poverty, unemployment and inequality nearly 25 years into our democracy.

It is for this reason that we have placed economic growth and job creation at the centre of our national agenda.

It is for this reason too that we have prioritised the education of our children and the skilling of our workforce, and it is for this reason that we are accelerating the provision of land and other assets to the poor and marginalised.

And it is for this reason that in April this year we launched an ambitious and, in the history of our country, unprecedented, drive to raise at least $100 billion in new investment over five years.

We did so understanding that no meaningful growth and no significant job creation would be possible without a massive surge in productive investment in the economy.

Over the last half year, as we have prepared for this Investment Conference, our four Presidential investment envoys – Phumzile Langeni, Jacko Maree, Mcebisi Jonas and Trevor Manuel – have travelled across the country and around the globe to meet potential investors.

Invest SA, our award-winning investment promotion and facilitation agency, has compiled an investment book of projects that represent great potential.

Today, a number of local and international companies will make announcements on investments to expand existing operations in the country or establish new ones.

In addition to the announcements that will be made at this conference we have received investment pledges from a number of countries.

We have appointed task teams to work with these countries to convert these pledges into investments.

We have emphasised the need for more South African companies to lead the investment charge, demonstrating that they have confidence in this economy and in its ability to deliver decent and reliable returns.

In furtherance of this, I call upon South African companies to engage with our investment envoys on their investment plans, including capital expenditure programmes, so that we can have a better idea as a nation what the future portends for our country on the economic growth landscape.

This conference takes place in the wake of a number of decisive measures we have embarked upon in the last few months to improve the investment environment.

Following thoroughgoing consultations with various role players in our economy, we have been addressing issues of policy uncertainty and regulatory obstacles that have impeded investments in a number of industries.

We have been working with the World Bank to improve the ease of doing business in South Africa and crafting a new FDI strategy for the country.

Invest SA is intensifying its facilitation and aftercare service in terms of international best practice.

Together we are working to fast track investment projects and reduce red tape.

As part of the decisive measures that we have had to take, we have had to confront challenges in some of our largest and most strategic state owned enterprises, which have experienced years of poor governance, a decline in financial and operational performance and corruption.

Given the crucial role of these state owned enterprises in the economy, as providers of critical infrastructure and bulk services, it is essential that they be restored as engines of growth and development.

We have replaced the leadership in several state owned enterprises, ensuring that we have people with experience, integrity and the relevant skills who are now leading the development and implementation of sustainable business models.

As a country, we have also had to confront the bitter reality that several public entities have been severely affected by corruption and the phenomenon of state capture.

One of the urgent measures we have had to take is to end such corruption and hold those responsible to account.

We have established a commission of inquiry into state capture that has begun a thorough and far reaching investigation into these practices.

We have also established commission of inquiry into the South African Revenue Service and the Public Investment Corporation, institutions that are both vital to the effective functioning of our economy.

We are certain that these commissions will not only unearth all instances of malfeasance and governance failures, but will help to restore the integrity, credibility and effectiveness of these entities.

As we put in place the pillars of sustained growth into the future, we are working to address immediate concerns, specifically the effects of two quarters of negative economic growth.

Last month, government announced an economic stimulus and recovery plan that aims to restore growth, save existing jobs and create new ones.

As part of this plan, we are taking immediate steps to finalise reforms in key sectors like mining, oil and gas, tourism and telecommunications – all of which are sectors that have great potential for growth, but which have been constrained by policy uncertainty.

The revised Mining Charter has been finalised.

This is the outcome of extensive and meaningful consultation between government, community, labour and business and represents evidence of our commitment to solving the challenges in the sector collaboratively.

Government has decided to draft separate legislation for the oil and gas industry, settling a long-standing dispute that will provide direction and certainty to an industry with great potential.

Through the publication of a new Integrated Resource Plan for public comment, we have provided detail on the country’s future energy requirements.

Government also signed off a number of outstanding renewal energy supply agreements, bringing significant further investment into a growing sector of our economy.

We have finalised consultations with the telecommunications industry and other stakeholders to ensure allocation of spectrum reduces barriers to entry, promotes competition and reduces costs to consumers.

Our independent communications regulator is now preparing to licence available high demand spectrum.

We have initiated a review of our visa regime to facilitate greater arrivals of tourists, highly skilled individuals, business people and investors.

We are reprioritising our budget – within the existing fiscal framework – to invest more in those activities that will boost growth, including agriculture, township and rural businesses, and infrastructure.

We do so in a severely restricted fiscal environment.

