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President Ramaphosa to attend Inauguration of President-Elect of the Federal Republic of Nigeria

President Cyril Ramaphosa will later today, Sunday, 28 May 2023, travel to the Federal Republic of Nigeria to attend the Inauguration of His Excellency President-Elect Bola Ahmed Tinubu on Monday, 29 May 2023.

South Africa and Nigeria maintain a strategic partnership in pursuit of strengthened bilateral co-operation and towards the fostering of peace, stability, and economic development on the continent.  

The two countries share a common vision on issues of political and economic integration in Africa, the need for sustainable conflict resolution and the need for the reform of multilateral institutions, especially the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).

South Africa and Nigeria are engaged in growing economic cooperation, as evidenced by increasing trade and mutual investments. 

South Africa and Nigeria account for approximately a third of Africa’s economic output, with each accounting for 60% - 70% of the economies in their sub-regions.
Media enquiries: Vincent Magwenya, Spokesperson to the President – 082 835 6315

Issued by: The Presidency

President Ramaphosa appoints panel to investigate veracity of allegations related to docking of Russian vessel

President Cyril Ramaphosa has appointed a three-member independent panel to enquire into the circumstances of the docking of the Russian vessel known as Lady R in Simonstown, Western Cape, in December 2022.
President Ramaphosa announced on 11 May 2023 that he would establish an independent inquiry headed by a retired judge.
The President has appointed Judge PMD Mojapelo as Chairperson, together with Adv. Leah Gcabashe SC, and Mr Enver Surty as other members of the panel.
Through this inquiry, Government seeks to establish the circumstances that led to the docking of the ship and the alleged loading of cargo, and the departure of the Lady R cargo ship from Simonstown, during the period from 6 to 9 December 2022.
The President decided to establish the enquiry because of the seriousness of the allegations, the extent of public interest and the impact of this matter on South Africa’s international relations.
The panel has been tasked to establish persons who were aware of the cargo ship’s arrival, and, if any, the contents to be off-loaded or loaded, the departure and destination of the cargo,
Furthermore, the panel will evaluate whether constitutional, legal or other obligations were complied with in relation to the cargo ship’s arrival, its stay, the loading or off-loading of its contents, and its departure.
The panel’s report will include recommendations on any steps that may need to be taken in light of their findings or as a result of any breaches that may have occurred.
The panel will report directly to the President and will be supported administratively by personnel in The Presidency assigned to this task by the Director-General in The Presidency.
The panel will finalise its investigation within 6 weeks of its appointment and will be expected to submit its report to the President within 2 weeks of concluding its work. The panel may request an extension of this time frame should it be necessary.
Media enquiries: Vincent Magwenya, Spokesperson to the President – 082 835 6315

Issued by: The Presidency

Frequently Asked Questions: Role of the Minister in The Presidency responsible for Electricity

