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Address by President Jacob Zuma on the occasion of the signing ceremony of the Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework for the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the region, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Your Excellency, Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma;

Your Excellency, Mr Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations;

Your Excellency, President Museveni, Chairperson of the International Conference of the Great Lakes;

Your Excellency, President Guebuza, Chairperson of the Southern African Development Community;

Your Excellencies, Heads of State and Government here present;

Ladies and Gentlemen;


We are truly honoured to be among those invited to witness a potential turning point in the history of the DRC and the region.

The signing of the Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework for the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Region is yet another opportunity to comprehensively deal with the complexities facing the DRC and the region.  

This Framework in itself does not provide all the answers, it is an instrument that points the Government of the DRC, its immediate neighbours and the international community in a direction that will take this country out of the current morass.

Its success will depend on the commitment and ultimately the concrete actions taken by all the parties to it, to interpret and implement it to its fullest noble intention. 

We welcome the inclusion of benchmarks and follow-up mechanisms that will facilitate a common understanding of the actions required by all parties.  

This partnership needs to go beyond our cooperation within the context of the envisaged Regional Oversight Mechanism. We need to ensure coherence in our various initiatives all with the same intention – to support the DRC and its neighbours in a process leading to sustained peace and development and the proposal to appoint a United Nations Special Envoy to this end is warmly welcomed.

We hail the commitment of the international community to walk alongside the DRC and its neighours on a path of peace, stability, nation-building, reconciliation, mutual understanding and trust, as well as socio economic development underpinned by political and human freedoms.

A heavy burden of responsibility falls on the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and its neighbours. Theirs is the historic task of freeing the people of the DRC and the region from its tortuous history of conflict and instability, and to introduce a new future offering democracy, peace, stability, progress and prosperity.

Your Excellencies, South Africa is committed to partnering with the government and people of the DRC as they respond to the urgent challenges of development. 

We will always be ready to work with them on important challenges such as reconciliation, post conflict reconstruction and development covering such areas as security sector reform, institutional capacity building and economic development.

We welcome the intention to strategically review the United Nations Stabilisation Mission in the DRC (MONUSCO) to strengthen its capacity to support the Government of the DRC to address security challenges and to extend state authority. 

South Africa further welcomes the proposal for an Intervention Brigade as a realistic option to bring security to the eastern DRC within the shortest timeframe and hope that the signing of this Framework will hasten the deployment of an appropriate peace enforcement mechanism.  

We are convinced that a military deployment presents only a short term solution but that real stability, peace and development requires far- reaching actions from the Government of the DRC and its neighbours. 

We believe that only a comprehensive political solution would form the basis of lasting peace in the eastern DRC. 

Therefore, all armed groups must cease immediately all forms of violence and other destabilizing activities and release immediately all child soldiers and permanently lay down their arms. 

South Africa calls on the African Union and the international community to assist the Government of the DRC in its process of nation-building to create strong institutions of governance across the public service to safeguard the gains of peace. 

We call on countries of the region to unreservedly commit themselves to this Framework and to do what is necessary to make it work.

The DRC lies at the very heart of our great continent and we wish that this heart can beat peacefully, diffusing vitality to the benefit of its people and those of the region and indeed of all of Africa.

In conclusion, we are reminded of the words of Patrice Lumumba that;

“we are proud of this struggle amid tears, fire and blood, down to our very hearts, for it was a noble and just struggle and indispensable struggle, of where we are to put an end to the humiliating slavery that had been forced upon us. We are going to ensure that the lands of our fatherland truly profits its children”. 

The words of Patrice Lumumba  must bear fruit. May the people of the DRC and their neighbours live in peace and harmony!


I thank you.


Remarks by President Jacob Zuma at the launch of the Stop Rape Campaign in schools hosted by the Department of Basic Education and LEAD SA, Mitchells Plain, Cape Town

The Minister and Deputy Minister of Basic Education,

Deputy Ministers,

MECs responsible for Basic Education

Mr Yusuf Abramjee and representatives of LEAD SA,

The Principal of Glendale Secondary School, educators, boys and girls,


Good morning to you all.


Thank you for hosting us for this important occasion.

We are here today to share with you a very important message.


South Africa faces a problem of the ongoing abuse of women and children including violent attacks on defenceless women and girls.


We have to build a more caring society in which the rights of all are respected, especially the rights of women and children.


That is why government, through the partnership between the Department of Basic Education and LEAD SA, is launching the Stop Rape Campaign.


Over 64 000 cases of rape were reported to the police last year.


The Minister of Police indicated last year when releasing crime statistics that while the levels of serious crime had decreased, the levels of sexual assaults were of serious concern.


We have come together to say that these horrendous attacks must stop.


No woman or child should be beaten, raped, stabbed, shot or attacked in any manner anywhere in our country, whether by known or unknown attackers.


We know that there are also boys and men who have been victims of sexual assaults. This must also stop.


I trust that you do make time to read and understand the Constitution.

It says that everyone has the right to freedom and security of the person. This includes the right -

(a) not to be deprived of freedom arbitrarily or without just cause;

(b) not to be detained without trial;

(c) to be free from all forms of violence from either public or private sources;

(d) not to be tortured in any way; and

(e) not to be treated or punished in a cruel, inhuman or degrading way.

The Constitution also says that everyone has the right to bodily and psychological integrity which includes the right to security in and control over their body.

We should respect these rights and respect one another at all times.

Importantly, we remind you that all cases of rape, sexual assault or any form of violence should be reported to the police.


The police and the existing courts are empowered under the Domestic Violence Act, the Sexual Offences Act and Children’s Act to arrest, prosecute and convict perpetrators of violence against women and children.


We urge you to read these laws and know them well, and share the knowledge with your families.


Our courts already deal harshly with perpetrators found guilty of violence. During the last financial year, the sexual offences units secured over 363 life sentences, with a conviction rate of 73 per cent for crimes against women above 18 years of age and 70 per cent for crimes against children under 18 years of age.

Our fight has been further bolstered by the re-introduction of the Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences Units at the SA Police Service from 30 June last year. 

These units have dedicated investigators and other resources and are assigned to cases where women and children are affected by violence.

We urge you to use these units to report cases of violence or attacks.  We have also taken a decision to re-open the Sexual Offences Courts. 

We wish to emphasise that men have a role to play in the campaign against rape and sexual violence.


Many men are already playing a constructive role in their communities, through raising awareness and assisting the police to catch the perpetrators, among many interventions.


Therefore, what we are launching today is not a women’s campaign. It is everybody’s campaign. It is also a campaign for all South Africans as this scourge affects all communities.


Tomorrow, at the start of Human Rights Month, we invite schools to participate in the Stop Rape Campaign.


Together we must say that abusers, murderers and rapists should face the full might of the law.  In addition, we must support the victims of sexual crimes as to rebuild their shattered lives.  They need the love and understanding of the families, relatives, friends and neighbours.


Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it is my pleasure to declare the start of the Stop Rape Campaign.


Working together we will make a difference.


I thank you.


Enquiries: Mac Maharaj 0798793203/

Issued by: The Presidency


Address by His Excellency Jacob G. Zuma on the occasion of the Bongi Ngema-Zuma Foundation’s sponsors dinner promoting the fight against diabetes, Hilton Hotel, Sandton, Gauteng

Programme Director, Sotobe,

Honourable Minister of Health, Dr. Aaron Motsoaledi,

Honourable Deputy Minister of Health, Dr. Gwen Ramokgopa, Honourable Ms. Nomvula Mokonyane, the Premier of Gauteng,

Honourable MEC of Health in Gauteng, Mr. Hope Papo,

Honourable MEC of Health in KwaZulu Natal, Dr. Sibongiseni Dhlomo,

MC for Health in the City of Johannesburg, Councillor Nonceba Molwele,

Chairperson of the National House of Traditional Leaders, Kgosi Maubane,

Honourable Ambassadors of the People’s Republic of China and Zambia

South Africa’s Ambassador to Singapore, Hazel Ngubeni,

Leaders from business, sports, traditional, religious and all sectors,

Distinguished guests,

Ladies and gentlemen,


Good evening to you all.


One of our government’s foremost goals is to promote a healthy nation and increase the life expectancy.

We have done well with the fight against HIV and AIDS and other communicable diseases. We need to make progress as well in slowing down the pace of silent killers such as diabetes, hypertension which is known to our people as BP or high-high!

I am therefore happy to join you this evening to escalate the fight against diabetes, one of our silent killers.

Earlier this week, the Minister of Finance, Mr Pravin Gordhan, spelt out our government’s budget.  Without doubt, a huge component is allocated to health services.  

Investing R133.6 billion, nearly 15 percent of the total budget, on health this year illustrates the significance we are placing on this national imperative.

Consider also that our consolidated budget for health and social protection accounts for R268 billion in the new financial year 2013/ 14.  This makes it the biggest portion, followed by education, sport and culture at R233 billion. 