As the Minister of Finance indicated when presenting his medium-term budget policy statement earlier in the week, we are determined to ensure public spending remains within sustainable levels – and that we generate greater revenue by pursuing growth with a single-minded determination.

We see infrastructure investment as a critical enabler of growth and job creation, and are therefore consolidating government infrastructure spending into a single Infrastructure Fund.

We intend to use that Fund to leverage investments from development finance institutions, multilateral development banks, asset managers and commercial banks.

A dedicated team will oversee the implementation of an extensive infrastructure programme covering areas like water, transport, energy, telecommunications and social infrastructure.

Despite the challenges of the present, our economy has several fundamental strengths that makes it a suitable destination for investment.

South Africa has established a diversified manufacturing base that has shown its resilience and potential to compete in the global economy.

Yesterday I had occasion to open the R1 billion Gibela passenger train manufacturing factory in this province.

The investment is a collaboration between Alstom from France and a local consortium made up of black businesses and the community.

The factory employs 800 workers, of which half are women.

We applaud this investment as it confirms South Africa’s manufacturing capability.

Multinationals with a presence in South Africa cite numerous advantages, from excellent financial systems to world-class infrastructure.

South Africa is a regional manufacturing and services hub on the African continent, and, for many companies, serves as a base to export products globally.

We have done much work in recent years to improve investment incentives, establishing, for example, several special economic zones across the country, each having unique offerings for investors.

These include ready infrastructure for business development, reduced costs for key inputs such as land, water and electricity, and reduced corporate tax rates.

We are determined that our economic policy must facilitate inclusive growth.

Given our country’s history of dispossession, and the continued economic exclusion of millions of our people, we have a responsibility to bring all our people into the economic mainstream.

Earlier this month, we convened a Presidential Jobs Summit, which brought together government, business, labour and the community sector to determine a set of practical, achievable interventions that would increase the pace of job creation.

The Jobs Summit agreed on more than 70 focused interventions that will, among other things, boost domestic demand, increase and broaden exports, create pathways for young people into work and develop sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, mining and the waste economy.

In addition, we are intensifying work to build a robust and effective education and skills development system that equips our youth for the workplace of tomorrow.

It is important to note that seven of South Africa’s universities are in top 500 in the world.

There are nearly a million students in higher education, and there has been a marked increase in science, technology, engineering and mathematics graduates.

We have implemented policies to promote black economic empowerment, to provide black people, women and people with disability with the assets and opportunities they need to participate more meaningfully in economic activity.

Another area that is critical to economic transformation is land reform, which is currently a focus of intense debate across South African society.

There is general agreement among most South Africans that we need to accelerate land reform not only to redress a historical injustice, but also to effectively unlock the economic potential of the country’s land.

We have appointed an Advisory Panel on Land Reform, which comprises people with extensive experience in farming, policy development, academia and law.

The panel will advise government on the implementation of a fair and equitable land reform process that redresses the injustices of the past, increases agricultural output, promotes economic growth and protects food security.

We are committed, as government to pursue a comprehensive approach to land and agrarian reform that ensures transformation, development and stability, while providing certainty to those who own land, to those who need land and to those who are considering investing in the economy.

Our approach reaffirms the constitutional protection of property rights, which, among other things, prohibits the arbitrary deprivation of property.

Together with robust legislation to protect foreign investments, an independent judiciary and the firm rule of law, our Constitution should allay any fears that investors may have of factories being expropriated.

South Africa’s strategic position at the tip of Africa, makes it a key investment location, both for opportunities that lie within its borders and as a gateway to the rest of the region.

Earlier this year, African heads of state agreed to the establishment of an African Continental Free Trade Area that will provide access to a market of more than 1.2 billion people and a combined GDP of more than $3.4 trillion.

This will fundamentally transform the economies of many African countries and will further enhance the attractiveness of South Africa – with its diverse manufacturing base, advanced infrastructure and sophisticated financial sector – as a compelling investment destination.

Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

As South Africa emerges from a period of great difficulty and uncertainty, as it confronts challenges that are immense – but not insurmountable – we can declare with confidence that South Africa is a land of untold opportunity.

It is a land that has known the pain of division and conflict and deprivation.

But, equally, it has experienced the exhilaration of liberation and knows very well the value of partnership and collaboration.

It is therefore our great pleasure to invite you to become our partners in realising the great possibilities that this country has to offer.

We invite you to invest in our mines and factories, farms and game parks, call centres and technology hubs, refineries and solar farms.

