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Media Statement on the Forum of South African Directors-General (FOSAD) Planning Workshop, addressed by President Cyril Ramaphosa, Pretoria

President Cyril Ramaphosa has today, 4 July 2018, addressed the Forum of South African Directors-General (FOSAD) Planning Workshop in Pretoria. The FOSAD Planning Workshop is being attended Directors-General of national departments and the heads of each of the provincial governments to assess progress in the implementation of the mandate of the 5th democratic administration and to prepare for the upcoming Cabinet Lekgotla.

In line with the President’s stated commitment to strengthen governance and political management, the President engaged the Directors-General on the need for accelerated action to realise the aspirations of the people of South Africa. Outlining his vision for the South Africa government, working with the people, President Ramaphosa reflected on the heightened optimism and expectations of the people and urged government to harness this goodwill by playing its effective role as an enabler of progress and prosperity. In particular, the President emphasised the need for deliberate and immediate focus on the economy as poor economic performance remains at the centre of the challenges facing the country.

President Ramaphosa has affirmed the centrality of the National Development Plan (NDP) and said the main priorities of the current administration are job creation, with specific focus on the youth and women, decisive resolution of the land question, education, health and the fight against corruption and crime. The President further directed that strengthening governance, especially at local government, within the constitutional prescript of a unitary state, must receive urgent attention from leaders of government at all levels.

The President has called for a new culture of work among public servants. Such culture must be characterised by the highest levels of competence, ability and execution. Government has begun a process of reconfiguration of the state in terms of its size, design and orientation to ensure that it is capable of undertaking its transformational and developmental mandate.

The workshop will develop targeted interventions to boost economic growth and job creation and will present its recommendations at the forthcoming Cabinet Lekgotla.

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President, on 072 854 5707 or 066 477 8855
Issued by: The Presidency

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