Over the next three years, close to R430 billion will be invested in health. 

What this clearly indicates, is this government’s commitment to improve health care in the country.  We are pleased that we have your support as demonstrated by your presence this evening.

We have great plans for taking forward our quest for a healthy nation.

We have bold plans for health care. We want to halve TB deaths by 2015 and increase testing for the disease as well as the number of citizens receiving treatment for TB as well as HIV and Aids.  In line with this, we expect the phasing in of the National Health Insurance scheme will help us turn the tide even faster.

I am very optimistic about us achieving our goals in improving healthcare and thereby cement the foundation for a prosperous future of this nation.  My optimism is built on our strategic focus on primary healthcare.  My optimism is also growing on the back of inroads we are making in reducing new infections, and improved life expectancy. 

According to the Medical Research Council studies released last year, life expectancy rose from an average baseline of 56 years in 2009 to 60 year in 2011. 

At the same time, the reports noted significant decreases in infant and children under age five mortality.  

We are encouraged by this trend, which is aligned to the work we do at the African Union’s level. 

At the AU level, we have resolved to advance the agenda of prioritising women and child health.  This we will drive through the Campaign for Accelerated Reduction of Maternal Mortality in Africa (CARMMA). 

An important aspect of our pragmatic approach to addressing the challenges we face is to seek comprehensive and holistic solutions.

That is why we have begun to intensify the focus on non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and its associated diseases. Diabetes is the main focus of our host tonight the Bongi Ngema-Zuma Foundation.

Diabetes is also within the broad category of lifestyle diseases, including obesity, which are at an alarming increase in this country. 

You have already heard that, according to the International Diabetes Federation, nearly 370 million people in the world live with diabetes.  Of these, an estimated six million are in South Africa. 

And just like the deadly relationship between TB and HIV/ Aids has shown, the addition of diabetes in the picture, compounds an already devastating scenario. 

So indeed we have to act, and act now!  We have to heighten levels of awareness about the diabetes pandemic to reduce the growing burden of the disease and promote a healthier nation. 

Allow me to reiterate, therefore, my call for unity in action among all of us as stakeholders – business, public sector, non-governmental and civic organisations. 

Let us build working partnerships so we can effectively deal with the scourge of disease. 

Ladies and gentlemen

As part of building a prosperous South Africa and job creation, we have in the last four years rolled out an expansive capital infrastructure build programme. 

This programme, which is worth nearly R900 billion, is aimed at improving our power, roads, water, education and healthcare infrastructure. 

Because of the strategic importance of continued investment in scaling up infrastructure, we are extending this programme.  We will be investing roughly four times in the next two decades, enhancing the capacity of our infrastructure. 

It is through creating an enabling economic environment that we can grow our economy, and ensure that it is redistributive and shared equitably. 

More importantly, we have taken these ambitious investment decisions as a pragmatic route toward eliminating unemployment, poverty and inequality. 

However, our plans will be in vain if we steam ahead with all the investment plans, but falter in addressing disease.  A healthy nation is the key to building a prosperous South Africa.

In the same way, ladies and gentlemen, to build a prosperous South Africa we need to promote stable communities and rebuild the moral fibre of our society.

The reported incidents of extreme and deadly forms of violence – especially against women and children, have to be rooted out from society.  The sordid acts know no age, colour and gender.  We condemn such brutality and barbarism in the strongest of terms. 

We are also alarmed at new incidents of extreme brutality, such as the actions seen on video last week, of police chaining a human being to a van and dragging him. Mr Mido Macia later died from the injuries. We congratulate the people of Daveyton who exposed the incident and to ensure that justice is served. We cannot bring Mr Macia back, but this incident should shock us all into action to build a violence-free society.

Such incidents indicate that something is seriously wrong with the psyche of some of our people. We need to address this matter strongly as all sectors of society.

Our society was seriously brutalized for decades under apartheid colonialism.

We have to ensure that the future generation does not imbibe that experience.

They should be the foundation of a more caring South Africa. Our children need to know the difference between right and wrong. They need to know the sanctity of the rights to life and human dignity and the primacy of respect for other human beings.

It is for this reason that we launched the Anti-rape campaign at Glendale Secondary School in Cape Town last week.

We believe in investing in our young people as they are the future.

Compatriots and friends

As government we refuse to allow these shocking incidents to kill our big dream of an equal, non-racial, non-sexist, democratic, caring and prosperous South Africa.  Our historic mission gives us no other option but to stay true to the task of building a united nation. 

This begins with a change of mindset at all levels, from individual to family, to community and to society as a whole. 

Let us together play our crucial roles in nurturing a truly responsible, caring, and strong-willed society.  We have a beautiful country. We should continue building a prosperous nation, where we all share in its wealth, and reap the benefits of freedom.

We have it within ourselves to build the South Africa that Nelson Mandela, Oliver Tambo, Walter Sisulu and many of our heroes sacrificed life’s comforts for.

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for supporting programmes of building a healthier and more prosperous nation.


I thank you.   

Address by President Jacob Zuma on the occasion of the Official Opening of The National House of Traditional Leaders

The Chairperson of the National House of Traditional Leaders, Kgosi Pontsho Maubane (Kgabo!)

Minister Masenyani Richard Baloyi (Mathebula!)

Deputy Minister Yunus Carrim (Ndaa VhoCarrim!)

Other Ministers and Deputy Ministers present,

Speaker of the National Assembly, Honourable Max Sisulu (Xhamela!)

The Chairperson of the NCOP, Honourable Mninwa Mahlangu (Mrungwa!)

The Deputy Chairperson of the NHTL, Kgosi Makgeru (Hlabirwa’a Bauba!)

Members of the House of Traditional Leaders (NHTL)

Heads of Chapter 9 institutions,

Mr Cecil Le Fleur, Chairperson of the National Khoi-San Council and your Councillors,

Nkosi Patekile Holomisa, President of CONTRALESA (Aah Dilizintaba!), and your Executive Committee,

Chairpersons of the Provincial Houses and all their majesties kings and queens present,

Ladies and gentlemen,



Two weeks ago, I delivered the State of the Nation Address where we outlined progress made and the priorities and direction of our government for the new financial year. 


I committed government to forge ahead with building partnerships with all of the citizens of this country and all sectors, to make a better life for all our people a reality. 


We outlined progress made in the five government priority areas. These are education, health, the fight against crime and community safety, job creation as well as agriculture and land reform.


I am happy today to have this opportunity to open the National House of Traditional Leaders so that it can conduct its business for this financial year. 


The institution, status and role of traditional leadership, according to customary law, are recognised by the Constitution of the Republic. 


The institution of traditional leadership has a role to play in supporting government in its programme of building a prosperous South Africa. 


We require your ongoing support in implementing programmes in our five priorities and the programme of action of government as a whole.


Amakhosi ayahlonishwa ezindaweni eziningi ezweni lakithi. Ningabaholi bethu, abaholi babantu bethu. Siyawuxhasa kakhulu umsebenzi owenziwa indlu yamakhosi kuzwelonke, kanye nasezifundazweni.




The National and Provincial Houses were reconstituted last year. We trust that the new leadership has settled in and fully engaged in the business of the House.


When we meet traditional leaders we often look back at the heroic role played by amakhosi in our history. 


We recall our ancestors, from King Harry of the Cape San to the last armed resistance leader, Nkosi Bambatha in 1906, who put down the spear and gave way to the new form of resistance in the form of the congress movement.


The spear was then picked up through the formation of the African National Congress in 1912. 


Since then, the battle continues to reverse to legacy of apartheid colonialism which is manifesting itself through abject poverty, mass unemployment and gross social inequality. 


We are looking up to the modern day traditional leadership to work with us as we navigate through the new challenges facing our people today, especially the triple challenges of poverty, inequality and unemployment. 


We are looking upon you, the descendants of the warriors and heroes of the wars against colonialism, to participate actively in building a new caring, united, non-racial, non-sexist and prosperous South Africa.


Esteemed leaders of our people,


Today I would like to discuss mainly three aspects in relation to the role of traditional leaders in promoting a united and prosperous nation. These are nation building, food security and the promotion of indigenous heritage.


I trust that as part of the work that the National House will be undertaking this year, you will not lose sight of the National Development Plan and its implications and opportunities for traditional affairs.


As you know we have adopted the Plan as the development blueprint for the next 20 years.  


The Plan informs us that 30 years from today, South Africa will be mostly urban, and that our rural areas will be abandoned as the youth migrate to the cities in search of greener pastures. 


Migration to the cities will leave the arable and fertile land lying fallow. 

Such a prospect will definitely and most certainly threaten South Africa’s food security. 


We are already witnesses to this phenomenon. Many fields lie untilled across the country. The NDP identifies agriculture as an economic activity that is still capable of pushing back the frontiers of poverty. 