We invite you to invest in our people, to harness their energy and unleash their latent capabilities.

We invite you to become valued partners in realising the vision – and sharing the benefits – of a new era of renewal, an era of discovery, an era of prosperity and progress and promise.

I thank you.

Address by President Cyril Ramaphosa at the Presidential Summit on Gender-Based Violence and Femicide, St Georges Hotel, Tshwane

Programme Director, Minister Susan Shabangu,
Minister of Women in the Presidency, Ms Bathabile Dlamini,
Minister of Justice and Correctional Services, Adv Michael Masutha,
Chief Justice, Hon Mogoeng Mogoeng,
Speaker of the National Assembly, Ms Baleka Mbete,
Representatives of civil society,
Fellow South Africans,
We are gathered here – as South African women and men – to respond to a crisis that is tearing our society apart.
It is a crisis that affects every community in our country and that touches the lives of most families in one way or another.
Gender-based violence is an affront to our shared humanity.
The unrelenting murder of women – for no reason other than that they are women – is steadily corroding the soul of our nation.
Survivors of sexual violence and abuse – be it physical, psychological or economic – often live with these scars for the rest of their lives. 
When abuse occurs in a situation of trust, whether in the family, the church, in schools or elsewhere, the sense of betrayal is intensified. 
The physical and psychological effects may recede, but they very rarely disappear.
One moment of violence can have permanent consequences. 
Most of us know someone who is a survivor of gender-based violence or who has in some other way been affected by this evil.
In August, I made a commitment that we shall convene this Summit to develop a national plan of action against gender-based violence. 
This promise was made following the activism, borne out of pain and anger, of those who held marches around the country to highlight the scourge of gender-based violence and femicide in this country. 
We are agreed that we need a multi-sectoral approach that responds to the demands of the marchers, and strengthens the broader interventions that address the causes and effects of such violence. 
We are here today to listen and learn from the experiences of survivors; to hear their voices and to have the lived experiences of women and children inform our responses to gender-based violence. 
Gender-based violence is a global phenomenon.
The World Health Organisation tell us that 35% of women worldwide experienced either physical or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence in 2013.
This is an alarming figure that underscores the need for global cooperation in overcoming gender-based violence.
In South Africa, we know that the problem is even more severe.
We are a country with relatively high levels of violence and criminality. 
Slightly more than 20,000 people were killed in the past year, the majority of the perpetrators and victims were men. 
The most recent data from the World Health Organisation shows that South Africa’s femicide rate was 12.1 per 100,000 in 2016. 
This was almost five times higher than the global average of 2.6 per 100,000. 
According to the SAPS Crime Statistics report of 2018, femicide increased by 11% over the last two years. 
Stats SA reports that 138 per 100,000 women were raped last year, the highest rate in the world.
We cannot, and we will not, rest until we have brought those figures down to zero.
We are aiming for a femicide rate of zero per 100,000.
We want to reach a point where no woman, child or man has to experience the violence, violation and trauma of rape.
There is no acceptable level of gender-based violence.
We want to eradicate it.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Women are often violated by their intimate partners, often in the privacy of their homes. 
They are slapped, hit, raped, assaulted and emotionally abused and killed because they are with a man who feels entitled to exert power and control over them.
There is a danger that society begins to normalise such practices. 
That is why we need to be vigilant. 
Condemnation needs to be constant and consistent, perpetrators need to be prosecuted. 
It requires that we address societal issues of patriarchy, economic relations and changing the way of thinking about gender relations. 
Patriarchy means that men feel entitled to exert economic and other forms of power over women. 
This can lead to situations where women may find themselves tolerating the injustices perpetrated against them simply because they may have inadequate economic or emotional resources to walk away from a dangerous relationship. 
Social perceptions about the roles of girls and boys, and preconceived notions of how women and men should behave, are often harmful to the development of both sexes.
When we improve the way we raise our children we can go a long way to preventing violence against girls and boys. 
We must raise boys and girls with the knowledge and understanding that no person has the right to treat them as inferior or to harm them in any way and that boys and girls are equal in all respects.
A society that does not support notions of authority and control over women, and does not tolerate violence against women, is more likely to reduce gender-based violence. 
We must name and shame those who perpetrate violence against girls and women. 
Most importantly we must ensure that our law enforcement officers are trained to investigate the cases of abuse to get convictions in these cases.
There are several intersections between violence experienced by women and violence against children. 
The effects of trauma on children are quite severe and last well beyond the immediate instances of violence. 
Children who experience violence are more likely to experience violence or become perpetrators of violence in adulthood.
The Department of Basic Education needs to complete its curriculum transformation programme, especially the auditing of learning materials for latent sexism and racism. 
The Department also needs to urgently speed up its programmes aimed at offering psycho-social support to vulnerable learners. 
The programme to train officials and educators to recognise abused and at risk learners was started in two provinces in 2015 and needs to be mainstreamed by including such training in the pre-service training curriculum.
Alcohol and drug abuse is a major risk factor associated with gender-based violence.
Researchers suggest that alcohol and drugs either induce violence or are used as excuses for perpetrating violence on women and children.
Our country has significant substance abuse problems and we need better policies and programmes to prevent substance abuse.
Our society is too tolerant of violence against women, often forcing women to withdraw charges against the perpetrators.
