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Sixth South Africa-European Union Summit, Joint Communiqué, Pretoria

1.  We, the leaders of South Africa (SA) and the European Union (EU), meeting today at the Sefako Mapogo Makgatho Presidential   Guest house, reaffirmed our commitment to a Strategic Partnership based on shared values and interests, including the promotion of peace and   security, human rights, democracy, the Rule of Law and sustainable development across our regions.


2.  We are conscious that our meeting today coincides with Nelson Mandela's birthday designated by the United Nations as “Nelson Mandela International Day”, in recognition of the former South African President’s contribution to the culture of peace and freedom.  At this particular time we wish   to celebrate Madiba’s remarkable and life-long dedication to the service of humanity in the fields of conflict-resolution, race relations, the promotion and protection of human rights, reconciliation, gender equality and the rights of children and other vulnerable groups, as well as the advancement of poor and underdeveloped communities. 


3.  Our Strategic Partnership has expanded rapidly since the advent of democracy in South Africa in 1994.  Today, we have taken new steps to broaden and deepen our Partnership.  We have signed an agreement between EURATOM and South Africa on the peaceful use of nuclear energy.  We agreed on a new R 1.3 billion / € 100 million support programme to blend grants with loans from the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) and European Development Finance Institutions to support South Africa's infrastructure programme.  We have agreed on a partnership in the area of rural electrification, with an initial target of 300,000 households in remote areas of South Africa.  We have launched new cooperation in the areas of maritime security and human rights.




Job creation through inward investments


4.    Reflecting on the theme for our meeting today, we agreed that employment creation is one of the greatest challenges facing both regions at the moment, especially as regards young people.  We acknowledge the ongoing efforts by both partners to promote decent jobs for all through initiatives relevant to national strategies.  We noted that investment is of key importance to job creation.  At least 2,000 EU companies have invested over R 60 billion / € 4.6 billion (Foreign Direct Investment Stock) in South Africa creating over 350,000 direct jobs. 


5.    We agreed that our joint programmes favouring job creation add value to our Strategic Partnership.  In this regard, we are very pleased that this year’s Business Forum focused on "building business partnerships for growth and employment" with specific sector reviews on manufacturing, tourism, mining and beneficiation, agro-processing and oil and gas, in order to foster youth employment and investment opportunities in both our regions.  We look forward to the establishment of the SA-EU Business Council.


6.    Furthermore, we note the possibility of establishing an Employment and Social Affairs Dialogue.  The meetings of16 July 2013 which discussed, inter alia, possible cooperation on employment and skills development, lay a strong basis for further cooperation in this area.  We note the exploratory talks on a National Cohesion Policy that took place on 15 July 2013.  We will continue high-level discussions on addressing the shared challenges of youth unemployment, as well as the way in which skills training can contribute to South Africa's infrastructure expansion. Under the EU financed development programme approximately R 650 million / € 50million remains available to support job creation initiatives.


7.    Education and training contribute to job creation and economic growth.  The joint declaration on education and training signed last year has taken our cooperation to a higher level, with enhanced collaboration taking place on Technical and Vocational Education and Training and new collaboration planned in the areas of national skills planning, new skills for new jobs and internationalisation in higher education.  Collaboration under the Erasmus Mundus scholarship programme has benefited 388 South African masters and doctoral students and university staff since it was initiated in 2011.  From 2014, European students and university staff will have the opportunity to study in South Africa under this programme. 


Youth Employment


8.    We exchanged information on South Africa’s Youth Employment Accord and the Youth Guarantee, as well as on other measures to reduce youth unemployment.  We agreed to work together to define a programme of specific actions in a number of areas, potentially including: technical support and exchange of information on youth employment programmes; possible twinning arrangements between colleges in South Africa and EU institutions; a conference on the role of EU investors in South Africa in support of the implementation of the Youth Employment Accord; and possible matching finance for youth-owned enterprises and cooperatives.



Trade and investment relations


9.    We reviewed our trade and economic relation sand we noted with satisfaction that overall trade has steadily grown over the last ten years.  Bilateral foreign direct investment has grown five fold since 2004, with EU investors accounting for three quarters of foreign direct investment stock in South Africa.  We recognise the strong investment relationship between South Africa and the EU and that legal certainty and predictability contribute to further enhancing bilateral investment flows.  We agreed to cement this growth by remaining committed to open and transparent trade rules in line with our bilateral and multilateral commitments and to refrain from taking protectionist measures.  We also agreed to work together for policies that promote bilateral trade and investment to our mutual benefit.  This will create more jobs and growth opportunities. 


Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) negotiations


10.Wediscussed the status of the SADC EPA Group-EU EPA negotiations and we both agreed that the negotiations should conclude shortly.  We reaffirmed the importance of reaching an agreement that is mutually beneficial, enhances growth and generates jobs and supports development and integration in Southern Africa.  We are convinced that solutions to pending issues can be found.  To this end, we urged our negotiators to expedite their work.




11.We expressed satisfaction with the rapid expansion of our bilateral relationship, as manifested by the establishment of the Human Rights Dialogue Forum and the creation of the Maritime Security Cooperation Sub-Committee under the auspices of the Political and Security Dialogue. Various high-level meetings, including political dialogues at ministerial, parliamentary and senior official levels, have strengthened the implementation of the Joint Action Plan. 


Development Cooperation


12.We acknowledged that development cooperation continues to add value in South Africa.  It does so by enabling experimentation and learning, innovation, risk-taking, and capacity building.  In this way, development cooperation makes an important and substantial contribution to the Strategic Partnership.  Our development cooperation supports South Africa’s goals as outlined in the National Development Plan – Vision 2030,including the three priorities: jobs, education and capacity building.  We also stressed that South Africa's unique history and domestic challenges of in equality, unemployment and poverty justify continued external support to assist in bridging these deep socio-economic divides.


13.We welcome the new R 1.3 billion / € 100 million planned programme to blend grants with loans from the DBSA and European Development Finance Institutions to support South Africa's infrastructure programme.




14.We underlined our support for the UN Sustainable Energy for All(SE4All) initiative and the finalisation of the SADC Renewable Energy Strategy.  In this regard, we have agreed to develop a joint cooperation programme with a focus on rural electrification through renewable energy solutions. This programme would initially target 300,000 households in remote areas of South Africa.  We welcomed plans to establish a SADC centre of excellence for renewable energy and energy efficiency and encourage an early completion of the preparatory work with the assistance of EU partners.  We note with satisfaction the work done under the clean coal technology working group which provides opportunities for institutions of higher learning to cooperate in research in clean coal technologies.


15.We welcomed the signing of the Agreement between South Africa and the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) for cooperation in the peaceful use of nuclear energy.  It will enable common work between South Africa and the EU on nuclear safety in the context of implementing the African Nuclear Weapon Free Zone Treaty (Treaty of Pelindaba), on non-proliferation and on the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology. 


Science and Technology


16.We are pleased to note that science and technology cooperation continues to be a flagship of successful bilateral cooperation between South Africa and the EU.  This is evidenced by successful cooperation in large-scale initiatives such as the European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP), the Group on Earth Observation (GEO) and the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). 


17.The Scientific and Technological Cooperation Agreement is mutually beneficial as it enhances efforts to tackle global challenges jointly, to develop skills, to share knowledge, to create employment and stimulate growth.  We are committed to stepping up collaboration in the fields of global health research, earth observation and research infrastructures. More specifically, in preparation for the second EDCTP programme, we will work together in mobilising broader African participation. 


18.Our collaboration will continue in elaborating the post-2015strategy for GEO.  In the domain of radio astronomy (SKA), we look forward to exploring ways to support the implementation of the global SKA project and further cooperation on the African-European Radio-Astronomy Platform(AERAP).  Closer cooperation between South Africa and the EUREKA Network is also being explored.  We welcome the organisation of a programme of side-events under the title 'Science at the Summit'.


Africa-EU Radio Astronomy Platform


19.Wediscussed the exciting opportunities presented by radio astronomy for mutually beneficial research and innovation collaboration between Africa and Europe.  Such opportunities include the contribution of research infrastructures to human capital and socio-economic development.  We welcomed the efforts by the AERAP to promote partnerships.


Migration and Mobility


20.We expressed our satisfaction with the collaboration in the framework of the ongoing Migration Dialogue Forum (MDF).  We underlined our desire to ensure that our cooperation in this area is comprehensive and in this regard agreed to explore options for further enhancing and structuring our cooperation, including the possible establishment of a Common Agenda on Migration and Mobility.  We also agreed to jointly analyse concrete possibilities to improve the mobility of certain categories of travellers on both sides, within the framework of existing legislation.






21.We exchanged views on Zimbabwe and the forthcoming elections.  We welcomed the adoption of the new Constitution and strongly supported the continued engagement of SADC and the AU, including through electoral observation, which is essential to ensuring a transparent, peaceful and credible outcome.  We welcome the outcomes of the Extraordinary Summit of the SADC Heads of State and Government held in Maputo on 15 June 2013 and its recommendations regarding, inter alia, media reform, upholding the Rule of Law, the role of the Joint Monitoring and Implementation Committee, the validity of Electoral Regulations and the deployment of SADC Observers.  We urged the three Parties to the Global Political Agreement to undertake all the necessary measures to create and ensure a conducive environment for the holding of peaceful, credible, free and fair elections, in order to reach an outcome that clearly reflects the will of the people of Zimbabwe.