This requires traditional leaders to work with government to promote farming to our youth and the rural population.


At the same time, we are conscious of the fact that years of land deprivation reinforced by land dispossession laws such as the Land Act of 1913 and later apartheid laws, have deprived generations of our people of the skills necessary to survive out of agriculture. 


People who had been proud farmers were now forced to work after being dispossessed of their land, livestock and equipment. Working on the farms was thus turned into a form of slavery.


The outcome of this state of affairs over generations is that our youth developed a grim view of agriculture. Those living in rural areas aspire to move out of the villages as soon as they can. We need to change the situation.


We need to make them appreciate the economic importance and centrality of agriculture. We must encourage them to study agricultural and food production sciences at school and universities. 


Our educational institutions at both secondary and tertiary level must respond to this challenge and channel resources adequately and appropriately. 


I therefore humbly request this august house to support government in making agriculture and farming look “cool” and attractive as a career choice to our youth.


Also key to this promotion of agriculture is access to land. I trust that the departments of Traditional Affairs and that of Rural Development and Land Reform will be discussing with the National House soon on land reform.


We have to work on the implementation of measures on land reform to allow communities who missed the 1998 land claims application deadlines to still apply for land that was taken away from them as part of the cruel colonial land dispossession. 


We are also exploring means of allowing those who were dispossessed before 1913 to also obtain justice, as mentioned in the State of the Nation Address. 


You will assist us in encouraging those who get their land back to use it and not resell it. Selling the land, at times back to the previous “owner”, defeats the purpose of changing land ownership patterns. 


The programme of reversing land dispossession must be undertaken in a manner that corrects the injustice while also promoting agricultural stability and food security. 


With the support of traditional leaders, the land reform programme will be successful in all respects.


Esteemed leaders of our people,


The second point I wish to discuss today is nation building.


We meet during a period when our country has experienced heightened incidents of violence against women and children, and other forms of violence.


These incidents remind us that we come from an immensely violent culture. We survived a cruel system of governance which was described as a crime against humanity by the United Nations. 


The apartheid system could only be sustained through violence, and violence became entrenched. When we correctly demanded freedom, equality, justice and human dignity, the response was violence, murder and mayhem.

For that reason, our struggle became deliberately a struggle to eliminate all forms of violence. It was a struggle to achieve a peaceful, caring, stable society. 


We cannot turn our backs on that legacy of dignified, principled struggle for peace, freedom, human rights and justice. That is why South Africans are outraged at the incidents of violence.


However, in expressing our disgust, we should not lose sight of the fact that the overwhelming majority of the 52 million South Africans are peaceful, caring, law abiding citizens. 


They love their country. They do their best each day to make South Africa a better place. Therefore, when expressing outrage, we should be careful not to then paint all South Africans as violent and brutal. We should be careful not to rubbish our country. 


We should not and cannot lose faith in our own humanity and our collective ability to correct the wrongs that we see in our country.


We also dare not portray our beautiful country as an inherently violent place to live in. South Africa is a stable, peaceful country. Like all countries, there are elements that conduct themselves in a shocking and unacceptable manner.


And like all countries, we will search for solutions.


We have all been correctly angered by the rogue elements and criminals who molest women and children and commit other extreme forms of violence. 


Others burn and loot properties during what should be peaceful protests. 


The outrage expressed by our people at such recent violent incidents in particular is most welcome as it indicates that South Africans have not lost their sense of right and wrong. Using this positive trait, we must now work closely together to find solutions.


Traditional leaders are well placed to work with government and other sectors to rebuild the moral fibre of our society. 


We believe it is important to look at the root causes while also addressing the symptoms of the sickness. The police are dealing with the symptoms in relation to criminal activities. 


As far as general crime is concerned, the levels have decreased over the years.


However, the crimes against women and children remain high and of concern.


But the police continue to make inroads. During the last financial year, the Units secured over 363 life sentences, with a conviction rate of 73% for crimes against women above 18 years old and 70% for crimes against children under 18 years old.  


With the support of the community, most suspects in the high profile rape and domestic violence cases have been arrested. 


I have also directed the justice, crime prevention and security cluster to implement measures to nip violent protests in the bud. We are doing this to build a culture of responsibility, accountability, respect for authority and respect for one another. 


People have a right to protest, but there is no need to use violence to get the message across. 


We have at the same time instructed government to improve interaction with communities. 


Some people take to the streets because they feel nobody is listening to their grievances.


While the police will continue to arrest those who perpetrate such evil crimes, we also know that success in the fight against this scourge and against violence generally, depends on all of us and not only with the police.


We have identified the regeneration of the moral fibre and the strengthening of families and communities as a priority. 


Realising this challenge, plus the general weaknesses in the family structure in our society, the government has decided to fast-track the finalisation of the family policy.


We have produced a White Paper on Families through the Department of Social Development, building on the Green Paper that was released for discussion last year. 


We believe that the family is the foundation of society.  Our goal is to promote cohesive families, households and communities in South Africa, where violence, deviance and social decay would be non-existent. 


This is the foundation of a more caring, united and more prosperous South Africa. 


We are aware of the diverse nature of families and households in our country. We have single parent households, granny-headed households, female-headed households, child-headed households and others. 


The period of apartheid colonialism brought immense pressure to bear on the African family in particular.


We have gone through a period of the migrant labour system and rapid urbanisation leading to the split in families with breadwinners moving to the cities. 


This put pressure on families leading to children growing up with one or neither of the parents. Sadly this continues to this day in some families, where parents can be called economic migrants.


The HIV and AIDS pandemic and the internecine violence of the 80s and 90s also contributed to the breakdown in family life.


The triple challenges of poverty, inequality and unemployment on their own wreak havoc on families and households.


Inequality in income distribution is also large and persistent. 


Inequality according to race also remains rampant. Figures from Census 2011 confirm this stark inequality, and revealed that white households earn six times more than African households. 


The average annual African household income is at R60 613 and the one of the white households is at R365 164. Close to 1.9 million African households reported no income at all. 


These are the socio-economic conditions we have to contend with, as we build united, cohesive, caring and stable families and communities. The situation does not make our task easy.


What is important in building new and caring communities, is that everyone should play their part. 


We have seen shocking cases of parents who do not know where their children are at any given time, even at night. That is unacceptable. Parents must take responsibility for their children and children under their care. They cannot delegate this responsibility to the police or to government. 


Beyond households and families, working together we must promote a culture of accountability as all sectors and leaders of society, including traditional leaders.


We all have a responsibility to socialise the youth to be caring, responsible and upright citizens.


They must know the values and ethos in our Constitution which pronounces against all forms of discrimination and violence. 


Promoting this accountability means that communities must be involved in the affairs of the schools in their jurisdictions. They must motivate the youth to go to school and support the teachers. No child must roam the streets during school hours and parents just look away. 


The existence of taverns near the schools and the fact that owners allow school children to patronise these areas indicates the level of decay in our society. The abuse of alcohol, drugs and other substances is a contributory factor in some of the crimes that are committed. 


These matters may look small and insignificant but on a larger scale, they take us to the problems we face currently, of wanton lawlessness.


More importantly, I wish to highlight the role of men in building stronger families. 


South Africa has a serious challenge of absent living fathers in many households, especially African households.  


The White Paper on Families states that absent living fathers is a common and increasing phenomenon affecting families in our country. 


The proportion of fathers who are absent but living increased from 41.6 percent to 47.4 percent between 1996 and 2010. 


African children have the lowest proportion of present fathers at 31.1 percent, while Indian children have the highest at 83.0 percent, with White children following closely behind at 80.8 percent. For Coloured children the proportion is 53 percent. 


It is noted that poverty, high rates of unemployment and financial constraints may contribute to large numbers of fathers failing to take responsibility for their children. 


However this should not be an excuse. Nothing stops a father from loving and caring for his children, even if he is poor.


It is well known that the presence of a father has a positive effect in a child’s life chances; academic performance; and social, emotional wellbeing. 


We salute all the mothers who raise children alone, under difficult circumstances. 


Chairperson and compatriots,


We also have a responsibility to strengthen inter-generational solidarity and to improve relations between children, parents and grandparents. 


The older generation in particular needs support. The horror of the sexual molestation of senior citizens, some who are over 80 years of age has exposed the worst forms of moral decay in our society.


Our White Paper promotes inter-generational solidarity. This can include better caring for the aged, and sharing of wealth, skills and knowledge between generations.


The nation building project requires all parties and stakeholders to play a role. 


We urge this House to help us promote a culture of respecting one another and of respect for authority and adherence to values that are enshrined in the Constitution. 


Members of this House are aware that simple respect for one another, and the respect traditionally accorded to adults in society by those younger than them is becoming a scarce commodity.


