REMINDER: Media briefing on Green Hydrogen announcement ahead of 2nd South Africa Green Hydrogen Summit

The Ministry in The Presidency for Electricity will this afternoon host a media briefing ahead of the second iteration of the South Africa Green Hydrogen Summit (SAGHS) at the Century City Conference Centre in the Western Cape.
SAGHS 2022 pronounced on South Africa’s solid green hydrogen policy foundation. SAGHS 2023 will build on this and make important announcements around:
a.Progress in finalising the South African Green Hydrogen Commercialisation Strategy;
b.The development of a Northern Cape Province Green Hydrogen Masterplan;
c.Progress in developing the Western Cape Green Hydrogen Strategy
Details of the media briefing are as follows:
Date: Sunday, 15 October 2023
Time: 13h00 for 14h00
Venue: Urban Square Hotel, Century City
Media that has applied for accreditation are advised to collect their accreditation at the Bridgewater 1 in Century City from 09h00.
Live Streaming details:
Members of the media following the briefing virtually can send their questions to the GCIS MEDIA UPDATES WhatsApp group.
Media enquires: Tsakane Khambane, Ministry in the Presidency for Electricity | Cell: 082 084 5566
Issued by: Government Communication and Information Systems on behalf of the Ministry Of Electricity