Very often families exert the most pressure on women and children not to press charges against abusers.
A critical component of prevention strategies for gender-based violence is the empowerment of women.
Studies that were conducted here in South Africa show that where interventions are linked to the economic and social empowerment of women, intimate partner violence is decreased.
Where women become more economically, socially and culturally empowered they develop greater capacity to extricate themselves from abusive situations.
We need to invest more in research that develops evidence-based interventions to end gender-based violence.
Research shows contradictory results about whether the economic and social empowerment of adult men makes a marked difference on whether they continue to perpetrate violence.
However, better results are found where education programmes target boys and young men. 
Boys and young men who participate in school-wide programmes targeting change in social attitudes tend to show a marked reduction in peer violence. 
This points to the need to target our education programmes at young children in order to make a difference in attitudes from the start. 
Despite having progressive laws and being a signatory to many international instruments – such as the Convention for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the UN Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power – our country does not have an effective, coordinated response to the scourge of gender based violence. 
This failure to implement our laws and policies effectively is doing a complete disservice to survivors of gender-based violence and others affected by violence. 
Protection orders can be obtained in terms of the Domestic Violence Act and, once issued by a magistrate, are enforceable throughout the country, but very often survivors have to flee to other parts of the country where it becomes difficult to obtain copies of those orders without going through the whole process again. 
We should examine the possibility of introducing a national registry for protection orders. 
Government has responded to two specific demands raised during the August marches – conducting a review of national plans to end gender-based violence and the development of a National Action Plan on gender-based violence. 
Together with civil society organisations, we have undertaken a review of our Programme of Action on Violence against Women and Children, and plan to launch the revised POA 2019–2023 during the 16 Days of Activism.
A frequent complaint is that the police and the court system are not equipped and capacitated to effectively assist survivors of gender-based violence and sexual assault. 
This is tragically borne out by the numbers of women and children who tell stories of being turned away by the police when they go to report crime, the number of rape and sexual assault cases which are never prosecuted, and the low percentage of successful prosecutions of these cases. 
As we work to address this, we need to hear from those who interact with our criminal justice system.
Please tell us what is working, where we need to improve, what needs to be scaled up and what must be done away with. 
We are asking you, who deal with these issues on a regular basis, to work with us in developing effective response and support mechanisms. 
The Thuthuzela Care Centres, our unique one-stop, integrated response to incidents of violent sexual acts against women and children, aim to reduce secondary victimisation, improve conviction rates and reduce the cycle time for finalisation of cases. 
This is one of our more effective interventions and we must develop concrete proposals on how we can strengthen the operations of these centres. 
We agree with the demand that we must continuously ensure that lay counsellors at these centres undergo ongoing training to deal with the needs of victims of violence. 
One of the specific demands raised by activists was to establish a central, national coordinating structure for gender-based violence. 
We should discuss here what form this should take, what must its mandate be and who should be on this structure.
Government has done extensive work in this area and as part of the review of the POA on Violence against Women and Children, the Department of Social Development has identified a number of possible models that are being assessed for their effectiveness and efficiency. 
We now need to engage with the proposals from civil society and see where we find each other. 
We must seriously re-examine how we talk about violence against women and children and how our discourse reflects societal norms. 
It was extremely distressing to hear ordinary South Africans question why a parent would let a child play by herself after a six year old was recently raped at a well-known restaurant. 
The degree of victim blaming evident in this statement is appalling.
We find similar or worse victim blaming in statements such as “Why does she stay with him if he beats her?” or “Why did she wear a mini-skirt to the taxi-rank?” or “How drunk was she?” 
The language we use, too often, places the responsibility on the victim to not be raped or hit instead of placing the blame where it belongs: on the perpetrator. 
This expression of patriarchy makes it even harder for survivors of gender-based violence to seek justice.
As a society, we must applaud the courage of women like Cheryl Zondi who are prepared to testify about their ordeals.
As a society, we must express our deep gratitude to them for leading the way in the struggle against sexual violence and affirm our commitment to support and protect them. 
Let us pledge here and now to begin to change the way we communicate about gender-based violence and sexual assault. 
Our language must empower and support the voices of survivors.
The communication commission at this Summit needs to propose how we educate the media, and more importantly, broader society on how to communicate in gender sensitive ways. 
South Africans have consistently shown that we have a great capacity to deal with big, contentious issues through meaningful and respectful dialogue. 
Let us now do this again. 
Let us put aside the issues that divide us and work together for the greater good.
I call on all South Africans to become champions of the fight against gender-based violence and femicide. 
This is a societal problem that requires multi-faceted, society wide responses. 
Personally, I pledge to you that government is here, we are listening and will continue to respond to your concerns. 
We are looking to this Summit to provide clear direction on a comprehensive national response to gender-based violence. 
I am convinced that by working together, by confronting difficult issues, and by mobilising all South Africans, we shall create a society where women and children feel safe and are safe at all times and in all places. 
I thank you.