We cringe when we hear how some young people address older persons these days in discussions or debates. It is a symptom of the erosion of ubuntu and fundamental values.


The recent shocking incidents should shock us into positive action, by making us focus on what can bind us as the South African nation.


We must identify how we can support families and households in distress, strengthen our communities and take forward the mission of building a caring, united and prosperous society.


Kgosi Maubane and the leadership of the House,


Your programme on cultural tourism has indeed attracted our attention.


You seek to unearth the ancient shrines and catacombs of our ancestors hidden in caves. 


These graves are in need of preservation to boost domestic tourism as people are eager to see where epic resistance battles were fought. 


Our country will benefit from learning how our ancestors worshipped. 


They want to trace their footprints as they traversed the continent, going to and from, south to north and back as free nomadic hunter gatherers and herder communities at peace with their environment. 


We are waiting eagerly for the folklore to be translated into real stories and the indigenous knowledge to be revealed and integrated into the mainstream scientific knowledge. 


The bones of our ancestors that have been found in some parts of the country need to be given life, flesh and a living spirit. They need to be turned into a site for living heritage and cultural tourism – a monument that all of us would want to visit as domestic tourists who are inquisitive about our past in order to navigate the future. 


Out of such initiatives across the country, we will create jobs for tour guides, translators, entrepreneurs, traders and other trades as tourism has a way of unleashing creativity amongst the hosts, and of banishing poverty in the process. 


Similarly, the debilitated state of some of our declared heritage sites, particularly those in the rural areas is a cause for concern as some of them have been desecrated and vandalised. 


I have asked the Department of Traditional Affairs to collaborate with the South African Heritage Resources Agency to attend to their rehabilitation. 


In the same vein, we call upon communities to act as guardians of these centres as they indeed are about who we are. People who desecrate their heritage and sacred sites are doomed.  


The initiatives of the departments of Traditional affairs and Tourism will make cultural tourism a new weapon against rural poverty, unemployment and deprivation.


Chairperson and honourable members of this House,


I am pleased that the Khoi and San leadership under the National Khoi-San Council are with us in this chamber today. 


We are aware that the legislation meant to integrate their structures into the mainstream of traditional leadership institutions has taken longer than it was anticipated. 


I want to take this opportunity to reiterate government’s commitment to redressing this apartheid legacy, that is, their exclusion from traditional leadership institutions.




Our country has great potential and can be anything we want it to be. It is upon this cadre of leadership gathered here to make of our country the best it can be, a winning nation.


I urge you to join our nation building campaign. Let us do everything possible to build more cohesive communities. 


Traditional leaders, as the leaders of our people, are well-placed to assist us in this campaign of reversing moral degeneration and building societies where there is respect for human life, human dignity and respect for every person regardless of their station in life.


I wish you well in 2013.


I thank you!

Address by President Jacob Zuma at the inaugural Community Development Workers Conference held at the Birchwood Conference Centre, Johannesburg

Honourable Premier, 

Honourable Ministers and Deputy Minister,

Mayor and Councillors,

Senior officials

Community Development Workers and Practitioners,

Fellow South Africans,


I am pleased to be interacting with our Community Development Workers, who are our link with many communities around the country.

You are an important cadre of public servants as you communicate directly with the recipients of government services on a daily basis. 

Nibaluleke kakhulu njengezisebenzi zentuthuko zomphakathi. Abantu bayakwazi ukubuza izinto kinina ngoba nitholakala eduze njengamakhansela. 

Ngakho-ke kubalulekile ukuthi nazi kabanzi ngokwenziwa uhulumeni emazingeni onke.

We have made several commitments to our people since 2009, and no doubt, they ask you about these commitments from time to time.

I made a commitment on behalf of government in my Presidential inauguration speech on 09 May 2009, assuring the country and international community that for as long as there are South Africans who die from preventable disease; for as long as there are workers who struggle to feed their families and who battle to find work; for as long as there are communities without clean water, decent shelter or proper sanitation, we would not rest or falter.

In my 2010 State of the Nation Address, I reminded public servants of our expected vision that year. I emphasized that the defining feature of the administration would be that it knows where our people live, understands their needs and responds faster. 

I want to thank you for your contribution in assisting government to realise this vision. 

The introduction of the CDW Programme was approved by Cabinet on 19 November 2003. It was introduced primarily to improve the dissemination of information to communities about benefits and services to which all citizens are entitled to.

We rest assured that we are represented well by yourselves in Community Policing Forums, School Governing Bodies, Ward Committees, Hospital Management Forums, Service Delivery Improvement Forums, and other community structures created to enhance public participation in service delivery. 

The programme of Community Development Workers was also instituted to assist communities to access and benefit from the services that could materially improve their lives.

For example, in addition to supporting the War on Poverty Programme, CDWs have been instrumental in empowering citizens by teaching them to plant food gardens in their communities and villages in order to be self sufficient. 

Therefore, you are not only giving our citizens a meal for a day, but you are giving them life skills by teaching them to fish for food for life, thus addressing poverty.  

Your work as our link with communities is also to assess delivery and to let us know where there are still serious gaps. We have achieved a lot in the past 18 years. 

More people now have water, electricity, sanitation, housing and other services than before 1994. However, the gap remains massive and services are still needed urgently in many areas, especially in former homelands which were most neglected during the era of apartheid colonialism.

The current service delivery-related protests in some areas indicate the impatience and frustration amongst communities, as they love and trust their government, and expect it to bring services faster.

It is important to improve communication with our people at all times, to minimise frustrations that are caused by miscommunication or lack of information.

I am aware of your concerns that government departments are sometimes lethargic or lazy in their response to service delivery concerns you refer to them, on behalf of communities. 

Hence, in the State of the Nation Address I announced that all government departments must work closely with communities and ensure that all community concerns are attended to before they escalate. 

This pronouncement should assist you to continue with your service delivery facilitation efforts. 

In the past year, we continued to actively monitor service delivery in communities. We launched the Presidential Siyahlola Monitoring Programme through which I travel to communities with Ministers to get a first hand feel of issues. But, as you know, the President cannot be everywhere. 

I rely on Ministers, Premiers, MECs, councillors and public servants to ensure that the needs of the communities are taken care of. 

They must continuously visit communities and keep people informed of what programmes are being delivered, which ones are delayed and the reasons, as well as an indication of work that is being done generally.

We will therefore expand the Siyahlola programme this year by relaunching government’s Imbizo programme and the Imbizo Focus Weeks programme.

This will enable leaders in all spheres to visit to communities in an organised fashion and keep in touch with our people, thus easing frustrations. 

If Ministers, Premiers, MECs, Mayors, councillors visit communities intensively in one week per quarter, various communities will be covered, if not the whole country.

Community development workers will play a key role in organising these visits, as you have information from the ground, with regards to the needs of the communities you serve.

While expanding communication with the public, we have to ensure that those still wanting to protest in any way, do so within the ambit of the law.

I announced in the State of the Nation Address the need for all to adhere to the Constitution with regards to protest action and freedom of expression in general.

Given the new tendency to use violence during some protests, I have instructed the Justice, Crime Prevention and Security Cluster to put measures in place to ensure that any incidents of violent protest are acted upon, investigated and prosecuted. 

The law must be enforced and it must be seen to be enforced - fairly, effectively and expeditiously. 

Ladies and gentlemen,

Communities no doubt ask you about the massive infrastructure programme that we are engaged in, which was also referred to in the State of the Nation Address.

We will have spent more than R800 billion by the end of March this year on building roads, schools, renovating hospitals and clinics, upgrading ports, building dams and all sorts of other infrastructure.

The intention is to improve these facilities, enhance our global competitiveness through world class economic infrastructure, and also to create jobs.

I trust that you will be armed with information on these projects during this conference so that you are able to brief communities in your areas.

The communities also need to be briefed about the opportunities government is providing for youth development. 

In the State of the Nation Address I announced that the apprenticeships and learnerships offered by state-owned companies should be increased and an appeal was made to the private sector to absorb 11 000 FET graduates who are awaiting placements. 

There are various other young people who are looking for internships or fulltime jobs. I will be engaging the private sector further to promote this partnership for youth development.

Already, government is doing a lot on its own to promote youth development.

We have 11 740 young people who are benefiting from various training programmes run by the National Rural Youth Services Corps of the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform. 

This Department is also planning nine Rural Youth Hubs per province, focusing on the 23 poorest districts in the country. 

We also want young people to know about short-term job opportunities in the Expanded Public Works Programme and the Community Work Programme. These programmes will assist to provide much needed skills to improve the employability of the youth. Other departments also have youth development programmes in place. We want all to find ways of promoting these programmes to ensure that they assist the youth.

Also important for you as community development workers, is to help us spread the word that education is an important and essential service in our country.

It is for this reason that we are prioritising the remuneration of teachers in the work of the Remuneration Commission that we are establishing to look at the working conditions of public servants in general.