1. What is the role of the Minister in The Presidency responsible for Electricity?
In his 2023 State of the Nation Address (SONA), President Cyril Ramaphosa announced his intention to appoint a Minister of Electricity to coordinate Government’s response to the electricity crisis as a national priority.
Several Government departments and agencies, as well as Eskom, are involved in implementing the Energy Action Plan. The Minister will ensure strong coordination of this plan from the centre of Government.
To achieve this, the President has tasked the Minister with overseeing all aspects of the electricity crisis response, including the work of the National Energy Crisis Committee (NECOM). The Minister’s primary responsibility is to ensure full implementation of the Energy Action Plan within the next twelve months.
In short, the Minister will be expected to coordinate the numerous departments and entities involved in the crisis response; work with the Eskom leadership and management to turn around the performance of existing power stations; ensure that new generation capacity is procured on an expedited basis; and take the lead in communicating to the public on the energy crisis.
2. What powers and functions have been assigned to the new Minister?
Section 97 of the Constitution provides that:
“The President by proclamation may transfer to a member of the Cabinet –
(a) the administration of any legislation entrusted to another member; or
(b) any power or function entrusted by legislation to another member.”
The President has signed a proclamation that transfers to the Minister of Electricity certain powers and functions entrusted by the Electricity Regulation Act (Act No 4 of 2006). Specifically, this relates to all powers and functions contained in Section 34(1) of the Electricity Regulation Act, which were previously entrusted to the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy.
Section 34(1) of the Electricity Regulation Act empowers the Minister to issue a determination that new generation capacity is needed in order to ensure security of energy supply. This includes the amount of new capacity that must be procured; the type of capacity (for example, wind or solar PV); and the manner in which it must be procured.
This provides the Minister with a powerful tool to address South Africa’s current energy shortfall, by directing the actions that are required to build new generation capacity.
3. What powers and functions remain with the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy and the Minister of Public Enterprises?
 The Minister of Minerals Resources and Energy will in terms of Section 34(2) of the Electricity Regulation Act continue to be in charge of the procurement process of new generation capacity, which is carried out by the Independent Power Producer Office (IPP Office). The IPP Office will remain responsible for implementing various initiatives outlined in the Energy Action Plan.
Matters related to energy policy generally, such as long-term energy planning, regulation, fuel price determination, petroleum and gas policy, pipelines and licensing thereof, will remain with the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy.
In terms of the Eskom Conversion Act, the Minister of Public Enterprises remains the shareholder representative for Eskom. This includes appointing the Eskom Board, and overseeing the restructuring of Eskom into three separate entities for generation, transmission and distribution. The Minister’s current focus is on completing the establishment of the National Transmission Company of South Africa, as a crucial step in the wider reform of the energy sector.
This division of responsibilities will allow the Minister in The Presidency responsible for Electricity to apply a dedicated focus to the immediate crisis response, while other functions remain with the relevant Ministries.
4. How will this support the implementation of the Energy Action Plan?
The President has appointed the Minister in The Presidency responsible for Electricity to ensure tight overall management of the electricity crisis response with a single point of authority and a single line of reporting, both of which are essential to achieving rapid progress on the plan.
The current assignment of powers aims to empower the new Minister to direct and coordinate the implementation of the Energy Action Plan, without disrupting the routine work of Government or requiring changes to personnel and institutions.
Through the National Energy Crisis Committee (NECOM), the Minister in The Presidency responsible for Electricity will oversee implementation of the plan announced by the President in July 2022, and ensure that all Government departments and agencies, as well as Eskom, implement the actions for which they are responsible.

Media enquiries: Vincent Magwenya, Spokesperson to the President – 082 835 6315
Issued by: The Presidency 

President Ramaphosa appoints Madam Justice Mahube Betty Molemela as President of the Supreme Court of Appeal

President Cyril Ramaphosa has appointed Madam Justice Mahube Betty Molemela as President of the Supreme Court of Appeal with effect from 1 June 2023.
The President has made this appointment in terms of Section 174(3) of the Constitution, after consulting the Judicial Service Commission and leaders of parties represented in the National Assembly.
Justice Molemela is the first woman to have held the position of Judge President of the Free State Division of the High Court.
She boasts an illustrious judicial career spanning over 15 years, having first been appointed as a Judge of the Free State Division of the High Court in 2008.
During her 15 years on the Bench, she has served as a Judge President of Free State Division of the High Court for a period of three years before her elevation to the Supreme Court of Appeal in 2018.
She has also served as a Judge of the Labour and Labour Appeal Court, Acting Judge of the Competition Appeal Court, and Acting Judge of the Constitutional Court for two terms in 2015.
She holds a B. Proc degree (University of Fort Hare), LLB, LLM and LLD (Honoris Causa) - all three from the University of Free State.
Section 174(3) of the Constitution provides that "The President as head of the national Executive, after consulting the Judicial Service Commission and the leaders of parties represented in the National Assembly, appoints the Chief Justice and the Deputy Chief Justice and, after consulting the Judicial Service Commission, appoints the President and Deputy President of the Supreme Court of Appeal."
On 26 January 2023, the President nominated Madam Justice M B Molemela for the vacant position of President of the Supreme Court of Appeal and addressed a letter to the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), initiating the consultation required in terms of Section 174(3) of the Constitution.
The President requested the JSC to indicate Its views on Justice Molemela's suitability for appointment as President of the Supreme Court of Appeal.
The Commission invited public comment on the candidacy of Justice Molemela, and held a public interview to assess her suitability for the position on 17 April 2023.
Following the interview, the Chairperson of the JSC and Chief Justice submitted to the President the Commission’s views on the suitability of Justice Molemela to occupy the position of President of the Supreme Court of Appeal.
The Chief Justice indicated that there had been no objections from the public or professional law bodies against Justice Molemela's candidacy and that she had succeeded in her interview. Additionally, an overwhelming majority of the members of the JSC voted in support of Justice Molemela’s suitability.
President Ramaphosa expresses his appreciation to the incoming President of the Supreme Court of Appeal for her service to date in the judiciary and the legal profession and wishes her well in her new role.
The President said: “Justice Molemela’s appointment adds impetus to the continuing transformation of key institutions of our democracy, including the judiciary. Justice Molemela is an outstanding jurist who will play a critical role in entrenching justice for all South Africans.
Media enquiries: Vincent Magwenya, Spokesperson to the President – 082 835 6315
Issued by: The Presidency