22.We welcomed the Malian authorities' commitment to make every effort to achieve credible and transparent presidential elections by the end of July 2013, as a major step towards the full return to constitutional order throughout the country.  We urged the signatories of the 18 June 2013Preliminary Peace Agreement to implement it in a full and timely manner. We reiterated our commitment to support an all-inclusive national dialogue and reconciliation process including through inclusive peace talks on the administrative and institutional framework, and development and security in the North of Mali.  We welcomed the transformation of the African-led international Support Mission to Mali into the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) and the appointment of Mr Albert Gerard Koenders as Head of MINUSMA and General Jean Bosco Kazura as Force Commander.  The creation of MINUSMA illustrates the commitment of the international community to the future stability of Mali and the Sahel.




23.We expressed serious concern about the current impasse in the electoral process and confirmed our support for the SADC and AU position on the matter as well as for the recommendations of the International Contact Group on Madagascar (ICG-M) at its meeting of 26 June 2013 in Addis Ababa.  Were asserted that we would not recognise the Malagasy authorities elected in violation of the relevant decisions of both the AU and SADC.  As a way forward, we welcome the ICG “Seven-Point Plan.”




24.We looked forward to the Conference on "A New Deal for Somalia" in Brussels on 16 September 2013 as a key event to keep the political momentum in Somalia and push forward coordinated international efforts to support the country.  The Conference will seek to agree a Compact on the Somali Federal Government's priorities, and will solicit donor commitments and financial mechanisms in support of these priorities.  We underlined the importance of an inclusive exercise which all Somalis are part of and benefit from.


DRC-Great Lakes


25.We welcomed the adoption of the Framework Agreement and the appointment of UN Special Envoy Mary Robinson.  We share the view that increased regional and international engagement, including through South Africa's contribution to the Intervention Brigade, creates the opportunity to bring lasting solutions to the problems in the Eastern DRC.




26.We expressed serious concern about the situation in Egypt.  We deplored the loss of lives and called for utmost restraint and an immediate end to violence.  We underlined the importance of Egypt swiftly restoring constitutional order.  We called for a substantial dialogue integrating all political forces recognising democratic rule leading to free and fair Parliamentary and Presidential elections according to set timelines.  We also called for an inclusive political process on the Constitution, leading to a separation of powers of a democratic system that respects the rights of all Egyptians.  The legitimate aspirations of the Egyptian people need to be addressed in a comprehensive manner in order to find a sustainable solution.  We took note of the AU's and EU's recent statements on the developments in Egypt. 




27.We remain deeply concerned about the continuing violence and deteriorating human rights situation in Syria and its increasing destabilising impact on neighbouring countries.  We expressed great concern on the possible use of chemical weapons in Syria and reiterated the importance ofensuring full and unconditional access to the fact-finding mission established by the UNSG to investigate the matter.  We call on all the parties to the conflict to stop the violence and to respect and protect the rights of the Syrian population and demand that all parties ensure safe and unimpeded access for aid organisations to those in need in all areas of Syria.  We expressed concern about the fact that divisions within the UNSC have paralysed the international community, making it impossible to apply pressure on all sides to halt violence.  We support the joint Russia-USA call for a Geneva Conference on Syria (Geneva II) to put into practice the agreement contained in the Geneva Action Group Communiqué of 30 June 2012 and establish a transitional governing body with full executive powers.  We also appreciate the efforts of the UN/Arab League Joint Special Representative.  We hope that the Conference will lead to a political settlement of the conflict and call on all  parties to respond positively to the initiative. 




28.We discussed the latest developments in relation to the E3+3talks with Iran.  We expressed our grave concerns regarding Iran’s nuclear programme as reflected in the 22 May 2013 IAEA report.  South Africa expressed support for the work of High Representative/Vice President Ashton inleading the E3+3's talks with Iran.  We reiterated our strong commitment to find a long term diplomatic solution based on the NPT and the implementation of the UNSC resolutions.  We urged Iran to take without further delay concrete steps in that sense.  We expressed our support for the dual track approach based on dialogue and pressure and called on Iran to fully comply with the relevant UNSC and IAEA Board of Governors resolutions regarding the exclusively peaceful use of nuclear energy.  We took note of the unintended consequences of sanctions and agreed to continue to engage on this issue.


Middle East Peace Process


29.We agreed that now is the time to take bold and concrete steps towards peace; we also agreed that the parties must engage in direct and substantial negotiations without pre-conditions in order to achieve a lasting solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.  We expressed support for current efforts aimed at the resumption of direct negotiations.