Our message still stands for teachers to be in school, in class, on time, teaching, and not abusing learners especially the girl child. The children should also arrive in school on time, ready to learn and respect their teachers. 

When you engage parents, School Governing Bodies and other stakeholders, you should reiterate government`s seriousness in turning our schools into centres of excellence, thus elevating education to its rightful place in our society.

In the State of the Nation Address we also emphasised that we will insist on returns for our investments in public servants. 

We want public servants to work hard and make us see the benefits of improving salaries and conditions of service.

If citizens continue to complain about poor services, it will mean we are not getting value for money. If citizens complain about long queues in hospitals, licensing departments and other frontline service departments, we will not be doing our jobs efficiently as government.

It also means the Batho Pele principles that the Department of Public Service and Administration is championing are not being implemented.

I have therefore directed the Department to ensure that the Batho Pele and other principles are adhered to so that we can achieve the caring, effective and efficient public service we committed to.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Your role is also to make communities aware of draft legislation before Parliament that requires public input. 

In my 2013 SONA, I placed special emphasis on the pending Bill on Gender Equality and Women Empowerment that has been approved by Cabinet for public comment. The Bill criminalises practices that adversely affect women and girls. 

Given the current surge and violent attacks on women we have to engage our communities on understanding how collectively we can address these problems. 

As facilitators and agencies of public participation, you should actively mobilise citizens to fight the abuse of women and children, and crime in general. 

Government alone cannot fight this scourge, we need the support and active participation of communities.  

We are happy to see many civil society organisations actively promoting the campaign for safer communities for women and children.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I urge you as well to take forward government`s declaration of war on corruption and the promotion of good governance.

We have noted the report released on Tuesday, 12 March 2013 by the Auditor General, Mr Terrence Nombembe. 

He said the overall audit outcomes for national and provincial government regressed in the past year. It is regrettable and unacceptable that the situation has not improved since the last report.

We will study the report as government and use it to improve the way departments work. 

However, the audit outcomes are consistent with the Management Performance Assessment Tool findings we reported on last year.  

Last year the Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation in the Presidency conducted an assessment of 103 departments which identified some of the challenges that lead to qualified audit outcomes. 

We have directed the Departments to implement the changes that were suggested by the Presidency to them after the internal assessment, in order to improve the weaknesses they have in their management systems which ultimately lead to poor audits. 

The assessments identified a number of areas needing improvement.

These include the need to improve monitoring and evaluation methods internally as well as the setting of service delivery standards and implementing improvement plans. 

Also important is the need to manage financial disclosures of senior managers and ensuring awareness of the code of conduct. 

They are also to improve supply chain management and procurement systems.

The Presidency will continue to carry out these assessments on an annual basis. The next report is expected to be concluded mid-year. This will enable Cabinet to track whether management practices are improving in departments. 

The Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation will work with National Treasury, and the Department of Public Service and Administration to assist departments with the development of further improvement plans.

The department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation is also currently in the process of implementing a municipal assessment programme together with the Department of Corporative Governance and Traditional Affairs which will similarly assist municipalities to identify weaknesses and develop improvement plans.

It is taking longer but we believe that the systems we are putting in place will assist departments to improve. Additional to this, is the need to train officials in financial management, even those who do not work in finance departments.

I am also pleased that your work also goes beyond the borders of our country, so to speak.

We are in the process of concluding the public participation phase of our third African Peer Review Mechanism Report. 

In drafting this third APRM report, we held consultative conferences in the nine provinces of the country. 

In this regard, I want to thank all of you who have mobilised communities to ensure that their voices are heard in the APRM process and throughout the African continent on matters of democracy and political governance; economic governance and management; corporate governance; and socio-economic development.

As a partner in the Open Government Partnership initiative which was launched in September 2011, the South African government is currently drafting its first Government-Self Assessment Report. 

This report will highlight the progress government has made over the past 12 months in the areas of promoting transparency, citizen participation, accountability, and the fight against corruption. 

We ask that you mobilise communities in your areas to participate in the Open Government Partnership process so that their voices are heard not only in their local municipal spaces but across the world.

Ladies and gentlemen,

In the 2013 State of the Nation Address we also announced that government will now align all plans with the National Development Plan. 

This means that we must communicate this Plan to communities in all 11 languages so that they understand what we are talking about. 

The Plan contains proposals for tackling poverty by creating more jobs and bolstering the quality of education. 

It unites all of us behind a vision of a South Africa where all will have clean water, affordable electricity, proper sanitation, decent jobs, decent housing, reliable public transport, adequate nutrition, quality education, social protection, quality health care, accessible recreation, safer communities and a clean environment. 

The Plan promotes an active citizenry, people who do not fold their arms but who work with government to create a better South Africa. We will work with you to promote that culture in our country.

All the work we will be doing going forward as government will be informed by the Plan.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I wish to conclude by encouraging you to continuously remember the commitment made in the inauguration of this fourth administration, that to achieve all our goals, we must hold ourselves to the highest standards of service, probity and integrity. 

We said then that, “Together we must build a society that prizes excellence and rewards effort, which shuns laziness and incompetence’’.

Let us build a strong culture of service and dedication to the people we serve.

I thank you and wish you well in taking forward the work of improving the quality of life of all.


I thank you.


Remarks by HE JG Zuma to the opening ceremony of The Commonwealth Conference on Education and Training of Youth Workers, UNISA, Pretoria Main Campus

Your Excellency Mrs Masire Mwamba, The Commonwealth Deputy-Secretary General

Vice-Chancellor and the Principal of the University of South Africa, Professor Makhanya;

Hon. Ministers and Deputy Ministers

Members of the Diplomatic Corps;

Youth workers from across various sectors;


Esteemed delegates,


We are all present here today because young people hold the key to our future. We can only prosper if there are dedicated efforts to invest in the youth. 

We extend a warm welcome to all visiting delegates.

Our government, in partnership with the Commonwealth Youth Programme, the Commonwealth Regional Centre for Africa, the University of South Africa and the National Youth Development Agency, is honored to host this Commonwealth Conference on Education and Training of Youth Workers under the theme “Toward Professionalising Youth Work”.

Many agencies employ youth workers or youth development workers. These include churches, NGOs and government departments. They play a crucial role in many organisations, helping to provide a service to the youth.

I am pleased that three days will be spent discussing the professionalisation of youth work, with particular focus on education and training, given the importance of youth development in our respective countries in the Commonwealth.

The conference comes shortly after the week 10 to 17 March 2013 during which we celebrated Commonwealth Day in all member countries through numerous events and activities.   

In South Africa we used Commonwealth Day to recognise achievement in areas such as social entrepreneurship, green and sustainable industries, and technological innovation to name a few.

We have re-committed ourselves to promote youth development opportunities for those that will be the future leaders of our country. 

This is in line with the fact that the Perth Communiqué of CHOGM 2011 committed all nations that are members of the Commonwealth to provide a greater voice and a more effective role for youth in the Commonwealth. 

We undertook to do this by amongst others, enhancing communication with the youth, collecting and sharing good practices, and ensuring that the voice of the youth is represented in Commonwealth actions at national and international levels.

In this regard, the Commonwealth Secretary-General in his Commonwealth Day message rightly reminded us “of the need to build strong political, economic and social structures that support young people in realising their aspirations”.

This conference therefore enables an opportunity to support young people in their pursuits, and in particular, to appreciate the efforts of Youth Workers as they are the frontline providers of services to the youth, be it health care, education or developmental work. 

Ladies and gentlemen,

This conference follows many years of advocacy by the Commonwealth for the professionalisation of the youth work sector in order for practitioners to meet the minimum basic qualification to practice youth work.

As you would be aware, the Commonwealth Secretariat has partnered with many universities and institutions across the Commonwealth to deliver formal training in youth work as a professional course. Such formalization gives youth work a formal base and promotes this work in the mainstream of professions which is the desired effect.

I am however informed that while training has taken place for a lot of youth workers, youth work or youth development practice as a profession are still not recognized. Such work remains undefined and less exposed.

We trust therefore, that this conference will go a long way towards raising awareness of youth work so that practitioners can be recognised accordingly.

Ladies and gentlemen,

We are mindful of the fact that this Commonwealth Conference on Education and Training of Youth Workers also takes place against the backdrop of low global growth that began with the 2008 global financial crisis. 

The crisis brought on a global dilemma of rising joblessness, higher poverty and worsening income inequality, especially among the youth. 

Research undertaken by the OECD and the African Development Bank highlights the fact that youth have been disproportionately affected by low growth.  

In South Africa, more than 40 per cent of those who are economically active and under the age of 30 are unemployed. 

While this is worrying, there is also a positive angle. The OECD report highlights that countries which have higher numbers of youth in their population have better growth prospects than those with aging populations. 