President sets out roles and responsibilities of the Minister of Electricity

President Cyril Ramaphosa has, in terms of Section 97 of the Constitution, signed a proclamation that transfers to the Minister of Electricity certain powers and functions entrusted by the Electricity Regulation Act (Act No 4 of 2006).
In his 2023 State of the Nation Address (SONA), President Ramaphosa announced his intention to appoint a Minister of Electricity to coordinate Government’s response to the electricity crisis as a national priority.
On 7 March 2023, the President appointed several Ministers and Deputy Ministers, including Dr Kgosientsho Ramokgopa as Minister of Electricity.
After due consideration, President Ramaphosa has transferred to the Minister of Electricity all powers and functions contained in Section 34(1) of the Electricity Regulation Act, which were previously entrusted to the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy.
The President has also transferred to the Minister of Electricity relevant powers and functions set out in Section 34(2) of the Electricity Regulation Act.
Section 34 of the Act deals with new generation capacity and provides as follows:
“(1) The Minister may, in consultation with the Regulator –
(a) determine that new generation capacity is needed to ensure the continued uninterrupted supply of electricity;
(b) determine the types of energy sources from which electricity must be generated, and the percentages of electricity that must be generated from such sources;
(c) determine that electricity thus produced may only be sold to the persons or in the manner set out in such notice;
(d) determine that electricity thus produced must be purchased by the persons set out in such notice;
(e) require that new generation capacity must –
(i) be established through a tendering procedure which is fair, equitable, transparent, competitive and cost-effective;
(ii) provide for private sector participation.
 This proclamation will provide the Minister of Electricity with the powers necessary to direct the procurement of new generation capacity and ensure security of supply.
Other powers and functions contained in the Electricity Regulation Act – including those related to the implementation of determinations made in terms of section 34 – will remain with the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy.
The President’s delineation of powers and functions is directed at ensuring effective coordination and dedicated focus to deal more effectively and urgently with the electricity crisis.
The Minister of Electricity will, as the President indicated in the State of the Nation Address, oversee all aspects of the electricity crisis response, including the work of the National Energy Crisis Committee. This will provide a single point of command for Government’s efforts to close the shortfall in electricity supply.
The Minister will work full-time with the Eskom board and management to end load-shedding and ensure that the Energy Action Plan announced by the President is implemented without delay.
Media enquiries:
Vincent Magwenya, Spokesperson to the President – 082 835 6315
Issued by:
The Presidency

President Ramaphosa to deliver keynote address at the national Africa Day celebrations

President Cyril Ramaphosa will tomorrow, 25 May 2023, deliver the keynote address at the national Africa Day celebrations at the Cradle of Humankind in Gauteng.

Africa Day commemorates the establishment of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) 60 years ago, and its transformation 20 years ago into the African Union (AU).

This years’ Africa Month programme is celebrated under the theme: “Deepening the AU Vision for Unity for Africa through Prosperity, Peace and Modernity for a Better Africa and a Better World.” 

The day focuses the nation’s attention on the development of our continent, regional integration, the opportunities offered by the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCTA), and the human, cultural and natural treasures of Africa.

Africa Day seeks to promote the African Agenda and strengthen the African Union institutions and policies towards the realisation of the continental blueprint, Agenda 2063.

Africa Day also places a spotlight on regional integration through people-to-people contact and the harmonisation of skills and expertise to create capacity in all sectors in all countries.

The President will address the celebrations as follows:

Date: Thursday, 25 May 2023
Time: 10h00
Venue: Cradle of Humankind, Krugersdorp, Gauteng 

The media accreditation process has been finalised by the Department of Sports, Arts and Culture 

Media enquiries: Vincent Magwenya, Spokesperson to the President - +27 82 835 6315