President Cyril Ramaphosa’s Media Remarks at the conclusion of the German President State Visit to South Africa, Cape Town

Your Excellency, the Federal President of Germany, 
President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, 
Members of your esteemed delegation, 
Members of the media, 
Ladies and Gentlemen, 
Let me begin, Mr President, by expressing my appreciation for the useful discussions we have just concluded on South Africa’s strategic relationship with Germany.
I also want to express my appreciation to you and Chancellor Angela Merkel for the gracious hospitality extended to me and my delegation when we attended the G20 Africa Summit in Berlin a few weeks ago.
South Africa welcomes this opportunity to renew and deepen our political, trade, investment and people-to-people relations.
It is 20 years since South Africa last hosted the President of the Federal Republic of Germany on an official visit.
President Steinmeier and I used this historic opportunity to discuss issues of common interest and have briefed each other on developments in our respective countries and regions. 
We agreed to continue our efforts to further expand trade and investment between South Africa and Germany.
Germany is South Africa’s third-largest global trading partner and one of the largest foreign investors, with more than 600 companies operating in South Africa, sustaining approximately 100,000 jobs.
This provides a firm foundation to grow our economic relationship in line with our effort to significantly increase investment in the country and, as part of the Jobs Summit agreements, to develop our export capacity.
As was evident from our engagement with German business leaders in Berlin last month, South Africa is seen as an important investment destination and there is great interest among German companies to expand their presence here. 
We used that opportunity – as we did again today – to express our appreciation for the significant role that German companies continue to play in developing skills and building capacity in South Africa. 
By developing skills through vocational training, German companies are among those that are empowering South Africa’s youth and increasing opportunities for gainful employment.
We also used this opportunity to thank the German government for the technical and financial support it has provided to South Africa in areas like health, education, skills development and renewable energy.
Our discussions today also covered areas of cooperation on regional and global issues.
We applauded Germany’s role in promoting the G20 Compact with Africa, which aims to mobilise private sector investment in participating African countries.
This initiative represents an opportunity to drive development through greater and more sustainable investment.
Since both our countries have been elected as non-permanent members of the United Nations Security Council for 2019-2020, we have agreed to work together to promote global peace and security but also to promote multilateralism and strengthen the multilateralism system.
We are particularly interested in achieving the African Union goal of silencing the guns on the continent by 2020, and welcome Germany’s contribution to the continent’s own efforts to advance peace and stability.
Once again, I wish to thank President Steinmeier for visiting South Africa, for renewing the strong bonds that exist between our two nations and for making our discussions today a great success.
I thank you.

Address by President Cyril Ramaphosa to the National Council of Provinces, Alberton Civic Centre, Ekurhuleni