This makes us very optimistic regarding growth prospects since South Africa’s Census 2011 report, released last year, revealed that our country is essentially a nation of young people. Just over a third of the population is under the age of 15. 

This makes us a nation with a future, and we must utilize all available resources to build that future. That future is our young people.

Therefore our focus on improving the quality of education is well-placed as we are investing our children and the youth to ensure sustainable development.  

It is important to note as well that more than 50% of the Commonwealth’s population is under the age of 30. Therefore, the future of the Commonwealth is tied inexorably to the future of young people.  

In this regard, we applaud the fact that the Commonwealth invests in the youth in the manner that it does, especially in education.

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II signed the new Charter of the Commonwealth at Marlborough House in London on Monday, 11 March 2013, in her capacity as Head of the Commonwealth.  

Adopted by the Heads of Government of all our member states on 14 December 2012, the Charter sets out the core values and principles of the Commonwealth. 

It recognizes the necessity of access amongst others, to affordable education.  

We make our own humble contribution to the Commonwealth’s education drive, through the annual Voluntary Contribution to the Commonwealth of Learning of more than R2million.

Another area in which we are involved is the Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan, an international programme under which member governments offer scholarships and fellowships to citizens of other Commonwealth countries. 

The Plan was established at the first Commonwealth Education Conference in 1959 and is reviewed by Education Ministers at their triennial meetings. Our Department of Higher Education is the designated national agency with respect to South Africa.

In this regard, South Africa offers scholarships for Master’s and Doctoral study through individual universities.

We are also fully supportive of the inclusion of education in the new Strategic Plan of the Commonwealth Secretariat.

We therefore support the ongoing training of young people including the mainstreaming of youth work as a discipline or a career.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Most of you are aware that in less than two weeks, the leaders of Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC) are converging on our shores to join me as our country hosts the 5th BRICS Summit in Durban on 26-27 March 2013 – the first one in Africa.

With a global GDP of 25%, a global land area of 30%, 43% of the global population and 4,4 trillion US dollar foreign reserves base, we are certain that BRICS will contribute immensely to satisfying the employment and development needs of our young population.

We are thus truly excited to be part of this grouping. Our membership of BRICS enhances our participation in other important groupings such as the Commonwealth.

We expect Durban to be a hive of activity and that many opportunities will be taken up by the business community of our country in particular, to promote investments into our beautiful country.

We offer opportunities in, amongst others, infrastructure development, manufacturing, tourism, the green economy, mining, agro-processing and other job drivers, energy and information and communication technologies.

Our BRIC partners do appreciate our youth employment and empowerment drive. 

This agenda remains central to our engagements and discussions with the grouping. 

I am raising this matter as we see strong synergies between this meeting of Commonwealth youth workers and the BRICS gathering. Both should assist us to further empower the youth in the developing world.

May your discussions be successful and fruitful, as you seek to further promote youth development.


I thank you.


Address by President Zuma at the memorial service of the victims of De Doorns bus accident, Khayelitsha Stadium, Western Cape

Minister of Transport and other Ministers and Deputy Ministers,

Pastor Ximbi and members of the congregation of the 12th Apostolic Church in Christ,

Distinguished ladies and gentlemen

On behalf of the government and the people of South Africa, I wish to pay my heartfelt condolences to the congregation of the 12th Apostolic Church in Christ, the families and friends of those who lost their lives in the tragic bus accident on 15 March 2013 in the De Doorns area here in the Western Cape Province.

On that fateful day, 23 bus passengers who were travelling from their place of worship met their untimely death, as a result of the bus veering and capsizing and coming to rest on its left side on the concrete culvert and against a rock surface.

The Government shares your sorrow; your grief is our grief. We remain concerned by the high number of people who die tragically on our roads.

The law enforcement agencies are investigating the cause of the bus accident. There is a preliminary report. Once the report is finalised, we will be informed about the contributory factors that led to the fateful event.

Given the number of people who die each day on our roads, the Department of Transport’s campaign to promote road safety continue to be of great importance. All of us should participate actively to promote road safety.

We are all affected by this challenge. The Department of Transport will continue to implement its public awareness and road safety education campaigns to heighten awareness of the rules of the road and the consequences of bad driving.

South Africa has a rich history of mass mobilisation which was an important pillar in the struggle against apartheid.

Working together we can confront the scourge of fatalities on our roads.

Our messages should be clear and targeted to address all the causes of road fatalities which include:

. Drinking and driving;

. Pedestrians walking on the road while intoxicated,

. Road unworthy vehicles,

. Dangerous overtaking, and

. Drivers and passengers not using seatbelts.


With respect to drinking and driving, various government departments are considering banning alcohol advertisements and the abolition of the current alcohol limit which allows people to drive after taking a limited amount of alcohol.

Probing questions are being asked about the advisability of allowing people to drink and drive.

The Department of Transport is also considering measures to introduce a point demerit system which will see serial offenders losing their driving licences. This will make it difficult for serial offenders to drive on our roads.

Approximately 20 % of the people who die on our roads are passengers, largely because they do not wear seat belts.

Only 2% of passengers compared to 60% of the drivers fasten their seat belts. Drastic measures are needed to reduce road fatalities by strengthening law enforcement. Traffic officers should issue fines to motorists and passengers who do not use their seat belts.

There are still many unroadworthy vehicles driving on our roads.

Law enforcement agencies should do their work and impound those vehicles.

All road users should remember that not obeying the rules of the road is a crime like any other crime. Government will not hesitate to consider further stringent measures to enforce compliance with the law.

As part of the campaign to improve safety on the road, government will improve the different modes of public transport. The Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA) will soon procure new trains. This will go a long way to improve the passenger rail system.

About 7000 new coaches will be procured over the next twenty years bringing a new experience to many users of public transport. PRASA will also revamp its signalling infrastructure to improve safety and disseminate information about the scheduling of trains.

Government values the role played by the mini bus taxis and bus operators to transport people to different destinations. We call upon the public transport associations to help us ensure that their members comply with the rules of the road.

It is the responsibility of every road user to guarantee that their vehicles are always in good condition and do not ‘cut corners’ at the expense of the public safety.

As we approach the Easter Holidays, I urge all South Africans who will be travelling to different destinations to obey the rules of the road.

Motorists, in particular, should ensure that their vehicles are in good condition before undertaking journeys.

Passengers should be vigilant, and demand the best services from transport operators. All of us should live up to the theme of the road safety campaign: GET THERE, NO REGRETS!

May the souls of the departed rest in peace!


I thank you.

Address by President Jacob Zuma at the Commemoration of National Human Rights Day, Mbekweni, Paarl, Western Cape



The Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development,

The Minister of Arts and Culture,

All Ministers and Deputy Ministers present,

Chairperson of the SA Human Rights Commission,


His Worship the Mayor of Paarl,

Members of the Diplomatic Corps;  

Leaders of Political Parties;

Veterans of the liberation struggle,

Fellow South Africans,


Dumelang, sanibonani, molweni!


Siyajabula kakhulu ukuba la, eMbekweni, ePaarl namhlanje, sizogubha lolusuku lwamalungelo abantu.

Namhlanje sikhumbula onke amaqhawe asala ezinkundleni, ezihlandleni eziningi ngesikhathi sizabalazela inkululeko.

Sikhumbula ikakhulukazi labo abasishiya eSharpeville, kwaLanga eKapa, kwaNobuhle eUitenhage nakwezinye izindawo.

Compatriots and friends,

Our national days are a vehicle to foster social cohesion, nation building, national identity and socio-economic development.

Marking national days also enables us to reflect on our unfortunate past as a people that lived through a brutal system of apartheid colonialism. We reflect and draw lessons to build a better and united future.

On Human Rights Day in particular, we also remember the country’s rich human rights tradition.

The 1923 Bill of Rights, the African Claims of 1943, the Women’s Charter in 1954, the Freedom Charter in 1955 and the ANC’s 1988 Constitutional Principles for a Democratic South Africa are our national pride.

These documents, developed by the ruling party the ANC during the struggle for liberation, underline and confirm South Africa’s longstanding systematic development of policy affirming human rights. They informed the content of the Constitution of the Republic at the dawn of freedom.

We are particularly proud of the fact that the landmark 1943 Bill of Rights was produced five years ahead of the 1948 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. South Africa led the world in this regard!

Today is also the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, proclaimed in 1966 in memory of the Sharpeville massacre, by the United Nations through UN resolution 2142.


Let me also underline that this democratic government also affirms the rights of persons with disabilities.

Thus today we also mark the World Down Syndrome Day, as declared by the United Nations organisation in 2011.

Fellow South Africans,

We mark Human Rights Day 2013 under the theme; “United in advancing socio-economic freedom for all”.   The purpose is to promote the idea of socio-economic freedom for all South Africans.

It also highlights the advanced nature of our Constitution which recognises more than just political and civil rights.