Issued by: The Presidency

President Ramaphosa jointly launches Phase 2 Lesotho Highlands Water Project

President Cyril Ramaphosa has today, 23 May 2023, arrived in the Kingdom of Lesotho on a Working Visit  for the launch of Phase 2 of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project.
His Majesty King Letsie III, President Ramaphosa and Lesotho’s Prime Minister, Samuel Ntsokoane Matekane, will jointly launch this project at the Polihali Dam.
The launch will commence with a sod-turning ceremony and will be followed by formal programme.
The launch is a critical step on the journey to greater water and energy security for South Africans and Basotho, and is a demonstration of the strong relations between the two countries.
It is also a demonstration of the human capital and technology that is  shared and deployed jointly as neighbours, in the interest of improving the lives of citizens and economic development in both nations.
South Africa and the Kingdom of Lesotho share a close historic relationship whose substance today entails strengthened economic cooperation between our two countries.
The Working Visit aims to reinforce this relationship in which South Africa and Lesotho are pursuing the common interests of developing the region, creating employment and advancing innovation and technology. 
The Lesotho Highlands Water Project is a partnership between South Africa and Lesotho dating back to a treaty agreed upon by the two governments to supply water to the Vaal River System, which ensures water security for Gauteng, the Free State, the Northern Cape and the North West. 
The binational infrastructure project involves the construction of a network of tunnels and the dams to transfer water from the Orange-Senqu River in the Lesotho Highlands to South Africa, and to use the water delivery system to provide hydro-electric power to the Kingdom of Lesotho.
Phase 1 of the project was completed 20 years ago, in 2003.
The water transfer component of Phase 2 comprises a 165-metre high concrete-faced rock fill dam at Polihali, downstream of the confluence of the Khubelu and Senqu (Orange) Rivers.
This development will also feature a 38-kilometre, concrete-lined gravity tunnel connecting the Polihali reservoir to the Katse reservoir. 
A number of meetings of Ministers and Senior Officials  took place  in Maseru on Monday , 22 May 2023, to prepare for the launch and to deliberate on water and energy cooperation.
These activities are also a precursor to the hosting in Pretoria of the inaugural session of the South Africa-Lesotho Binational Commission. A date for the inaugural session is being firmed up through diplomatic channels.
President Ramaphosa is accompanied by Minister of Water and Sanitation, Mr Senzo Mchunu; Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy, Mr Gwede Mantashe; Minister of Electricity, Dr Kgosientsho Ramokgopa; and Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Mr Alvin Botes.
The launch will commence  from 13h00 at the Polihali Dam in Malingoaneng.

Media enquiries: Vincent Magwenya, Spokesperson to President Cyril Ramaphosa - +27 82 835 6315
Issued by: The Presidency

Briefing by Presidential Spokesperson Vincent Magwenya on weekly programme of President Cyril Ramaphosa, Union Buildings, Pretoria

Good afternoon and welcome to this week’s update on the President’s programme.
In view of our observance of May as Africa Month, it is important to note the African focus of the President’s calendar in the coming days.
The programme over the coming days comes on the back of the President’s meeting last week with the National Anti-Corruption Advisory Council as well as his sixth District Development Model Presidential Imbizo which was held in Paarl.
Residents from all over the Cape Winelands District Municipality took the opportunity to raise with the President, Ministers as well as the provincial and local government leadership of the Western Cape issues that are pertinent to their daily lives and the economic sustainability and prosperity of the district.
Tomorrow, 23 May, President Ramaphosa will undertake a Working Visit to the Kingdom of Lesotho for the launch of Phase 2 of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project.
His Majesty King Letsie III, President Ramaphosa and Lesotho’s Prime Minister, Samuel Ntsokoane Matekane, will jointly launch this project at the Polihali Dam.
The launch will commence with a sod-turning ceremony and will be followed by formal programme.
The launch is a critical step on the journey to greater water and energy security for South Africans and Basotho, and is a demonstration of the strong relations between our two countries.
It is also a demonstration of the human capital and technology we are able to share and deploy jointly as neighbours in the interest of improving the lives of citizens and economic development in both nations.
South Africa and the Kingdom of Lesotho share a close historic relationship whose substance today entails strengthened economic cooperation between our two countries.
The Working Visit aims to reinforce this relationship in which South Africa and Lesotho are pursuing the common interests of developing the region, creating employment and advancing innovation and technology. 
The Lesotho Highlands Water Project is a partnership between South Africa and Lesotho dating back to a treaty agreed upon by the two governments to supply water to the Vaal River System, which ensures water security for Gauteng, the Free State, the Northern Cape and the North West. 
The binational infrastructure project involves the construction of a network of tunnels and the dams to transfer water from the Orange-Senqu River in the Lesotho Highlands to South Africa, and to use the water delivery system to provide hydro-electric power to the Kingdom of Lesotho.
Phase 1 of the project was completed 20 years ago, in 2003.
The water transfer component of Phase 2 comprises a 165-metre high concrete-faced rock fill dam at Polihali, downstream of the confluence of the Khubelu and Senqu (Orange) Rivers.
This development will also feature a 38-kilometre, concrete-lined gravity tunnel connecting the Polihali reservoir to the Katse reservoir. 
A number of meetings of Ministers and Senior Officials are taking place to prepare for tomorrow’s launch and to deliberate on water and energy cooperation.
These activities are also a precursor to the hosting in Pretoria of the inaugural session of the South Africa-Lesotho Binational Commission. A date for the inaugural session is being firmed up through diplomatic channels.
President Ramaphosa will be accompanied by Minister of Water and Sanitation Mr Senzo Mchunu; Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy Mr Gwede Mantashe; Minister of Electricity Dr Kgosientsho Ramokgopa, and Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Mr Alvin Botes.
The launch will take place at 13h00 tomorrow at the Polihali Dam in Malingoaneng.
On Wednesday, 24 May, the President will chair a regular meeting of Cabinet, the outcomes of which will be communicated by Minister in the Presidency Ms Khumbudzo Ntshavheni on a date that will be announced by GCIS.
Africa Month is one of several themed months – such as Freedom Month and Youth Month – which are coordinated by the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture.
Africa Month 2023 has been themed “Deepening the AU Vision for Unity, Prosperity and Modernity for a Better Africa and a Better World”.
On Thursday, 25 May, South Africa will once again join the nations of our continent in celebrating Africa Day as the day on which we commemorate the establishment of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) 60 years ago, and its transformation 20 years ago into the African Union.