Honourable Chairperson of the National Council of Provinces,
Deputy Chairperson of the National Council of Provinces,
Honourable Members of the NCOP,
Premier of Gauteng,
Mayor of Ekurhuleni,
MECs and Provincial Speakers,
National and Provincial Chairpersons of SALGA,
Chairperson of the National House of Traditional Leaders,
Religious, community and traditional leaders,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is my privilege to address this special sitting of the National Council of Provinces, which is a vital part of our democracy and which gives voice to the diverse views, needs and interests of the South African people.
The NCOP is one of the most important instruments of the Constitutional principle of cooperative governance, linking the national, provincial and local spheres of government.
It is in our provinces and municipalities that we are charting the course for our country’s development by providing water, electricity, housing, health care and other services to our people.
Most of the work of improving people’s lives happens locally.
The drafters of our Constitution recognised that a strong, effective and capable local government system is necessary for meaningful transformation and progress.
The Constitution clearly outlines not just the developmental duties of municipalities, but also places an onus on national and provincial governments to support and strengthen them to enable them to perform their functions.
As such, the NCOP can be justifiably proud of its innovative programme of Taking Parliament to the People.
Every year, our MPs conduct oversight activities to identify challenges with government’s service delivery programmes, and make recommendations on how these can be resolved.
We are striving to consolidate the gains of our democracy and chart a new trajectory for development in difficult times.
In the past few years, we have seen a rise in service delivery protests across the country.
What is troubling is that these protests have become increasingly violent.
Municipal IQ, an organisation that monitors local government, noted earlier this year that 94% of the service delivery protests recorded so far in 2018 involved elements of violence.
In some instances, people have resorted to the wanton destruction of public property.
While there can be no excuse in a democratic society for violent protest and the destruction of property, it is necessary that we own up to some of our own failings in government.
When citizens complain about lack of services and are treated with condescension, indifference and sometimes arrogance by officials, they resort to other, unacceptable, methods.
This tells us that we have sometimes strayed from the principles of compassion, service, accountability and transparency.
We have sometimes strayed from the principles of Batho Pele.
The levels of disaffection and dissatisfaction highlight a growing impatience at the slow pace of service delivery and unhappiness with the quality of services provided.
We are not meeting the expectations of our citizens.
It is not acceptable that communities can be left without access to water for months, even years.
It is not acceptable that sick and dying patients are left languishing in waiting rooms at clinics and hospitals before they are attended to by a health professional.
It is not acceptable that victims of crime are unable to obtain recourse because their police stations are poorly-run or poorly resourced.
What is most unacceptable is that some of our people have become resigned, so accustomed to poor levels of service delivery, that they believe that the abnormal is normal.
The role of our MPs in providing oversight and in holding organs of state accountable for service delivery is therefore vital.
At this time, we have to face up to a number of sobering realities.
We need to face up to the fact that, despite improvements in some areas, the vast majority of our municipalities continue to achieve poor audit results.
This points to a lack of compliance and internal controls, and, in some cases, the outright abuse of state funds.
We need to face up to the fact that many municipalities find themselves in a protracted financial crisis, unable to properly fulfil their responsibilities to residents.
The reasons for this range from financial mismanagement and non-payment for services to the absence of a meaningful revenue base and a weak economy.
This requires the attention of all spheres of government and it requires the close attention of the NCOP.
We need to face up to the fact that unless we are able to bring our economy out of this period of stagnation, we will be unable to create a better life for our citizens.
When our economy is strong, when our people have jobs, when government has more resources, our ability to deliver good, quality services is vastly improved.
We have embarked upon a new path of growth, renewal and transformation.
Our economy has faced a number of challenges over the past decade, resulting in slow growth and deepening unemployment.
This has constrained our ability to increase social spending, build and maintain infrastructure, and above all, to create a conducive environment for the creation of jobs for our people.
However, we have taken decisive steps to start to turn this around.
In an improved political environment, and through a combination of economic recovery measures and policy reforms, we are working to restore the economy and capacitate the state to fulfil its developmental mandate.
We are working to ensure more effective delivery of houses, of social security, of education, of health care and other essential services.
We are doing everything within our means to ensure that the growth of the economy benefits all, especially society’s most vulnerable.
In September this year, we announced an economic stimulus and recovery plan containing a range of measures to ignite economic activity, restore investor confidence and create new jobs.
It also included measures to address challenges in education and health care and improve municipal social infrastructure.
We are reprioritising public spending to ensure that resources are directed to activities that have the greatest impact on growth and jobs.
In his Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement, the Minister of Finance announced that an amount of R50 billion has been reprioritised to address infrastructural and other challenges in our public health care and education systems, and to bolster the Expanded Public Works Programme.