Maritime Security Cooperation


30.We welcome progress made following our 2012 Summit decision to enhance closer cooperation on maritime security.  We are delighted that the SA-EU Political Security Dialogue Forum meeting held in South Africa on 29 May2013 has moved a step ahead by endorsing the proposal to establish the sub-committee on Maritime Security to facilitate enhanced cooperation in this area.  The existing maritime threats in West Africa including the coast of Guinea Bissau and the similar ever-present dangers in the Horn of Africa impose upon us mutual responsibility to act.  We therefore urge the Sub-Committee to ensure implementation of its mandate before the 2014 Summit. 






31.Weagreed on the importance of ensuring global economic stability to resume strong, sustainable and balanced growth.  We agreed to work together in theG20 to find solutions to structural unemployment, especially amongst young people, and to promote job creation, entrepreneurship and investment.  Were affirm our commitment towards the implementation of G20 commitments, on development including our focus on the UN-led process on the Post-2015Development Agenda.  We acknowledged the importance of adequate concessional resources for the development of Sub-Saharan African economies. 


Climate Change


32.We believe that only a multilaterally agreed, rules-based climate change regime can meet the challenge posed by climate change and our common goal of keeping the global average temperature increase to below 2degrees Celsius.  To safeguard the legacy of the 2011 Durban climate conference, we confirm our full commitment to a successful outcome of the negotiations under the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action and underline the need for countries with the greatest capacity and responsibility to take the lead.


33.We are committed to a successful outcome of COP19/CMP9 to beheld in Warsaw, Poland in November 2013.  We underline the need to strengthen the implementation of decisions taken thus far.  We call on the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP) to identify essential elements to strengthen action on mitigation and adaptation.  Moreover, we re-emphasise the importance of providing the necessary means of implementation, in the context of transparent and meaningful action on adaptation and mitigation.  In this context, the full operationalisation of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and the conclusion of the arrangements between the Conference of the Parties and the GCF are key milestones.


34.At Cancun, Durban and Doha, Parties agreed to establish a number of operational mechanisms, including the GCF, the Technology Executive Committee, the Climate Technology Centre and Network and the Adaptation Committee.  We emphasise the role of these newly established institutions in assisting us to meet the challenge of climate change, but also to cementtrust and faith in the multilateral process under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).


Human Rights


35.We believe that our Human Rights Dialogue which was formally launched in Pretoria on 27 May 2013, will pave the way for enhanced cooperation on human rights both bilaterally and at the international level.  It represents a unique opportunity to establish synergies for further dialogue and cooperation on issues of common concern.  A planned EU programme of R 325million / € 25 million with the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development will support initiatives on constitutional rights with particular focus on socio-economic rights in South Africa.


Kimberley Process


36.We welcome South Africa's historic chairmanship during the 10thanniversary of the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPSC).  We welcome the spirit of unity which South Africa fosters in the KP tri-partite family, as a unique collaboration between Governments, Industry and Civil Society.  We affirm the significant impact that the KPSC has had in the last decade on the global trade in rough diamonds.  We commit to continue to review the processes and functions of the Scheme to ensure that it remains relevant and credible in curbing the illegal flow of rough diamonds.


Post-2015 Development Agenda


37. We believe that the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015 remains, first and foremost, one of the key development priorities.  States on the African continent have made considerable progress towards these goals, but much work remains to be done, including in South Africa itself.  Further momentum and commitment need to be generated towards the achievement of the MDGs up to 2015 and beyond, including by honouring all previous international agreements.  We resolved to take concrete measures to implement sustainable development commitments as contained in the Rio+20 Conference outcome.  We agreed to continue to consult on the Post-2015 Development Agenda.




38.We had a fruitful discussion on Africa-EU relations, in particular on the upcoming Africa-EU Summit to be held in Brussels on 2-3 April 2014.  We agreed that the Joint Africa-EU Strategy should remain the political framework to steer continent-to-continent relations but that its immediate priorities and implementation modalities should be reviewed.  We agreed to pursue these discussions with all relevant stakeholders to make the 4th Africa-EU Summit a success.



Non-Proliferation and Disarmament


39.Westressed the importance of working closely together in the international multilateral for a on non-proliferation and disarmament matters.  We will continue to exchange views on the proposal for an International Code of Conduct for Outer Space Activities and expressed our full support for the rapid entry into force of the Arms Trade Treaty and our commitment to support its effective implementation. 


2014 SA-EU Summit


40.We look forward to the 7th EU-SA Summit to be hosted by the EU in 2014.

 Union Building