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President Ramaphosa concludes meeting with the City of Johannesburg Council and stakeholder representatives

President Cyril Ramaphosa has concluded a meeting with the City of Johannesburg Council and stakeholders representing diverse community formations representing civil society, labour, business, academia, youth formations and the religious sector. 

Over the last two days the President and members of the National Executive have engaged the leadership of Gauteng and the City of Johannesburg on the challenges they face and the work being done to address them. 

The President heard concerns and proposals that were put forward to improve service delivery and drive inclusive growth. As a resident of Johannesburg, the President shared the concerns that were expressed about the deterioration of services and infrastructure. 

President Ramaphosa also expressed concern about the closure of public facilities, like the Johannesburg Library, the Johannesburg Art Gallery and the Metro Centre.
The President called for the prioritisation of Unfinished and delayed infrastructure projects including Rea Vaya bus stations and the refurbishment of Lilian Ngoyi Street. 

Following the progress attained in eThekwini and the improvement in business and societal confidence, through the collaborative eThekwini Presidential Working Group which brought government together with stakeholders in business, organised labour and civil society. 

President Ramaphosa, in consultation with the Gauteng Province and the City of Johannesburg has launched the Presidential Johannesburg Working Group which will focus on several issues impacting the city and accelerate Johannesburg turn around strategies. The areas of intervention are;
•⁠  ⁠Strengthening governance and financial sustainability
•⁠  ⁠Improving service delivery
•⁠  ⁠Water and sanitation 
•⁠  ⁠Electricity
•⁠  ⁠Rejuvenation of inner-city hubs and townships. 
•⁠  ⁠Revitalising cultural and heritage institutions.
•⁠  ⁠Safety, law enforcement an urban security

The working group will facilitate partnerships and collaboration and work with social partners to develop implementation plans for challenges not addressed in existing strategies. The working group will also monitor implementation plans, track progress and provide recommendations. 

In the inner city, the working group will launch a rejuvenation project, focusing on improved safety, infrastructure upgrades and housing redevelopment. This will encourage investment and create a vibrant and clean urban core that delivers for everyone. 

The Presidential Johannesburg Working Group will report regularly to the President and has been given a two-year time frame to complete its work. 

Media enquiries: Vincent Magwenya, Spokesperson to the President –

Issued by: The Presidency


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