It is a priority of this government to improve ageing, dilapidated and outmoded social infrastructure, whether they are hospitals, clinics, schools, water and sanitation facilities or police stations.
If we are to industrialise as a country, we need reliable, world-class infrastructure that ensures greater integration, connectivity and development.
We are therefore establishing an Infrastructure Fund to coordinate infrastructure initiatives across government.
This fund will be capitalised by government, but will also draw in resources from the private sector and international financial institutions.
The economic stimulus and recovery plan also focuses on unlocking the potential of key growth sectors such as agriculture.
We are increasing resources to provide support to black commercial farmers to increase their entry into food value chains.
We are facilitating the signing of leases to enable farmers to mobilise funding for agricultural development.
We are only too aware of the legacy of apartheid spatial planning that has resulted in the neglect of both township and rural economies.
That is why we have earmarked several industrial parks in these areas for revitalisation.
This will go a long way towards providing opportunities for entrepreneurship and job creation.
We are clear that employment and economic opportunities must be created where people live.
Honourable Members,
Getting our people working, and providing a favourable economic climate for jobs to be created and sustained, is the greatest task of the present.
In October this year, we convened a successful Jobs Summit, which agreed on a range of measures to create more jobs, to avoid jobs being shed, to facilitate more investment in black-owned enterprises and to support companies in distress.
The summit was a collective show of strength of the partnership between labour, business, government and communities – and we look forward to the implementation of a framework agreement that has the potential to create around 275,000 jobs annually.
We are immensely encouraged by the commitment made by the financial sector of R100 billion to support mainly black-owned businesses over the next five years.
South Africa has also successfully hosted two landmark investment summits in the past two months – the South Africa Investment Conference and the Africa Investment Forum.
The overwhelming consensus at both of these events was that our country, despite recent challenges, is a favourable destination for investment.
Several companies, many of them international, announced investments in the country, either to establish new operations or to expand existing ones, confirming South Africa’s global competitiveness.
These announcements, together with the many other investment pledges we have received, underline the critical importance of well-run and capable provincial and local governments that are able to sustain the pipeline of investment.
Whether it’s a factory or a mine, a call centre or a shop, every investment is located in a municipality.
It is therefore vital that municipalities create an environment where businesses are able to operate without difficulty, with access to reliable services and efficient regulatory processes.
There needs to be effective coordination between municipalities and provincial and national government bodies to remove obstacles to investment.
Ultimately, our ability to deliver on our commitments – to fight poverty and inequality and grow our economy – rests on making the most efficient and effective use of limited resources.
The people of South Africa have entrusted us with the responsibility of leading them and improving their lives.
We can and must attend to the core business of government and not allow ourselves to be distracted from carrying out this responsibility.
We have registered significant gains in our quest to deepen democracy, to strengthen the capacity of the state to deliver, and to deliver a better life for all.
We are emerging from a period of turbulence that we must now put behind us.
Now more than ever we must send a signal that ours is a government committed to openness, to transparency and above all, to accountability.
The National Council of Provinces, and indeed our entire Parliamentary system, is constitutionally and ethically bound to these principles.
When local and national government is not working, it is Parliamentary oversight that will put us back on course.
We must work with our municipalities to ensure greater levels of compliance.
We must dutifully fulfil our functions as MPs to ensure that policies are being implemented at a local government level.
Shortcomings must be identified, remedied and resolved.
We must take seriously and act upon information concerning corruption in our municipalities – where political patronage is being dispensed in return for favours, or where service delivery is suffering because a few, well-connected individuals are the beneficiaries of state largesse.
We must find lasting solutions for the many problems in local government – for when local government fails, South Africa fails.
Over the past year, you have traversed South Africa as part of bringing Parliament to the People.
You have conducted oversight visits, held public hearings, conducted monitoring and evaluation, and made recommendations on how we can improve our programmes.
These recommendations must be acted upon by all those responsible.
South Africans expect of us that we are in government not for personal material gain, but to improve their lives.
There can be no higher calling than being of service, and we are duty bound to ensure this is done with diligence and humanity.
In this spirit of selflessness exemplified by the likes of Tata Nelson Mandela and Mama Albertina Sisulu – whose centenaries we observe this year – let us take forward our task to correct past mistakes and build a better society.
The time you have left as the Fifth Parliament is brief.
So use it well and use it wisely.
Let unfinished business be concluded, and let the concerns raised during this year’s Parliament of the People be resolved.
We are united in our commitment to cooperative governance.
Although we may have political differences, we share a common sense of purpose and have a common duty to serve our people.
It is when we work together – as different parties, as different spheres of government, as different sectors of society – that we make the greatest progress in transforming our society and building a new nation.
I thank you.