Africa Day is a day that focuses our consciousness on the development of our continent, regional integration, the opportunities offered by the African Continental Free Trade Agreement, and the human, cultural and natural treasures of Africa.
For the President, the day will have personal significance as it will mark four years since his Inauguration as the fifth democratically elected President of a free and democratic South Africa.
The President will deliver the keynote address at the national Africa Day celebrations at the Cradle of Humankind on Thursday, 25 May.
South Africa is honoured that the Chairperson of the Southern African Development Community His Excellency President Felix-Antoine Tshisekedi and Chairperson of the African Union Commission His Excellency President Azali Assoumani will deliver messages of support virtually at the event where cultural performances and other activities will also take place.
The programme will start at 9.30, with the President due to speak around 11h20.
On Monday, 29 May 2023, President Ramaphosa will honour an invitation to attend the Inauguration of President-Elect Mr Bola Ahmed Tinubu of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
President Ramaphosa will join a number of his continental counterparts who will be in attendance at this occasion.
The President’s participation will demonstrate continuity in the strategic relationship  between South Africa and Nigeria.
Nigeria is South Africa’s biggest trade partner in West Africa. A broad range of South African firms have invested in Nigeria, while Nigerian companies are also developing a footprint in South Africa.
On Wednesday, 31 May, the President will address the National Assembly on key interventions and programmes of the Presidency, including addressing the electricity crisis and growing an inclusive economy.
The President will do so as part of presenting the Presidency Budget Vote for 2023/24, which will be debated by Members of Parliament. The President will reply to this debate on Thursday, 1 June.
The President will outline progress recorded during the past financial year in relation to commitments set out in the February 2022 and 2023 State of the Nation Addresses.
At the apex of the Executive arm of the State, The Presidency is the centre of coordination, oversight and supervision across all spheres of government. 
The Presidency supports the President and Deputy President in execution of their primary responsibilities to uphold, defend and respect the Constitution of the Republic and to advance social cohesion, among other programmes.
President Ramphosa will underline his vision for a South Africa characterised by inclusive growth and improved living conditions for all South Africans.

The National Assembly and National Council of Provinces adopted the Constitution Eighteenth Amendment Bill which amends Section 6 of the Constitution. 

The amendment includes South African Sign Language as an official language to promote the rights of persons who are deaf and hard of hearing.

The President welcomes this amendment as it deepens inclusivity and diversity in our country.

Among other objectives, the amendment prohibits unfair discrimination on the ground of disability, as guaranteed by Section 9 of the Constitution.

The bill was received last week having been passed by the NCOP on the 16th of May 2023. The bill is now being processed by the Presidency legal team.