This was based on the understanding that civil and political rights mean little if they are not accompanied by tangible socio-economic rights. These include the rights to housing, education and health care and the right to favourable working conditions.

While marking the importance of socio-economic rights today, we also highlight the fact that today has a particular significance, as it is a day on which in 1960 the apartheid police shot and killed 69 people and wounded many others in Sharpeville. The liberation movement resolved then, to build a South Africa in which such incidents would never occur when freedom dawned.

This is also the commitment of the democratic government.

Today we re-affirm our determination to build a police service that respects the rights of all. The South African Police this year marks a centenary of its existence. The period since its establishment in 1913 until 1994, is marked by state-sanctioned cruelty and brutality by the policy.

In 1994 the democratic government began to transform the police service into one that is people-centred and which serves all the people of our country. A lot of progress has been made with regards to both transformation and service delivery.

Today we are happy that each year statistics indicate a reduction in serious crimes.

Crimes against women and children remain a serious problem but statistics prove that the perpetrators are being caught and punished. We trust that this will act as a deterrent. For example, in the past financial year, police secured over 363 life sentences, with a conviction rate of over 70% for crimes against women and girls.

At the same time, there have been some regrettable, shocking and unacceptable incidents involving the South African Police Service since the last Human Rights Day commemoration.

These include the Marikana tragedy and other cases of police brutality against suspects. Government has taken action on both.

There is a commission probing the Marikana incident and we will not comment much on it at this stage until the findings. The law is taking its course with regards to the other incidents.

However, these incidents should not make us condemn our entire police service which comprises 200 000 men and women as being brutal.

The overwhelming majority of our police fight crime within the confines and discipline of the Constitution and we applaud them for that.

We urge you today, to continue supporting the police in their work. The police can only continue succeeding in fighting crime if they have the support of communities they serve.

We must support them as well in their efforts to root out rotten apples from their ranks who engage in criminal action including corruption.

To promote a human rights ethos amongst police officials, we have directed that the SAPS Code of Conduct, in which an ethos of human rights is firmly entrenched, be promoted amongst all police officials.

They must live, breathe and personify the police Code of Conduct. 

Included in this pledge of excellence, signed by each police official upon attestation, is the promise to do the following:

“to uphold and protect the fundamental rights of every person; act in a manner that is impartial, courteous, honest, respectful, transparent and accountable; exercise the powers conferred in a responsible and controlled manner;

“And work towards preventing any form of corruption and to bring the perpetrators thereof to justice”.

We expect our men and women in blue to live up to that promise.

Bakwethu siyagcizelela ukuthi kufanele sibambisane namaphoyisa emkhankasweni wawo wokuhlonipha amalungelo abantu.

Uma amanye awo enza amaphutha akusho ukuthi asilahle wonke amaphoyisa aseMzansi Africa ngenxa yalokho.

Alikho izwe elingenawo amaphoyisa. Alikho futhi elingasimama uma abantu bomthetho bengahlonishwa.

Masibambisane namaphoyisa sakhe imiphakathi ephephile.

Uma kukhona amaphoyisa enza ubugebengu noma udlame ebantwini, sicela umphakathi ubikele abenhlangano i-Independent Police Investigating Directorate ukuze kuphenywe bajeziswe abaphula umthetho.


As said earlier, we are striving to promote socio-economic rights.

We are building a country where communities have a road, schools, clinics, recreation facilities, community halls, electricity, water and sanitation.  The state is called upon to ensure that citizens enjoy these rights, subject to resources being available.

We needed to include socio-economic rights in the Constitution because successive apartheid governments deliberately deprived black people of all the basic amenities that ensure a decent standard of living.

We know that many sections of society and individuals become agitated when we refer to the apartheid legacy in our country.

This is a fact and the legacy cannot be reversed overnight. We will continue doing our best in spite of the challenges that we face.  We will not rest until every household has water, electricity, sanitation and other services.

Access to these services is expanded each year.

Impela sesenze okuningi kusukela ngonyaka ka 1994 ngenjongo yokuguqula isimo esashiywa ubandlululo, siphucule izimpilo zabantu.  Singabala nje ukuthi isisondele ku200 000 imizi eyafakwa ugesi ngonyaka odlule.

Uhlelo lokubalwa kwabantu i-Census 2011 yaveza ukuthi sebephelele bonke, bangu 12.1 million manje abantu asebenogesi. Nemizi esithole amanzi seyandile.  Nezindlu ziyakhiwa ezindaweni eziningi.

Kuningi impela nokwenziwayo ukuthuthukisa izinga lemfundo ngoba iyisisekelo sentuthuko. Ukwakhiwa kwezikole, kuqedwa ezinodaka nakho kuyaqhubeka. 

Uhulumeni futhi umatasa wakha amanyuvesi amabili e-Northern Cape naseMpumalanga ukuze kwande izindawo zokuqeqesha.

Kuyajabulisa futhi ukuthi izingane ezifundanyo ezingaphansi kweminyaka engu 15 seziku- 96%, okukhombisa ukuthi siyaphumelela ukwenza imfundo ibe ngephoqelelwe.

Uhulumeni usiza izingane ezingu 8 million ukuze zifunde mahhala, eziphuma emakhaya akhungethe ubumpofu.

Kanti futhi izingane ezingu 8 million zithola ukudla mahhala ezikoleni ukuze zifunde kahle.

Uhulumeni uyajabula kakhulu futhi ukuthi inani lezingane ezifunda ezinkulisa liyenyuka kakhulu. Zazisondele ku-300 000 ngo-2003 manje inani selisondele ku-800 000. 

Uhulumeni uyaqhubeka nokusiza intsha esemanyuvesi nasemakolishi ukuthola imifundaze nokwebolekwa imali. 

Sicela sibambisane nabazali nemiphakathi ukwenza zonke izikole zisebenze ngendlela zikhiqize imiphumela emihle. Sifuna kuthuthuke izinga lezingane ezifunda ziphase izibalo nesayensi.

Sifuna othisha bafike ngesikhathi esikoleni, nokuthi nabazali badlale indima yabo bayise izingane esikoleni ngesikhathi, zihloniphe othisha, zifunde.

Sicela sibambisane kulomcimbi ngoba imfundo ibaluleke kakhulu ezweni lakithi yiyo ezogcwalisa inkululeko.

The constitution also counts social security amongst the socio-economic rights. We have expanded the social assistance programme or social grants from covering just 2,7 million people in 1994 to over 16 million people to date. About 2,9 million recipients are older people, while 11,5 million receive the Child Support Grant. Social grants are government’s most effective poverty alleviation programme.

Research conducted by the Department of Social Development indicates that the grants continue to have a positive impact in the lives of many families.


There is recognition by the world that we are trying our best. In May last year, South Africa was invited to present its Second Universal Periodic Report (UPR) to the Human Rights Council of the United Nations. 

Countries are expected to present a country report every four years to the Human Rights Council, to declare what actions they have taken to improve the human rights situations in their countries and to fulfill their human rights obligations. 

Other states commended South Africa for its commitment to human rights and to improving the lives of its citizens. We were also acknowledged for the delivery of basic services such as housing, health and education as well as South Africa's leading role in the UN Human Rights Commission.

Like many countries in the world, our country faces a serious challenge of youth unemployment. Collaboration between the parties represented at NEDLAC, namely government, labour and the community sector - is critical in order to promote youth development and youth employment.

We are pleased that the NEDLAC parties have agreed to work together to expand opportunities for the employment and empowerment of youth. The youth employment accord will be signed in mid-April in Gauteng.

As part of putting some aspects of the youth accord into action, the Minister of Finance announced a tax incentive aimed at encouraging firms to employ young work seekers. This will be tabled for consideration by Parliament.

Compatriots, let me urge the entire nation to work with the government and the social partners to rebuild our country and in particular to build the economy.

We should all play our role to make our country attractive to both local and international investors so that the economy can grow and create jobs.

We therefore emphasise the point that people must stop talking the economy and the country down.

We need to take a more balanced view of our country and be ready to highlight and acknowledge the achievements of our democracy when making assessments.

Kufanele sonke sibambisane nohulumeni, nosomabhizinisi, nezinyunyana nezinhlangano zomphakathi ukuheha osozimali ukuze beze bazotshala izimali ezweni lethu kwakheke amathuba emisebenzi.

Ngakho-le, ngalolusuku lokukhumbula amalungelo abantu, esigxile kakhulu ngalo kumalungelo omnotho namhlanje, sithi masisebenzeni sonke, sakhe iNingizimu Afrika engcono, nekusasa elihle.

Masibambisaneni ukuze amalungelo abantu ahlonishwe ngezikhathi zonke ezweni lakithi.

Siyawunxusa umphakathi futhi ukuthi uhloniphe namalungelo abantu bakwamanye amazwe abahlala ezweni lethu.