Opening Remarks by President Cyril Ramaphosa at BRICS Leaders' Summit, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Your Excellency President Temer,
Your Excellency President Putin,
Your Excellency Prime Minister Modi,
Your Excellency President Xi, 
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen, 

It is my honour to once again have the opportunity to meet with you on the margins of the 2018 G20 Leaders’ Summit to coordinate our common positions in the international arena and to build further on the discussions that we had during the 10th BRICS Summit in Johannesburg in July.

The Johannesburg Declaration that we adopted in July is a culmination of the more than ten years of successful BRICS cooperation. 

Importantly, this cooperation has steadily become more practically oriented.

Through various mechanisms, working groups and constructive dialogue, we are pooling our resources and capabilities towards developing and implementing practical solutions to many contemporary challenges. 

One of these challenges is in the area of peace and security.

We should, as a collective, be at the forefront of solution-seeking interventions and move towards more pro-active approaches to maintaining peace and security. 

In this regard, more needs to be done to address the conflicts that persist in the Middle East and Africa, and the resulting humanitarian crises, abuses of human rights and social and economic disruption. 

As we have consistently reiterated, multilateral efforts should be supported as the primary approach to deal with terrorism and conflict. 

The United Nations should be the primary forum for such interventions.

On the African Continent we have seen the positive effects of cooperation between the UN and regional organisations such as the African Union. 

In view of the ongoing challenges in Syria, Yemen, Palestine, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Libya, South Sudan and the Central Africa Republic, we should continue to support cooperation between the UN, the AU and others. 

In the economic sphere, as we note that unilateral tendencies seem to be gaining traction, we should uphold the principles of multilateralism. 

The increasingly inward-looking and bilaterally-oriented approach to trade agreements is of concern. 

Coupled with the evident rise of trade protectionism, these factors are directly undermining the multilateral trading system as agreed in Marrakesh in 1994 and again in Doha in 2001.

The current challenges in global trade necessitate that we use all available policy tools, in accordance with our commitments in the multilateral trading system, to achieve the goal of sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth. 

We must hold steadfast to the objective of creating a world that is conducive for sustainable development and shared prosperity, not only for our own nations, but also for the broader community of emerging markets and developing countries. 

While our meeting takes place in an environment of uncertainty and growing unilateralism and protectionism, this Forum has demonstrated its capacity to make our voices heard in the international arena. 

We must continue to leverage our position on the global stage as a means to continuously reaffirm our commitment to multilateralism and to a fair and just rules-based, transparent and inclusive multilateral trading system.
We reaffirm our commitment to financial cooperation and to furthering the prospect of financial integration, which will help address the development needs of BRICS countries and other emerging markets. 

As we approach the G20 Leaders’ Summit, South Africa stands ready to work closely with its G20 partners to ensure the implementation of G20 commitments, particularly with regards to the development aspirations of Africa and least developed countries. 

Like the majority of G20 members, South Africa seeks language in the G20 Leaders’ Communique that reflects a strong commitment to the Paris Climate Change Agreement and a sense of urgency for its implementation, especially around financial commitments, technology transfer and means of implementation support. 

Global trade is at the core of the G20’s mandate and we expect the G20 to show leadership in light of current global trade tensions. 

South Africa stands ready to work together with BRICS to ensure a trade outcome that shows a strong G20 commitment to a multilateral trading system, with the World Trade Organisation as the premier body in international trade. 

South Africa seeks BRICS’ support for the implementation of previous commitments of the G20 to support industrialisation in Africa and least developed countries as agreed in 2016 at the Hangzhou Summit.

We seek support for the G20 Partnership with Africa, the Compact with Africa and previous commitments on support for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Africa, among others.

South Africa seeks BRICS’ support for the G20’s continued prioritisation of efforts to address illicit financial flows as a developmental issue for Africa. 

To this end, the G20 Hangzhou Summit in China in 2016 agreed that there should be continuous work on addressing cross-border financial flows derived from illicit activities, which hampers the mobilisation of domestic resources for development. 

South Africa will continue to support further G20 consideration of the report by the World Customs Organisation on this matter and a reflection of this important issue in the Leaders’ Communique. 

The G20 needs to discuss growing levels of inequality within and among countries, and the widening developmental divide between the global North and South. 

South Africa looks forward to working with other BRICS countries to ensure the G20 demonstrates leadership in preventing a global economic crisis. 

There is therefore a need for the G20 member countries to play a role in unlocking resources needed for inclusive growth and sustainable development for all countries and peoples.

There is much that the BRICS forum – with its shared outlook and a decade of effective cooperation – can do to advance this agenda and encourage all G20 countries to play a positive and meaningful role in building a better, safer and more inclusive world.

I thank you. 

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