President Cyril Ramaphosa noted the decision of the Constitutional Court dated 1 March 2023 in which the Court decided not to engage with the merits of the application that he instituted to set aside the report of the independent panel established by the National Assembly in terms of section 89 of the Constitution (the Panel Report). In the first part of the President’s review application, he sought leave to bring the case directly to the Constitutional Court, because it was – according to the advice he received – a matter that fell within its exclusive jurisdiction, and in the interests of justice. In the second part, he asked that the report of the panel be reviewed, declared unlawful and set aside.
The Constitutional Courts decision was on the grounds that the application is not within the Court’s exclusive jurisdiction and no compelling case for direct access was made. The President respects the ruling of the Constitutional Court.
The President has been  advised – which advice he has accepted – that the Panel Report and all issues associated with it have become moot and they are of no practical and legal consequence because on 13 December 2022, the National Assembly decided to reject the motion to refer the Panel Report to an Impeachment Committee. While that decision remains valid, the Section 89 Panel Report carries no weight in law. The President has thus been advised not to institute proceedings before the High Court for the review and setting aside of the Panel Report, at this stage. President Ramaphosa reserves his right to bring such proceedings in due course should circumstances change.  
The President maintains his position set out in his founding affidavit before the Constitutional Court that the Panel Report is reviewable in law on several grounds including the misconception of its mandate, the grave errors of law, and the unfounded conclusions of fact.

Presidential Spokesperson to brief media

Presidential Spokesperson, Vincent Magwenya will today, 22 May 2023, update the public, through a media briefing, on the President’s public programme for the week.  
The Spokesperson also utilises the media briefing to address topical issues of public and media interest.

Members of the media are invited to attend and participate as follows:

Date: Monday, 22 May 2023
Time: 12h30 for 13h30
Venue: Union Buildings, Pretoria
RSVP: Media wishing to attend the media briefing physically are requested to submit their details to Tsakane Khambane – 082 084 5566 / 

A livestream link will be shared with all media who wish to follow the media briefing remotely by 13h00. 

Questions can also be forwarded via WhatsApp to 082 084 5566.

Media enquiries: Vincent Magwenya, Spokesperson to the President - +27 82 835 6315

Issued by: The Presidency

President Ramaphosa concludes sixth "Leave No One Behind" Presidential Imbizo

National and provincial Government leaders have given residents of the Cape Winelands District an undertaking to address challenges communities face with crime, health and labour in the Cape Winelands District in the Western Cape.

These commitments were represented by more than 4 000 residents who attended the sixth District Development Model Presidential Imbizo led by President Cyril Ramaphosa in the Drakenstein Local Municipality town of Paarl today, Friday, 19 May 2023.

The district includes towns such as Paarl, Stellenbosch, Worcester, Ceres, Tulbagh, Robertson and Montagu.

The district economy is built around agriculture, including the production of wine, fruit and vegetables, as well as tourism and innovation, with the University of Stellenbosch as the leading academic institution.

Communities in the District are, however, affected by different degrees of poverty, unemployment and inequality.

During today’s Imbizo, residents were afforded extended time to put grievances, questions and proposals to the President, the Premier and Ministers who formed part of this interactive engagement with citizens and stakeholder groups.

Residents who had travelled from all parts of the district raised issues such as unemployment; loadshedding; the movement of undocumented persons into the district for seasonal work in the agricultural sector; violence in communities, including at schools; the destruction of family life by drug addiction; dropout rates in basic education, and others.

Among the responses provided was an undertaking by Minister of Police, Bheki Cele, is to visit a police station in the district where residents are demanding greater responsiveness from the South African Police Service.

Western Cape Premier, Alan Winde, has assured residents that the Province will direct more funding towards dealing with health challenges in the District.

Minister of Employment and Labour, Thulas Nxesi, acknowledged residents’ concerns about undocumented workers taking up work on farms and said his Department was working with the Department of Home Affairs and the South African Police Service to address this challenge.

The Imbizo identified issues in the Cape Winelands District that hamper service delivery and economic opportunities and highlighted successful projects involving public services and private sector initiatives.

The Imbizo at the Dal Josaphat Athletics Stadium was preceded by the President’s visit to the nearby Vlakkeland Catalytic Human Settlement Development which is the largest public housing development to date in the Drakenstein Local Municipality.

The multi-year project, which commenced in June 2017, is located equidistant between the towns of Paarl and Wellington on a major connector route. 

As part of the Imbizo, Government departments and agencies operated mobile service-delivery units where residents could access services such as applications for identity documents.

President Ramaphosa welcomed the enthusiasm with which residents engaged Government leaders and reiterated Government’s mission that no one will be left behind in the transformation of people’s lives and the country as a whole.

Media enquiries: Vincent Magwenya, Spokesperson to the President - 082 835 6315

Issued by: The Presidency

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