The respect for human rights extends to the rights of all people in the world. Therefore, we condemn strongly any acts of xenophobia or any attacks or resentment directed at foreign nationals living in our country.


On this human rights day, let us continue promoting the respect for the rights of others. As government we will also continue to promote respect for the rights of all citizens.

Our Constitution provides for a number of institutions that protect democracy and human rights. These include the South African Human Rights Commission, the Commission on Gender Equality, the Office of the Public Protector and the Commission for the Rights of linguistic, traditional and cultural communities.

In addition to these institutions, our democracy provides for the existence of many non-governmental organisations which promotes the rights of women, children, the youth, the rights to education, health and other socio-economic rights.

This indicates a healthy democracy where people are able to express themselves and also promote the enjoyment of their rights.

We wish all South Africans a meaningful Human Rights Day as we celebrate how far we have come and what we have achieved under difficult conditions of transition from apartheid to freedom and democracy.

May God protect our people.

Nkosi Sikelel’ iAfrika.

Morena boloka setjhaba sa heso.

God bless South Africa.

Hosi katekisa Afrika.


I thank you!

Remarks by President Zuma on the occasion of the official signing ceremony during the State Visit to South Africa by the President of the People’s Republic of China Mr Xi Jinping, at the Sefako Makgatho Presidential Guesthouse, Pretoria

Mr President,

Ladies and gentlemen of the media,


Thank you, Your Excellency for honouring my invitation to undertake a State Visit to South Africa ahead of the BRICS Summit.

Your Excellency, South Africa is among the first countries that you are visiting since becoming President of China. Therefore, your visit will forever bear a special significance for all South Africans.

It means a lot to us indeed given the strong historical relations between our two countries, dating back to the days of the struggle for liberation in our country.

We have had a very productive morning, which took relations between our two countries steps ahead. 

Excellency, historians continue to uncover evidence that the contact between Africa and China predates the written record.

It is said that our own Kingdom of Mapungubwe in Limpopo province, which is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, had contact with China already nine centuries ago. Regrettably colonialism, imperialism and apartheid disrupted contacts.

I am very proud to say that contact was established in the 1950’s, over 60 years ago between the African National Congress (ANC) and the People’s Republic of China.

It was no less than the late Comrade Walter Sisulu who visited China in 1953 to establish ties and garner support for the struggle against apartheid.

The People’s Republic of China readily obliged and remained steadfast in its opposition to apartheid until the first free and democratic election was held in South Africa in 1994.

Our bilateral relations were formally established in 1998, when President Mandela co-signed the Agreement of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between South Africa and China.

Since then, relations have grown from strength-to-strength, starting from a Partnership to a Strategic Partnership and to the present Comprehensive Strategic Partnership that we now enjoy.

The common challenges of poverty, unemployment and inequality that our people, or people of the South in general face, is precisely that which brings us together.

Mr President,

The People’s Republic of China has achieved much success in a short time and it is incumbent on us to learn from that which you have achieved.

We view China’s success as a source of hope and inspiration as we engage with the task of finding our own solutions for bringing about a better future. The rise of China therefore has lessons for us all as we seek to emulate your example.

It is in this spirit that our two countries have signed the Terms of Reference of the Joint Inter-Ministerial Working Group on South Africa-China Cooperation.

This Working Group will monitor the implementation of cooperative projects so that we are able to join hand in meaningful way as we go forward.

Mr President, your visit today takes place within the context of the fifteen years of formal diplomatic relations between our countries.

This important milestone will be observed in many ways throughout the year in both countries. It has been proposed that next year be heralded as the ‘Year of South Africa in China’ and that 2015 be declared the ‘Year of China in South Africa’.

We can therefore look forward to many activities that will bring our countries and peoples even closer.

It is also worth reminding ourselves that on the front of our people-to-people cooperation, some encouraging developments have been noticed.

To underscore this cooperation is the signing of the China-South Africa People’s Friendship Association. This is one of the building blocks that will further enhance cooperation between our peoples.

We also launched the first SAA flight to Beijing in 2011 resulting in an increase in tourist arrivals from China. Our two countries will also sign an Agreement on Visa Waiver Requirements for Airline Staff in the near future.

Excellency, we discussed many areas of cooperation today.

We acknowledge and appreciate China’s engagement with South Africa in the fields of Science and Technology, Agriculture, Health as well as capacity building and skills transfer in Human Resources and Education.

We are also grateful for the scholarships provided by your Government to South African students.

We believe that the recent addition of another two hundred (200) new scholarships will contribute substantially to alleviate the critical shortage of skills for South Africa’s planned development of infrastructure and rapid industrialisation. Education is an apex priority in our country and we appreciate meaningful cooperation in this regard.

Let me thank the government  and people of China for supporting our bid for the Square Kilometre Array (SKA).

The awarding of this project to South Africa will indeed improve the lives of our people.

Your Excellency

China is South Africa’s biggest trading partner and a significant investor in the South African economy.

In 2012, exports from South Africa to China amounted to 89 billion rand, while imports from China to South Africa totalled 112 billion rand. Total trade stood at 201 billion rand, according to figures from the SA Revenue Service.

What we now seek to address jointly is to find the means towards a more equitable balance of trade.

The ongoing cooperation amongst the business sector in both countries is a step in the right direction in this regard.

We have today witnessed the signing of a number of business contracts and undertakings by the Captains of industry aimed at strengthening and deepening our bilateral relations.

Mr President, we will be meeting tomorrow in the context of the BRICS Summit, which we are truly proud to host in Africa for the first time.

I am convinced that our success and progress in BRICS will positively influence the work of the G20 and other multilateral efforts.

I look forward to working with you in further strengthening the bonds of friendship and mutual understanding which our two nations enjoy.


I thank you.

Joint Media Conference Remarks by President Zuma on the conclusion of bilateral talks with HE President Putin of the Russian Federation, Durban

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen of the Media

It is my great pleasure to host H.E. President Putin and to welcome him for his Working Visit to South Africa.

Bilateral relations between South Africa and Russia have developed well since the establishment of the diplomatic relations in the early nineties.

We have now celebrated the 21st Anniversary of our relations in February 2013.

I wish to take this opportunity to once again affirm our strategic partnership with Russia, as I did on my visit there in August 2010.

The meeting today provided an opportunity for a frank appraisal of the status of our bilateral relations and an exchange of views on regional and multilateral issues of common interest in Africa, BRICS, G20, Middle East and the UN.

Work between our two countries has progressed to the point where we have signed the Durban Declaration for Strategic Partnership. This establishes a Presidential Bilateral Mechanism and defines Programme areas that will guide the SA-Russia Strategic Partnership.

The signing of nine (9) Agreements today in the fields of Agriculture, Arts and Culture, Defence, Education, Energy, Fisheries, Mining, Science and Technology and Transport is a major achievement that will enhance the substance of our bilateral relations.

The visit also enabled us to exchange views on the unfolding regional and global challenges, especially peace and security issues in Africa and the Middle East.

I have also thanked President Putin for his invitation to me to attend the G20 Summit later this year in Russia. We look forward to taking the Development Agenda of the G20 forward.

We were also able to exchange views ahead of the 5th BRICS Summit and the first BRICS Summit in Africa, as well as the priorities of the BRICS Africa Retreat.

We believe that our strategic and mutually beneficial partnership with the Russian Federation will continue to thrive.

Amongst the highlights of this visit, is the launch of the Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul Centre between South Africa’s DENEL and Russian Helicopters.

This is an important development in our relations. The launch of the MRO centre is the first accredited one for Russian Helicopters in Africa.

DENEL and Russian Helicopters have been in talks since 2009, and it has culminated today in this exciting event. The Centre carries accreditation to perform maintenance on Russian helicopters, types MI-8 and MI-17.

The relationship between these aviation companies was made possible by the Joint Inter-Governmental Committee on Trade and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) framework and the Bilateral Agreement between our countries.

The facility is here for all Russian Helicopters and aircraft systems operators in the Continent, and will enable the operators to derive the benefits of DENEL’s extensive after sales support presence across our Continent.

A further benefit for other African countries is that DENEL’s licensed technicians are available to provide on the job training, assisting with improved turnaround of aircraft and the proximity of the MRO Centre providing readily available spares.


We congratulate the Russian Federation on the successful bids to host two upcoming important events, the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi and the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

We are ready to assist and share our experience from hosting the 2010 FIFA World Cup successfully.

Indeed, we have already had exchanges in this regard, through the South Africa-Russia Business Council and in the visit last year of a technical delegation to Russia.

We have every confidence that these events will be successful and memorable.

I am pleased that arrangements are already in place for the Russian National Soccer Team to play against our national squad Bafana Bafana sometime this year. We intend to give the Russians a very hard time on the field!

Ladies and Gentlemen of the media,

I would like to invite President Putin to address you.


I thank you.

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